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Corporate Reputation Review Volume 10 Number 3

Academic Research
Protecting Organization Reputations During
a Crisis: The Development and Application
of Situational Crisis Communication Theory
W. Timothy Coombs
Department of Communication Studies, Eastern Illinois University,
Charleston, IL, USA

ABSTRACT that we know precious little about how

Crisis managers benefit from understanding stakeholders react to crises or to the
how crisis communication can be used to protect crisis response strategies used to manage
reputational assets during a crisis. Situational crises (Ahluwalia et al., 2000; Dawar and
Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) offers Pillutla, 2000; Dean, 2004). Crisis manage-
a framework for understanding this dynamic. ment needs evidence-based crisis communi-
SCCT provides a mechanism for anticipating cation guidance. Evidence-based guidance
how stakeholders will react to a crisis in terms for decision making in a crisis must be
of the reputational threat posed by the crisis. supported by scientific evidence from
Moreover, SCCT projects how people will empirical research rather than personal prefer-
react to the crisis response strategies used ence and unscientific experience (Rousseau,
to manage the crisis. From its empirical 2006).
research emerges a set of evidence-based crisis Situational Crisis Communication Theory
communication guidelines. The development of (SCCT) provides an evidence-based frame-
SCCT is discussed along with the presentation work for understanding how to maximize
of its guidelines for crisis communication. the reputational protection afforded by post-
Corporate Reputation Review (2007) 10, 163–176. crisis communication. Research using SCCT
doi:10.1057/palgrave.crr.1550049 relies on experimental methods rather than
case studies. SCCT identifies how key facets
KEYWORDS: crisis communication; crisis man- of the crisis situation influence attributions
agement; reputation about the crisis and the reputations held by
stakeholders. In turn, understanding how
INTRODUCTION stakeholders will respond to the crisis
Crises are taken as a threat to the organiza- informs the post-crisis communication. The
tional reputation. Crises damage the reputa- empirical research from SCCT provides a set
tion and such changes can affect of guidelines for how crisis managers can
how stakeholders interact with the organiza- use crisis response strategies to protect a
tion (Barton, 2001; Dowling, 2002). Post- reputation from the ravages of a crisis. This
crisis communication can be used to repair paper is the initial detailed presentation of
the reputation and/or prevent reputational SCCT and its recommendations for crisis
damage (Coombs and Holladay, 2005). communication. The discussion of SCCT
Corporate Reputation Review,
The field of crisis communication is domi- begins by unpacking the reputational threat Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 163–176
© 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd,
nated by case studies. The end result is of a crisis and then moves to the explication 1363-3589 $30.00 163
Situational Crisis Communication Theory

of SCCT and its application to reputation Public Relations’ fake, supportive blogs for
protection during a crisis. Wal-mart are examples of crises that tran-
spired primarily online rather than in the
A reputation is an aggregate evaluation Because reputations are evaluative, some
stakeholders make about how well an point of comparison is required. Stakehold-
organization is meeting stakeholder expecta- ers compare what they know about an
tions based on its past behaviors (Wartick, organization to some standard to determine
1992). The term ‘organization’ is used here whether or not an organization meets their
instead of corporation because SCCT is ap- expectations for how an organization should
plicable to variety of organizational forms behave. A failure to meet expectations, an
and the term ‘corporation’ implies a specific expectation gap, is problematic for organiza-
type of for-profit organization. As evalua- tions (Reichart, 2003). Reputations are based
tions, reputations are favorable and/or unfa- in large part on how stakeholders evaluate
vorable. Stakeholders are any group that can an organization’s ability to meet their expec-
affect or be affected by the behavior of an tations for treating stakeholders.
organization (Agle et al., 1999; Bryson, 2004).
Reputations are widely recognized as a Threat Posed by Crises
valuable, intangible asset. Reputational assets A crisis is a sudden and unexpected event
can attract customers, generate investment that threatens to disrupt an organization’s
interest, improve financial performance, operations and poses both a financial and a
attract top-employee talent, increase the return reputational threat. Crises can harm stake-
on assets, create a competitive advantage and holders physically, emotionally and/or finan-
garner positive comments from financial cially. A wide array of stakeholders are
analysts (Carmeli and Tishler, 2005; Davies adversely affected by a crisis including com-
et al., 2003; Fomrun and Gardberg, 2000; munity members, employees, customers,
Fombrun and van Riel, 2004). suppliers and stockholders. Crises threaten
to damage reputations because a crisis gives
The Formation of Reputations people reasons to think badly of the organ-
A reputation develops through the informa- ization. Again, the news media and the
tion stakeholders receive about the organiza- internet play a critical role. Most stakeholders
tion (Fombrun and van Riel, 2004). will learn about a crisis from news reports.
Stakeholders receive information through In a smaller number of crises, stakeholders
interactions with an organization, mediated learn about crises through online social media.
reports about an organization (including the The exceptions would be victims or poten-
news media and advertising) and second- tial victims who are more likely to experi-
hand information from other people (eg, ence the crisis or to be informed directly by
word of mouth and weblogs). Most of the the organization about the crisis. If a reputa-
information stakeholders collect about tion shifts from favorable to unfavorable,
organizations is derived from the news media. stakeholders can change how they interact
That is why media coverage is an important with an organization. Clearly, the benefits of
feature of reputation management (Carroll, a favorable reputation noted earlier may be
2004; Carroll and McCombs, 2003; Meijer, lost. Furthermore, stakeholders may sever ties
2004). Second-hand information from social to the organization and/or spread negative
media on the internet, such as weblogs word of mouth about the organization.
or blogs, is critical for some crises. Krypton- The field of crisis management is cogni-
ite, the bicycle lock makers and Edelman zant of the value of reputations. One

164 Corporate Reputation Review Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 © 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00

manifestation of this concern is the notion this psychological stress, stakeholders need
of reputational capital. Reputational capital information about what had just happened.
is an organization’s ‘stock of perceptual and Furthermore, stakeholders want to know
social assets – the quality of the relationship what is being done to protect them from
it has established with stakeholders and the similar crises in the future – what corrective
regard in which the company and brand is actions are being taken. Corrective actions
held’ (Fombrun and van Riel, 2004: 32). reassure stakeholders that they are safe
Organizations accumulate reputational capi- thereby reducing their psychological stress
tal over time. Some writers use the metaphor (Sellnow et al., 1998). A final component of
of a bank account (Alsop, 2004; Dowling, adjusting information is an expression of
2002). A crisis will inflict some reputational concern for the victims. Expressions of con-
damage – reputational capital is lost. A favo- cern are expected by stakeholders and rec-
rable prior (pre-crisis) reputation is a buffer ommended by crisis experts but are not
against the reputational capital lost during a admissions of guilt (Fuchs-Burnett, 2002;
crisis. An organization with a more favorable Patel and Reinsch, 2003).
prior reputation will still have a stronger It would be irresponsible to begin crisis
post-crisis reputation because it has more communication by focusing on the organi-
reputational capital to spend than an organ- zation’s reputation. To be ethical, crisis man-
ization with an unfavorable or neutral prior agers must begin their efforts by using
reputation. As a result, a favorable prior rep- communication to address the physical and
utation means an organization suffers less psychological concerns of the victims. It is
and rebounds more quickly. Fombrun and only after this foundation is established that
van Riel (2004) report that a number of crisis managers should turn their attentions
event-based studies found support for the to reputational assets. SCCT provides guid-
reputational capital effect when examining ance when crisis managers have met their
stock prices (eg, Gregory, 1998; Knight and initial obligations and are prepared to address
Pretty, 1999). reputational assets.

Ethical Responsibilities for a Crisis SITUATIONAL CRISIS COMMUNICATION

Response THEORY
The first priority in any crisis is to protect To explain SCCT, a series of propositions
stakeholders from harm, not to protect the are presented to identify the key variables
reputation. Instructing information tells and relationships in the theory. The
stakeholders what they must do to protect discussion of the propositions is guided by
themselves from the physical threat of a Figure 1 and informed by research designed
crisis. Examples would be telling consumers to test various aspects of SCCT. A short
not to eat contaminated foods or warning explanation of Attribution Theory is pro-
sirens alerting people to a chemical release vided followed by an exploration of SCCT.
and the need to shelter in place. Instructing
information can be delivered directly to SCCT’s Attribution Theory Roots
stakeholders (eg, sirens) or through the news Attribution Theory posits that people search
media (eg, recall alerts). for the causes of events (make attributions),
Adapting information helps people to especially those that are negative and unex-
cope with the psychological threat from the pected (Weiner, 1985; Weiner 1986, 2006).
crisis (Sturges, 1994). A crisis creates a need A person attributes responsibility for an
for information. The uncertainty of a crisis event and will experience an emotional
produces stress for stakeholders.To cope with reaction to the event. Anger and sympathy

© 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00 Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 Corporate Reputation Review 165
Situational Crisis Communication Theory

Crisis and Härtel, 2000). If the organization is

deemed responsible, the reputation suffers
and stakeholders become angry. In turn,
stakeholders may sever connections to the
Crisis History
B3 organization and/or create negative word
B2 Prior Relationship
of mouth. Management has a vested interest
B4 Reputation in preventing either of these two negative

Factors That Shape the Reputational

SCCT posits that by understanding the cri-
sis situation, the crisis manager can deter-
Behavioral mine which crisis response strategy or
strategies will maximize reputational protec-
tion. SCCT centers on the crisis manager
Figure 1: Crisis situation model of SCCT examining the crisis situation in order to
assess the level of the reputational threat
level presented by a crisis. The threat is the
are the core emotions in Attribution Theory. amount of damage a crisis could inflict on
The attributions of responsibility and emo- the organization’s reputation if no action is
tions can serve as motivations for action. Be- taken. Three factors in the crisis situation
havioral responses are negative when a person shape the reputational threat: (1) initial crisis
is judged responsible and anger is evoked. responsibility, (2) crisis history and (3) prior
Behavioral responses are positive when a relational reputation.
person is judged not to be responsible and Initial crisis responsibility is a function of
sympathy is evoked (Weiner, 2006). stakeholder attributions of personal control
SCCT is informed by Attribution Theory. for the crisis by the organization – how
Attribution Theory provides the rationale much stakeholders believe organizational
for the relationship between many of the actions caused the crisis (Coombs, 1995).
variables used in SCCT. SCCT extends Research has consistently demonstrated that
upon this Attribution Theory base to predict increased attributions of crisis responsibility
the reputational threat presented by a crisis by stakeholders produce lower reputational
and to prescribe crisis response strategies scores among those same stakeholders. The
designed to protect reputational assets. reputational threat to an organization
The crisis is the negative event that leads increases as stakeholders’ attributions of crisis
stakeholders to assess crisis responsibility. Was responsibility to the organization intensifies
the crisis a result of situational factors or (Coombs, 1998; Coombs and Holladay, 1996,
something the organization could control? 2002, 2004). The initial crisis assessment is
Indeed, extant research forges a link between based upon the crisis type. The crisis type is
Attribution Theory and crises (eg, Bradford how the crisis is being framed.
and Garrett, 1995; Coombs, 1995; Härtel The framing research in mass communi-
et al., 1998; Jorgensen, 1994, 1996; Mowen, cation serves to illuminate the rationale
1980; Stockmyer, 1996). Stakeholder attribu- behind crisis types as crisis frames. In gen-
tions of crisis responsibility have affective and eral, frames are concerned about salience or
behavioral consequences for an organization emphasis and operate on two related levels:
(Coombs and Holladay, 2005; McDonald frames in communication and frames in

166 Corporate Reputation Review Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 © 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00

thought (Druckman, 2001). Frames in com- responsibility (natural disasters, workplace

munication involve the way (words, phrases, violence, product tampering and rumor) and
images, etc) that information is presented in the organization is viewed as a victim of the
a message. For instance, the media naturally event; (2) the accidental cluster has minimal
feature certain aspects of a problem or attributions of crisis responsibility (techni-
situation in a story (Yioutas and Segvic, cal-error accident, technical-error product
2003). Frames in thought involve the cogni- harm and challenge) and the event is
tive structures (such as scripts or schema) considered unintentional or uncontrollable
people utilize when interpreting informa- by the organization and (3) the intentional
tion (Druckman, 2001). Frames in commu- cluster has very strong attributions of crisis
nication help to shape frames in thought. responsibility (human-error accident,
The way a message is framed shapes how human-error product harm and organiza-
people define problems, causes of problems, tional misdeed) and the event is considered
attributions of responsibility and solutions to purposeful (Coombs and Holladay, 2002).
problems (Cooper, 2002). The mass com- Table 1 provides a short definition of these
munication research demonstrates that how crises. The definitions reflect the crisis cues
the media frame issues affects political judg- that are made salient in the crisis frame
ments. Frames stress certain facts or values (refer to Coombs and Holladay (2002) for a
making them salient when individuals make more detailed discussion of the crisis
decisions ( Joslyn, 2003). types).
The framing effect occurs when a com- Crisis history is whether or not an
municator selects certain factors to empha- organization has had a similar crisis in the
size. The people who receive the message past. According to Attribution Theory, a his-
will focus their attentions on those factors tory of crises suggests an organization has
when forming their opinions and making an ongoing problem that needs to be
judgments (Druckman, 2001). Crisis types addressed (Kelley and Michela, 1980;
are a form of frame. Each crisis type features Martinko et al., 2004). Prior relational repu-
certain aspects of the crisis. These cues indi- tation is how well or poorly an organization
cate how stakeholders should interpret a has or is perceived to have treated stakehold-
crisis (Coombs and Holladay, 2002). A crisis ers in other contexts. Prior relational
manager tries to establish or shape the crisis reputation is unfavorable if the organization
frame by emphasizing certain cues. The cues has a history of treating stakeholders badly
include whether or not some external agent (Porritt, 2005). An unfavorable prior rela-
or force caused the crisis, whether the crisis tional reputation suggests an organization
was a result of accidental or intentional shows little consideration for stakeholders
actions by members of the organization and across a number of domains, not just in this
whether the cause of the crisis was technical crisis.
or human error. It does matter if stakehold- Crisis history and prior relational reputa-
ers view the event as an accident, sabotage tion have both a direct and indirect effect on
or criminal negligence. The crisis types or the reputational threat posed by the
frame determines how much stakeholders crisis. Either a history of crises or an unfavo-
attribute responsibility for the crisis to the rable prior relational reputation intensifies
organization. attributions of crisis responsibility thereby
SCCT research has identified three crisis indirectly affecting the reputational threat.
clusters based upon attributions of crisis Moreover, the two factors have a direct effect
responsibility by crisis type: (1) the victim on the reputational threat that is separate from
cluster has very weak attributions of crisis crisis responsibility (Coombs, 2004a,b).

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Situational Crisis Communication Theory

Table 1: SCCT crisis types by crisis clusters

Victim cluster: In these crisis types, the organization is also a victim of the crisis.
(Weak attributions of crisis responsibility = Mild reputational threat)
Natural disaster: Acts of nature damage an organization such as an earthquake.
Rumor: False and damaging information about an organization is being circulated.
Workplace violence: Current or former employee attacks current employees onsite.
Product tampering/Malevolence: External agent causes damage to an organization.

Accidental cluster: In these crisis types, the organizational actions leading to the crisis were
(Minimal attributions of crisis responsibility = Moderate reputational threat)
Challenges: Stakeholders claim an organization is operating in an inappropriate manner.
Technical-error accidents: A technology or equipment failure causes an industrial accident.
Technical-error product harm: A technology or equipment failure causes a product to be recalled.

Preventable cluster: In these crisis types, the organization knowingly placed people at risk, took
inappropriate actions or violated a law/regulation.
(Strong attributions of crisis responsibility = Severe reputational threat)
Human-error accidents: Human error causes an industrial accident.
Human-error product harm: Human error causes a product to be recalled.
Organizational misdeed with no injuries: Stakeholders are deceived without injury.
Organizational misdeed management misconduct: Laws or regulations are violated by management.
Organizational misdeed with injuries: Stakeholders are placed at risk by management and injuries

Steps in Evaluating the Reputational Organizational Reputation Proposition,

Threat of a Crisis represented by arrow A in the model illus-
Crisis managers follow a two-step process trated in Figure 1, states that as stakeholders
when using these three factors to assess the attribute greater crisis responsibility to the
reputational threat. The first step in assessing organization, their perceptions of the
the reputational threat is to determine the organizational reputation will decline. This
initial crisis responsibility attached to a crisis. link had to be verified if SCCT is to have
SCCT posits that each crisis type generates any value. Research has established that
specific and predictable levels of crisis crisis responsibility is negatively related to
responsibility–attributions of organizational organizational reputation (Coombs and
responsibility for the crisis. Furthermore, cri- Holladay, 1996, 2001).
sis types are grouped into three clusters that The second step in assessing the reputa-
produce similar levels of crisis responsibility: tional threat involves crisis history and prior
victim cluster, accidental cluster and inten- relationship reputation, the two intensifying
tional cluster. By identifying the crisis type, factors. Crisis history and an unfavorable
the crisis manager can anticipate how much prior relationship reputation serve to
crisis responsibility stakeholders will attribute increase the initial assessment of the reputa-
to the organization at the onset of the crisis tional threat. A victim crisis generates the
thereby establishing the initial crisis respon- same reputational threat as an accident crisis
sibility level. The Crisis Responsibility– when there is a history of crises and/or an

168 Corporate Reputation Review Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 © 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00

unfavorable prior relationship reputation. lessen. Negative emotions can cause stake-
Similarly, the presence of intensifying factors holders to lash out at an organization
results in accident crises creating the same (engage in negative word of mouth) or to
reputational threat as an intentional crisis sever interactions with the organization
(Coombs and Holladay, 2001, 2004). (Coombs and Holladay, 2004).
Two propositions explain how the inten- Ultimately, the model needs to connect
sifying factors can alter the initial reputa- the effects of a crisis to behavior intention.
tional threat. The Crisis History Proposition, If crises altered reputations and create affect
represented by arrows B1 and B2 in the but did not impact behavioral intentions,
model, states that an organization that expe- there would be no reason to worry about
rienced a similar crisis in the past is attrib- the effects of crises. The Organizational
uted greater crisis responsibility and suffers Reputation–Behavior Intention Proposition,
more direct and indirect reputational damage represented by arrow D in the model, posits
than an organization with no history of cri- that the more negative the reputation, the
ses. The Prior Relationship Reputation less likely stakeholders are to report behav-
Proposition, represented by arrows B3 and ioral intentions that are supportive of an
B4 in the model, states an organization that organization (eg, using products or services).
treated stakeholders badly in the past is Hence, the reputational damage inflicted by
attributed greater crisis responsibility and a crisis has implications for the interactions
suffers more direct and indirect reputational between the organization and its stakehold-
damage than an organization with a neutral ers. After a crisis, customers can stop buying
or positive relationship reputation. Research products or community members may no
supports the belief that both crisis history longer support the organization. Research
and an unfavorable prior relationship reputa- demonstrates that the post-crisis reputation
tion intensifies attributions of crisis respon- is related to behavioral intentions such as
sibility and have a direct effect on reputations purchase intention and support for an
(Coombs, 2004a,b; Coombs and Holladay, organization (Coombs and Holladay, 2001;
2001). The Crisis History and Prior Rela- Siomkos and Kurzbard, 1994). The relationship
tionship Reputation Propositions illuminate is important because changes in the reputation
how situation factors can amplify the repu- will have behavioral ramifications.
tational threat of a crisis and alter the nature The Affect–Behavioral Intention Proposi-
of the crisis. tion, represented by arrow E in the model,
Crisis responsibility triggers affective reac- believes the stronger the feelings of negative
tions as well as being a reputational threat. affect (anger and schadenfreude), the less
Emotions operate on a parallel track to rep- likely stakeholders are to report behavioral
utation and affect behavior intentions as well. intentions that are supportive of an organiza-
Increased attributions of crisis responsibility tion and will be more likely to engage in
generate stronger feelings of anger and in negative word of mouth. Research has
some extreme cases schadenfreude (drawing shown limited support for this proposition
pleasure from the pain of others) toward the (Coombs and Holladay, 2004; Jorgensen,
organization while reducing feelings of sym- 1996; Rudolph et al., 2004). Crisis responsi-
pathy for the organization (Coombs and bility can impact behavioral intentions
Holladay, 2005). The Crisis Responsibility– through emotions as well as through reputa-
Affect Proposition, represented by arrow C tion. While reputation and emotions are
in the model, argues that as crisis responsibil- closely related, that connection is largely
ity strengthens, feelings of anger and schaden- explained by the shared connection to crisis
freude intensify and feelings of sympathy responsibility.

© 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00 Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 Corporate Reputation Review 169
Situational Crisis Communication Theory

Crisis Response Strategies the reputational threat (the situation) is largely

Crisis response strategies are used to repair a function of crisis responsibility.
the reputation, to reduce negative affect and Responsibility requires accountability and
to prevent negative behavioral intentions. the organization must answer for its actions
Crisis response strategies, what management (Weiner, 2006). The crisis response strategies
says and does after a crisis, have been studied are the organization’s answer. SCCT’s list of
extensively in management (eg, Bradford and crisis response strategies is built around the
Garrett, 1995; Marcus and Goodman, 1991; perceived acceptance of responsibility for a
Siomkos and Shrivastava, 1993) and com- crisis embodied in the response. As crisis re-
munication (eg, Allen and Caillouet, 1994; sponse strategies become more accommoda-
Benoit, 1995). A researcher cannot hope to tive, show greater concern for victims,
craft the one, perfect list of crisis response stakeholders perceive the organization as
strategies. What can be created is a list of taking greater responsibility for the crisis
useful crisis response strategies. SCCT (Coombs and Holladay, 2004, 2005). Table 2
demands a theoretical link between crisis defines the primary and supplemental crisis
situations and crisis response strategies. response strategies used in SCCT. Previous
Logically, we cannot match crisis response research found that the primary SCCT cri-
strategies to the reputational threat of a sis response strategies form three groups
crisis if there is no conceptual connection based upon perceptions of accepting respon-
between the two. Responsibility provides the sibility for a crisis: (1) denial, (2) diminish
conceptual link in SCCT. The evaluation of and (3) rebuild (Coombs, 2006).

Table 2: SCCT crisis response strategies

Primary crisis response strategies

Deny crisis response strategies
Attack the accuser: Crisis manager confronts the person or group claiming something is wrong
with the organization.
Denial: Crisis manager asserts that there is no crisis.
Scapegoat: Crisis manager blames some person or group outside of the organization for the crisis.
Diminish crisis response strategies
Excuse: Crisis manager minimizes organizational responsibility by denying intent to do harm
and/or claiming inability to control the events that triggered the crisis.
Justification: Crisis manager minimizes the perceived damage caused by the crisis.
Rebuild crisis response strategies
Compensation: Crisis manager offers money or other gifts to victims.
Apology: Crisis manager indicates the organization takes full responsibility for the crisis and asks
stakeholders for forgiveness.

Secondary crisis response strategies

Bolstering crisis response strategies
Reminder: Tell stakeholders about the past good works of the organization.
Ingratiation: Crisis manager praises stakeholders and/or reminds them of past good works by the
Victimage: Crisis managers remind stakeholders that the organization is a victim of the crisis too.

170 Corporate Reputation Review Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 © 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00

How Crisis Response Strategies Protect use the crisis response strategies to establish
against Negative Reactions to a Crisis a frame or to reinforce an existing frame.
SCCT holds that communication affects In most cases, the news media is the final
people’s perceptions in a crisis. The words arbitrator of the crisis frames.The frames used
used and action taken by management affect in the news media reports are the frames that
how people perceive the organization and/ most stakeholders will experience and adopt.
or the crisis. In turn, those perceptions shape That is why it is critical that crisis managers
evaluations of the organizational reputation present ‘their side of the story’ to the news
as well as stakeholders’ emotional response media. One exception would be crises that
toward and future interactions with the transpire predominantly online. For online
organization (Nerb and Spada, 1997). SCCT crises, people posting crisis-related informa-
shares this belief in the power of communi- tion to the internet provide the frames.
cation with Image Restoration Theory The people who post to the internet about
(Benoit, 1995). Image Restoration Theory is crises include the crisis managers, influential
a descriptive system used to analyze crisis bloggers, critics of the organization and crisis
cases. The focal point is identifying which victims.
crisis response strategies were used in the Deny strategies seek to establish a crisis
case and drawing speculative conclusions frame. Deny strategies attempt to remove any
about the utility of the crisis response strat- connection between the organization and
egies. I use the term speculative because the crisis. If the organization is not involved
these are case studies, not empirical tests of in a crisis, it will not suffer any damage from
hypotheses. As other critics have noted, case the event. In rumor and challenge crises,
studies limit our understanding of how managers need to argue that there is no ‘real’
people respond to crises and crisis response crisis. Managers deny the truth to the rumor
strategies. Moreover, Image Restoration or refute the charges of immoral conduct.
Theory offers no conceptual links between If stakeholders, including the news media,
the crisis response strategies and elements of accept the no crisis frame of denial, the
the crisis situation. SCCT draws upon the organization is spared any reputational
crisis response strategies articulated in Image harm.
Restoration Theory by integrating those The diminish crisis response strategies
strategies into a system that predicts how argue that a crisis is not as bad as people
stakeholders should react to the crisis and think or that the organization lacked control
the crisis response strategies used to manage over the crisis. If crisis managers lessen an
the crisis. organization’s connection to the crisis and/
Crisis response strategies have three or have people view the crisis less nega-
objectives relative to protecting reputations: tively, the harmful effects of the crisis are
(1) shape attributions of the crisis, (2) change reduced. Managers need solid evidence to
perceptions of the organization in crisis and support these claims and even then might
(3) reduce the negative affect generated by fail. Failure occurs when the news media or,
the crisis (Coombs, 1995). These three in the case of online-oriented crises, people
objectives all support the larger goal of posting messages reject the crisis manager’s
reputation protection and are represented by frame and continue using a different frame.
arrows F1, F2, and F3 in the model. Crisis Stakeholders will be given competing frames
managers may pursue any combination of and will select the frame provided by the
these three objectives with their responses. source they find most credible. Diminish
As noted earlier, a crisis event is framed as strategies are most effective when reinforcing
being a specific crisis type. Crisis managers existing crisis frames. Excuse strategies, lack

© 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00 Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 Corporate Reputation Review 171
Situational Crisis Communication Theory

of intent and/or volition can be used to re- A crisis will create negative affect, espe-
affirm a crisis situation as residing in the cially the intentional crisis cluster. Stakehold-
accidental cluster. The value in reinforcing ers become angry and may even enjoy
such a frame is that an accidental crisis is seeing the organization suffer. Deny elimi-
much easier and less expensive to manage nates negative affect if people accept there
than an intentional crisis (Coombs and is no crisis. Adjusting information and
Holladay, 2002, 2004). rebuild strategies are the most effective ways
To change perceptions of the organization to reduce negative affect. Part of adjusting
in crisis, managers present new, positive information is the expression of concern for
information about the organization and/or victims. Expressions of concern themselves
remind stakeholders of past good works by help to reduce negative affect. Expressing
the organization. The key is to offset the concern for victims (adjusting information)
negatives from the crisis with current or past and reinforcing this compassion through
good works. Rebuild strategies are the main compensation and/or a full apology serve
avenue for generating new reputational to blunt feelings of anger (Coombs and
assets. Rebuild strategies attempt to improve Holladay, 2005). A crisis can also evoke
the organization’s reputation by offering sympathy for the organization. The victim-
material and/or symbolic forms of aid to age strategy serves to reinforce the belief that
victims. The crisis managers say and do the organization deserves sympathy.
things to benefit stakeholders and thereby
take positive actions to offset the crisis. Review
Offering compensation or a full apology SCCT holds that as the reputational threat
both are positive reputational actions. The and negative affect increases (both of which
rebuild strategies are used for crises that are functions of situational factors), crisis
present a severe reputational threat such as managers should utilize crisis response strat-
intentional crises or accidental crises coupled egies with the requisite level of accepting
with a crisis history and/or unfavorable pri- crisis responsibility. Table 3 provides a sum-
or relationship reputation. mary of the SCCT recommendations for the
Bolstering offers a minimal opportunity use of crisis response strategies.
to develop reputational assets. Managers who It would be easy to conclude that the
have had positive relationships with stake- safest crisis response would be the rebuild
holders can draw upon that goodwill to help strategies because they address victims so
protect the organizational reputation, praise well. Rebuild strategies are, however, not
stakeholders for their efforts during the cri- always the preferred response. The more
sis as a means of improving relationships with accommodative the strategy, the more
them or draw sympathy from being a victim expensive it is for the organization (Cohen,
of the crisis. Praising stakeholders generates 1999; Patel and Reinsch, 2003; Stockmyer,
some goodwill and being cast as the victim 1996). Research has demonstrated that using
evokes sympathy for the organization. overly accommodative strategies produces
Reminder, another bolstering strategy, uses no greater reputational benefits than those
past good works to counter-balance the cur- prescribed by SCCT. For instance, using a
rent negatives from the crisis. The reminder full apology in an accidental crisis provides
strategy demands that there are good past no greater reputational benefit than an
works from which to draw. All bolstering excuse strategy with adjusting information.
strategies are best used as supplements to Management pays more for the response but
the three primary strategies and adjusting does not see an increased yield in reputation
information. protection (Coombs and Holladay, 1996,

172 Corporate Reputation Review Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 © 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00

Table 3: SCCT crisis response strategy guidelines

1. Informing and adjusting information alone can be enough when crises have minimal attributions
of crisis responsibility (victim crises), no history of similar crises and a neutral or positive prior
relationship reputation.
2. Victimage can be used as part of the response for workplace violence, product tampering, natural
disasters and rumors.
3. Diminish crisis response strategies should be used for crises with minimal attributions of crisis
responsibility (victim crises) coupled with a history of similar crises and/or negative prior
relationship reputation.
4. Diminish crisis response strategies should be used for crises with low attributions of crisis
responsibility (accident crises), which have no history of similar crises, and a neutral or positive
prior relationship reputation.
5. Rebuild crisis response strategies should be used for crises with low attributions of crisis
responsibility (accident crises), coupled with a history of similar crises and/or negative prior
relationship reputation.
6. Rebuild crisis response strategies should be used for crises with strong attributions of crisis
responsibility (preventable crises) regardless of crisis history or prior relationship reputation.
7. The deny posture crisis response strategies should be used for rumor and challenge crises, when
8. Maintain consistency in crisis response strategies. Mixing deny crisis response strategies with
either the diminish or rebuild strategies will erode the effectiveness of the overall response.

2004). Moreover, using overly accommodat- reputational repair effectiveness of the crisis
ing strategies when unnecessary actually can response.
worsen the situation. Stakeholders begin to As noted earlier, most stakeholders will
think the crisis must be worse then they learn about a crisis from the news media.
thought if the organization is responding so Hence, how the news media frame (define)
aggressively (Siomkos and Kurzbard, 1994). the crisis is an important consideration.
Research from agenda setting and reputation
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (Carroll, 2004) suggest that the stakeholders
The guidelines provided by SCCT are will adopt the media’s frame for the crisis.
affected by the constraints surrounding the A crisis manager may find it difficult to change
crisis situation. Financial resources are the the media’s frame for the crisis and be forced
dominant constraint. Financial constraints, to manage within that crisis frame. The same
for example, impact the strategy selection dynamic holds true when a crisis is based
(Tyler, 1997). If an organization cannot online. In these cases, people posting the
afford a particular crisis response, they can information on the internet help to establish
opt for the next best but less-expensive strat- the crisis frame. If the media coverage or
egy. SCCT is used to determine which internet discussion provides no clear frame,
crisis response strategies would be ‘the next the crisis manager will have an easier time
best’. A crisis manager, for instance, may have establishing his/her own frame.
to use an excuse strategy rather than the
recommended apology strategy. SCCT helps SUMMARY
the crisis manager understand his/her Ethics recommend that the physical and psy-
options. The crisis manager will realize that chological needs of the stakeholders be the
the use of a lesser strategy will reduce the top priority in a crisis. Once stakeholder

© 2007 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1363-3589 $30.00 Vol. 10, 3, 163–176 Corporate Reputation Review 173
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needs are addressed, crisis managers can turn Barton, L. (2001) Crisis in Organizations II, 2nd edn.,
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