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Name ______________________ Date ____ / ____ / ____


In physical changes, the original substance still exists, but it has changed in form. Physical
changes are not usually accompanied by energy changes, except in phase changes or when
substances dissolve.

In chemical changes, a new substance is produced and the original substance is lost. Chemical
changes are always accompanied by both energy and physical changes.

In the table below, classify the following examples of change as chemical or physical.

1 A chunk of calcium being cut into two pieces.

2 Acid dripping into limestone and producing carbon dioxide gas.

3 Glass shattering into many pieces if hit by a hammer

Hydrochloric acid reacting with sodium hydroxide to produce

salt, water and heat.

5 Ice melting.

6 Iron rusting.

7 Metal being melted to make a sword.

7 Milk spoiling and going sour.

Potassium chlorate decomposing into potassium chloride and

oxygen gas.

9 Sodium hydroxide dissolving in water.

10 Water being heated and changing to steam.

11 Wood rotting.


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