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Manila Public School Teachers Association v. Secretary of Education

G.R. No. 95445, August 6, 1991


On September 17, 1990, a Monday, around 800 public school teachers joined a mass
action. The mass action carried the purpose of dramatizing and highlighting the
teachers' plight resulting from the alleged failure of the public authorities to act upon
grievances that had time and again been brought to the latter's attention. These
grievances included, among other things, clothing allowances, 13 th month pay for the
year 1989, employment of new teachers to ease overload work, reimbursement of real
property taxes, increase in salary, and other equally important demands.

ISSUE: Whether or not public school teachers can go on a strike to redress their


No. Public school teachers cannot go on a strike to redress their grievances.

Employees in the civil service, such as public school teachers, may not engage
strikes, walkouts and temporary work stoppages like workers in the private sector.
Employment in the government is governed by law. Government workers cannot use the
same weapons employed by workers in the private sector to secure concessions from
their employers. The terms and conditions of employment are effected through statutes
and administrative rules and regulations, not through collective bargaining agreements.

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