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Indian Ethos and Values Assignment

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Lakshmana is the brother of Sri Rama and the son of Dasaratha. He is the twin brother of
Sathrugana born to Sumitra, second wife of Dasaratha. Sri Rama is the incarnation of Lord
Vishnu and Lakshmana is the incarnation of Ananthashesha. Ananthashesha is the 1000 headed
Naga on whom Lord Vishnu rests in the ocean of milk.

Lakshmana is known to be a great brother who accompanied his brother Sri Rama at all times of
happiness and in times of trouble. When Sri Rama went in exile for 14 years, Lakshmana also
accompanies Sri Rama to the forest. He served Sri Rama and Sita with unconditional affection
guarded them and accompanied them throughout their journey. The duo of Rama and Lakshmana
are inseparable. Lakshmana married Urmila, the younger sister of Sita. Lakshmana is an integral
part of Ramayana.

When Ravana’s sister Surpanaka comes to the forest and sees Rama , she desires to marry him.
When she approaches Rama, he declines saying that he is already married. Next Surpanaka
approaches Lakshmana to marry her. Lakshmana also declines saying that he has duties and
responsibilities towards Rama and Sita. Surpanaka gets angry and threatens to kill Sita.
Immediately Lakshmana comes to Sita s defence and cuts Surpanaka’s nose where the entire
story of Ramayana starts.

The other part which is famous about Lakshmana is the Lakshmanarekha. When Sita sees a
golden deer, she asks Rama to fetch it for her. So Rama asks Lakshmana to guard Sita and their
home. Once Rama kills the deer, the demon in disguise Maricha cries in Rama’s voice for help.
Hearing Rama’s voice Sita gets frightened and tells Lakshmana to go for his brother’s aid.
Before Lakshmana leaves he draws a line across the hut asking Sita not to cross the line and that
no one else can enter. This line drawn by Lakshmana is referred to as the Lakshmanarekha. The
Lakshmanarekha is believed to be a limit which at any cost or any circumstances must not be
crossed by human beings.

Lakshmana for the first time in his life, got angry on his brother Sri Rama, when Rama asked
Sita to get onto the pyre of Agni to prove her purity. But, as Rama told him to pile the pyre of
wood, he did so without any hesitation as he understood as Sri Rama would not do such a thing
without a reason. This was the kind of wavelength and understanding Lakshmana shared with Sri
Uniqueness of Lakshmana:

Even though Lakshmana was not an own brother of Rama, the devotion he had towards Rama is
indescribable. The duties and responsibilities he carried out as a younger brother is a value to be
admired. He is known for his selflessness and for the respect he possessed towards his elders and
superiors. Rama is considered to be calm and composed while Lakshmana is considered to be

When Rama becomes distressed, restless and angry when he finds Sita missing, it is Lakshmana
who calms, consoles Rama down. Lakshmana encourages Sri Rama and gives him the support
and strength to find Sita.

Lakshmana is also considered as an element of Mariyathapurushothama displaying obedience,

respect, courage, affection and compassion. He is known for his virtue and the service he did to
Lord Rama. He never thought of the titles and cared for the thrown as he was selfless in his
deeds and always wanted to be with his brother Sri Rama. This is one reason, Lakshmana is also
worshipped along with Sri Rama and Sita.

In fact, Lakshmana is said to be the shadow of Sri Rama. Even early in the exile, when Bharatha
comes to the forest to persuade Rama to return to Ayodhya, Lakshman mistakes that Bharatha
was approaching with harmful intentions. Then, Rama makes him understand that Bharatha has
come with no harmful intentions. This act of Lakshmana was also because of the intense love
and affection he had towards Sri Rama and couldn’t take even a small scratch against him.

A person of Noble character:

When Sri Rama decided to go to the forest for an exile of 14 years, Lakshmana without a second
thought insisted on going with Sri Rama and Sita. Lakshmana left the worldly comforts and
parted him from his mother and his newly wedded wife Urmila to serve Rama and Sita. This
shows the selfless nature of Lakshmana.

In the forest, Lakshmana served Rama and Sita and guarded them. He stayed awake the whole
night to protect Rama and Sita. For 14 years in the forest, he followed Bramacharya. Lakshmana
is also considered to be a good architect as he was expert in building huts for Rama and Sita.
Without a single sigh Lakshmana accompanied Sri Rama and Sita throughout the entire journey
without caring about himself.

A famous part told in Ramayana is that, Rama lamented about Sita’s absence when Sita’s jewels
were given back by Sugriva to Rama. Lakshmana gave Sita’s toe ring to Rama. This implied that
Lakshmana has never looked beyond the toe of Sita, meaning, he never even looked at others
wife. Lakshmana is a mighty and powerful warrior too. Lakshmana is known for killing Ravan’s
son Indrjeetmeghnath. This killing of Indrajeet by Lakshmana is considered to be an important
turning point because Indrajeet was considered to be extremely powerful having overpowered
the king of heaven- Indra. With Rama, Lakshmana also killed a great Rakshasa Kumbakarna.

Contribution to the greater common good:

Lakshmana was an integral part of Ramayana which is the war between the good and the evil. He
fought for the good against adharma for the common good of the people. Even though he was not
directly affected, he never thought his troubles and Rama’s troubles separate and different. He
was the part of the fight for dharma and was an important reason for the triumph of dharma over

By looking at Lakshman, one can imagine how an individual can be so selfless without any
desires and temptations for himself. He never thought his brother Rama separate and took Sri
Rama’s happiness as his happiness, Rama’s problems to be his problems and Rama’s path of life
to be his path of life.

Due to his obedience, respect and his selfless nature, Lakshamana is also worshipped along with
Rama and Sita. He is an epitome of selflessness in a world where “I” attitude plays the main
element of life. The “I” attitude, the ego will be crushed by looking at the life of Lakshmana.

Learnings for the youth:

Qualities like respect and obedience to elders and superiors, selfless nature must be learnt from
Lakshmana. Qualities like selfishness, ego, and superiority must be trashed and must be learnt
that these qualities do not even contribute to 0.01% of life’s happiness. The ultimate happiness
lies in serving others and making our lives a reason to live for others.
The purpose of our lives must be in adding a meaning to others life and making them meaningful
and happy. It can also be learnt that always dharma will triumph over adharma.

Incorporation of aspects in my life:

Even I have a brother. I know it is impossible to be someone like Lakshmana, but would try to
do my duties and responsibilities to my elder brother as much as I can. I will try to give him my
support and encouragement whenever he is in need of it. I will also try not to let ego, selfishness,
jealousy to come between us even in the future. From my side, I will always try to maintain
peace and harmony in our lives. I will also strive to be a very good companion to my sister-in-

As a person, I will try to be obedient to all my superiors and elders and value their words and
blessings. As Lakshmanan was a Bramacharyan for 14 years, when he was away from Urmila, I
will also be faithful to my wife and will support her and be there for her throughout my life as a
good husband, companion and a friend.

In workplace, I’ll try to have the qualities of Lakshmana such as selflessness and egoless and
hence will be a good team player working towards the collective goal of the organization.

Ego and superiority complex will resist us from experiencing the real happiness in the life.
Lakshmana was loyal to Rama throughout his life under all circumstances. I’ll also be loyal to
my friends and family. I’ll also try to be loyal to my employer.

Lakshmana followed Bramacharyam for 14 years. Only a well disciplined person can follow
Bramachryam. Like Lakshmanan, I’ll also live in a disciplined manner. By following the virtues
of Lakshmana I can be a better human.

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