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Software Engineering Lab

Report CS-355

Name: Siddharth Mohan Singh

Roll No: B17CS033

Aim: To perform system analysis, requirement analysis and to create
an SRS for the following:

1. Personal Library Software

2. College Management System
3. Ticket Booking System
4. Food Ordering System (Zomato, Uber-Eats etc.)

1.Personal Library Software

 Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

1. Introduction
The Personal Library Software will be an application where the Library ADMINISTRATOR
(ADMIN) will issue, renew, and handle returned books as per the request of the USER
and where the USER can view their borrowed books and their respective deadlines.

1.1. Document Purpose

The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of a
Personal Library Software.

1.2. Product Scope

The product is designed to be used by an ADMIN to record books borrowed,
check book availability, etc. as per a user’s request and for the USER to view
their borrowed books and their respective deadlines.

1.3. Overview
 Admin
o Can Issue and renew books to the USER and handle book
returns by the USER.
o Can view different categories of the books available.
o Can view books in each category
 User
o Can view their borrowed books.
o Can view borrowed books’ respective deadlines.
1.4. Environmental Characteristics
1.4.1. Operating Environment (Hardware)
The software can be operated under the following minimum
 Windows XP
 Intel i3 – 3.1Ghz (Dual Core)
 5GB HDD Space
1.4.2. People
 The USERS are the students who will be able to
check their borrowed books and the respective
deadlines for each book from the application.
 The ADMIN will have administrator privileges and
can do their functions from the application as well.

2. Functional Requirements
2.1.Issuing Books
Description: Book is issued only if the USER is registered and if the USER has less
than 4 (< 4) books borrowed already i.e. a USER can have a total of 4 books
issued at a time. The USER’s account is updated accordingly.

Input: ADMIN confirmation for book issue

Output: Confirmation of book issue

2.2.Returning Books
Description: When a book is returned by the USER, the deadline is checked and
their account is updated. If the deadline is missed, then a fee will be charged.
The book is also put back into the library.

Input: ADMIN confirmation of book return

Output: Confirmation of book return

2.3.Search Book Availability

Description: When a USER issues a book, the book’s availability is checked.

Input: Book ID or Book Name

Output: True (if available) or False

2.4.View Book Categories

Description: Lists the available categories of books

Input: USER/ADMIN request to view book categories

Output: List of Book Categories
2.5.View Books within Categories
Description: Lists the books according to their category

Input: USER/ADMIN request to view book within respective category

Output: List of Books

3. Non-Functional Requirements
i. Performance Requirements:
 Login/Registration will not take more than 1 minute
 Any financial transactions will not take more than 1 minute.
ii. Software Quality Attributes:
 System will be reliable
 System can be easily maintained.
iii. Scalability:
 System can be scaled easily. New Features can be added whenever
iv. Availability:
 System will be available via the web, and by using Amazon Web
Services, its availability can be assured.
v. Maintainability:
 System can easily be maintained.
vi. Database:
 MYSQL database will be used.

3.1. Other Non-Functional Requirements

3.1.1. User Interface:
Various GUI elements like navigation bar, forms, images and standard
buttons will be included in the UI. The UI will be minimalistic in design.

3.1.2. Software Interface

The Software will work on Windows OS. The database used will be MySql
and the system will run on a web browser.

3.1.3. Communication Interface

The software uses the INTERNET (via wifi, Ethernet etc) to communicate
between various components. (client to server, server to database)
2.College Management System

 Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

1. Introduction
The College Management System is a web application for the Administrative staff
and the Teaching Faculty of the college (hereby referred to as “User(s)”) to be
able to manage students by enabling them to manage attendance, input marks
and grades, view student information.
1.1. Document Purpose
The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of a
College Management System

1.2. Product Scope

The product is designed to be used by a User to manage student information
like attendance, marks, grades etc.

1.3. Overview
 User
o The User will be able to manage students’ attendance.
o The User will be able to input students’ marks and grades.
o The User will be able to view student information (Courses
Opted, Stream, Batch, Contact information etc.)

1.4. Environmental Characteristics

1.4.1. Operating Environment (Hardware)
The software can be operated under the following minimum
 Windows XP
 Intel i3 – 3.1Ghz (Dual Core)
 5GB HDD Space

1.4.2. People
 The User in the application will be the Administrative
Staff and the Teaching Faculty of the college.
2. Functional Requirements
2.1. Manage Attendance:
Description: Mark a student present or absent for a particular date.

Input: “P” (for present) and “A” (for absent)

Output: Confirmation on attendance input.

2.2. Manage Marks:

Description: Input marks of students for class tests, mid-term and end-term
examinations for a particular course.

Input: Numerical data (between 0 – 100)

Output: Confirmation on mark input.

2.3. Manage Grades:

Description: Input grades of students for the semester for a particular course.

Input: String Data (From “AA” – “FF”)

Output: Confirmation on grade input

2.4. View Student Information:

Description: Displays Student Information like contact information, department,
batch etc.

Input: USER request to view student information

Output: Objects/JSON containing student information

3. Non-Functional Requirements
i. Performance Requirements:
 Login/Registration will not take more than 1 minute

ii. Software Quality Attributes:

 System will be reliable
 System can be easily maintained.
iii. Scalability:
 System can be scaled easily. New Features can be added whenever
iv. Availability:
 System will be available via the Internet and will be hosted using a VPS
(Virtual Private Server), ensuring availability.
v. Maintainability:
 System can easily be maintained.
vi. Database:
 MYSQL database will be used.

3.1.Other Non-Functional Requirements

3.1.1. User Interface
Various GUI elements like navigation bar, forms, images and standard
buttons will be included in the UI. The UI will be minimalistic in design.

3.1.2. Software Interface

The Software will work on Windows OS. The database used will be
MySql and the system will run on a web browser.

3.1.3. Communication Interface

The software uses the INTERNET (via wifi, Ethernet etc) to
communicate between various components (client to server, server to
3.Ticket Booking System

 Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

1. Introduction
The Ticket Booking System is a web application in which the User books Bus,
Train or Flight tickets and will be able to pay for them as well. They will also be
able to cancel tickets and will be able to download their ticket.

1.1. Document Purpose

The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of a
Ticket Booking System.

1.2. Product Scope

The product is designed to be used by people (General Public) to book Bus,
Train and Flight Tickets.

1.3. Overview
 User
o Users can view the tickets.
o Users can book Bus, Train and Flight tickets.
o Users can download their tickets.
o Users can cancel their bookings.

1.4. Environmental Characteristics

1.4.1. Operating Environment (Hardware)
The software can be operated under the following minimum
 Windows XP
 Intel i3 – 3.1Ghz (Dual Core)
 5GB HDD Space

1.4.2. People
 The USERS are the general public. They can book or
cancel tickets. They will also have to pay for their
2. Functional Requirements

2.1. Book Ticket:

Description: Book a Ticket for a Bus, Train or Flight.

Input: Request to Book Ticket

Output: Redirect to Payment Portal if tickets are available

2.2. Payment for Ticket:

Description: This is a payment portal where the user can pay for a ticket.

Input: Pay Amount Required

Output: Confirmation on Payment.

2.3. Cancel Ticket:

Description: Cancel a Ticket 6 hours before departure.

Input: Request to cancel a ticket.

Output: Confirmation on Cancelling Ticket.

2.4. View Tickets:

Description: Displays a list of tickets grouped by Travel Type (Bus, Train or Flight)
With their respective prices.

Input: Request to view tickets

Output: List of Tickets grouped by Travel Type with prices

3. Non-Functional Requirements
i. Performance Requirements:
 Login/Registration will not take more than 1 minute
 Any financial transactions will not take more than 1 minute.
ii. Software Quality Attributes:
 System will be reliable
 System can be easily maintained.
iii. Scalability:
 System can be scaled easily. New Features can be added whenever
iv. Availability:
 System will be available via the web, and by using Amazon Web
Services, its availability can be assured.
v. Maintainability:
 System can easily be maintained.

vi. Database:
 MYSQL database will be used.

3.1. Other Non-Functional Requirements

3.1.1. User Interface
Various GUI elements like navigation bar, forms, images and standard
buttons will be included in the UI. The UI will be minimalistic in design.

3.1.2. Software Interface

The Software will work on Windows OS. The database used will be
MySql and the system will run on a web browser.

3.1.3. Communication Interface

The software uses the INTERNET (via wifi, Ethernet etc) to
communicate between various components (client to server, server to
4.Food Ordering System

 Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

1. Introduction
The Food Ordering System is a web application in which the User (general public)
order food. They will be able to make payments for their food as well.

1.1. Document Purpose

The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of a
Food Ordering System.

1.2. Product Scope

The product is designed to be used by people (General Public) to order Food.

1.3. Overview
 Users
o Users will be able to view the menu.
o Users will be able to order food if the item is
o Users will be able to make payments for their food.

1.4. Environmental Characteristics

1.4.1. Operating Environment (Hardware)
The software can be operated under the following minimum
 Windows XP
 Intel i3 – 3.1Ghz (Dual Core)
 5GB HDD Space

1.4.2. People
 The USERS are the general public. They can order food
and make payment for food accordingly.

2. Functional Requirements
2.1. View Menu
Description: Displays a list of items that can be ordered.

Input: Request to view menu

Output: List of food items offered

2.2. Order Food

Description: Can order items that have been selected from the menu.

Input: Request to order selected items

Output: Confirm Request and checks availability

2.3. Check Availability

Description: Checks if items that have been ordered are available.

Input: Ordered items

Output: True or False (Depending on availability)

2.4. Payment Options

Description: This is a payment portal where the user can pay for their order.

Input: Pay Amount Required

Output: Confirmation on Payment.

3. Non-Functional Requirements
i. Performance Requirements:
 Login/Registration will not take more than 1 minute
 Any financial transactions will not take more than 1 minute.
ii. Software Quality Attributes:
 System will be reliable
 System can be easily maintained.
iii. Scalability:
 System can be scaled easily. New Features can be added whenever
iv. Availability:
 System will be available via the web, and by using Amazon Web
Services, its availability can be assured.
v. Maintainability:
 System can easily be maintained.
vi. Database:
 MYSQL database will be used.

3.1. Other Non-Functional Requirements

3.1.1. User Interface
Various GUI elements like navigation bar, forms, images and standard
buttons will be included in the UI. The UI will be minimalistic in design.

3.1.2. Software Interface

The Software will work on Windows OS. The database used will be
MySql and the system will run on a web browser.

3.1.3. Communication Interface

The software uses the INTERNET (via wifi, Ethernet etc) to
communicate between various components (client to server, server to

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