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17 AUGUST 2019

No. Title

1 Introduction
2 Executive summary
3 Spreadsheet
4 Questionnaire
5 Analysis
6 Conclusion

The topic of research is Preference of Consumer in Selected Brands of
Chocolates on the basis of price, type of chocolate, various brands and
nutritional qualities.

Here, the term ‘consumer’ means the end user of the product, who not
only uses the product but also gives feedback regarding the particular

Consumer Preference is a concept used in social science, particularly,

economics. It assumes a real or imaginary “choice” between alternatives
and the possibility of rank ordering of these alternatives, based on
satisfaction, gratification and the utility they provide.

Consumer Behavior is defined as the decision process and the physical

activities that individuals engage while evaluating, acquiring, using or
disposing of goods and services.

In today’s scenario, every company wants to compete very aggressively
with others to remain in the market. So, it is very necessary for the
company to know what are the needs and wants of the consumer.

My survey is to study the preference of the consumer in selected brands

of chocolate on the basis of price, brand name, quality of the product.
This survey is carried out by using primary data. The method I have used
is questionnaire technique.

The universe for this study consists of 10 people, all of them over the
age of 15, living in Navi Mumbai. The participants were asked to answer
question about their choices and preferences in chocolates.

According to the results, majority of the participants liked to have

chocolate once a day, preferred not to spend more than 100 rupees in a
month on chocolates and like the brand Cadbury.

The findings of the study indicate that taste of chocolates is the only
thing that influences the customers decision to buy a particular product.
And while the customers may prefer different type of chocolates, most
of them like the brands Cadbury and Nestle. None of the customers
liked to buy chocolates of Ferrero.

No. Name Age

1 Aditya 15
2 Aryan 16
3 Nikita 16
4 Sujata 50
5 Suyog 43
6 Atharva 16
7 Harini 16
8 Rajshree 43
9 Sujay 28
10 Sahil 15

Q. How many males and females
have participated in this survey



According to this pie chart, out of the 10 people that completed my

questionnaire, 40% of female and 60 % are male. Since this quite an equal
percentage, this should not affect my survey in a significant manner.

Q. What are the ages of the participants?


2% teenagers
14% youngsters
middle aged


This pie chart shows that the majority of my participants are teenagers, while
some are middle aged. Hence, the study will show appeal to teenagers more than
any other section of the society.
Q. What type of chocolate do you like the most?
Sweet food

10% candy
30% chocolate
4th Qtr


This pie chart shows that about 60% of the participants like chocolate, 30% like
cake and only 10% like candy. Hence, this survey will be more useful for
chocolate eaters.

Q. what type of chocolate do you like the most?

Type of choclate

20% white
30% milk
10% caramel


According to this pie chart, most of the participants, i.e., 40% like dark and 30%
like caramel chocolate, while only 10% of them like milk chocolate and only 20%
like white chocolate.

Q . How often do you eat chocolate?

Frequency of eating chocolate

once a day
20% once a week
40% alternate days


This pie chart shows that nearly 40% people eat their preferred type of chocolate
every day, 40 % eat chocolate once a week and about 20% people eat chocolates
every alternative day. As more people eat chocolate almost every day, the
chocolates should have limited content of sugar in it, so as to protect the
consumers health.

Q . How much do you spend on chocolates in a month?

Money spent

1% less than 100

20% 100 - 300
more than 300


This pie chart shows that 50% of the participants spend less than 100 rupees on
chocolates in a month. 30% spent 100 Rs to 300 Rs and only 20% spent more
than 300 rupees on chocolates. Hence, cost of chocolates should be up to 100 Rs
but not more than 100, as the majority of the consumers would not be willing to
spend more than 100 Rs in a month on their chocolates.
Q. which brand of chocolate do you like the most?
Brand of chocolate

10% nestle
10% hershey
10% 50% other


According to this pie chart, 50% of the participants like the brand Cadbury, 20%
of them like Nestle and 10% like Hershey, 10% like Amul and the remaining
people like other brands like Lindt. None of the participants like Ferrero.

Q. What nutritional fact would you like in your chocolate?


trans fat
50% none


This pie chart shows that 50% of the people want their chocolates to be
energizing. Nobody wishes to have fiber or protein in their chocolates. 10% of the
participants like to eat chocolate with trans fat. And 40% of the participant are
not affected by the presence of any nutritional value. Hence, the chocolates
should not have any particular nutritional value in them, but must be energizing.
Q. What most influences your decision to buy a particular chocolate product?



According to this pie chart, taste of the chocolate is the most important thing for
the participants, while buying a chocolate product. Hence, more attention should
be given to the taste of the chocolate.

Q. Which additional ingredient do you like in your chocolate?

Additional ingredient

20% fruit
10% cream


This pie chart shows that 70% of the people would like to have nuts in their
chocolate. 20% of them prefer cream and 10% of the participants like to have
coconut in their chocolates. none of the participants like to have fruit in the
chocolate. Hence, no fruit should be added in the chocolate, but some nuts
should be added.

Based on my findings, I conclude that the chocolate company should

manufacture all types of chocolates, but more quantities of dark and
caramel chocolate must be made as more percentage of people like
those chocolates. White and milk chocolate should be made in
comparatively, lesser quantity, as percentage of people consuming
those, are slightly lesser.
Since, most people like to have chocolate once a day or once a week,
the chocolates should contain sugar in limited amount, so as to not
affect the health of the consumers.
The cost of the product will be in range from 10 Rs to 60 Rs, depending
on their sizes, as the questionnaire clearly shows that the consumers do
not spend more than 100 Rs on chocolates.
The biggest competitors would be Nestle and Cadbury as about 70% of
the total population prefer either of them.
The chocolates should have energizing qualities, as it is demanded by
the customers. this fact is supported by the questionnaire findings.
Taste of the chocolate should be given the highest priority, as it is the
only factor customers keep in mind while buying chocolate products.
Additional ingredient like nuts can be used, but no fruits as the
consumers are clearly against it.

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