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This study centers on how computer-based decision procedures, under the broad umbrella of

artificial intelligence (AI), can assist in improving health and health care. Although advanced

statistics and machine learning provide the foundation for AI, there are currently revolutionary

advances underway in the sub-field of neural networks.

This has created tremendous excitement in many fields of science, including in medicine and

public health. First demonstrations have already emerged showing that deep neural networks can

perform as well as the best human clinicians in well-defined diagnostic tasks.

Therefore, this project titled, “Medical Report translation using AI”, is aimed    at exploring and
incorporating some of these sophisticated technologies for the development of Machine learning.
Medical reports are diagnosis note from health experts writing in medical terms, limiting easy
understanding for patients. Therefore, the need to build computer-based systems that can assist
patients in translating medical reports into easy statement and sentence using AI. The AI system
will be created based on medical expert information collected through structured interviews,
extensive literature review, and adopting the VB.NET software development method. The
system is towards reducing dependence on medical personnels and towards improved health care
services, and is a guide to designing similar systems.



 Artificial Intelligence (AI), where computers perform tasks that are usually assumed to require

human intelligence, is currently being discussed in nearly every domain of science and

engineering. Major scientific competitions like ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition

Challenges are providing evidence that computers can achieve human-like competence in image

recognition. AI has also enabled significant progress in speech recognition and natural language

processing. All of these advances open questions about how such capabilities can support, or

even enhance, human decision making in health and health care. Two recent high-profile

research papers have demonstrated that AI can perform clinical diagnostics on medical images at

levels equal to experienced clinicians, at least in very specific examples, (Gulshan, V., 2016).

The promise of AI is tightly coupled to the availability of relevant data (Esteva, 2017). In the

health domains, there is an abundance of data. However, the quality of, and accessibility to, these

resources remain a significant challenge in the United States. On one hand, health data has

privacy issues associated with it, making the collection and sharing of health data particularly

cumbersome compared to other types of data. In addition, health data are quite expensive to

collect, for instance in the case of longitudinal studies and clinical trials, so it tends to be tightly

guarded once it is collected. Further, the lack of interoperability of electronic health record

systems impedes even the simplest of computational methods and the inability to capture

relevant social and environmental information in existing systems leaves a key set of variables

out of data streams for individual health.

At the same time, there is wide private-sector interest in AI in health data collection and

applications as illustrated from the numerous startups related to AI in health and health care (a

partial list as of 2016 is captured in Figure 1).

Recently AI techniques have sent vast waves across healthcare, even fueling an active discussion

of whether AI doctors will eventually replace human physicians in the future. We believe that

human physicians will not be replaced by machines in the foreseeable future, but AI can

definitely assist physicians to make better clinical decisions or even replace human judgement in

certain functional areas of healthcare (eg, radiology). The increasing availability of healthcare

data and rapid development of big data analytic methods has made possible the recent successful

applications of AI in healthcare. Guided by relevant clinical questions, powerful AI techniques

can unlock clinically relevant information hidden in the massive amount of data, which in turn

can assist clinical decision making.1–3In this article, we survey the current status of AI in

healthcare, as well as discuss its future. We first briefly review four relevant aspects from

medical investigators’ perspectives:

1. motivations of applying AI in healthcare

2. data types that have be analysed by AI systems

3. mechanisms that enable AI systems to generate clinical meaningful results

4. disease types that the AI communities are currently tackling.


i. Time consuming in retrieval of information take a lot rigor and strength in checking both

the cards and registration of the patient.

ii. Difficulties in understanding medical reports and diagnosis notes by patients

iii. Poor and lack of health and medical knowledge.

iv. Unclear writing skills by medical partitional


In order to give an orientation to the case under study, the researcher has decided to present the

following Aims and Objective.


The aim of this study is to development an AI application that can translate medical report and

diagnosis note into layman understanding.

(1)    The AI system helps a patients and others to read any kind of medical reports.

(2)     AI system plays an uncover emphasizing role in assisting the paramedical personnel’s or

layman translation medical reports into simpler sentence.


This study is limit to medical reports translation using AI strictly.


The advantages of AI have been extensively discussed in the medical literature.3–5 AI can use

sophisticated algorithms to ‘learn’ features from a large volume of healthcare data, and then use

the obtained insights to assist clinical practice. It can also be equipped with learning and self-

correcting abilities to improve its accuracy based on feedback. An AI system can assist

physicians by providing up-to-date medical information from journals, textbooks and clinical

practices to inform proper patient care. In addition, an AI system can help to reduce diagnostic

and therapeutic errors that are inevitable in the human clinical practice.

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