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Your children are

special to us. Contact Us
We want what's best
for them and we tailor Adress : Bendungan Sutami,
their education Malang Phone : 0341-087231
Website :
to their needs.
Hands-on Learning
Preschool children soak

PLAY, in their experiences.

We make the most of
In this section, you're free to elaborate on your
school's special services, programs, and
activities. You can also list down important

READ, this through stories buildings, such as the library or canteen, to draw
in both parents and students. Make sure you
and play. highlight the educational opportunities that your
school takes pride in. This can include special

courses and workshops, as well as extra-
curriculars. You can even feature esteemed
members of the faculty.


Our Educators

School brochures have stood the Our Purpose In this section, you're free to elaborate on your
school's special services, programs, and
test of time, and there's a good activities. You can also list down important
reason why. They're one of the most buildings, such as the library or canteen, to draw
in both parents and students. Make sure you
efficient and convenient ways to In this section, you're free to elaborate highlight the educational opportunities that your
promote your school and connect school takes pride in. This can include special
on your school's special services, courses and workshops, as well as extra-
with parents. To create your own, programs, and activities. You can also curriculars. You can even feature esteemed
you need to remember to include members of the faculty.
list down important buildings, such as
relevant information that can both the library or canteen, to draw in both
promote your institution, while parents and students. Make sure you
keeping readers interested. In this highlight the educational opportunities
section, introduce the history, vision, that your school takes pride in. This
core values, and curriculum of your can include special courses and
After-School Activities
university or school. This will not workshops, as well as extra-
only showcase its profile and curriculars. You can even feature
background, but also boost its In this section, you're free to elaborate on your
esteemed members of the faculty. school's special services, programs, and
credibility as an educational activities. You can also list down important
establishment. buildings, such as the library or canteen, to draw
in both parents and students. Make sure you
highlight the educational opportunities that your
school takes pride in. This can include special
courses and workshops, as well as extra-
curriculars. You can even feature esteemed
members of the faculty.

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