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Is Vandalism Part of Art ?

Have you ever heard or known about vandalism ? What is it? Vandalism is a
kind of action or activity when someone damage someone else’s property or common
like residential facilities in public places intentionally . Usually it is done by teenagers
that want to express their emotions or feelings, but it can be done by adult too. No
matter what is the reason that make them do this. But actually it make people worry and
it is disturbing. Meanwhile, the meaning of art is expression or making of something
beautiful and make it as something that has full of value.

We can take an example that often we see almost in every city even in rural area,
graffiti. It is drawn on the wall under the flyover, street or the other surface. In
Indonesia, it happen annually when teenagers graduate from their school they will
celebrate graduation by drawing and writing their unifoms. It is better give their old
uniforms to orphans than do the useless activity like that. Joko Widodo the president of
Indonesia said,”What is the value from drawing uniform?It is non sense”.

Clarke (1978) assumed, for anyone living one of our large cities vandalism is an
inescapable fact of life. It means that this case is very serious, because we can find it
anywhere. Vandalism can be considered as a crime if it threatens someone’s life.
Actually there are some reasons why people espescially teenagers do it. The common
reason is they follow their friends activity. They think that it is very enjoyable so they
do it continually without thinking the effect or consequence of what they have done.
The other reason, it can be for revenge.

Vandalism can be very harmful if we do not do anything to prevent it. We have

to prepare young generations to be a human who can create good achievements. We can
explain and give them understanding that vandalism is not good thing, so they have to
avoid it. The role of parents is needed here. Then, children and teenagers should know
that they have to choose good friends. This problem can also be solved by providing
devices and special places based on their skills.

As a result, vandalism is not a good thing because it can make people feel afraid
and also angry. There are some preventions that we can do. As Wilson and Burbridge
(1978), vandalism is in environments which provided opportunities for properly
destruction because they were unsupervised. So we can learn that actually they need
more attention.

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