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Global Politics Case Studies Student Name:

Case Study 1:

Introduction 2-3
Data, background and political issues (Fill these out)
Background (What is happening? Where? When? )

principal actors and stakeholders (fill below) Which terms are central to understanding the case? (list
below with definitions)

What are the indicators that this case is a Which other similar cases are relevant for
global political challenge? understanding this case?
Body of Presentation: Causes, impact and responses to the political 6-7
issue Minutes
What factors are causing this situation?

What are the political, social and economic impacts of the issue at various levels of global politics on
various actors and stakeholders?
Level of Impact of issue at various levels Response to Issue at various levels





How do interpretations of the issue vary by actor and stakeholder?

Actor/Stakehol Perspective

What considerations influence how the issue will play out?

How can I use the key concepts, theories, ideas and examples I have learned in the core units to
analyse this case and political issue?
Theory to include

Concluding Remarks- 1-2 Minutes

How did issue enhance your understanding of concept(s) and Content

Significance of the issue


Additional Notes:
Bibliography and referencing:

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