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766 Alignment Chart

Reba Wissner

Project Overview

UDL has been acknowledged as a best practice for teaching and learning in higher education. The basic premise of UDL is that
accessibility can be added to courses to benefit all learners, not just those with disabilities. These accessibility elements
include providing notes and slides to students and adding captions to videos. Many college faculty, however, are unsure how to
incorporate UDL in their courses and are unconvinced of its benefits. Some faculty perceive the implementation of UDL as too
much work for too little returns, usually as the result of a misconception about UDL.

This online, asynchronous training will cover what UDL is, its benefits, and how to incorporate it into online and face-to-face
course environments. It will provide faculty with information about UDL, implications for its use in online and in-person
course environments, and demonstrate how to utilize it in courses. It will dispel any misconceptions that faculty may have and
help faculty to understand the benefits for students.

Last Updated: 5/10/17
Terminal Objective: The participants will apply knowledge of best practices for using UDL in a learning object.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Identify best practices Listing Activity Reading Listing Activity:
from UDL from the Learners will
provided list. categorize the best
practices from a
provided list.
Organize those best Listing Activity Presentation Listing Activity: Listing Activity:
practices in order of Learners will rank Learners will create a
decreasing importance of UDL list using their drill-
importance. practices. and-practice ranking.
Explain the best Summarizing Activity Reading and Summarizing Activity: Summarizing Activity:
practices and their Presentation Learners will justify Learners will go on an
ranking. their ranking in a internet scavenger
written summary. hunt for non-UDL
compliant items that
will support their
ranking choice.
Summarize why these Summarizing Activity Presentation Summarizing Activity:
practices are ranked as Learners will give
they are. examples using an
existing learning
object that help to
justify their rankings.

Last Updated: 5/10/17
Terminal Objective: The participants will implement UDL and apply it to their course materials.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Organize and rank Listing Activity Presentation Listing Activity: Listing Activity:
UDL best practices. Learners will role-play Learners will apply
as a UDL evaluator to this ranking to an
determine the existing learning
importance and object.
organization of best
Evaluate their course Evaluating Activity Reading Evaluating Activity:
materials according to Learners will create a
this ranking. scale from 1-10 and
rank their own course
materials according to
how well they fit UDL
Explain how they can Modifying Activity and Video Modifying Activity: Summarizing Activity:
improve their Summarizing Activity Learners will examine Learners will explain
materials according to a non-UDL compliant how the material was
UDL principles. document and one that modified for UDL
has been modified for compliance and
UDL. summarize how this
might apply to their
own materials.

Last Updated: 5/10/17
Terminal Objective: The participants will modify an item from a course to adhere to UDL principles.
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Reconstruct an Modifying Activity and Video Modifying Activity: Summarizing Activity:
existing learning Summarizing Activity Learners will modify Learners will connect
object for a course an existing learning a job aid to their
according to UDL best object using a job aid. knowledge of UDL and
practices. provide a summary of
their modifications.
Identify the items in Evaluating Activity Reading Evaluating Activity:
their material that can Learners take a
be improved by UDL. checklist and identify
non-UDL compliant
items in the learning
object according to the
Apply UDL principles Modifying Activity Video Modifying Activity:
to their material. Learners decide how
to best modify non-
UDL compliant items
in the learning object
according to the
Modify their learning Modifying Activity Presentation Modifying Activity:
object according to Learners take a
UDL principles. checklist and modify
the learning object
according to the

Last Updated: 5/10/17

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