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Sub CATMain()

GetNextNode CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product

End Sub

Sub GetNextNode(oCurrentProduct As Product)

Dim oCurrentTreeNode As Product

Dim I As Integer

Pt = 0

vt = 1

' Loop through every tree node for the current product

For q = 1 To oCurrentProduct.Products.Count

dbc = 0

Set oCurrentTreeNode = oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(q)

If IsProduct(oCurrentTreeNode) = True Then

If oCurrentTreeNode.Products.Count > 0 Then

GetNextNode oCurrentTreeNode

End If

End If

If IsPart(oCurrentTreeNode) = True Then

Dim iname As String

iname = oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(q).Name

'oCurrentProduct.Products.Item (i)

Dim oSelection

Dim documents1 As Documents

Set documents1 = CATIA.Documents

Set partDocument1 = CATIA.Documents.Item(oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(q).PartNumber &

Dim Measurecircle

Dim ARadius As Double

Dim ARadius1 As Double

Dim ARadius2 As Double

Dim part1 As Part

Set part1 = partDocument1.Part

Dim hybridShapeFactory1 As HybridShapeFactory

Set hybridShapeFactory1 = part1.HybridShapeFactory

Dim bodies1 As Bodies

Set bodies1 = part1.Bodies

Dim body1 As Body

Set body1 = bodies1.Item(1)

Dim hybridBodies1 As HybridBodies

Set hybridBodies1 = part1.HybridBodies

Dim hybridBody1 As HybridBody

Set hybridBody1 = hybridBodies1.Add()

hybridBody1.Name = "Extract features"


pname = partDocument1.Product.PartNumber
Set osel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

osel.Add oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(q)

Set oSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

Set oselection1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

Set Oselection2 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

Set Oselection3 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

Set oselection4 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

Set Oselection5 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

'search thread faces which is yellow in color

Oselection2.Search "Topology.Face.Color='(255,255,0)',sel"

For I = 1 To Oselection2.Count

Dim threadfaces As New Collection

threadfaces.Add Oselection2.Item2(I).Reference


'search dowel faces which is blue in color

osel.Add oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(q)

Oselection3.Search "Topology.Face.Color='(0,0,255)',sel"

For I = 1 To Oselection3.Count

Dim dowelfaces As New Collection

dowelfaces.Add Oselection3.Item2(I).Reference


'search free hole faces which is cyan in color

osel.Add oCurrentProduct.Products.Item(q)

Oselection5.Search "Topology.Face.Color='(0,175,175)',sel"

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