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MAESTRO:____Mily Díaz____________________ GRADO ___7°___


El estudiante puede comprender instrucciones sencillas, interpretar textos cortos con un vocabulario acorde a su nivel
(A2; A2.2). También está en la capacidad de participar en diálogos preparados con estructuras y vocabulario simple.

Realiza descripciones físicas y psicológicas en las que puede establecer comparaciones sencillas
TEMA CONCEPTO: Present simple and present continuous.

En este espacio adicionar la actividad o actividades que le ayudarán al estudiante a conseguir el propósito
What are they doing?

1. Julie_is __________________________________________
2. Frank and Tom__________________________________
3. Bill and Joe_____________________________________
4. Ed____________________________________________
5. Emily and Susan_________________________________
6. Norman________________________________________
7. Al_____________________________________________

Answer the questions.

1. Is Bill playing tennis?_______________________________________________

2. Are Jack and Paul drinking?__________________________________________
3. Is Jane writing a letter?_____________________________________________
4. Is Gary running?___________________________________________________
5. What is Peter doing?_______________________________________________
6. What are Sam and John doing?_______________________________________
7. Is Susan reading?__________________________________________________
8. Are Diana and Steve playing tennis?___________________________________

Leer textos sencillos escritos en forma corta para extraer su información principal.

Read the text and complete with verbs into PAST SIMPLE according to the number.
arrive 1 can 2 check 3 leave 4
not be 5 sit 6 talk 7 have 8
go 9 open 10 be 11 turn 12
not be 13 decide 14 be 15 go 16

Comprender expresiones básicas y comandos utilizados continuamente en clase acerca del uso de
comparativos y superlativos.
TEMA CONCEPTO: Comparative and superlatives.

Go to this page and solve the exercise:
Fortalecer capacidad de expresar necesidades básicas dentro y fuera del aula haciendo uso de
cuantificadores, verbos como can y have y el uso de will para hacer predicciones, además de la respuesta de
información básica del estudiante.

TEMA CONCEPTO: Quantifiers, Modals Can-have, Will to make predictions.


Complete with some, Any or No

1. Only ___ of his friends came. Not all of them.

2. There isn't ___ food in the refrigerator, is there?

3. We are broke. We have ___ money to buy grandpa a gift.

4. I bought a loaf of bread and ___ cheese at the supermarket yesterday.

5. Don't you know the proverb: "___ news is good news"?

6. We don't have ___ sugar or flour to make the cake.

7. ___ place he chooses to go will be fine.

8. Don't close the door. There are still ___ children outside.

9. Why don't you decorate the room with ___ white flowers?

10. I'm busy. I have ___ time to chat with you now.

11. ___ people prefer to study in the morning; others at night.

12. If you have ___ problem, call me.

13. There aren't ___ books on this topic in the library.

1. What would you say in these places? Complete the sentences with have to, don’t have
to, can or cannot.
A sports stadium
You____________________ buy your ticket in advance.
You____________________ take photographs.
You____________________ use your mobile phone.
You____________________ bring your dog.
You____________________ smoke here.
You____________________ eat here.
You____________________ drink here.
You____________________ arrive early.
A shopping centre
You____________________ buy your ticket in advance.
You____________________ take photographs.
You____________________ use your mobile phone.
You____________________ bring your dog.
You____________________ smoke here.
You____________________ eat here.
You____________________ drink here.
You____________________ arrive early.
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into correct form (Future Simple)
a) I ___________ (not to see) him tomorrow. I ___________ (be) busy all day in the library.

b) Where you ___________ (to go) next summer? – I ____________ (go) to Greece.

c) Let’s go to this exhibition. We ____________ (meet) lots of interesting people.

d) I think my son ___________ (be) a great football player. He plays football so well!

e) I don't think she ____________ (pass) the exam, she isn't very good at History.

f) He _____________ (run) in the morning in the park every day next week.

g) I'm feeling so tired. I think I _____________ (go) to bed. Good night.

h) We ___________ (answer) the letter at seven o'clock.

i) They _______________ (take) care of our garden next summer.

j) I _____________ (send) him a telegram, if I do not receive an answer to my letter.

k) If the weather is fine tomorrow, we ________________ (go) to the seaside.

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