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unit 4 Dynamics of the population.

Greenville International School JORGE SANCHEZ MONTERDE



unit 4 Dynamics of the population. Actual Borrador

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Subject Year Fecha de Inicio Duración
Geography Grade 7 Week 3, March 7 Semana 3 hora

To better understand the dynamics of population and the way it affects the quality of life. What can we do to help it?

Key and Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Concepts Definition

Sistemas are sets of interacting or interdependent components. Systems provide structure and order in human,
natural and built environments. Systems can be static or dynamic, simple or complex.

Related Concepts

Processes, Patterns and trends


Conceptual Understanding

Patterns and trends in the population can help to predict and anticipate results in the system.

Global Context & Explorations

Global Context &

Explorations Posibles exploraciones a desarrollar.

Population and demography

Globalización y

Statement of Inquiry

Patterns and trends in the population can help to predict and anticipate results in the system.

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unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
Greenville International School JORGE SANCHEZ MONTERDE


Inquiry Questions

Tipo Preguntas de Indagación Lineas de Indagación

Factual What is population? Demography

Factual What are patterns and trends? Math

Conceptual Does the population of a place impact the quality of Demography


Debatable What is the main problem: The increase in the world Ethics
population or how it is distributed?



Understand the interactions and interdependence of individuals, societies and the environment

Identify and develop concern for the well-being of human communities and the natural environment


A: Knowing and understanding

ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, through descriptions,
explanations and examples

B: Investigating

iv. evaluate the research process and results, with guidance

C: Communicating

i. communicate information and ideas in a way that is appropriate for the audience and purpose

D: Thinking critically

i. analyse concepts, issues, models, visual representation and/or theories

ii. summarize information to make valid, well supported arguments

iii. analyse a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations

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unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
Greenville International School JORGE SANCHEZ MONTERDE


ATL Skills

Approaches to Learning


- III. Organization skills

Managing time and tasks effectively

Create plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations and performances)


- VI. Information literacy skills

Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information

Process data and report results


- VIII. Critical thinking skills

Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas

Identify trends and forecast possibilities

Developing IB Learners

IB Learner Profile



For the summative they must understand the differences that surges when you live 50 km to a different direction. They must put
theirself in the position of the kids living in the most poor towns in Mexico and how it affects their future and growing.


Formative Assessment

Discussion about the concepts and their meanings.

Give some examples. Find some news in the last week where the concepts are being mentioned.

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unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
Greenville International School JORGE SANCHEZ MONTERDE


Where have you heard them?

Could it mean anything else?

• Expand your horizons- On a chart analyze the growth of World population by regions from 1950 to 2000 and their
• Analyze the composition of the population in Mexico.

Create plans for summative assesment

• Understand the different graphic pyramids and discuss how it represents our community and its needs.

• Analyze how the population of the world is distributed, and calculate Mexico´s relative population in every state.
Color a map according to Mexico´s population density and discuss the concentration and dispersion of the
• Evaluate the social and economic implications of growth, composition, and distribution of the population of Mexico.
Research about the poorest places in Chiapas, México.
• Contrast the social and economic problems faced by High and low population growth. Present and discuss your
results to the group.
• Overpopulation- Video
• Go to Inegi and start your summative.
• Identify the main social problems due to marginalization in the world and search for International organizations to
find about social programs. Draw a diagram with this information about the towns in Chiapas you researched last
week World Population

· Identify the most populated cities in the world, and their unbalanced rural and urban facilities.

Make the summative assessment

Summative Assessment

Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria.

“Case study: The population in extreme poverty in Chiapas”

Why do some municipalities in Chiapas have high levels of poverty and marginalization? Make a poster with mapping,
graphs, and a conclusion that summarizes the most important results and what they have learned about poverty,
conditions and population.

Goal To study and understand the patterns and trends in the Chiapas’s poverty population.

You work for UN and need to locate and explain the disadvantages some places have in order to
help them with resources.

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unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
Greenville International School JORGE SANCHEZ MONTERDE


Audience You’ll be making an announcement to the members of the UN justifying the location you selected

Situation You’ll need to assign the economic help or otherwise you’ll lose it.

A poster with mapping, graphs and a conclusion that summarizes the most important results and
what they have learned about poverty, conditions and population.

Standardization and Moderation

• Analyze how the population of the world is distributed, and calculate Mexico´s relative population in every state. Color a
map according to Mexico´s population density and discuss the concentration and dispersion of the population.
• Evaluate the social and economic implications of growth, composition, and distribution of the population of Mexico.
Research about the poorest places in Chiapas, México.
• Contrast the social and economic problems faced by High and low population growth. Present and discuss your results to
the group.

MYP Assessment Criteria

N/A A: Knowing and understanding N/A B: Investigating

N/A C: Communicating N/A D: Thinking critically

Learning Experiences

Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies

19-20Unit_4_Geography_Planner_7Th_GradeJASM.doc Apr 13, 2020

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unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
unit 4 Dynamics of the population.
Greenville International School JORGE SANCHEZ MONTERDE



Reflections General

Prior to studying the unit

JORGE SANCHEZ MONTERDE abr 13, 2020 at 4:00 PM

Students´ knowledge in elementary school focused on the various components that make up the characteristics of the
To begin the study of these content students remembered what they saw in primary school about Social and Cultural
components and their relation to social and cultural diversity, as well as understanding through analyzing patters how;
causes and consequences might become predictable and therefore managed.
Students will have an opportunity to develop attributes like Principled, Knowledgeable, through research; developing and
using new concepts to analyze and take responsible action to complex problems besides, understanding their strengths
and weaknesses to be work on for their personal development.

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unit 4 Dynamics of the population.

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