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​ 3.

2 Career Paths

To explain my chosen career path, I created a drawing (evidence 3.2.1) that follows my

plans from high school to a career in education. I considered the classes I have taken such as AP

Psychology, human relationships, Spanish 4, and Teacher Academy which will benefit me most

as I pursue a Master's Degree in education. I have visited multiple colleges such as Ohio

University, Ohio State University, Bowling Green State University, Eastern Michigan

University, and Otterbein University. I have decided to apply to Bowling Green and Ohio

University where I will pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. I chose these

universities because I fell in love with their campuses and atmospheres. I liked how the

campuses were smaller but still had lots to do and lots of opportunities. My last stop on my

drawing is my dream job of teaching fifth grade in a suburban area teaching all subjects.

I researched careers in education by surveying a teacher ( evidence 3.2.2 Teacher

Lifestyle Survey). I learned how important it is for teachers to balance all aspects of their lives

and to make sure they know what is important to them. My teacher academy class visited the

Olentangy Local Schools central administration office. We visited with the superintendent, a

school board member, and the Olentangy Teacher Association president. We learned of a variety

of careers and how all of them work together to keep Olentangy Local Schools up and running.

We learned about how everyone collaborates to decide what is best for our schools now and how

that decision will affect everyone as a whole. We discussed things such as redistricting, new

schools, funding, overpopulation, new ideas in Olentangy, and lots more. It was interesting to

hear all of them speak because we discussed things I had never even thought about.
We examined a few documents that provided information about teacher licensure, which

included the Ohio Teacher Licensure Structure (evidence 3.2.3), with this I learned about how to

obtain a teaching license but also how that license can be taken away. Teachers live in a fishbowl

and are constantly being observed by students, parents, and the administration. Teachers have to

be careful with what they choose to do with their free time because anything can be taken the

wrong way.

Evidence 3.2.1-3.3.3:


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