Abundance and Fractionation Patterns of Rare Earth Elements in Streams Affected by Acid Sulphate Soils

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Chemical Geology 175 Ž2001.


Abundance and fractionation patterns of rare earth elements in

streams affected by acid sulphate soils
˚ ¨ )
Mats Astrom
˚ Akademi UniÕersity, Domkyrkotorget 1, 20500 Abo,
Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Abo ˚ Finland
Received 4 October 1999; accepted 11 May 2000


The abundance and shale-normalised fractionation patterns of rare earth elements ŽREEs. were studied in 121 streams of
first and second order in an area where acid sulphate soils, developed on oxidised sulphide-bearing marine sediments, are
abundant. During high-water flow events in autumn, on which this study focuses, the leaching of REEs from the acid
sulphate soils is extensive, resulting in high total REE concentrations Žup to ) 1 mgrl. in streams draining such soils
exclusively. In these streams, there is a general depletion of the heavy REEs explained by preferential scavenging of the
latter by oxyhydroxides in the deepest soil-profile horizons. In streams draining areas of glacial till and peat, the REE
concentrations are several orders of magnitude lower. In these streams, in contrast to the REE-enriched streams, there is a
depletion of light REEs explained most likely by preferential complexation of the middle and heavy REEs by dissolved
humic substances. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rare earth elements; Fractionation; Stream; Acidity; Acid sulphate soil; Leaching

1. Introduction While this has had positive effects on both the

quality and yield of the cultivated crops, an environ-
In coastal regions of western Finland, large areas mentally hazardous side effect has been the develop-
are covered with metal-sulphide bearing fine-grained ment of acidic soils ŽpH s 2.5–5., caused by the
sediments Žaverage S concentrations 0.5%; Astrom ˚ ¨ oxidation of the naturally occurring sulphides to
and Bjorklund, 1997., which until a few decades sulphuric acid Že.g., Hartikainen and Yli-halla, 1986;
ago, were poorly drained and were therefore water- ˚ ¨ 1998a.. While the upper
Yli-Halla, 1997; Astrom,
logged and chemically inert. In recent decades, how- horizon in these soils Žabout 0–30 cm. is extensively
ever, the artificial drainage of these sediments, which limed and therefore has a near neutral pH ŽPalko,
are largely in agricultural use, has strongly increased 1994., the subsoil Žfrom a depth of about 30 to
with the aim of increasing runoff and thereby im- ) 100 cm. remains strongly acidic and is classified
proving the conditions for agricultural activities. as Sulfic Cryaquept or Typic Sulfaquept ŽYli-Halla,
1997; Yli-Halla et al., 1999., but is commonly re-
ferred to as Aacid sulphate soilB. Because of their
Fax: q358-50-3033905. present-day large spatial extent Žapproximately 3000
˚ ¨ ..
E-mail address: mats.astrom@abo.fi ŽM. Astrom km2 . and substantial vertical depth, the acid sulphate

0009-2541r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 4 1 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 2 9 4 - 1
250 ˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr

soils have a large influence on the aquatic environ- enrichment ŽElderfield et al., 1990.. While the be-
ment ŽEden ´ and Bjorklund,
¨ 1993; Lahermo et al., haviour of REEs has been characterised for a number
1996., particularly during heavy rains in autumn of major rivers, which commonly have a neutral or
ŽOctober–November. and snowmelt in spring ŽApril., weakly acidicralkaline water, little information ex-
when large amounts of H 3 Oq and metals are leached ists on REE behaviour in catchments composed of
from the acidic soil horizons into drains ŽWeppling, young, acidic and S-rich soils. This paper reports the
˚ ¨ and Bjorklund,
1993; Astrom ¨ ˚ ¨
1995, 1996; Astrom behaviour of REEs in streams in an area where such
˚ ¨ 1997; Eden
and Astrom, ´ et al., 1999.. The other soils are abundant.
common sediment types in the region are till, peat
and glaciofluvial deposits, which are largely forested
and from which occasionally acidic, but dilute waters 2. Methods
˚ ¨ and Astrom,
are discharged ŽAstrom ˚ ¨ 1997.. The
major aims of this study were to characterise the A total of 121 streams mainly of first and second
behaviour of rare earth elements ŽREEs. in catch- order, affected to varying extent by acid sulphate
ments underlain by acid sulphate soils, and to assess soils, were sampled during high-water flows in au-
the overall impact of soilrsediment types on REE tumn in western Finland: of these, 86 were sampled
hydrochemistry. in the Petalax area in October 1994, 12 in the
It has previously been suggested that the abun- Munsala area in November 1996 and 23 in the
dance of REEs in river waters is inversely related to Rintala area in October 1997 ŽFig. 1.. During the
pH ŽKeasler and Loveland, 1982; Goldstein and high-flow events in autumn, when the discharge is
Jacobsen, 1988., and while pH evidently is responsi- approximately 50 times higher than during baseflow,
ble for variations in REE concentrations among the acid sulphate soils are more strongly leached
streams with similar water type ŽElderfield et al., than during any other period of the year Že.g., Palko,
1990., a more important control of REE abundance ˚ ¨ and Bjorklund,
1994; Astrom ¨ 1996.. All samplings
in rivers in general, is the amount of particulate and were therefore done on such events. The studied
colloidal-sized material commonly carrying the ma- areas ŽFig. 1. were selected as they are regionally
jor load of REEs ŽSholkovitz, 1992; Ingri et al., representative, consist of a range of sedimentrsoil
2000; Zhang et al., 1998.. The solution phase of types including acid sulphate soils, and as in these
REEs in river waters is commonly characterised by ˚ ¨
areas stream-water acidification is common ŽAstrom
shale-normalised heavy REE ŽHREE. enrichment ¨
and Bjorklund, ˚ ¨ and Astrom,
1996; Astrom ˚ ¨ 1997..
ŽHoyle et al., 1984; Elderfield et al., 1990; Electric conductivity and pH were determined
Sholkovitz, 1992, 1995; Ingri et al., 2000., as in immediately after the sampling. For element analy-
sea-water Že.g., Sholkovitz et al., 1994., due to the ses, water samples were collected unfiltered in the
increase in solution-complexation constants with the Petalax and Munsala areas and filtered Ž0.45 mm
important ligands ŽFy, CO 32y, OHy, HPO42y . across polycarbonate screen filters. in the Rintala area.
the lanthanide series ŽCantrell and Byrne, 1987; These samples were acidified to pH - 2 with con-
Wood, 1990; Millero, 1992; Johannesson et al., centrated HNO 3 Žsuprapur quality, Merck., and anal-
1997.. In contrast, the colloidal and particulate phases ysed for a number of major and trace elements with
tend to be enriched in the light REEs ŽLREEs. ICP-MS ŽPerkin Elmer-Sciex ELAN 6000.. The re-
andror middle REEs ŽMREEs. ŽHoyle et al., 1984; sults of REEs, Fe, Al and Mn are presented in this
Sholkovitz, 1992, 1995; Zhang et al., 1998; Land et study. An analysis of variance, based on duplicate
al., 1999; Ingri et al., 2000.. As a consequence, the samples ŽGarrett, 1969, 1973., showed that the ratio
amount and nature of the particulatercolloidal mate- of the overall data variance to error variance Žsample
rial, the type and proportions of ligands in solution inhomogeneity, analytical error. was ) 2000 for
and a possible non-linear fractionation from La to Lu Mn, between 40 and 950 for the REEs and Al, and
ŽElderfield et al., 1990. affect REE hydrochemistry, 11 for Fe. Since these ratios were much larger than
resulting in a variety of REE fractionation patterns in the critical ratio at the 99% level of confidence Ž2.6.,
river waters ranging from LREE, MREE to HREE any patterns and trends of these metals in the data set
˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr 251

Fig. 1. Location of investigated areas Žmap a. and the occurrence of sulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments Žmap b., on which acid
sulphate soils have developed, in the coastal areas of western Finland.

were not due to sampling or analytical error. Stan- Shale Composite ŽNASC., which is often used to
dards and blanks were also repeatedly run to control normalise aquatic REE concentrations, was utilised
analytical quality. in the study. The NASC values are taken from
Aquatic REE concentrations should preferably be Haskin et al. Ž1968. and Gromet et al. Ž1984..
normalised to the REE abundance pattern of the The results of La analyses of a regionally repre-
geological source material in the catchments, but sentative and well-developed acid sulphate soil pro-
since such data is unavailable, the North American file for which transition metal and major element
252 ˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr

˚ ¨ 1998a,b. are pre-

data are given elsewhere ŽAstrom, 1998a., is explained by first, extensive losses of La
sented in this paper. The chemical analyses were from the upperrmiddle part of the acid sulphate soils
˚ ¨ 1998a,b.: half a gram
performed as follows ŽAstrom, due partly to leaching and partly to transport down
of each sample Žcollected from each vertical 10-cm the profile, and, second, to secondary immobilisation
section of the soil profile. was analysed for La Žand of La in the lower parts of the acid sulphate soil ŽFig.
other elements. with ICP–AES after partial digestion 2.. Previous chemical work on samples from the
in 3 ml 3:1:2 HClrHNO3rH 2 O Žaqua regia. for 1 h latter horizon Ženrichment horizon. has shown that
at 958C and dilution to 10 ml with water. Approxi- excess Co, Ni and Zn are largely scavenged by
mately 75% of the total La in the samples is ex- amorphous oxyhydroxides of Fe and Mn ŽAstrom, ˚ ¨
pected to have been extracted with this leach ŽDeng 1998a.. A similar enrichment mechanism of La Žand
et al., 1997.. other REEs., i.e. by sorption onto or coprecipitation
with amorphous Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides, is likely
as the REEs are substantially scavenged by Fe oxy-
3. Results and discussion hydroxides even at pH values as low as 4 ŽBau,
3.1. La in the soil profile

In the studied profile ŽFig. 2., the La concentra-

3.2. General classification of the streams
tions are 25–28 ppm in the reduced zone Žbelow a
depth of about 180 cm.. In this zone, where pH ) 6,
the sediment is chemically inert and La is immobile. The classification of the streams Ž n s 121. in the
In the upper and middle part of the acid sulphate soil pH-conductivity plot ŽFig. 3a. is based on previous
Ž30–120 cm., the La concentrations are only be- hydrogeochemical work in the region ŽEden ´ and
tween 13 and 23 ppm, while in the lower part of the ¨
Bjorklund, 1993; Weppling, 1993; Palko, 1994;
soil Ž130–170 cm., the La concentrations are as high ˚ ¨ and Bjorklund,
Astrom ¨ ˚ ¨ and
1995, 1996; Astrom
as 29–45 ppm. This concentration variation pattern, ˚ ¨ 1997; Eden
Astrom, ´ et al., 1999.. In field A ŽFig.
˚ ¨
which is similar to that for Co, Ni and Zn ŽAstrom, 3a., in which there is a strong correlation between
pH and conductivity, acid sulphate soils is the major
hydrochemical control, i.e. as the pH decreases from
6 to 3 and the conductivity increases from 100 to
3500 mSrcm ŽFig. 3a., the proportion of the catch-
ment cover of acid sulphate soils increases from 0%
to 100%. Acidity and ions are thus leached in con-
siderably larger quantities from the acid sulphate
soils than from other soilrsediment types in the
catchments Žtill, peat.. The streams encircled in field
B are characterised by a relatively low ratio of
H 3 Oq to total ion concentrations ŽFig. 3a.. These
streams drain acid sulphate soil areas to varying
extent, but their pH is increased mainly due to excess
liming of the cultivated acid sulphate soils in the
catchments. The streams encircled in field C are
characterised by low pH Ž4.1–5.4. and also low
conductivity Ž65–199 mSrcm.. In the catchments of
these streams, acid sulphate soils are either absent or
occur only as small and insignificant patches. The
Fig. 2. Vertical variation in pH and the aqua regia extractable acidity of these streams is derived mainly from
concentrations of La in an acid sulphate soil profile. dissociated humic and fluvic acids, leached from
˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr 253

Fig. 3. Plots between studied parameters. Circles and squares indicate unfiltered stream waters from the Munsala area Ž n s 12. and Petalax
area Ž n s 86., respectively, while triangles indicate filtered Ž0.45 mm. stream waters from the Rintala area Ž n s 23..The fields A, B and C
in the pHrEC Želectric conductivity. plot represent streams with similar hydrogeochemical controls Žsee text.. Those streams which are
encircled in field C in the pHrEC plot are indicated also in the pHrYb plot.
254 ˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr

peat and the humus horizon of forest soils. In these ŽFig. 3a and b.. This shows that while the extent of
source materials, the contents of easily mobilised leaching of major ions ŽSO42y, Ca2q, Naq, Mg 2q .
major and trace elements are considerably lower than from the acid sulphate soils is not significantly re-
in the acid sulphate soils, resulting in relatively low duced by the artificially increased pH, the REEs are
ionic strength of the waters despite their low pH. affected, either as a result of immobilisation of REEs
in the soil profile or due to subsequent precipitation
3.3. REE concentration leÕels in the streams and removal in-stream. Those streams, which drain
till and peat areas and have relatively low pH due to
A strong inverse linear correlation exists between high loads of organic acids Žfield C in Fig. 3a., are
pH and the REE concentrations Žthe plot of pH and also anomalous in the pHrYb plot ŽFig. 3b., i.e. the
Yb is shown in Fig. 3b.. This shows that the REEs REE concentrations in these streams are not elevated
are leached much more abundantly from the acid to the same extent as at corresponding pH levels in
sulphate soils than from other sediment types. This is the other streams.
in agreement with the soil-profile data indicating As a result of the extensive leaching of REEs
extensive leaching of La from the upperrmiddle part from the acid sulphate soils, and as the percentage of
of the acid sulphate soils ŽFig. 2.. Because the REE the catchment cover of these soils varied between
concentrations were not lower in the filtered samples 0% and 100%, there was a large range in REE
from the Rintala area Ž n s 23. than in the unfiltered concentrations in the stream waters ŽTable 1., i.e. the
ones from the Petalax Ž n s 86. and Munsala Ž n s 12. maximum concentrations for La–Er are between
areas at any pH level ŽFig. 3b., the REE concentra- 3444 and 6469 times higher, and those of Tm–Lu
tions for the unfiltered samples are representative about 2000 times higher, than the minimum concen-
also for the dissolved phase Ž- 0.45 mm.. trations ŽTable 1.. In comparison with La concentra-
Those streams that are to varying extent affected tions in natural waters elsewhere, the 95 percentile of
by acid sulphate soils, but have a relatively high pH the La concentrations for the studied streams is
caused by excess soil-liming Žfield B in the pHrEC higher by the indicated factors: unfiltered and partic-
plot., do not appear as an individual group of streams ulate-rich water from Yangtze River — 37 ŽZhang et
in the pHrYb ŽYb representative for REEs. plot al., 1998., the Kalix river in northern Sweden during

Table 1
pH, electric conductivity ŽEC; mSrcm. and REE concentrations Žmgrl. in 121 streams, mainly of first and second order in mid-western
Finland during high-water flow in autumn ŽOctober–November.
dl Min 5 Percentile Median 95 Percentile Max Maxrmin
pH 2.9 3.6 4.7 6.0 7.0
EC 65 85 370 1729 3796
La 0.005 0.18 0.93 7.2 236 900 5000
Ce 0.01 0.36 1.85 15 355 2035 5653
Pr 0.002 0.048 0.255 2.1 61 231 4813
Nd 0.004 0.182 0.938 6.1 202 771 4236
Sm 0.005 0.033 0.17 1.074 33 164 4970
Eu 0.001 0.009 0.04 0.21 7.3 31 3444
Gd 0.002 0.032 0.222 1.63 51 207 6469
Tb 0.001 0.007 0.03 0.22 6.4 28 4000
Dy 0.002 0.03 0.19 1.44 39 168 5600
Ho 0.001 0.007 0.034 0.24 7.1 30 4286
Er 0.001 0.018 0.103 0.5 16 62 3444
Tm 0.001 0.004 0.01 0.11 2.0 8.4 2100
Yb 0.001 0.029 0.103 0.52 15 62 2138
Lu 0.001 0.005 0.017 0.11 2.2 8.9 1780

dl s detection limit.
˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr 255

REE peaks — 815 ŽIngri et al., 2000., the acidic and ratios with increasing REE concentrations, is dis-
humic-rich Luce river in Scotland — 1230 ŽHoyle et cussed below.
al., 1984., the Connecticut River — 8850 ŽSholko- Shale-normalised light and middle REE enrich-
vitz, 1992., the acidic Colour Lake on Axel Heiberg ment in river waters is a common phenomenon
Island in Canada — 119 ŽJohannesson and Lyons, ŽGoldstein and Jacobsen, 1988; Elderfield et al.,
1995., REE-enriched acidic ground water from 1990; Zhang et al., 1998., commonly related to high
metasediment in the Carnmenellis area in southwest amounts of suspended particulatesrcolloids carrying
England — 2.5 ŽSmedley, 1991., sea water — 57 000 the main part of the river-transported REEs, and
ŽLibes, 1992.. being preferentially enriched in LREEs and MREEs
ŽHoyle et al., 1984; Sholkovitz, 1992; Zhang et al.,
3.4. REE fractionation patterns in the stream waters 1998; Land et al., 1999; Ingri et al., 2000.. The
similar REE-fractionation pattern found for a major-
With increasing REE concentrations Že.g., La from ity of the studied streams, and in particular for those
- 1 to ) 100 mgrl., there is a concomitant general having high REE concentrations ŽFigs. 4 and 5., is
increase in the La SN rLu SN ratios from about 0.5 to thought not to be the result of this same phenomenon
2.5 ŽFig. 4. as a result of HREE depletion at high for the following reasons: Ž1. the amount of sus-
REE concentrations and LREE depletion at low REE pended particulates Ž) 0.45 mm. in stream waters in
concentrations ŽFig. 5.. There are only a few excep- the area are low Žup to a few mgrl. due to low relief
tions to this overall pattern: in two streams with high ratios, and thus limited erosion, of the catchments;
REE concentrations ŽLa s 108 and 382 mgrl., the Ž2. the REE concentrations and the La SN rLu SN ra-
La SN rLu SN ratios are - 1 ŽFig. 4., and in a few tios are not significantly different between the fil-
other streams, the ratio of La SN rLu SN to La concen- tered Ž0.45 mm. stream waters from the Rintala area
trations is relatively high ŽFig. 4.. The origin of the and the unfiltered ones from the Petalax and Mun-
main trend in the data, i.e. the increase in La SN rLu SN sala areas ŽFig. 4., indicating that AlargeB particu-
lates are unimportant and do not control levels and
fractionation patterns of REEs; Ž3. there is no overall
correlation between the concentrations of REEs and
Fe ŽFig. 3c., and in the few samples with elevated
concentrations of both Fe and Yb ŽFig. 3c., pH is
- 3.5 and Fe thus expected mainly in ionic form; Ž4.
in 22% of the streams Ž27r121. the total molar REE
abundance is between 11% and 160% of the total Fe
concentrations, excluding the possibility of extensive
scavenging of REEs by colloidal Fe oxyhydroxides;
and Ž5. the strong correlation between the concentra-
tions of REEs and those of Mn ŽFig. 3d. and Al ŽFig.
3e., are not explained by scavenging of REEs by Al
and Mn oxyhydroxides, but are caused by extensive
leaching of Ln3q, Mn2q and Al 3q ions from the
acid sulphate soils. It is also unlikely that the identi-
fied LREErMREE-enrichment pattern Žat high REE
concentrations. is the result of solution-complexation
phenomena, since SO42y, which is by far the most
Fig. 4. Plot of La concentrations and the ratio of NASC-normal- abundant anion in these streams Žup to 2000 mgrl;
ised La ŽLa SN . to Lu ŽLu SN . for 121 streams in western Finland. ˚ ¨ and Bjorklund,
Astrom ¨ 1995., does not preferentially
Circles and squares indicate unfiltered stream waters from the
Munsala Ž ns12. and Petalax Ž ns86. areas, respectively, while
complex the LREEsrMREEs ŽWood, 1990., and as
triangles indicate filtered Ž0.45 mm. stream waters from the Cly and NOy 3 , which do preferentially complex the
Rintala area Ž ns 23.. LREEs ŽWood, 1990; Millero, 1992., form overall
256 ˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr

Fig. 5. Shale ŽNASC.-normalised REE patterns for some representative streams with high REE concentrations Žleft. and low REE
concentrations Žright..

weak complexes with the REEs ŽWood, 1990; mobilisation, the HREEs are expected to be preferen-
Millero, 1992. and are not abundant in the streams. tially retained for the following two reasons: Ž1. in
Hence, because the LREErMREE enrichment can- the soil solution in the acid sulphate soils, the LnSO4q
not be explained by in-stream processes, it must be complex Žapproximately equally strong for all REEs.
inherent in the REE-rich soil waters leached from the and the free ion Ln3q are the major anticipated
acid sulphate soils. The possible mechanisms are aqueous REE species ŽWood, 1990; Johannesson and
discussed below. Lyons, 1995; Johannesson et al., 1996; Johannesson
It is unlikely that the REEs in the sulphide-bearing and Zhou, 1999., while the ligands Fy, CO 32y, OHy,
fine-grained sediments, on which the acid sulphate HPO42y and organic molecules, which preferentially
soils have developed, are significantly fractionated complex the HREEs ŽCantrell and Byrne, 1987;
relative to average shale ŽNASC., since the bulk of Wood, 1990; Millero, 1992., are not abundant, thus
these sediments consists of material from Proterozoic excluding the possibility of extensive REE fractiona-
gneisses and granites, and as glacial till composed of tion caused by solution complexation; Ž2. as there
material from this bedrock type have flat NASC-nor- are no ligands capable of preferentially keeping the
malised REE patterns ŽOhlander et al., 1996; Land et HREEs in solution, the latter are instead likely to be
al., 1999.. Hence, a direct relationship between the preferentially scavenged by oxyhydroxides in the
REE patterns in the parent sediments and those in soils, a mechanism supported by experimental data
the soil solutions leached from the acid sulphate soils ŽBau, 1999. and the increase in the first hydroxide
is unlikely. Fractionation of REEs during soil forma- binding constant across the lanthanide series ŽBau,
tion is however likely, since the soil data indicate 1999; Millero, 1992.. The overall result is that the
that a substantial proportion of the REEs mobilised soil solution, which is ultimately discharged into
in the upperrmiddle part of the acid sulphate soil is streams, becomes depleted in the HREEs, resulting
transported downward and is subsequently immo- in HREE depletion in the stream waters ŽFigs. 4 and
bilised in the lower soil horizon by sorption onto Fe 5.. This mechanism is supported by glacial till data,
oxyhydroxides ŽFig. 2.. During this secondary im- which show that the LREEs are more strongly de-
˚ ¨ Chemical Geology 175 (2001) 249–258
M. Astromr 257

pleted than the HREEs in the E-horizon, and that the covers composed of glacial till and peat are charac-
B-horizon can be enriched in REEs due to adsorption terised by low REE concentrations, and shale-nor-
on oxyhydroxides ŽOhlander et al., 1996.. malised profiles that are LREE depleted most likely
As indicated in Fig. 4, the La SN rLu SN ratio due to preferential complexation of the heavier REEs
decreases with decreasing REE concentrations, such by the dissolved humic substances.
that in 81% of the streams having La concentrations
- 2.0 mgrl Ž26r32., this ratio is - 1.0. This phe-
nomenon is unlikely to be caused by inorganic solu- References
tion complexation for the following reasons: Ž1. the
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4. Conclusions Elderfield, H., Upstill-Goddard, R., Sholkovitz, E.R., 1990. The
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