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Conference 2 Worksheet

Christopher Thatcher

1) What questions do you have about the feedback on your Lit. Review & Annotated
Bib.? What revisions do you see yourself making to the Lit. Review for your
Researched Article? Write at least three sentences.
I don’t really have any questions about the feedback from the Lit. Review and
Annotated Bib because I did a very good job on it. I guess the only question I
would have is how I would use it in my researched article but that’s about it. I
don’t need to make any revisions because my Lit Review was graded well and fits
very well in my research.

2) Write at least two questions about your writing. Write at least one question you
have about coding your data. Please bring your coded, or partially coded data
along if you have any specific questions.

My first question would be how would I put my coded data into an appendix if my
articles are all online publications? The second question would be what common
codes would fit with my research question?

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