Creatine Monohydrate

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Creatine monohydrate

Wel l before I start I want to say something “this is the most effective and cheap supplement in the

What is creatine monohydrate?

Creatine is a combination of three different amino acids: glycine, arginine, and methionine.
That's it—nothing more than a combination of amino acids,  It's a fundamental component in
how your body creates its primary form of energy in muscle cells, the compound adenosine
triphosphate, or ATP. Most of the creatine in your body is created in the liver and kidneys, but
the majority of it is stored in muscle tissue. Creatine is not considered an "essential" nutrient,
because healthy human bodies are capable of creating it, about 50% in our liver ,kidneys and
pancreas and it can also be easily obtained through meat or animal product and also present in
beans. Then cretine converts into creatine phosphate and stores in muscle ( but as per our
great scienctist rohit chatri it settle down in you kidney and if you don’t drink water it will
damage you kidney … wait !! what the fuck he said ??). and during workout it helps in get extra
energy ATP to your workout . and then creatine further breakdown in craetinine which is waste
material and filter through blood

However, dietary creatine pretty much only comes from animal products. So vegan and
vegetarian athletes don't get nearly as much creatine in their diet as those who eat dairy
products, eggs, and/or meat. This is one reason why creatine is often recommended as
an important supplement for vegeterians.

Does cretien holds water?

Yes creatine holds waters but that water is intra-muscular means that water is in you muscle
between in your skin. Mainly our muscle is made up of 75% of water. That’s why you can also
take creatine monohydrate during your cutting season.

How To Take Creatine Monohydrate

Well there are so many thoughts of individuals like you should take creatine moknohydrate before
workout ,intra workout and also after workout with there logics but as per research you can take
creatine is whenever it suits your lifestyle. So if you supply ample amount of creatine in your body then
then it helps in short bust of energy by replacing phosphate in your cells

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