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1. Describe OMT methodology in brief.

2. Differentiate between SA/SD and JSD methodologies.

3. Write short note on Functional modeling
4. Briefly describe how Object Oriented techniques can be applied in other areas like language design
and hardware design.
5. Prepare a Data Flow Diagram for computing the mean of a sequence of input values. A separate
control input is provided to reset the computation. Each time a new value is input, the mean of all
values input since the last reset command should be output.
6. What is JVM. Explain in detail along with structure.
7. What is encapsulation? Explain with the help of an example using JAVA.
8. Discuss the benefits and applications of OOP in detail.Differentiate between object-based and object-
oriented programming languages.
9. What are constraints? Explain in context of object modeling
10. Differentiate between aggregation and generalization by taking suitable example
11. What is a state diagram? Prepare a state diagram for a programmable thermostat
12. Describe the concept of candidate key by taking suitable example
13. Prepare a class diagram from instance diagram given below :

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14. What is JVM? Why is it needed?

15. What is an event? What is the event delegation model? List various mouse and keyboard events.
16. What is the difference between final, finally and finalize keywords in JAVA?
17. What is the life cycle of an Applet? Explain each state of Applet in brief.
18. What are the differences between Swing and AWT?
19. What are the features of Java? Explain in brief.
20. What are the shortcomings of procedure oriented programming? Explain how does Object oriented
programming overcome these shortcomings.
21. Explain method overloading and overriding with examples.
22. How do we design a user-defined package? What are the steps to add classes and interfaces in the
package? Give suitable example.
23. Explain the advantages of using interfaces in Java? How they are different from Abstract Classes?
24. What are Applets? Explain how applets are different from an application.
25. Write a super class Worker and subclasses HourlyWorker and SalariedWorker. Every worker has a
name and a salary rate. Write a method computePay(int hours) that computes the weekly pay for
every worker. An hourly worker gets paid the hourly wage for the actual number of hours worked, if
hours is at most 40. If the hourly worker worked more than 40 hours, the excess is paid at time and a
half. The salaried worker gets paid the hourly wage for 40 hours, no matter what the actual number of
hours is. Write a static method that uses polymorphism to compute the pay of any worker. Supply a
test program that tests these classes and methods.
26. How inter thread communication is done in Java? Write a java program to create Multithreads with
different priorities.
27. What is importance of exception handling mechanism in Java? Define and distinguish checked and
unchecked exceptions.
28. What do you mean by constructor overloading in java? Explain with an example. List special
properties of constructors.
29. Describe different types of inheritance in Java. Demonstrate through a java program, how to achieve
run time polymorphism in Java?
30. What is the difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder? Also explain when to use
them. Why String class is final or immutable?
31. Define an interface using JAVA that contains a method to calculate the perimeter of an object. Define
two classes-circle and Rectangle with suitable fields and methods.
32. Explain Method overloading & Method overriding with suitable example. Can you overload operators
in java?
33. Discuss basic in-built packages in java and their uses in application development in brief. Which
package is the default package?
34. Explain Multithreading. In how many ways java implements multithreading? Explain at least one of
these ways with appropriate example
35. What is an exception? What are different exceptions in Java? Explain how you can handle exception
in JAVA with the help of an example using try-catch-finally block.
36. Explain different types of Layout Manager (Flow Layout, Grid Layout, and Border Layout) available
in Java with help of an example of each.
37. Discuss class hierarchy of javax.Swing package. List Three Controls of this package along with their
38. Write short notes on the following:
b) Dynamic bill board applet
c) Lavatron applet
d) scrabblets
39. Write a procedure to create and import the package in Java program. Which event handling model is
used by Java and why?
40. Write short notes on the following
(i) Java API packages.
(ii) AWT controls.
(iii) Adapter classes.
(iv) Servlets.
(v) Event Listener Interfaces.

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