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Definition of Polynomial : An algebraic expression in which power of variable is a non negative

integral or a whole number , is called Polynomial . e.g : x 2 + 5 x + 5 , -3 x 3 +1 and 5 etc.
(Note : If we take an expression x + 4x ,it is not a polynomial as power of variable x is not a
whole number , in the first term )

Types of Polynomial

(i) On the basis of number of terms :

Monomial (having one term e.g : 7x) , Binomial ( having two terms e.g 5x + 3 ),
Trinomial ( having three terms e.g x 2 + 3 x +6) and Polynomial ( for degree
higher than three )
(ii) On the basis of degree :
Linear polynomial ( having degree 1 e.g : 5x +2 ) , Quadratic polynomial ( having
degree 2 e.g 3x2 , Cubic polynomial ( having degree 3 e.g : x 3 + 2) and
Bi quadratic polynomial (having degree 4 e.g x 4 + 3 x 3 + 2 x 2 + 1) etc.

Zero of a polynomial : Zero of a polynomial means that value of the variable which
reduces the polynomial to zero . e.g :
Let P( x) = 7x + 3 , then to get zero of the given linear polynomial put polynomial equal
to zero i.e put 7x + 3 = 0
i.e 7x = - 3
i.e x = - 3 / 7 , so here -3/7 is the zero of the polynomial .

Note ( Up to this concept we have done in class ix . Now to start with next concept . )

Geometrical Meaning of the Zero of a Polynomial

CASE 1 :
Consider the graph of a Linear Polynomial y=5x as shown below

In the graph shown above , graph of linear polynomial is intersecting the X- axis at only
one point i.e point o (0,0). Here X- co ordinate of point o(0,0) is zero which shows that
zero is the zero of given polynomial .

Consider the graph of a quadratic polynomial, as shown below

As this is the graph of a quadratic polynomial, this graph is known as parabola .

This graph is intersecting the X- axis at only at o (0,0) .It shows that this quadratic
polynomial has only one zero i.e o only i.e x –co ordinate of point O (0,0).

Consider the graph s of another quadratic polynomials, as shown belowIn a

(i) (ii)
In the (i) graph parabola is opening in the downward direction and
in the (ii) graph parabola is opening in the upward direction but in
both cases parabolas are intersecting the X –axis at two points i.e
at points A & B . So the X co ordinates of these points A and B are
the two zeroes of the polynomials .
Consider the graph of another quadratic polynomial

(III) (IV)
In above both graphs , parabolas are not intersecting the X –axis at
any point which shows that for these quadratic polynomials , there
is no zero of the polynomial .
Consider the graph of a cubic polynomial
Above graph shows a wave . Here , graph intersects the X – axis at
three points . So the X coordinates of these points are the three
zeroes of this polynomial.


In the above graphs write the number of zeroesof the polynomials

and also write the reasons .

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