Handwritten Test 1 MATH 1332 Part 1

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Test 1 MATH 1332 Part 1 Name_____________________________________________

1. How many triangles are there is the following figure? _______________

You must fully explain your solution strategy on a separate sheet of paper hand-written, not typed. Note that an
answer without a strategy will earn zero points. Use complete sentences to explain your strategy.

2. Find the area of the rectangle. (Do not use a ruler.) area ___________________

The rectangle below is constructed entirely of squares. The black square has a side of 1 unit. Explain the steps you
took to determine the area of the rectangle on a separate sheet of paper hand-written, not typed. Note that an
answer without an explanation will earn zero points. Use complete sentences to explain your strategy.
3. A manufacturing firm needs to purchase ball bearings. These ball bearings come in packs of 50 for $38 dollars and
packs of 25 for $20.
Determine the maximum number of ball bearings that can be purchased for $250 or less. ____________________
You must fully explain your solution strategy on a separate sheet of paper hand-written, not typed. Note that an
answer without a strategy will earn zero points. Use complete sentences to explain your strategy.

Use the following in problems 4 and 5.


One hundred forty (180) people were surveyed about their favorite science class. These are the results.
60 like geology 24 like biology and geology
87 like biology 22 like biology and chemistry
52 like chemistry 16 like geology and chemistry
10 like all three
4. Complete the Venn Diagram using the information. Write the answers to each region in the appropriate region.
Explain each step you took below (hand-written, not typed).

5. How many people do not like any of the three science classes? _______________

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