The EU Treaties. Maxim Slesarovich: 1. Do Research and Fill in The Tables Using The Internet

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The EU Treaties.

Maxim Slesarovich

1. Do research and fill in the tables using the Internet.

Founding treaties
European integration is at present based on four founding treaties:
1. The Treaty of Paris Signed on 18 April France, West Established the European
1951, entered into Germany, Italy, Coal and Steel
force on 23 July Belgium, Community…
1952 and expired Luxembourg,
on 23 July 2002. Netherlands
2. The Euratom Treaty Signed on 25 Belgium, FRG Established the European
March 1957, (West Germany), Atomic Energy Community
entered into force France, Italy,
on 1 January 1958. Luxembourg, the
3. The Treaty of Rome Signed on 25 Belgium, France, Established the European
March 1957, Italy, Luxembourg, Economic Community.
entered into force the Netherlands,
on 1 January 1958. FRG (West
4. The Treaty of Maastricht Signed on 7 Belgium, Denmark, Established the European
The Maastricht criteria: February 1992, Germany, Spain, Union and pillar structure.
entered into force France, Ireland,
on 1 November Italy, Luxembourg,
1993. the Netherlands,
Portugal, the UK.

Amending treaties
At times there have been far-reaching reforms bringing major institutional changes and introducing new
areas of responsibility for the European institutions:
5. The Merger Treaty/ The Signed on 8 April The Inner Six: Unified the executive
Brussels Treaty 1965, entered into Benelux, France, institutions of the ECSC,
force on 1 July West Germany, Euratom and the EEC.
1967, expired on 1 Italy.
May 1999.
6. The Single European Signed on 17 Belgium, Denmark, Set the European Community,
Act February 1986, 28 FRG (West an objective of establishing a
February 1986, Germany), Greece, single market by 31
entered into force on Spain, France, December 1992, and codified
1 July 1987. Ireland, Italy, European Political
Luxembourg, the Cooperation.
Portugal, the UK.
7. The Treaty of Signed on 2 October Belgium, Germany, Made substantial changes to
Amsterdam 1997, entered into Italy, Denmark, the Treaty of Maastricht.
force on 1 May France, Spain,
1999. Ireland,
Luxembourg, the
Austria, Portugal,
Finland, Sweden,
the UK.
8. The Treaty of Nice Signed on 26 Belgium, Austria, Reformed the institutional
February 2001, Germany, Ireland, structure of the European
entered into force on Spain, France, Union to withstand eastward
1 February 2003. Italy, Luxembourg, expansion.
the Netherlands,
Portugal, The UK,
Greece, Finland,
9. The Lisbon Treaty Signed on 13 Belgium, Austria, Amended the Maastricht
December 2007, and Germany, Ireland, Treaty and the Treaty of
entered into force on Spain, France, Rome.
1 January 2009. Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands,
Portugal, The UK,

Accession treaties
The founding treaties have also been amended acceded (in a more limited fashion) whenever new
member states
1973 Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom
1981 Greece
1986 Spain, Portugal
1995 Austria, Sweden, Finland
2004 Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland,
Slovenia, Slovakia
2007 Romania, Bulgaria.
2013 Croatia

Budgetary treaties
Lastly there have been two budgetary treaties:
1. The Budgetary Treaty of 1970 Signed on 22 April 1970, entered into force on 1 January 1971.
Gave the European Parliament "non-compulsory expenditure".
Signed by The Inner Six: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Germany.
2. The Budgetary Treaty of 1975 Signed on 22 July 1975, entered into force on 1 June 1977.
Gave Parliament the power to reject the budget as a whole and
created the European Court of Auditors.
Signed by all then-9 EC members.

Unratified treaties
1. The Treaty instituting a European Signed on 27 May 1952, never entered into force.
Defence Community Would have created a European Defence Community (EDC)
with a pan-European defence force.
Signed by the Inner Six.
2. The Treaty establishing a Signed on 29 October 2004, never entered into force.
Constitution for Europe Would have created a consolidated constitution for the
European Union (EU).
Signed by the EU member states.

2. Name which treaty:

- gave birth to the first European institutions – the high Authority and the
Common Assembly – the Treaty of Paris ;
- established the EEC – The Treaty of Rome;
- merged ECSC, EEC and EAEC under a single set of institutions and
provided for a Single Commission and a Single Council – The Merger
- was a major component in complementing the single market – the Single
European Act;
- provided for the pillar system – the Maastricht Treaty;
- aimed at simplifying decision making process and transferring policy of
asylum, migration and judicial cooperation in civil matters to the field of
supranational decisions – The Treaty of Amsterdam;
- extended Qualified Majority Voting to more areas and abolished the national
right of veto in some of them – the Treaty of Lisbon ;

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