Steps To Create LinkedIn Profile

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● Login with your username and password

● From top navigation bar, select Profile > Edit profile

Photograph: Upload a professional profile photo - should preferably be in white or black. Have a pleasant expression,
smiling, looking straight in the eye. Dress – formal.

Name: fill in details

Location & Industry: fill in details – this is an essential field for 100% profile completeness
(Leave section immediately below this blank, will automatically get updated from your profile, once you complete it)


Specialities: (these are your keywords, i.e. words by which a recruiter would search you by – keep updating this)

Experience: (Should have minimum 3 positions, one current and 2 past)

Languages: fill in details

Skills: Fill in same as specialities (except remove company names/designation if mentioned in specialities)

Add details.
Under “Activities & Societies” – add at least one line. (Can give some academic achievement also)
Under “Additional Notes”: Add a note regarding the Institution, which shows your pride in your institute and gives
institute‟s stature (taken from institute website – eg leading institute for…)

Suggest you to have atleast 5 recommendations in your profile
Value of recommendations is in this order – reporting manager, seniors, customers, colleagues, friends & family.

Additional Information:
1. Website: You can give present company website, a personal blog/website and your most relevant/recent educational
institute‟s website.
Choose the “Others” option from the dropdown list. In the text field, give industry/domain area of your company eg.
Food & Beverage industry, Media Company, etc. and in the next tab write the company website. (this is a chance to
add keywords)
2. Interest: Look for offbeat or niche personal interests & hobbies. Example: golf, adventure sports etc. If you like
reading – specify what you read – business journals, IT magazines etc. Try and have at least 2 interests related to your
profile, where you can use your keywords
3. Groups & Associations:
List at least a couple of groups or associations you are a member of – it can be professional, social or academic. Can be
online groups too.

4. Honours & Awards

You can mention anything for which you may have received appreciation if you do not have awards to name. Or any
additional responsibilities you handle(d), due to your abilities/better performance.

NOW ADD LINKEDIN GROUPS (these will automatically show up under your Groups & Associations section)
Go to “Groups” link on top navigation bar of the page. Select “Group Directory”, then use the search bar to find groups
relevant to your profession and domain area.
Send request to join. At a time you can send 10 requests.
Join groups who have a large number of members as these members get added to your network and it results in increased
views for your profile.
Groups are important for you to get networked. Connect, connect, connect is the mantra.

Personal Details
Phone: (good to share if looking for an opportunity)
Address (optional)
IM: For skype; Gtalk or gmail id – good to share one of these
Birthday: (optional)
Marital Status (Good to mention if you are married)

Contact Settings
What type of message will you accept?
(I Will Accept introduction and mail) you need to select this option

Opportunity Preferences Select all (Be open to any networking opportunity)

● Career opportunities
● Consulting offers
● New ventures
● Job inquiries
● Expertise request
● Business deals
● Personal reference request
● Request to connect

Advice you would like to give

You can say: I am a LION – LinkedIn open networker OR
Am open to opportunities and would love to connect.
(Need to project yourself as an open networker - connecting with others is key)

Customise your LinkedIn Public Profile ID
LinkedIn Profile ID can be changed to something easy like your name. Go to option of „Edit profile‟ on top bar. Then inside
the grey box on first page, the last „Edit‟ option is for changing your profile. (change it from the number to your name)


Follow Your Dream Companies
Select „Companies‟ from top headers. Search the company that you would like to follow. Example -
Stage - 1

Stage 2: Once selected, click on „Follow‟.

Remove noise from your homepage

Follow the Step by Step Process

● On upper right hand corner of your Linkedin page, click your name
● From drop-down list click „Settings‟
● Click „Account‟ on the left corner bottom
● Then click on “Customize the updates you see on your homepage”

De-click the following from drop-down window:

General- New Connections in your network
Profile Recommendations-
When connections change profile photos
When connection update to a premium account
Application update from your connection then click on “Save Changes”

2. Twitter:
You can also link your twitter account to linkedin. (with above „Settings‟ button)

1. Get at least 3 Recommendations
2. Add at least 500 connections in your LinkedIn profile
3. Join at least 20 groups
4. Whenever you change a job/ get a new designation, update your LinkedIn profile and also update specialties
section with new key words (company name/designation)
5. Infuse keywords (hard skills) in your profile wherever possible (even in interests, website title etc)
6. Keep your contact details updated.
7. Start new discussions and participate in existing discussion on your profile page and your Groups
8. Write recommendations for colleagues and friends

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