Affective Methodologies

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se Nten Cnts ‘of ove 80 publstions intaing the monographs Plies, Ply at the Dowie of Henge n Ban (301), Hesage Comoran ‘Arce, co-authored with Lauran Smith (200) sre The Sms ‘fHortge Tis, cosuthored with Sve Watson (2013). Steve Watson i professe in the busines school at York St John Univer, United Kingdom, where he teaches range of abe lading cual and hertage Tou, Hs researc coed Sat ote ora nd ese i espe we {ha expe the reiohip betwen represented pace ont {he perforate encounter and engagement of tours with henge places He hs explored the hoes tn Gree pan nd the Une ingdom, and he hes «pts inert Spans eel weg Stee a pled pmerous oul aces sd ook chaps t {he subject of hetage, ncn is ow recent bok, Te Sai of ering Teton cosine with Enza Waterton 2010, 1 Introduction: Affective Methodologies ‘Beta Tin Krudsen and Corsten Stage ‘The sim of the anthology The motivation fr this anthology ea calenge ised in the growing tslumeofseademic woxkonaffetve proeses=or what ee emat ‘te aleve ur’ In contemporary cltual analy (Cova 2007 rt 2008; Greg andSelgoth, 2010 Benn 2004 Mas, 2002 2012; ey, 201; Abed, 2000), The chal lenge under scsi show to develop snd acount for methodol es hat enable ctrl searchers fo investi allective proceso ‘lation toa cen empl stdy. The election's mala mehodlog a fous has how to perform emplcaly grounded ste research Wedatine an afecive metod a a tnnovaive strategy fr (1) ah earch questons and fonmlsting rere agend eating to afl tie process, fr (2) calling of producing embodied de and for {king sense otis at In eee to proguceseademi olde ‘Theaim of ths eatedealeton te theeore nl to challenge or eco suc enblished methodologleal cateois (egy eeu questions, a prodoction and data analysis, bat the oben experimenting with how these categories ean be see an enterpeted in inventive ys n oder to engage wi the immatrlandafetive proses of ‘ec fle, The chapter tn the colton dea wit the vaso ements of tis detaon i ferent way: ome cis more on sarin plats {nd asing questions ees te onthe production or snse-tking of ‘ta trough the vr of new anal and concept sppronees. We ‘donot presume to hae saved the methodclogal cals of doing sift reseach once and for al bat hope tat the calc il ep ‘and inspire researchers and tents pearing ot developing inethod ‘logs for stdin fet In new my 2 le Ts moat Caste Developing aleve methodlogls of coun 9 huge challenge: how do you Wnty alee poceses and dius their soc conse qoenees through qualtaiveeserch state i alc body Neting a mimatertand ays in between ens or nos? Tas Gustion, ‘nd focus on materiality fix ad Body engagement, eens tobe a thecenterofarangeof ean oaks on methodology sch John Laws ‘Aer Method (200), which suggests at we should Begin oivesigte ‘new orms of knowing as embedizen” aw, 2004p. 3) Ia order 19 {rap the mesines, ephemera nd unpediabity of oc ie es ‘ack and Nirmal Powars edited collection, Liv thas 202), ocong fn developing toa fora "ive roilogy’ that ok only wexkng ‘th ow fae lac, 2012p. 21} or Rebeca Colman nd ese Ringose's Deze and Ruch ahadlages 201), where Key inert {stow to map the Mux abd Bows ofthe soa in ways that ace wat 1 imposnble, what Boome stuck and fied (lean a Ringo, 2013.9) ce ako Lorimer, 2013, . 6% Hey Mody, 201, p93. ‘the’ exsungmethololegical reac, for example, ocseson te le ales in peagogy and knowledge prodction Spiga, 201), ‘rellain czeship development and pita acon (ex, 2010); Femi medi schol hve shown how alles such a dag and hope playa dominant role in imaginary velstons Between bodies and Images (Coleman, 200, Coleman and gro, 201) ann doing 0, ‘event overlooked methods ac as Hen Berg's metho of in ton (Coleman, 20083). “he collection Imply allems Cea Lary and Mins Wako elem in mene Mtoe (2012) that tereH 4 need to eons the relevance of methodo the emp nvesiation ofthe hee and now, the contemporary (hry and Waele, 2012p. 18) snd to develop mtods that enable the Inpeing of the cal worl = “ongongnes, relational, contingency and sensuousnes = tobe ives tiated (4d p17; empha in orginal answer othe chalege ‘would be to clarify the typeof cle bout afc hat we want produce cultural verter, nto at hinkng out the box terms of geneaing and nating mate inne ways any ofthe ‘stblined clr reatch practices ae to focused content and Strectres of slgfleton, wih foo lle tention pal electing Inventvelyon wher and how aft maybe tac approached and Understood, Wes age wth de methocologel goss essing te ‘contemporary academic inert in sect outlined by La Backman Sind Couee Venn tn 2010 ise of Bay & Srey. Aeorng fo the thor the goal sto develop new ways being attentive fo epic ction: Ate Nelle 3 rate and develop ‘other ways of Caoiing” and tending win tor esenchenseav0e (9). a this anthology, we fake pat the endeavor ofthe sbovemene toned esearch, but abo aterpt to adda dimension, by ocsing more tert ‘how of mets ou fizay gol Uhr t ly the a: Tenges we ce when doing alle resach, Buta to sagt vsous Statgie for dealing with thee challenges. Tis olecton thus ams {oprapmaticlly and innovateayiveigate and sess posite ways ( C) adngrezeuch quenons about alle, (2) generating ‘embodied (aor qualintve tet sac, abd (3) ening atective races ‘Stprocesesin empl mteral send of ing verte y he “hallonges we argue tat the development of methodooges for alle. fear sould be regeded ara nteresing zone of ventienes 2 tone ang elections about what "the enpara produced telus Sea th wo on stow he rach ting nd one wing ts to geverete ew type of expial teal and perhaps o calle ‘Brea thst has previously been pected asbanal er unsophisticated (eg omlne comments tg dou venga, ots, COUN (ithe marae boy sat, “Ate ducing the metiodalogea! challenges fon fet studies, ve wl eet om tne 'etestatgies for producing enpiteal mate {in tat ar sl for lavestiaing afc, aed on he work presented In the chagien and on the owing amount of exsung emia ‘much one These metres ae (1) thecreaton of vetive ‘Spermentlmla, 2) the rethang of wadoral elawork ech ‘Spue ich a observations snd eld noes (3) the collection of often rood forms of euitng extn tel or development of ne Sppronches to txts and wing nore to gasp the aecve dimen Ts Along te oy, we so ease pouble sate or deen the presence of aectiny la elation oie mate fe. ay, ‘pe conten, body language and seri. Defining the challenges of doing cultural research of affect Incontempoary ctu theory The sly othe subjects sored Into concer wth thas processes, practices esatins and aft that ove trough bodes in ways that ae aft se, understand and Investigate ts Use lackan (2012p. vii). Alter yes of fossing fn contri and scutes unde Std what Seat Lash cll our inewessingy sense eared by te deminain of pal, hypeomplex and mltsensial spices, snes and every paces (ah, 200) a stud on tet esearch song xa nats Sine ie! Foscaa ‘ns aay of powers hopower the a ea he cal terest, went cones wolves oms ond ees fo domination, wsitane and datos. The ce en ‘oth he ue oundetnd war cpl Podes re ga thtegtaly ose atttvey at ow tey become cone na mabe sly and pital (Orin 201, Prt, Sas nase ana sage 2012), Tisturn ost and bod teat fan of mead cies ta we samme he ‘haleges~and ts not ec chrnolog pseso ops co et guint sent oe Challenge asking questions and developing stating points ‘Theat challenge sto develop astarng pnt orto ask esearch ue “tion ha ea actly be approche an nested tough empl str According to Sa Abed, io se ‘alle ardent mor {les synonymouy one eat detec ign “olin hore of whether emotions rec pray ob se 200, p. 7. Meanwhile prominent conte = ict theory such as Masuml, Thi Brennan nd Cough fous ‘hora aft aa ote stilton, smeow hing fet the dy sd then reaching the cognive appt" Another gio, costing ‘fAhubed esl uth Leys, Margaret Weel, ju aera ist Sat, cae taint dete oe ea SoS and cognition, boty Ss Cure Ue PHYA and PaO The ‘materi you ned for your investigation sn hee phenomena ‘hat sugges the presence a ey inthe material eu sures ‘oul for example, need tobe esta gute een bythe up, folowing the steps ould above, fox ppotrs ofthe soup of searcher metho afer fs beyond langnge cago and ‘herefore, any aay aegy mt fos o eats and seo, Sone tate tet Fat Boh language would be conered capable of txpresg fey a ‘Would be no inherent contesdition betwee eheyane of rage {800 eps Tip he Soil shying of bodes, 30 ey ome ematnaly ase wean simul “Mist aettheors (nd UnoVe, este Te ageents on the epstemoagal and ontlogl nate of ae, age tat aes Spay og Ue ana OT ace processes. Ws ete tect YClege for stance ed by voving the hse ‘quunglement, hauntings and serstties o he resnrher bay {2 imporant resource for grasping the alfecivequaiies of» cena ‘such top Ge eg the chapeso Blickan, To, Boling ye, ‘vel and GD), "Tis interest ne stuaton in some sense dete by out wis toot ony get close enough to the aca acy of oll He to Seaeand eet bo a0 by a nterest in Kpowiedge prodction tat aries soll sabjetve accounts of afc In senng the seademic owdge pote of stuauona! rearh, we tus follow Dons ways polo that ou goal a ela esters shoud be ater ‘enon of he wel tha acne ad tat cla eee ‘ould nt oppoce naive notions ofa ansptet vey open to ob tre knowledge produson va the nel gato he rtache With rs or extere sebectvm (Harvy, 1968, p59), he ‘aeng, ecorcng to Hoavoy, sto simultaneously mabe an sccount ‘of nel stoncal contingency oral knowledge cams and knowing subjets arta! practice for recognizing ou ow “smo ehnolo- {es for mang meanings, and 3 no-nonseasecomaent to ft counts ofa “el” worl” (Haravay 1988, p59). May argue Tht ocsing on localized and stunted knowledge cold provides way to sltaneoulyacknowedge the researcher Internet he knowlege profuced and the dmensons ofthe taon tht ae ‘ute te resereers contol = and therefore spore Hs hat “ath owiedge on be imagined and ean make aims onus 193). "Weare ott charge ofthe ror (i, p. S94), 9 aes nay andor tht reason, the woe ca as eel sel thet tons we enter et up os resus. We donot rate te word we _ invent, scoring fo Haroway. but estaba ‘conversation wih Reh imples that we are of cou, pr offing and ect 6 iT ode dCs Se by the research proces, ad thatthe stanton can answer back and Snebue fo this iteracton, To preva that everthing Inthe it Stl spl a prod ofthe esercesotn gabe oF pefomative Techniques would spl be megulomanizal according Hava econ ode ht mts ad a ces mate forthe else ind = andi thi nse take 3 post ‘oats opponc to methodlogy, as termed by Use Blackman In Chapter 2 witout fling nthe ap ofthe searcher inventing the ‘mort? How ca a poepostivist resec aged veld oth the pall Urneiaty and of rat perfrma?Terhap 3 saation to ty {o complicate the cchotory Beveen doing some to the wot Sd intestiating ie While setting up an sademie experiment, we of outs reac the adn crtan ways bt be wold ay as reveal ‘self ort capaci for change tou during the performative esearch proces, Lary and Walford define ivendve methods nthe oliowing Invereing way ‘Te inverters of methods i be found i he ‘Ratton benreen fo moments the sddresng ofa method ~ an ane Got probe eategny to spete problem andthe eapocty of Soha emerges inthe eof that metho to change the probe (Lary {nd Walter, 2012.7 "We comers at an aeoeonented research gents, which ms to anowe a prolems through the methods ployed olowing the Geman, hanging the role cols bedone ty ying to etealy {nterene soil contexts Ione lentes ack of compassion with ‘crsoucd mnrites 3 problem, one fat produce te compasion “is methodology dees and not retain oes jst eveing TR'om the other hard, the change could ao be to cat knowledge _ahout problems thereby changing the academe andor pst ere tion ofthe problem and perhaps ou abt to intervene in en ways Ina wey we propoe tat diteentmethedeoges canbe postoned than ax setching fom (ation research ethods using methods $s deve o change orto be Inventive in the wot (2) metods foatsed more on understanding the socal continues and sires, Iwhichate characterize socal Me Inter werd methodcogies which Srevof couse ll peformatie or inventive fo 2 eran dere, an be _Zinedat prima resting continues by inducing soil change ‘Sea ying to pasp socal continues - or Paap by working in 8 tnesy mile ld between these two ples. ie nd both metodo Tegel aprons very vould te contains i hs vlame ‘fu fom move experiential spproaches introducing sod change ‘Gretimopatical and wextsl approaches investigating potters and rmdir Ae Mende > ‘xing patos. A tendency aco he chapter neve, 29 ‘tempt tebe gece sou ate tah ‘tong stator ude of ate pceses ahs pedaiat, tency many ofthe capes the song econ emis ote tytn comclues of he nervenng tpt en spares nh thse points ming te onl fhe not pace Tec towed fn elon nd ac nest sons (earn parca npc neste sey td schoo rom) ted beth eon tee ) he ep octal st tae tans emp svematone, ane pom gee tee Crvratstinal ssc and iio of tis owedge production, duet the searchers focus on the povorma: [roe pace (Challenge I collecting o producing embodied data ea hand in had wee With the ned eget sew tps fea {ea matr an perhaps to colt material tht has previously been ‘Peete 3 ana or umophisiste. Samantha Punch, for example, $tsseshow he peso! fel yes oppo moe rte Bel tes, cold be 8 valuable source of knonicage wen conerng the ‘etional dimensions of anthropological feldwor. By simply Paving {tenon to soc empire! ours, emotion and ate become more Spouse at anata obese (Pek 201). Magpie Mace Ithemore, dectbes Bow fete moments can be cog’ ts ‘ew way ong dt that oot sim ot turting to make sie tue vibe, but instead to vel a the moment wee he ths or became tectivey inane ‘During the proces of coding, sme things gradu grow or lomo eater sane than thes, ana become te pecan oe whi hoght an wing cote (esp 75) “i ale bodily ste then the hllene i ofcourse, to cole str shou bow tis sate expend or doumente: Ile. ‘ona, dats production tertore Becomes at ntrtng one of {mrentvenes, where tf mprant to rec on how To generate ‘enbodied dats hat provies pony othe aetve ats othe A Oo 18 ie Tm Kn md Ci Spe Meta strategy Il new textualiter or are wet ed nd etc the ace ay of atl epee “Hons Tn the ving experimen, fective lence can be itedoced to suengthen and stimulate affective responses, and in ebnogaphic elder, the Body sates under investigation ar, ot spank, always 2 hand, But what sbout embodied txt and audtovstl mater "readin ceuton? in his anthology, the thee st tents aes the Challeng ore (ual teste ferent when reading for ac. Mohring Reeser proposes f9 lok at the spestblty an groin “fan asembage a res of fee investment Kaan Suggest ‘eading of oral excess in ation o contemporary son sbout tin Ger is apo te ct et og but forffectve ting hglighting anes bene txt. ‘ance teteen ext and word and yt oaly ay aces bois 7) _Youcan cle ad produce texts or fective esearch in a ange of } mays: One way is mpl to focus on how a sample of ex hou C Thee rpisentinon te ote cat nestveTpote ees «cent sblets or oes Ahmed, 200 Kofed and Ringrost. 2012. D) oer sate woul be to we ets nodes mapping how afc ) eavetrscroargrophial dancer oy Been dent online et {Mit pete Row We ser ounce secret ‘oun or crowds (eg, fa 0ST To TF pape TNS BO, ee) (Stage, 2013) Hee extant comes the ar of fective movements Sid unieton praceses In tis isance, there are more quo. tive ays of metsuring aleve impact how many respond to, Hk, nd cette tis ip or is statement, of how many one scons {he clips motivate. The aectve intensity is here approached hough Interpretation of pombe. viewing css speed (how soon. ad the ‘ercop yey or deus hypotheses, o ) natal every ‘enviroments eg, people homes, classtooms or the see that the rence digest sol act Inlsence o mod fies In onder to invergate parcpanemouonal and active responses toa pater simultion (Marre, 2012) ~Eepeens Intervene socal hey eng certain fos of coud sensi Seal stagag parle epstemi and nse eens in order forthe reaver ose afte velinesunfld and open 8p © ‘int exceed come ondertandings. The analas of Jet Koel nd Dore Stunts and of Nathan To ae based on sich Inventive ‘epeiment with pete populasons Lia Bhickunon opens he Sst par ofthe calection with amor engl chapter on how to develop ‘iperiental staring pnts fr alest research by tenn toa {aking seriously the sect entanglement, or hauntings (ten to be teed though gps and absences) of te fesether Dy fd sng these wo ude o open up new spe fo alet research (eg, though processes of mediated perception. Se cal her own iti Ae Meats rethod an embodied hauntolog. Dove Stuns and Jet Kooed begin Chapter, presenting a pop-up lb forthe Investigation of te fective ew forms of eéveationa leadership, with an outline of ‘te lbotaoey sa seme scene for contemnporay experimental seench, and argue that thee abe nt onl inven ex tie processes, but also create ther on afecs defo the onfictal. {ts (eg between penons or insite pets) they pode The tid ‘Chaplet on experimentation authored by Nathan T, ho invest bates proceses of uansgncrtonl hatgs among the Chae flaspora In Canada by combined citeal autoethnogephy with ‘experimental seeing ofa documentary on the 1987 Nanking Iman, Te sceening followed by a ange of smaller exper ‘mens ale at racing the movement of fects, and ghosts, song ‘he patlpnts by staging and documenting non seo forme of 2 nteching fart, such as observations to investigate morethan- ‘epresentadona Ines and emotonalateesve prcties embod ty lormants~ The section bens with an ale that exe ‘ces How ocllet dts that enable to retink out est of {kor tsea eplcal research. Watson and Waterton susebe {0 andes of ethos in motion’ tht ae ale to new poesles {nthe process of collin data. They fll in he footy of is ‘lume seaion on memory and haenology and a whole ton ‘fa geography af embodiment (ensoe 2005) tht aks hoe Doses ‘exerence places and ertage places in parila. They ari favor ‘emi ts pode in st in ode fo trace what nds fale ‘countering hertage lass and the other visors eve, An example rm outside this vlume of the cretion of more ately ‘Manes everk sulla Heniqus wodk on dance halls (2010), whieh {aplres eat he erm hythmie mae and pont eguene, lance and tne ste element of bration that move bodes In chapters, rede: Bling also examines the dance Noor ae pace nginered to co-canstt «dese to ener plesurable sca wordt ‘ceasing onthe wi of aohol and rags to incese/decresse Boe ‘spaces toafectandbeafetedAsignieantmethodalogal tendency 'Stolok ino patonaerestione been resercher and informants, hich I explored in recent developments within soteetinegaphy (Banden, 2012 ary 2010, ns reworking of ethnography, the al 5 opposed to the goa ofthe experiment st expand the ld of Invention to encove former hen or noiedsectve ates rte Ts hoe ot Cr ae Inman: fete Mees 9 soc stun under investigation na ‘Walkie 210 eae id payee eS at ‘ou, beglaeanointoteecrasaenbaton ey, lings ape #on hd os to the body inlet. WXEOT MRE Eye ted eral voupT MVEA experiments, rerked Sele fecinigues and new teu wl be Inoduee lowing our cs ‘Sonof the tid major methodologies challenge. Challenge i: tracing aft empirically a = Concepts thatallonthetemocertosppoich inca insythorse | “ny peda a Bs ster could be nh alec, des SSHNOSManeparinaeeamants yas | becca mayan ener erm ee ane Le Wo tba ch, cen wecinietanticiec sierra wate feta ened parr anny Sarat “tugs a SH Be tee SE ts a oT gecaninisvitrecaty | onde ete ana areca Sinhnducs tectencupecieas Ft nerf oman net. tech tcc atest eentcrcacme | * elrunadaecesetetees erate sameeren lxsenot, | Seemmebalbe amine sling x any, se nen ctasont sacaty ines | Meter tl pes SOARS Spate Ms ees nr see olan a Sinikdilatcg ec dey ae eae ee el aif a Seay imag Res Scag? sa sbeSoccaes fran nc hh er cst eee fee “ TLS Keer gegen | 5 Same nie mnt tro men ‘eed another sategy that describes te tects of afectire oes sy lion to specie pce an ‘tse teat cana aase: | eae chorseteaing fe, we wil argue that cen anal concepts “Tes ans sates 6o of couse, sole al of our metodo Tope prbtems Bu we woul age tht they provide an academe and (pounded way to ener convesnton about haw to wac fle, and Torn agg Note 1. Tipton pel Sasa hs es np an Se bee nego ales any Te cg et gly conceptual by Char Danna 82 hare For aes _Eenion a eats a omens apes snes a ape shor changesTERN 5 100) inrpoont ne a ‘om Pcs on Deven egy New i bk ‘ig 5c hm ‘Thar wd Genpeply, Fa: Agate epee ace aC arene mescnme SEE semen tama fm mat eins tame ta ert a ate warren SS ca ae, SS tec ar geeeeennin He se cgi He ay Cambridge: Camridge University Pres. me ter eee NSS ewe coma e See aey eens TS TE ce ts Seg a: a ae a ane wore hyn and Hope’. fume for Calta Research, 444), 387-373. * Saar ray raat RS seg eases ae cs tli: ein ioe Ott Wie Ur ‘Maryn Exe Spc Ean Pon: yal Spe 1S ont ain er Soci, 16, 193-221. “ eon: Aft Mets 21 ang tbe Cons. ay Se es Cone, isn Sas te Aa Sport) O10) The Af Ter Rae. Duh: 1.2010 Pendle and Meday Afr 91, New Yr: Page “dy 80'S Krohn Queen Fenlain 308 ‘Doneyect tal spect. Fnn Ser 13-599 ioe iy he We lt eProp on NL tetany Aes a ete ‘ecagony, im Colern, Re sod) Tinos, J. (esd Dsense i Resevch eer aah iba ite ree Baaa'h ita age Gorn Cotas Roache weg of Speen Say 3 TERY alle Kon, Morya 4 18-36 fa i ps tp ks Bly ay can ange 0012) Tong a Sky Alcs Egor Ts sca tn thao ai G3) Nk nd ae Cor Dat: nana ara of es) 07) ia Rie De Langage Pet Sa ncn 01) sun iecne Fast f Dial Clues ‘stu, Aad asp fe) Dal Ca Pa ‘Ei Ne Yn: agave. ee olan i ha pn ncn pan Unc) 00 A Maa. No Yo Route Pha) Te amd Sa of Pa an No Yo: Pot lays BUI) Te Tanto Alt ACtgue Cela 37 43-472 {lines 201) es inSain, hy Clea, ‘sd Rg, ) i) Dd od Beco utah eng neat re ays wierd SGD) te Made Th Rapa of he Se Todo toate. ict A GOI lesteion or Woda? Cosing a Ary Race ‘aweRowtt incon R's nge ea brant eh Menage tbr: tre Uren es to) Te ss ae Ft Dura Due Unive es Ne Toe ape ning ry nd and Ns) Te Medea oft Sa New Hoste at B08 Polo et teen fe, ain, Da ‘ite ate Ps es 200) 0fMopeton nd Maal e128 ‘nig 0.19) Ti ota Lo ton Dua: Dae nes) into 00 The Sr of ack Oxo er ‘nt 5 00 Dong Soy Eurand Se ‘ti ot et fcc Soa an Som Sa iandon Dame stnaeot Fes ‘ety S01} Sse ea a cock: Exploring the Hl ia Der, emo Spar nce 5 85.9 ln 28) Se The Ne ao Rwlatin, Cama Spgy G01) Te Me Aste of fe. aS Tle Co sie fa on ua, 0, saa 19 he Sine Cow 4 Contant Ov ‘Sater nv roné Pehla eas ae ‘Detain nla of ctl They, 211-238 seg abn pectin th eject de spade 6101 Te Panne Cov Inch a ‘Cora So inf Cepia Uae ‘iA Om) Ro pest! wr Lndo Rd cane, O01) ‘Conmonal tages ond Al. An x “toum fa rine Comma Bt Se 1651-1 ‘wth NEGO Aton Ene Lande 9 Affect, Provocation, and Far Right Rhetoric hse Karan Introduction: reading for affect om the Fa Right Many of thos woskng wit oralong wth the so-called sete tun Inthehumuniesdoso following the Deleacan (¢ 1997 untested ule as fore or knd of ces tobe ough spate from poe ‘of silcaon or aacursiveconstnton, indeed, a something ‘ha fundamenaly stubs or chabenger the stably of ach structures meaning. As such, Brn Mass and Steven Shavro both euphsiae {e dsuncion beween allt and emotion, by ttn tat, whereas fotos are meaning snd diferente niger of fet that emesiated 2nd segregnted by the symbole stem (Mes, 2002, 2) afc el ‘pimary, aonconicous,asbjcive or pron eve, ging. unqualified snd eve" har, 200363) 8 fees onthe afecsivedmeron of polis can thersore be pt ofthe Mp to understand the nonsense, body, atonal cna see ‘enseouy dinesion of coatemporsry policy. Thief & denson ich fen escapes heaves nd methodol focued on exaing ees mang sme’ However, developing methodologes for this ena 2 potential sens alec undestood sat which excpe dicunive dome ‘tation then how can itbeanaljedaisdmenson op sages = for epemony, when te ater ssi anceps athe inston fons of consol ivelvngdacrsive lone (4. adeson, 201, pp. 162-169)? Or ptm teams of methodology, alt eat ods with plying practices and cannot etal ep icv. then where nd ow ean ene rea for alec = al Ie ofcourse, te tha, fen the increasing dominance of sale, the bodes te ee Sy he aes politicians become ule on which he presence ahd 284 cor Rae Afi Pct, a Fr ge Rite ¥85 tension of ates ight be ced ti 201 200, Ande J erin amet thi he sol amatc the wider ese ‘Samp inthe for of oes plc te 200 Howes he ‘tig the cringe enn he may a ft forexpesng the ven In stat ean tht mach tine Sed ene inthe et he pies “pec Is spent being shocked, provoke, or angered by wht sem vey eacesive statements and propos, What might be ale ‘rovocative polio the Far igh hrelre ees Bo place which to tart thinking abou allie methodlope, 2 sounding bos for desing the mahal qetions ein for aft n generating he eve mei have 3 tly sd sence on vans rt fern Langa ns "DP acm in he mort fo Da git ome, oat the acs nthe Dash pres tat sed alle commentary ithe prod between ang’ comme ning sd the even fh paterty many on ne “Te cand hat event eneoped Lanbal was ake a no Iment made by Las Heder ctrman of there ras Say otnng Ov hat neither te conten Nor te povocesye ‘sociation al tan naa inerenn Dee 20, angle statement col hat come a3 damental supe 2 one poi sated thst ‘hey (Musins ape tr own hes ey ithe Danish poli pa, my pol cell ot unde youth thal he ime gts ini fans pe ay he problema content oy pont sista oem ace orcousisor the her Heder, 20 Hefei ef st thstateren ands teat loo hat be ‘tied (Sandman Nae 250 Quis Andere, 500; Dany nthe aowing dcasion of we might ead ah et ft 2000 ut the media td In act ong ove onto ee ae oe col, or a lnveration of how atc inp Langa slnosta month ter-ausny ce teed overt ples ote Fr igh, eel lates much mie Alene Ina shot commentary in» major Danish evpape t of salement sina ott content, bt = perhaps more January 201, Langa wrote “Of couse Heda Sad aon yi nd me pat eh wen og ‘8 tht thee are Musi ats n Dena whe pe te eto for alle, ste se’ = even ore 3 han the hes the ut ofthe mater ers tobe ta they ln theme et eonent tat of aE aa es Dea Bobet “They rape thelr oven children’: Racism and Provocation, the Far Right in Denmark ‘alin thee daughters the sailed honour hing) an trea E i the comps, because i the fas jet thai daughters beng eped by thet ances tanh 2 he sty ste eourtculstion ofthe plane of afc snd thst of ary et Langbales poi ofe (MP and ledng ent ation then tla corpus of statements chosen ‘what owed was somethings medi por, Which mea hata othe wha they ign. 1 not acon fone. ‘ange of major Danish potas rise Yo coment ad poston the despet the neonatal antisume douse setvesinreaton to his statements (e Aagead 2010) ned Ly ‘as repore or racist te pech stds aot in promot ee ally sevoled hs pariamenary immunity so tate coud be fy ‘charged (shoy apd Quist, 2010) ez outrageous nad prover has statement could not have frdamentlly serie anos od! someting ike hs uered by Langhale, Nobody wes naa Lange epresens what might be called the ng ot he a gh and that he sa sh, de exponent ofthe ew that as an nly dangerous, vielen, and perverse ideology’ The pubic ant fellow MPs weet ths ene srendy far not ony th but aio with the provoeive, ten ly exer ot hyper In which they wee delivered. Indeed, this kind of sttenon ps or dees trosing ofthe line seen almost o betel {ngballen he OP “Aditely hiss inted ase an serves ess asthe founding full analy ofthe aleve dimension of DFP pales sod hr lyf nypesbaichaenge of which wl argue, Langbsles excelent -althugh eainly not unique - ample therfore aeesny to dre wht exc defines sy of ens and how ths yes connected to the lnaling of te Inlay however we eed bre len oferta the mi. ‘swumptions, and methods o eadng fra ee tone tina more sally dicouse analy esearch agen jth true’ Hteralty and neonationalist wit suement bapproached san anicubtionindscouse-asa syn ct ineret to wider deli matix-then hea nda ape horzon of mani in hi his in which in het (oucat 1972). The statements — 18 Chit ars A, Pct Fr ph Roe 19 fh of molestation ane wolnce In Matin ames ts composition | sn native progresion ste nt simply that of stalghfonrard gu | Sen inead i construct a eontaicoy supe for Ks veder 0 enying the aia of Hedegurd statement: CO! couse Heaps ‘hou not ave sid thi there are Malin father In Denman who peter daughters), only 1 counter it with an aparently even nore ‘tial one ots own (wher the uth ofthe mater ses o be tht hyn ehemseves to ling thir sghters and tm 8 lad ye © otha daughters being oped by ther uncer. nat it nha 0 f scognie this Kind of compostion unless we ef to 8050 he ‘eng up of punchline ~ an attempt at bing humors. Of eouse, iso sly spain joka concept har comet be ude. ood ody: rather an example of tht more dates conexbound tc, the Bor ath a fat efor a of nee 0 Spmand Freud in is theory on foes (i 2005, pp 49-180) In 3 one sense, such an excesive, hyperbole nf but ao stangely tear fommlation mig be characterized asanatempt tating ty careatue ofthe Min Other Indeed Langalecmtinuotly ‘Hemptd to da pales beeen statement andthe Mofammed {arco Langble 2010) and be mpc sere Yo acl hats watement had indeed been cated or umooue elect, whe Etat corcose that was pap bad tre oe ty about ch A ers subject (Lange, 20100). Ass atempt at, tis snot cual the covert impor ofan lca steetypes rey, there a hyperbole exe n engating the stereotype tthe wey suc of ihe tx Ii ot sll the ene nserting ot the qs "there that ends the staterent gas the accotion of ly, bt the nt that is at actully formulated 35» Mera rth ci tl for tt (specially gen the gravity ofthe fue ti to ancoas oopayul Potente for humor elfe. But ths 351 wl argue Below es I no ls ress and no ss ive gle the coneary~ because a lady inlsted might be Gacty in 3 sateen’ (humorous or hyperbole) stance rom any of chim othe tel th of Ws content, tat a alec aves Potaan te mos cleat sgraled and trannies, analysed would bea way of glaing aces tothe deeper nye ah ‘ean Bound hes agus the sedcon of dcoee take to be ain tot fective dimension = as thing todo wih trth orth te proceso ierpetation ough which deeper i Tayersae excavated torevel heel meaning ofthe ane se auton sabout the shar andsppesenc’ of sigs ais sue Isthisthatefles ening andi ade wiles course mesa bis never edo anyone (Budell, 1950, p50. e Tred the proactive qoatyofLanghalleantemen ot el tole othe nennaionaise "wat expresses Fy, beau th trl owe a Langbales conviction. an, second, bce be in fac ~ ave fasiusly argued both in the public debte ands taken his preston nt toe gly of ony unto tact Deaton by wing ony tht "here Mush ren whe rape and eres of thei fomy. Theis ofcourse a formulation which Iiraly~ nee only one instance o these Kinds of eimes ob sleeve (Langaile 20100, ‘What i inteting and what wbinutely gives Langbal’ Iaion Ie provocative fore 5 rather, 8 sje, whieh posto tea very specie way in lation fo any expresion of el Tnpoles formulation bot simpy a satementsbow the sp ASective investment, insincerity, and playful statements in of atin tht would bof nee n the sont of ending Her Wate empieg ese arene TNE FONT semen, bt ‘nro not stan abel se ental 190 csr brat Ae, ction ad righ Ric 194 {demented pone fo the oti, Tey ae 2 ions) off Communication tying. ater tne nd of sateen he “Mterliy ofthe contents atlyapatent and sted eee speaker and eee nde, what chats sich statements Seligman et (206) tm Tanda sn bls Ine se 8 Such ding bythe over sigalingWouth frm ‘or content) that, aot only is what aeusted ot Maly bleed the speaker bo ether st ied to be received 33 spe ‘ment of eral tt by the tent Ae wont ingle ton analysis has demonstrated, hyperbole and ny a fof such nteation (Cano Mors, 2009; McCarty and Cate, 20 frploing hypetole, mot only dot the spel often oven this shit say from 3 tel sper Gi Intonation or om Iti aknowedged bythe inteocutr(y auger or by antveing squall hyperotc eapons) (MeCarhy and Cre 2008, 9p. 10-1 For this kd of intercon to be succes, th tanto ay ne coments nfomed by can duce sina This ie fas bemade cer og Gregory ates ton of ay C972, rio) ass spec in of mtacramsnicae aming. Baton, we hopaton tom anil cnc, pnts ot tht the oy a young moneysin it eras complex double sore of Ton Beds ie innedae commun fhe ter ochanges malig op the Pay, he whole exchange 3 ach and undersiond a ch yal pps bythe geet shiv ply 08 combat tron, 1972p. 179) Acorn 0 on te mcacomnsiaton othe re pays that he cons sot denote wat woul be denote by those ans which tho denote’ (eateson, 197 p80 Astears he young monkeys gang. is teas in mre concrete terms thatthe pay PS ile bu des nt date what woud be denoted bythe {fe toa) Chey, he pont erent sgl that hee’ ar the te productsofeerentscouses, because ls the uta he foumer denotes the Ite, bt doesnot ge the ean bie (combat. Clea i would bea reduction to understand his ough the np sec fom ofthe bt, that that he nip edged to ead socal tector or os Asia dsl sn ass foes, this wold lead to a nerve agen of ng tre ate truth ofthe ap ad ranting back ato as he tebe) rend, 190) Rather tan the'shor fonnbnes at and human sigs acts troup rial kogery at ames patipants und sepprtes ad Ise people monde, pre ‘rte, impitone, torture, or eile. The prpants inthe We ‘any Ares Itenationsl poster saying lone, gt yout {ae and stand ogee oman sighs Ts indocer aad one Formation the netorrk on cresenational level This ab comes eigen ia the ates dled these’ comment. ‘Wheres the ration beter rss Mint ose Se ad he wre dominate by roptures, the elton between Gago fr edo so ‘he users predominanystks to two bec reedom andar Deptt ths tertortion afc ae stp trsafomatiene othe ty Inthe commen ow te YouTube wr undergors tis transormston In the sh rom rom happiness o sadness, oppy musi.that makes oe ery 2 Yes End Rpresion re Expreson'(hwolses) Fa wt Ne 217 Ihe teltion between Gana fr Fresbm andthe sets we see how the ideo notion o'r and freedom i repeated. The sci thas ‘merges tcough reption ced ont between diferent nodes, The ‘dco provides am afte Space thst abe imitate and expanded by the wer Use olen demond thatthe network te expanded trough ‘he Incision of more people on tel, and they tremor the ne Work into a space for elebaton an forthe moung of eects eevee retom fighters eas inluethefeowing Iranian the it of those who have been ‘erred and murdeted ut for expressing the ee fo fear. SKTTARSEFESHT? ‘He wasone of thats people who was sere tataredand ude bythe alsin an or etn the oppression nis los, Below is ak tot log ater wich he was picked up by the secre pale fedomesengercomachive52908 ‘A his funeral his mother was beaten for expressing her re (Garant) 1s Grass Mad Hone Spe sn Gang fr Freon show, objects are Continuously cicloted in the net and each node appear o be erential ated ye pried oe rare co, However te elton ‘wen the ono videos als sows tht the depee of eprsentation ‘changes the exited atect. nthe eae of Ganga for Peto, te ‘ste of representation f high sd tere a istttanal es othe at word ato Amnesty iteration Tes tuto lnk peat "otinit the celaon in two way. Ft, Gang for Freon ess ‘harabie bests the nstiaons get 3 pole content tat people ‘mst Meni with an vouh for when they share Secondly. the Geree ‘representation andthe tons ntl tht the sting eles re laces Boses are sil verted an bjt il cease Bu the ate (inary cued and attached o"redon’ Thun, by neing Ganga fr Pao the network tecomes =a lest unis new node meen. ‘eral andoente, trough he repetition, ows the obec Reassembling the affective network, focusing on ‘shits of atenton' and the diferent attunement in th ‘When focusing on the wer comment a Detrogaeaus et f noe emerge These nade invent the allt a tec aden the e-wak Sd result n tansformations ofthe network. Grass Md Has Se becomes attached tothe transionation of the various noe Coal reponse Afecan, Uh comet, be enti athe ways a wih the were sh the ointton ofthe network eer by inating tt oven bodies or new objets in Ue net woo Some wer ect refer to thet om bol capac elton to the netverk and indents» transformation ange too at seme, pil need oc A Web this me meso annoyed became angry. John Bradley) ely wan eek balls (ozo?) As these user commens show, the users experience ‘a ht of ate ‘on’ and they go though tansfonstons in thet reéation with tbe ‘networks they Brome gy cola ature SM he HP NTE. Se or lt Teetgs ad st new ob fto the net rk. Tha ate nar “ERY cied to These, but Ufa toward other bjt. Toe ‘objects of emotions ~ sich at hate = 200, p11 ‘Alle becomes creed toward new ‘objec such as homoseas sad Presiden ack Obsms 1 gues this was meant tobe ny lh is js gy Qe Son 1 don [cate if your republan democrat socal or communi, ‘OBANUA Int ete soltion (Cael Nese) “These comments ow that the vatous nodes sometimes ake the ros unpeicalusbaue he thsrved ps. The usr below, for instance, dawson an vise, 4 confetbetween China and South Kore. The comment ave ‘atin dour bat ao draw on apared lnguage, ended ore stove of ines slave of panes, dave of american, imc sling thy dry lsat sled ngofunivese, Knog Tn ong plete roche a, tc eee AND ‘This RUBBISH Kaci srt THs MOTHERFUCKING MARE ALL ASANS UGLY VIDEOIN FUCK YOU KIMCHI STYLE GOOK WE [ARE NOT PUSY OR PSY! PUSY PSY « KIJONG IL GOOK ONLY! (easenuiy Inte sbove mentioned examples we se how the bodies undergo ta ‘Sons and how they ae primed othe same ce the video. However, trea ee how some bodies ae Primed to sb cues ofthe pst inert objet ta it theoreti of te ewok Turthermore, seve wit lave thelr energies In A Wel He ‘comes the active band ofthe network. These wes wane he econ by acing ‘Object? sich a redom of expression’ andar? Ino te network Avene s won was den Sub apd Tudou sight hove ona fede of expression in China ECR AtE a EGLBMHT. Basa eA. Cane Mo) honesty find his art plece sloppy and not serous {efptechanne) ‘ren though some sus appt to have 2 slcky fect. the net ork that merges besneen Gr aH Spe od he wes pinay 3 tort allectve movement, whi upursemere and obs tebe, changed pd pice, ta the newer contin esp tented snd deefoliaed. These movements ar alle. te becruse the ses Induce tansformations eter by tnvestng thet feds erp in elton to Gras Mul Hors Sorby ataching frees to then Stickiness and institutions in Ganga for Freedom “hues Mad Hor Spe ne oe spray acllectve event Tinsel supe beau each body undergoes diferent a tions and bees he objects of emotions se continous repoced owever Gang fr Pei contin occa change thee ton The video i very ferent fom Grass Mu Hose Sie Anish poor tates Ai Mele but besides the ma, the fstge refering =a ees Sceientmnmred See ere eres Sete oe Se semen eee Senet a eeeeee, Saopeecsecars. Soames ae. Seo ‘he net the collect afte ise or eee “The esterblae of he hs Md Has Se et wor eels thats anintense media envionment In which multe nade se connected ‘The intensive network isa mediated center A medted center, according to Mek Coury, th cents fore of med envionment. Could doesnot leave oom forall the mediated ene He cams that allecive theory it aaltaly wel beau epee ‘hema ting media nation do (Cau, 213, ). Med dos in fc produce representtons, bon the Gas Ma Horse Se net ‘otk thee te mend with afin neste and let contributes tothe process of oenation tough which the network becomes & {ensue the atone been diferent odes. “fe tesembling of the net ork portant Decase allows sto asta he poltcal eters of he aleve ter. The cena fac ofthe netmor eae an intense entonent In Wich Yarious ‘tons between nodes enbance the collective even and transorm the ter inte ce fe Gs Ma Ho Spe network, hs aleve Cahanceent sca base the video arly sigs dissent (ands, 2011). ot trough the restons to eter nodes the nevouks lic pote augmented and anstonme. Whe the Chinese nso remove the seo, her node emerge and WS THe ea ty of nose eter apd fenders 12 ‘HATE of pola sitar. As we ve ser, ssh We TRCN Tse te vo noe, Ger Mal Hae Span Ganga for Pano, tha the ‘bjes art and fede become opened and sicko the nt otk in the cee of Gana fo Fred, te hgh cegee of represen {ion and lets! aflatlons arent the exhibited afc to the {Sstablling the netovort, whic creasingly interpreted sa mater ‘Start and faman gts However, interestingly enough the tenses ton does ot excuse lea io agement. Te network constuted bp aeretalatunement in whic ferent obec ae atached ond ieentemaons inde AS such, tenet work paradox emerges i team intend ste of dagrecment ands cena ce that Sigal Notes Ma He pcan en an Yas poco 2 Aue amour fr igen poets ach a Sag atonal {fam sd faa nwa eine wee eo Damen 12 Inka! ets niu fo byeoting te Oise Balt nay ‘Sop oy ws nde secoop Or apa 211A ee ane itr binos nonentes Uy Inman Hs Meng, We a2 ang ‘ied on eke 22201 Acetate wee edo iia 1 Geli Prd cn be fund 08 Yosibe: ge out oe ‘beanie esd Age, 207 220, Comte Rese 4 The eas ud hres sed A Wel aed i 2001 pte {ee Bas (Gs mod hone coven emi) ek es Ss. Nott chs in Chon fo eter 200 fo Mat S00, Se 4 i i it re tthe ie ‘Gia ech Anas c'A Waele Oe 4, Therensning 9 say ae spleen ene eed ‘elon Cangnam Sie 2 Ts cid Mand tat amore a) ‘Sinker sadn part epitope i ntmon, mening, mst td et" ec they mans: fr: ter pat tink iel eon ‘resubece wea tes name a ate ug so, Wea Aled sg th atncon beter enon od santon (Ghent anand 20, Moras here Bt Himtaie ved fants wich dese rcmpesy ost in onlyexpee! as 20 p10, References met. 20) The coat risotto Uety antes fone € vine an Deaton 2) OF ‘Sed Geophys Fama ropapy 21, 171-1, se Bn) Wo i iy Ths. De sn Ea Pepin He i sof cit Eman: xd io vlUsety ad 5. ins ray ant ae te hanont ite, igs hnome tana 3 oe anor Ace iy 15,2013, ‘conn N01 sin Sy, Nl Ty aa Met ae ‘horn Nolen: Ono Unvestye Deana M2009) Hoe Fp of Ses Ase They a Soca ‘oop: anon an Re Cott ‘an P97) Dene Yo Cats Une esr 196) The eof te Cao The MIE re. ‘Gor 800 A Poe Catt ST ‘ry, 0980) Shute orig Te cence Quin a Fein ‘tn tegot PP Fone as th 67-9 in ih rh Bw, enc Rio Dt ‘sp AOU Cf edt nd etn. Card and an: iy. 1a La 7 het a ny Cai nd Sn une" Afr etd” Mee Sc Se Reich, Nee Yr larch Oi) Them o Alt. ACs tal iy 3784-72 iit rset Boman anes sul, 2. 200 copotis: eorng Bees. ows & ‘nual fr Rona, hie eninenaeaune 3 ese smu sions ebm ree 1 Jay 2010 tye 001} Can he beater ontempay a De, 2. cer 1 Dn. Pal Aton Be “rn Contemp hott drt om tr xe! ts a) se Eba borvosieonscone soa SETS. ees ‘thr Me) A a ao A New cl See Ue on ings Lopes, ew Deh gape Wstngon De age i) he a Se sr Ame 11 Writing as Method: Attunement, Resonance, and Rhythm Ana Gibbs Introduction “We do not lack communzatin- the contrary, we have 0 ach oft. We lack creation, We lack esance tothe pent, wees ile, Delewe(1994 p 100), Ths isn aston that rutcounterto mnt sdscouss abou acadeie we yo wl rue ere tht weitinge ‘eal orm of esistance to inxporant spect ofthe pte, incding the injunction to communicate in ways coed ty the academy ‘Mato aim to show fers not ony the proceso ach but abe tote procs of mag hal aching ng, that des not come afterward a 3wrting UP of whats prey been clicovere, but actualy cotinvou ith Hand i ge pt produces i. Writing in the Humanities, and icressngly in he Socal Sciences doe not comprise an aterellect of resach but forms is ey fae. Wing snot a tranoparent med, nor some hat oer ‘rmehow ofthe eet simple ostcome’ol esac hat lays hes reer, te achive, inthe Bld othe fae soup, o te "Wed, ut ode of ingly in is own ght Thinking about he es ‘twang a sear nthe ne 1980 dey 90 Atlan tee "ss used the ttm tacit dese yo iting for whch thete sno blueprint and which ast be eonsonty Invented aac a the face o he singular probes that sic inthe cou of engagement it whats researched (Gibbs, 208). On the one hands hag by Feri tors sa attempt to snp the poten votes of son natn, ete ne het pl he tn the aniversal view they in fat spsent (bby. 2008), On the ‘othe it was thought in retin to 8 mode of wring nvaing tnd ‘ot empirical serch and election - whether tn eiogepy, eal Wg Meta Aan, Ramune Rye 223 neni, nterpreting ad eporing on he ose a eter Asst, isa mode of wing compesing what Michel de Ceteau has teed “serology, and whith he defines a5 scence ofthe diferent that siempre the vole’ (Cxen, 1984). Whe heterlgies oe seocaes er apres te vec othe oli, wrteing ies ie, Srvefecive and untoed aod therore in ned of ea teres ‘Sn and wasn, what characters Heese! wok mthisdomaln {sts teers ofthis proces, ts attempt fo allow the vole of the eee toleterrogate bt the recanceplons ofthe rsearher and the vee ‘hor ast awa ato reva he purl ad spay of he Taser ater han te newly ad objet (rat east he geri _ bag once calmed fort In prac this necestates engaging with fect both the earcher ‘own sects and thos of oes whom she engages er esearch, theconcomitant opening up a theta! made soda wh (the Iya te eee te hao the huovous, the pad the Ie aso on), ch enable the aging of plone engagements with esearch questions an research subject and whieh emphasise the pris mich a the seo of ets ap writing (DDS, 2005) For wo hk abot writing as pe and pve of reich meth _Stology 10 acknowledge te ievtabe implication ofthe sare Ina ireetehed. tng alan alleen pacers riven by Inert and dea, subet to tation and sry wel 3 prod: theo! oyandexcement Mereve, certain ls of esearch peiabl Involve englng with the afiet of oes, lds n which on ight te contonted withthe sets asotted with aims osy an pos ‘enced, The eserche cannot emai uated by iy and ined Tein llecied isan important and even esenal Source of knowledge — ‘xperentlknowledge- about the efectsandte mening taumatic I since Miche Focal, wea wd o describing methodology 2 ‘ool, allot theory hae aver opened simpy one moe fel theta. but rather ogres uo rethink wht it we do whe We se ty of out tool I emphases the mltniy of empl cesar, ‘special with buman sbjets and duets our atenton ote ees fn the plies ofthe Incorporation of he voles of thoe subj tu ting (Cetus, 1988 I bth and ot testi, nec Sirus the estarcher to Gal with the unexpected the diel the contingent and to be able to lnprvse i he fce of test 226 Aa its things: egies uo beset ou poston, and tobe capable of selection, to havea degree of tan fom our sings ote ble toappreiend apd reflect on wha psychoaalyetrall tanserence And counteranseenc) This means eating an sates foot ‘wn Imbsation snd mplton Inthe ear eserching, The lve, ieee emtoed and affective experience he revncer ‘rain tis proces Negation wth hi field aad tho who nai Itmustbean ongoing proces, ove hat thre wh at researc ‘an be given ling vice snd concomitant ageney, eat become ‘each colbert, enabled and in some may empowered bythe proces rather than spoken abst spon fox ad tery demon ‘ed: Wing the, cannot be 2 mthodologial ol in any se Sensei rather a proces ipicty dopa in conser wth ‘he wei wth other wring, delle we ot lth ey ‘means of precdare a trning an ering tat caret Tah aleve methods. ‘What isan archaeology of affect? ‘The acology of affect a Line Hee would be an achae logy ofthe presenta the model of Focal es ofa esory of ‘he prsent, which forounds not only the “elinship betwee ‘he ngurers present withthe past which be fl examining’ ah 1961) but asd wath the way the Inqies pst re her pe tnd the way her abject’ pete Inet presents Ther the epi ciel element tach 2 project though nok nec a the sense ofthe etigque Uta portent san of ete eet ‘oncoming into bing inthe wake af Dsleuse and Fx Gant and Bro Latour ie to move yond Latur images cit in ths Ses san engine running ot of sea: 2 seam engine rs slong ap track toa known destination, where the mytiication of appenrae ‘leased or unmasked to revel thereat ofthe won What Svein the ec element hee rather ahs the orm of» capac {or selection, whch the proceso etch both necsstats ad eeounges Peps might al take the for fa "tise et ‘countememery that attempt etch he present om sty 8 containing a defining Lent that Kean be moved beyond and Somettng ther can be vente, This an ene hain ag Tat ofthe present, anstes the taken for granted sd sage ‘hat things could her, leaving the fate open ths ey ope ‘es mplyng someting pose to imagine in aan) aes tng aM tmnt, Rn an Ron 225 ancl wo subi spas (oth, 186) the att of esa ton that Latour ens ‘composition’ demands a dill set of tal, facing repaie asemblage an rssemblgs, sch together, 3 ‘ino briolage or experimental inkring that makes neconnetions and new machines thet right donee things or do things diferenty (Latour 2010p 475) Here rsearch apps a a experiment 2 ‘rodctve foqng of connections tone ny aera he sly Kat deming of machine in ode to show how i work, 2 this in te were slice te being about deszable change. Although Us sometimes peseedasadcl pore eth fect theory, seh ‘tn approsch doesnot need to be thought In opposon to ffs, the mahd of corpora atunerent tfc rythos tat cs, telow might potently give se toa bin of weg that sms to crete sd maerater han spy cli. Affective attunement: fhythm, resonance, and waiting ‘ne example ofa realy compositonlit methodol eentation ‘Kathleen tears cariography ofthe ‘ordinary affects composing the bree of «parte place (he US) and cagnoted Inher book By {hat ie Hee se demoosites how these fle (he peelings that bein and end in nad cculton, but (ich are lo the sta ‘hat seringly Intimate les ate made of (Stewart, 2007, p 2) spread tn econ pete. The term fet contaion’ seem oo simple to ‘cite the comple inwhicheveryay (athe tamenornay) lect travels subjecting isl to process of erptlization, acceler te, extension In tine, expansion in space ballooning, intnsics ton (eping). What Stew seems actly to do although without ating tin these em) in he deeply contempt, gh dese tie ethnographic iting i o eet te des of sonagon (whe onuains mplations of unidecionalty, speed and untafornes ‘peed and eonsttes only one orm of aetvecommunkation aad "snsmison into an understanding of the way In whch fects inthe _ vey ate ‘cotoured by mt Dae tern ters Yom Fy “Giem, 2010), wc give cos Sn ows for fs We Stews 207.2 a "Fos of val are patems of expresve movement or gst. Anat are compose of movement, ime fre space and detonalty intent or tendency (2010, pp. 6-8), Bt ae lear ramped sa eho ‘hae forms ‘ary 2 content slong with then’ providing wth 2 “temporal ad intent contour 2010, p23) He ges as eamples of a RRS ES SSA ERE these forms the fore sped, and lwo ase the timing and tes ofa spoken phase or even wort the may one reks ints Shits fight of 2 gaze (Stern, 2010.6. Although there example Allivotve human movement, frm of vial a Stem conceives them Setuliy ocr everywhere ie, he sing tajetory ofthe gh ‘tin or even the sweosh of small wave ating onshore. ft the appeeheasion af these forms of italy canbe undesoed 88 Had of mimetic communist (lb, 2010) between the han 2d the ‘onhiman word form of communication cling the anim Worl before te advent of alphabet weiing weld ‘ot auouph wits magetive sas and acs, fom the sous Caligzapy of vers winding srs the lan ining aeoye at ‘anyon ino the pachedearhafthedeet tothe ess borne by tighning into the nk of anol em. The swooping flght of Die kno erie serpt water onthe wis sep that was sued bythe ancient ‘sug ho could ed etn ee fours ofthe future (Abrams, 1996) "wil eu to dhe felaonsip between this mode of apprehension a se worse wok owing a he if wh flow, 3 he mameat want sugges thot Stewat’ work loco sone thing ike Ste’ Yor a tality’ a aes of aectve content He ‘pulang? may be experienced asa peasureanda hoc, asan empty pause ody ing undertow sa sensibty that snap nto pace oa poound Sisorentton. They ean be fnay,perurng or taumate Ried notin fixed eoadiuons of posit Buti the sta neo poten: tal tha a someting coming together cll fo mind snd ee ‘motion they can be sen bot the pressure points of evens ot ‘he baal steed and the tastes that force gt tet ‘hey were ogo unchecked. An to faymnand Wilba'suctns of eing, the ae sotlexperenes in soltion they ‘So nt have ‘o anal einuon, csieaton, oatnakzation before dey ee Palpable pecans” 2007, pp 2-3) |S ths description sugges, sich publ fling i in constant tin Subject to contagent changes of nterty nd recon, This males Ie hard to grasp and sl more fet 0 fx and ently. The gue ton then becomes ow to apprehend ad aust Treg th Wi th Arman, es, yn 227 evelopment ofa methodological pati of alte atunement and ‘soance anda wating lds an analogue foritand creates polessof Toes of ving, whore ‘bjs ae textures 3 yeh, atone, Dut which star a best the very modes of atupement aac Inet and composion that t produces Sear 201) There isa ind ‘ent expat workin sua proces nd whl ts an aspect Sf matod tat can (and mis) be eid tough the developmen of Src, wl anys be corer rid unsnenbi othe stand tla ofthe et sence thi tot pout orm. Wing isnewtabya proces in which subjectivity eoaaually ks sel, ins Ie oes tl, and ras hel ns lg eons wh he wos to whic it attunes. aleve attunements he tas of ‘ring the second esoteric achieved when wet ds “the parcar frm adequate to what It descr, Tepe we can begin to gett fing for such resonance ta the ‘ating pussge one werk of piloepber Alphonso Lng, when rey purposive movement, when tates noses sight fs tee ‘logy Sed continues a proc with soe thatthe fore ‘ofthe wl unetung and launching once again and then ence ‘Sei ntead itcontinaes 3 fore finer itn The carpet. ‘Simbu the root onal shingles alos once sid Is ese {he aleged objective aod the shyt dum dum DUM da ‘dumt-DUM coninves he movements (ing, 1996, p. 197) hough we can ese ection af cin Deny a economy ‘dino te ban ody Spt opin th hyn ta wend to tn of ss own ean, anther epi ths dy i tone Slaent inform fay and pene tne an rated by thing of sagan ttl by the ol, the meh and sap fhe omar the ni hc shingle, ad the sound they alee es ‘hyn tha esa temporary formate ers men {he tgehr salons ts sto in whe Ling ‘Saung wing thst sonst wih imulncoy Sting and ming cca yt lg wing ‘Avis pont we might rc something ofthe history of weg. cde to apprehend te sani n whi AoW nds se 1 0, dete precarious n= wor tt scams to be ling. eT toward the sgoritum,imugurting a dffeent mode of elsonsip wth he wold and pets arguably ace o some spt of onli ‘orto the tendon of alphabetic wing orl ures factated the ‘eas of kaowledge cultural memory wih ugh stoctred ‘Somplex mnemonics making memory operat nthe exten paras feltionship between Sry and pace. Ths means tht pees ae ot ‘pave sting bet animate enonment nd place name afes 2 “Get senso bond between penons and porta pce Ab, 1986p 158) Ti Mare Jus, along overonked theo of, ‘an understand wring se ofthe technologies ofan eget form Stabstaction hat etdes more det ‘concrete’ or mime fo of corporeal ot gestural reenactment and transmision ofthe Worl neg, theotang gesture (dtined very brody, and Include tive reponsvenes) the bose resonance withthe nes othe wold bectiverexistatin” of them rch engage ttn (1925, p. 19. Cognition, and by extension, intellect! Wat Tethen an sbiraction fom gestare (1925, p15). The developmen of nites ths process producing, oer ne, highly Mess led subject for tterpeting tere sma, 1988), one ply ‘Mlcvly Ivete in reading 2 a apna experience. As Ma ‘Angels have aged (rang on the wrk of Waller Ongand Jack ‘Goody he tblty of print sw plato and the innit ffx fe the codex form both eal ecscaning ad the extension e Speech ‘beyond the body ofthe writer, reducing the fete an nme ae Sn wth 3 pachodynamicr of itenony. Here knowledge become ‘hacen athe pod of refleeton and ston, an tough Intemsofsbrortion and contemplation rather tha she pst of fone active reetonahip and Inteation with an exterior envsonmet ‘Angel and ibs, 201), From this pespective. the iting body “Yhease and real or reenact, ls active rats withthe wold i Share an terse or "Te oe of mac mdi introduces another ayer of complet no th plete, ieoducing new modes of consrpon of human ae, ‘bt forthe capture of ateniton In a pecess Mara Angel and tam “biomed (8). 3 eel element a ths proces. The Ine nineteenth and the enh entre, which aw both unpre (lente urbunzation snd ther of ate media (epee Som produce body of ought about rhythm that might Be etl in sch a project. Fom Gabi Tarde wing onthe net kids of publ crented by newspaper, to Hen! Ialenees work on every Fie inuding the replayed ni by the yt fle 36) Intrete ith ther kinds of yn, Hough about yan hasbeen Wage Mah At Reonct ony 229 1 lng pr provoke by the Intention f raw media. Lefer devel athe cle ae ‘Sins everyday ie’ crented by rnin, Ry ter the nei of he multiple hye ie by sing the boy “pit 008 ie “ol the sot Despite his ae ofthe fage ofthe metronome, owevee Lede empl does ot reduce hho ‘ent ores: ined the researcher mast forge sow thm id Mov his boy t pesve and cee a mul of other rythm ‘hat avs remain ndependet of exch other Leb, 200 ‘Wie ils thought Gelding Delezo-Guattaran forms of ee Berson ses of drationtoundetand ie te and fw Leber itodce = theory of moments that accords 9 place a Tas sould sem to ret purcalar pertinence ft contemporary world, In ehh tie fas become "tubule and longer onstioes ‘eatin Dow (Latour, 1993, p77). Slay. Viem ser became Increasingly sted othe way in erent bac ths (cic ar tho of the spermaret ad the enema ere symeonied = fd af now being overtaken by what heels ‘he toons ome (ase, 2013) yim uaveses nial dks inking ther) ata ens to the word, But the advent of wha (2013) cals the 247 somes “Yon os Fw is cchetsted to swe auseres slong rom pogm © pega throughout te ay and nt te righ, wtating the deste change antl nd erating ray or ion Yo snoath over reas and laterptions stat ever thse become route, representing mom cf ‘aot Come inf being without thee hinge. ‘cognitive cpitatism intense the conscpon 0 of ade (Huisman, 1998, p 142) As the eos ofthe digital and aflective capaci a by imped diaetcomping nk so beng ‘mans of what cigital media make poe ‘resem to be wine ion in feed the srimism of the oa Se , ieareyretereent wnyasaren aos cnc terms tmapetaed societies where the coving of fads rowing on ts ultra aod mates surrounds ba cesouee fla which to for neo Foreman, 205) sn wth | Pr ya a that oats pale ss, ego comments on te way te eatin of the taerialaon and expanse ot memory sod ep he conte four ‘asap. of noma inte fmcnctehloge ae Time pits we occa "ses work xpos hs cy ih pec scenes. ‘ne canter wing tisonting of spt chine, be wes These ‘pummel lien afar pam ‘Sanyo somata! ts a tg fir ame, 21 8 ty lak Te cd ip hema tg mols 0 Beg ced npn, eveba dng hn characte “mani as we kao mene aera) Bases eee aoe enc simply ae Ee eae sada Sarnpanrosoet seed tien etre 6fvualinton sv inant wos of cee reap a, ae ae cata ts eee ‘Se pean re cue et go ag eet ata ac ae pas a pte ‘seaftpeay mie stars oy ean aa SE Sow en aementenat ecleeraes oe ‘lay ontario na cacoeantcae ‘ea hat ue soe ng ater pang spp tt Secopinasnsnttaetcnre gee nd ann ‘Gna dg bea Dialects ‘Sreurimihtresinps pact geo oe Set pe | Tappa mgtslearcinpe’ comcast, Ebi owned ats iaqrtteees cepceneas Maange son clei Sabon tt De Utrera oe iat AR Det Saat eset atnenes sca nen web ‘We fear hatin he utr, ll messages, epecily model of percep ‘on ad expeence il be ken tn unstcalytht the infomati revolton could turn people Ino reeves who remix mesages ‘atl tht ito robot as, 2011.77) Writing to “situate us amongst tings” Diderot’ ineuculoay edited, fully avthorzed encyclopedia: they Took the sine, Dut the modes of engagement they suppor nd the forms of subjectivity they etal are actualy ery ferent (Dinmon, 2011), Waspeaa represents the evoitlon of llc on Whe ‘no individual vice can be extracted This sone ofthe mode har ‘ceising what Johanna Drucker 2011) has eae the Ved ofthe of individual vole’, whose eter main techniques of prodician ‘would be aggregation (arn the poral of Mya nde composed From the handprints of clr, or sytess (as he "We Fel Rae ‘webte, whlch die da rom sl ove the Internet to sete aps ‘ofthe changing moods of particular ples) The growing Importance ofthese forms linked tothe Incretsngly “exenive reading roe ‘Sse of envionment Hat produce both let inated eng experiences, and, consequently less Inceiusted interpretations sad 3 es palpable Senseo shared textsl experience mong» commuty Fee’ poemicl formulation probaly ovests the cs. Aer al ‘we naman bigs have alvays reengineered ou own payee, ec Fguing our own metal aeiectae swe have developed the cape {or storing mesoy externally (Donald, 1991, p 382 Sele, 2012), trot aotaby tough win. laser could alo envio 9 new kindof hums intligence _ ally enlightened consciousness no longer needs to be inteligent, {oe bout extasing meaning Ian concentrate on creative smal ‘aration, Ths tnslon fom the old ways of eading othe new {nvolves a leap from histor evatuative oll consciousness imo tonsoxsoes that ls cybernetic and ply hat confers reaing. Ths wl be the coscousess that read in the fate (aati p85) “This she station that leds Kenneth Goldsmith (2011) to see that woes have tow become esenally information miner sod ‘managers and fo argu for an "uncretve wring’ adres tht ew ‘Saston Wout entering herent the debater round what hs come tobecaled ‘once wet car hat while writers ad gt teats ave ben early rene in responding cally and eonstracively otis new station, snd the aby to code ad desgn Iebecoming an important frm of Mera mote general, What SK bovis tat the etal pure cn the wold teen sere yt Slot the gmap, and the daabose, which 10 y by machin father ths human ineligence Its sald that on Milton was the as ‘eon alive who id el every ook ther in pit. Now etter ‘hes so much tert aval hat tcan ony be rad by comptes Fluser seid is book to thee wo wate despte knowing hat ‘eats no sense’ (61). ths would seer to usher In ane eo ‘witing ast beat melancholy an ot morta nestle prac, Iwo Srqvethat thew tera ae anton tear Het Meschonni ‘ler ue compelingrestonsto contin to enagein wit sa ode ‘of resitance fo the preset While the emergence of allel theory = $ jor paradigm 19 the Humanities and Soa Sclences as seat 4 concerted rtgue ofthe dominance of Ung mel ad thee Inability edegutly fo adden conora fet and eects, is Wook providers way to rethink bah language as 9 corpoel mem Il ange welng a» methoology Boh fo altuning to and cet thm a (or ae, "the)“subjec-orm(r 2or of strc "en, # form of nian’ econ, 211 “tes Mana Angel aed Ihave aroed (2012) the animation 6 ‘agi povtry and texted ccs somatic memoses of Or ‘ment, ges, and ouch puttvely suppres or submated by yp ‘raphe ealtres of text, Meschonnics werk sbows the way he aces ‘poral actin an agency aeacated with oality doin st conunue to workin princtated mode of wring, mest paral in pot yt the key oti or Mescnonni eth epee 2 Gea tare om he theory ofthe ign ith Hs pling of signer an gn Fed and the production fe sees of ether antinoms fling em ths Rhythm for him he senile agoney a ray in weting ut diane nay, ean onanaton ofthe moverent Sec Inwing Qilchon 2005, Ye Merchonnie distinguishes the oa rom thsi kT al ter amas cvs eins Fovging 2 vital connection between chem. Abough deal ‘eet Annes, on Ron 289 the yal eens and tess the don of onpora sb th Is nding ots mach ofthe subject. but of betty nthe process ‘constricting an adress. Moreover, the reaorship between thm subject elo sobjetey produces shyt, bat ye ‘ntum ats on abject, Produced ou ofthe tension between sound ta sens, ryt penta agpect of wring seo o meaning bat {o wien we respond corporeal before we hare understood what Is ‘ning sid Rit in wating provides, pehaps, 2 war of atoning tothe form of vty thar slfuse te preset wth ong ently ‘sbsomed by them. Nowhere this proces more apparent than nthe weting of poet lenape this the mode of cour lest he ody xsi hn ‘ind that + body might be indivi or soc. sor or biog tal escboannc 198), in which the apprehension of the word has not yet been coptred bythe eodifed percepuons of representa: on Posty, defined al ha which invents within langue nee St being with one others and the wri, provides 8 made! of Continuous invention and novation nthe fe tha esc I9e) For Meshonne, however, poste angugecan tae no spect sty ven i advance, since to be defined terms of lation to blectvty concted as 2 proces of indviduton and invention, tad inti elton ts ery Here Iiterary works apy 8 ‘pec plc, prodeing words, whieh, Ut expat or reesing, ate, e-enctment, ole eades “ge subjective fms, wick et the same time conseying specie semantic powers and oftesing tae that they can oxcupy whepever they ead or se oF hea thet (ion, 203) By His mens terry works rode poet let "The terme of this nd of agert mats nda prt 2 ‘pc fon of sabe terry ets ans yt dynamic ‘Sectve orm (cho, 2005) The eof danse wii fors {also the fact that for Mesconnic and eee lows Benen) ‘yt fe ot ow no elt or essence ut her 9 mone ‘met that produces form witout sabe constency, ikea piece of Sothing thet canbe crompled,suetched,reatanged oe the bey an leptin perpetual motion about it yet remains recogiablem a garment aos these movements that change ts form, DMeschonnics theory of hth sould seem to demand» fom of ‘nominsrunenast wating puled closer perhaps. to poetry than Whe wadional mode of wrt i the oil sence eras the ‘ting pote of poets Ike Lym Henan, Lisa Rabeon oF 3 {ferent ven, Vanesa Pace or Critine Werte. ioe poste: ‘wang and ehinkng form recpocl gees, oF 2 Moebius stip ‘whlch thinking pls argue, seting ent ne fmt often lato, now pomde some of the mos power! example othe post ‘ies of such work, and equally npotany informe cso of en wing, Hotere, would be impose to specty prevents _ This hat refses to potion sel at safe pinto ritcaleistance, pretending the object and te 20/20 vit of hndsght hat enaies he for of ude characte ang workin the mode of etigue ‘Meschonnis tortion ofthe tansormative power of weing ‘ital since tenses uso conceive wing a oes ac) rr bond tt ar way of 2011, Ths might mean producing the Kindo work hat mig ees ‘he creation af new rbfetve forts onthe noel of those rode by ierary werk, but might lo mean the resto of em concep at time when te old oes ae blag ‘utr by the pci voces for understanding and eonsting’ what Rigel Tit cl “Lfed Inc, vocaboanes hate ‘caught up with ne expesions of power the sim of whichis torte the wot thug the ceploynent of esouces which rathrlike the apple inthe fay ale, have te ey Potion how welive’ Thi 2011, p26) the world of the again {ne ofthe mos potent sures of sch practi vocabularies oo a ‘hemulifanousmethodsolubecogavecaptasm or dre ageing the human neous system, capturing atention snd afc ond ening iksand s~ tous own end. The comoratiaton ofthe universes the hss acompanied swe another ve wren abo he tua ‘es ofthis eethee and in snot mds, perp cose oie id ‘of wating Latempt to envision ete Gibby 2013), an simply want ‘once here by sugexing that wing i the sense instante a ‘Meschennies werk woul eames sca alective methodology fr work actos the Humanities an Soil Scenes, nd hey to ecg at east some spaces inthe university asan oti” the ses og Ings of how tings could be thers. Ae Meson dere In Th "Rhy Party Marfest, "he word wl only be changed those who refse (201, p 170) Note 1 fr expe and dan sc Aa Ma An Ao 6 Nta Hee a arson fn med "cdemiing a two rcic nse meets the nay seas a a ‘perce retool References ‘eas, Dn 996 Tepe of te SNe Yor gs ‘ep dio 040 Newey se Mtn ne Sele aed Pst ‘Sede eo te Se fais of Lar Sea, oes ‘mers ie see eg its 200) Sei, and ce: msn ane eet See oe er Commo Poms Came, 2-8. ng sr hn G3)‘ te eo Wing ig la, Gee nding oh 0 le Bn bt ee pe enna et 4) ats Meera eyo Mint ‘Synth 01) 247 Lt Capon be of Sep. ann: eo ‘are cies aa Gantt, el 94) Wha Ply? oe ese ‘ae God Guta al Fst bor ee (1991) Or ef Be ii i Fe Enno not Cann: Cb ‘iamoed Sr 011 es Vowlston: Matty x Meistion, S2011 ta Coe Peet, Tea Cabege Bt Lanes ad nas 20 hsalinan opto NAB E 26, ‘user Vim G01) Pty ane. Radi Maes Nae, np ino hi per 01) 580 Der Wg Hae Fai? Tn Nay da Ba, eer Rr s)he Re op, The Ga Ae onding ee fe ae aspen ai nn (is) enemy Ale. Mls: Engendeng Dee TER of ey ic of it Pps 9 Ghba"Anwe 2010 ther ABE Sympathy, Syctony a Mint ial ai ge sn Gy) Moy eee in sn) Pour Aft Camnlge Combs Sas ‘coisa Henne (2010 ae Wig: Managing Langage oH he Dy “ge Newt alum ley Ps ee 7 et nd ne ie SE SRR haters eon erate ee rere Ses See cer See eae CSS hme Cmte” ete He 2) any: Tne a ee Life Tans, Stat eR ie pees pee a ca ae sone He (yg ne, Ca on 8 a i wm tnt Mich, F005): AShor sory of Rhythm Theory Sine the 170%, hs, Seat ura et a ER con none Yee SE a eet eee enact ‘ong Wa 1980 uly nd Lewy: Te Ting of te Wi ond: ee ye ny ore ro RES aca co ce cata SNe Bemar. Anan a Hips igi rearindat stn hacer sa eer ee rn EA alt momo an ea kamera ae ‘Sines Thobum th ibesward (ei) hes ot Mera A Rae Seton corer ue mn ge SR anc a nt 12 Postscript: Beside(s) the Empirical cae Ly nth postr, want tosefet on one pc ofthe arguments aed by many ofthe oer chapter Ince here bat does he study fle have todo with the empl? The question ‘What isthe emp ‘ondted with Lisa Adins Adis and Ly, 200) Oe fe conte "ons that by Pata Clough proves pl stung pint forme ‘rerring to this question here spell iso as Se states het ‘opans tothe queton in elaon os hstory fhe soc enced ‘a patil, US sociology, inthe postvar period. Her em, lowing ‘Geoige stints (205) that soology tas been domated by mets ‘dela posts, evident not only In much quanta soiogy ‘aon Some (perhaps mut qualative ecology. She wes, Moc important, gulative methodclogypevieed emp 25 ‘methodological post doe So, anough mest qualitative re ‘dog eume that mp ay ison meaning! through Imerpreuve processes, these process Were understood te pen To [mpi nesgateon throgh‘stralsie oberon hich ‘reer the obdrstenes ofthe empl word or the independ ‘ont portepunts tnerpeatons of te soc works witout Suspesingpartcpants of ing subject to strvtraly informe Hi ‘ators to ther understanding or inlerprettions.Parlpants ne. tations aresimpy prof te epial wor (2009, pp. 48-46) | na further sep, Clough sagen that Stinmets history pnt to =| ‘omplity between soilopal methodology and governance and feonemy After al fh} oven ofan epstemolgles! unconscious

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