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Prepared By : Ashutosh Kumar

1 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Module Subject Page Number.

1. Terminologies 03
2. Abbreviations 04 - 07
3. Aircraft Rule 08
4. Difference between 09 - 19
5. Security Measures 20 - 23
6. Latest Questions in Exams 24 - 38
7. X-BIS Appendix – E 39 - 45
8. DFMD Appendix – G 46 - 47
9. HHMD Appendix – H 47
10. ETD , EVD Appendix – K 48
11. Baggage 49 - 51
12. Cargo 52
13. Bomb Situation 52 - 54
14. Catering 55
15. Hijack Situation 55 - 56
16. Screening Plans 57
17. Vehicle , Threats & Measures 58
18. Profiling 59
19. General & X-BIS Key Board 59 - 62
20. Fill in the Blanks 63 - 66
21. Circulars & AVSEC Orders 67 - 71
22. Aircraft Rule 2011 ( Details) 72 - 84

2 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Terminologies Related To Aviation

Aerial work : An aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialized services such as agriculture,
construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue, aerial advertisement, etc.

Airside : The movement area of an airport, adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof, access to which is

Background check : A check of a person’s identity and previous experience, including where legally permissible,
any criminal history, as part of the assessment of an individual’s suitability to implement a security control and/or
for unescorted access to a security restricted area.

Baggage Breakup Area : The area where all the arrival passenger’s bags are delivered to them.

Baggage Shorting Area : Space in which departure baggage is sorted into flights loads . ( also known as Baggage
Make up Area

Cargo : Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage.

In-flight security officer : A person who is authorized by the government of the State of the Operator and the
government of the State of Registration to be deployed on an aircraft with the purpose of protecting that aircraft
and its occupants against acts of unlawful interference. This excludes persons employed to provide exclusive
personal protection for one or more specific people travelling on the aircraft, such as personal bodyguards.

Known consignor : A consignor who originates cargo or mail for its own account and whose procedures meet
common security rules and standards sufficient to allow the carriage of cargo or mail on any aircraft.

Regulated agent : An agent, freight forwarder or any other entity who conducts business with an operator and
provides security controls that are accepted or required by the appropriate authority in respect of cargo or mail.

Screening : The application of technical or other means which are intended to identify and/or detect weapons,
explosives or other dangerous devices, articles or substances which may be used to commit an act of unlawful

Security : Safeguarding civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. This objective is achieved by a
combination of measures and human and material resources.

Transfer Passenger : Passenger / Baggage making direct connections between two different flights .

Transit Passenger : Passengeers departing from an airport on the same flight as that on which they arrived .

Transfer cargo and mail: Cargo and mail departing on an aircraft other than that on which it arrived.

Unidentified baggage : Baggage at an airport, with or without a baggage tag, which is not picked up by or
identified with a passenger.

Profiling : Systematic observation of passenger and his baggage and questioning if necessary to categorize them into two
groups, threatening and non-threatening, so that more attention can be paid to the threatening ones..

3 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

1. AHME : Anti Hijacking Mock Exercise
2. AWG : American Wire Gauge
3. MANPADS : Man Portable Air Defense System
4. HMX : High Melting Explosive
5. BTCL : Bomb Threat Checklist
6. BTCF : Bomb Threat Communication Form.
7. CGO : Cargo
8. IMS : Ion Mobility Spectrometry
9. IAPP : Isolated Aircraft Parking Position.
10. USAP : Universal Security Audit Programme
11. DDG : Deputy Director General
12. RTVS : Real Time Viewing System.
13. CROT Kit : Car Remote Opening Toll Kit.
14. BTME : Bomb Threat Mockup Exercise. .(NEW)
15. HFP : Human factor Principle.
16. ECAC : European Civil Aviation Conference
17. SLVC : Suspected Luggage Containment Vessel.(NEW)
18. PWD : Person With Disability.
19. WAC : Weapon Authorization Card.
20. ANFO : Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil.
21. HRCM : High Risk Cargo and Mail.
22. CBRN : Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear.
23. UDF : User Development Fee.
24. UVSM : Under Vehicle Search Mirror.
25. PRM : Person With Reduce Mobility.
26. OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer.(NEW)
27. IGRUAL : Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Udaan Academy Limited. .(NEW)
28. UDAN : Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik. .(NEW)
29. ABP : Able bodied passenger. .(NEW)
30. EOD : Explosive Ordinance Disposal. .(NEW)
31. UPU : Universal Postal Union. .(NEW)
32. IFALPA : International Federation of Airline pilots Associations. .(NEW)
33. NCASC : National civil aviation security committee. .(NEW)
34. SeMS : Security management System. .(NEW)
35. SMS : Safety management System. .(NEW)
36. CMT : Crisis management Team. .(NEW)

4 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

74. ATC : Air Traffic Control
75. UFO : Unidentified Flying Object
76. AIT : Armed Intervention Team
77. CCS : Cabinet Committee on Security
78. IAF : Indian Air Force
79. EDA : Explosive Detection Analysis
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Rule 01 : Short title, extent and commencement
Rule 02 : Definitions
Rule 03 : Duties of commissioner
Rule 04 : Appeals.
Rule 05 : Planning, design and layout of the Aerodrome security requirement
Rule 06 : Aerodrome perimeter
Rule 07 : Provision of lighting, road for patrolling and observation post
Rule - 8 : Aerodrome security programme
Rule 09 : Security clearance for operations at aerodrome
Rule -10 : Handling of unattended or suspect baggage
Rule -13 - Aviation Security Group
Rule - 14 - Duties of the Chief Aerodrome Security Officer
Rule -16 - Contingency Plan
Rule - 17 - Disembarkation of unruly passenger
Rule - 18 - Entry into aerodrome
Rule - 19 - Entry into security restricted area
Rule - 20 - Prohibition to carry weapons or explosive
Rule - 21 - Security check before embarkation Rule - 22 - Certification of screener
Rule - 23 - Prohibition on carriage of certain goods
Rule - 24 - Security Programme
Rule - 25 - Security clearance for operation
Rule - 26 - Deployment of staff
Rule - 27 - Security search of aircraft
Rule - 28 - Access control to aircraft
Rule - 31 - Security control for hold baggage
Rule - 32 - Identification and reconciliation of hold baggage
Rule - 33 - Transfer baggage
Rule - 34 - Carriage of prisoners in aircraft
Rule - 35 - Carriage of cargo, mail, catering items and other stores PART VI - CARGO, COURIER BAGS,
Rule - 37 - Security control for cargo and courier bag
Rule - 39 - Identification or reconciliation of the Accompanied courier bags
Rule - 40 - Prohibition on carriage of certain goods
Rule - 42 - Regulated agent
Rule - 43 - Catering supplies
Rule - 48 – Inspection

8 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL


Q1. Difference between DG-BCAS and DG-DGCA ?

Q 2. Difference between SECURITY and SAFETY ?
Q 3. Differences between Security Investigation and Security Inspection ?
Q 4. Difference between ICAO &IATA? ?
Q 5. Difference between Operating Crew and Cabin Crew ?
Q 6. Difference between Stand Alone and Inline X-Ray ?
Q 7. Difference between General Caro and Perishable Cargo ?
Q 8. Difference between PESC and SLPC ?
Q 9. Difference between BOMB and IED ?
Q 10. Differences between Single & Multi Energy System ?
Q 11. Difference between High explosive and Detonator ?
Q 12. Difference between Profiling and Behavior Detection ?
Q 13. Difference between Ambient switches and Remote Control switches ?
Q 14. Difference between STAND ALONE AND CTX ?
Q 15. Difference between Deportee and Inadmissible Person ?
Q17. Difference between High Explosive And Low Explosive ?
Q 18. Difference between REMOTE BAY AND AEROBRIDGE ?
Q 20. Difference between NCASTP AND NCASQCP ?
Q21. Differences between Security Investigation and Security Inspection ?
Q 22. Differences between Standard practice and Recommend practice ?
Q.23. Differences between Explosive Device ( IED) and Incendiary Device ( IID ) ?
Q. 24. Differences between Appropriate authority and Regulatory authority ?
Q. 25. Difference between General Aviation and Corporate Aviation?
Q. 26 . Difference between Transit and Transfer Passenger?
Q. 27 Differences between Internal Audit and Regulatory Audit ?
Q. 28 Differences between ASG and NSG ?

9 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q1 . Difference between DG-BCAS and DG-DGCA ?

1. Appropriate Authority for civil aviation 1. Head of Safety Regulator in Indian
security In India . Aviation .

2. Responsible for Developing maintenance and 2. Responsible for the Implementation of

implementation of NCASP. safety guidelines in Indian Aviation .

3. Issue AVSEC guidelines in terms of AVSEC 3. Issue Aviation safety guidelines in terms
order / Circulars . of (CAR) Civil Aviation Requirement.

4. Responsible for NCASQCP & BCAS Audit. 4. Responsible for DGCA Audit .

5. Deals with AVSEC Incident . 5. Deals with Aircraft Accident .

6. Issue screener Certification , Instructor 6. Issue Pilot , Cabin Crew Aircraft

Certification Auditor Certification and AEP . Engineers licenses .

Q2 . Difference between SECURITY and SAFETY ?

1. Safeguarding civil aviation against acts of 1. Freedom from Danger ,Risk , Harm Injury,
un-lawful interference . This objective is Loss of life and property where ever cause
achieved by a combination of measures deliberately or by accident. (Definition)
and human and material .( Definition.)

2. DG-BCAS is responsible for aviation 2. DG-DGCA is responsible for Aviation

security. Security .

3. In aviation deals by Annex-17 of ICAO . 3. In aviation deals by Annex-18 of ICAO.

4. Aviation security Rules /guidelines are 4. Aviation Safety rules /Guidelines are issued
issued under AVSEC Orders and Circulars . under “CAR” Civil Aviation Requirement

5. Chief Security officer in an airlines is 5. Chief of flight safety in an Airlines is responsible

responsible to implement AVSEC/CIRCULARS. To implement CAR .

10 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q 3. Differences between Security Investigation and Security Inspection ?


1. The careful and systematic examination of a 1. An examination of the implementation of
security incident and accident to discover the relevant national civil aviation security
truth. programme to determine how effectively they
are being carried out.

2. Aircraft security Rules -2011,Rule – 46. 2. Aircraft security Rules -2011,Rule – 43

3. Inquiry officer shall not be below the rank of 3. AVSEC Auditors Inspector authorized by DG-
Asst – Director BCAS . BCAS.

4. Fact finding process . 4. Qality Control, Monitoring activity .

Q 4. Difference between ICAO &IATA? ?


1. International Civil Aviation Organization . 1. International Air transport Association.

2. ICAO was formed on 4th Apr1947. 2. IATA was forms on 19th Apr 1945.

3. ICAO has 192 Members as contracting states. 3. IATA has 278 Airlines as a member.

4. ICAO is a inter government organization 4. Deals commercial aspects of airline

which deals with regular aspects of National operators .
civil aviation.

Q5 . Difference between Operating Crew and Cabin Crew ?

Operating Crew Cabin Crew

1. Carriage of operating crew is under Rule 1. Carriage of Cabin crew is under Rule 38 B.
2. Senior member of operating crew is 2. Senior member of cabin crew is known as
known as Pilot In command Cabin manger or In flight Purser.

3. Operating crew (Cockpit crew) is responsible 3. Cabin crew is responsible to Pilot in command
for flying an Aircraft. for Coordination of cabin safety.

4. DGCA issues license for operating crew in 4. DGCA issues license for cabin crew in
India India.

11 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q 6. Difference between Stand Alone and Inline X-Ray ?
Stand Alone In Line X-Ray

1. Only 01 level of baggage Screening involved. 1. 04 levels of baggage screening involved.

2. Passenger is present at the time of screening 2. Passenger is not present at the time of
of baggage screening.

3. Screening of baggage takes place before 3. Screening of baggage takes place after
passenger check-in process. passenger check-in process.

4. Passenger is present at the time of physical 4. Passenger has to be called up in case of

check of the bag. physical check of baggage at level04.

5. 01 EDS is available between 02 standalone x- 5. EDS is available at level 03 of inline baggage

ray machines. screening process.

Q 7. Difference between General Caro and Perishable Cargo ?


1. It is of a general nature which doesn’t 1.It is a special kind of cargo which perishes
perish with time. with time.
2. No designated area to be kept after screening 2. Special area is earmarked to keep this kind
due to its nature. of cargo due to its nature.
3. It can be screened by X-ray, Physical check, 3.It can be screened by X-ray, Physical check,
ETD/EVD, Cooling off. ETD/EVD but no cooling off.
Eg: Garments, Auto Parts Eg: Newspaper , Flowers

Q 8. Difference between PESC and SLPC ?

1.Pre-embarkation Security Checks 1.Secondary Ladder point checks

2.It is done at the entry point of Security Hold 2.It is done at ladder point of the aircraft.
3.Responsibility lies with ASG/APSU. 3.Responsibility lies with Airline Security.

4.It applies to all the passengers boarding an 4.It applies to the random flights as instructed
aircraft from an aerodrome. by BCAS.

12 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q 9. Difference between BOMB and IED ?


1. Service Explosives 1. Improvised Explosives .

2. Made by approved ordnance factory 2. Made by Terrorist .

3. Standard mechanism used . 3. Improvised mechanism used .

4. Used by Army &Security forces(SFS) for 4. Used by terrorist to kill innocent public&
safety &security of the country. Create terror in public .

5. Very difficult to diffuse as mechanism is

5. Can be diffused easily as mechanism is
Not known.

Q 10. Differences between Single & Multi Energy System ?


1. Single Energy 1.Multi Energy/ Dual Energy

2.One Level of X-ray is used 2.Two Levels of X-ray Energy used

3.Monochrome Images (Black And White) Displays Colour Images

4.Cannot distinguish materials according to 3.Distinguishes materials according to Atomic

atomic numbers Numbers

5.Scans objects slice by slice 4.High level of penetration

Q 11. Difference between High explosive and Detonator ?

High Explosive Detonator
1.) High explosive is safe to handle , cause a huge 1.) the detonator is a small cylinder
damage and easy to conceal . containing an initiating explosive and a
Booster charge of high explosive .

2.) High explosive requires detonators to explode 2.) it is used to initiate the detonation of
. high explosive .

3.) Modern high explosive categorized into 3.) Detonators are categorized into Two
primary and secondary explosive . types Electric and Non electric detonator .

4.) High explosives requires four components and 4.) The detonator is normally stored
including detonators . separately from the high explosives .

13 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q 12. Difference between Profiling and Behavior Detection ?

Profiling Behavior Detection

1.) Systematic observation of Passenger . 1.) Observation of suspicious behavioral
characteristics displayed by passenger and
non – passenger .

2.) Depends upon 03 factors – Passenger 2.)Depend upon Physiological or Gestural

,behavior, Baggage & Documents . signs indicative of anomaious behavior

3.) Conventional security Measures for passenger 3.) Advanced measures for non passenger
to categorize them into threatening and non security .

Q 13. Difference between Ambient switches and Remote Control switches ?


1.) the Triggering mechanism is activated by 1.) Remote control bombs are activated by
environment factors . Transmission of electromagnetic waves .

2.) A bomb may be planted during the day and 2.) Remote bomb will have a transmitter with
activated the same day when darkness sets or by the bomber and receiver at the target with
the principles of difference in pressure variation. explosive .

3.) E.G:- Proximity Gases, smoke sensitivity ,X-ray 3.) E.G:- FM Transmission , command wire
sensitivity etc ,cell phone etc.

Q 14. Difference between STAND ALONE AND CTX ?

i. Manual baggage inspection system 1. Computerized screening system

ii. Efficiency depends upon Operator evolution 2. Automatic and operator evolution
iii. No inbuilt Explosive detectors 3. Inbuilt explosive detectors

iv. Generator will locate any side of the tunnel 4. X-Ray Generator is located inside the
v, Generator will not be move (fixed 5. Generator will move around the
Generator) baggage
vi. Can view 2 angles of bag images (Duel 6. It will take 500 angles images of
View) baggage
vii. Only 20 images 7. 20 & 30 images

viii. Works on Multi Energy Radiation 8. Works on CT scan image principle

ix. Through put rate 400 bags per hour 9. Through put rate 250 - 1200 bags per
14 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL
Q 15. Difference between Deportee and Inadmissible Person ?
Deportee Inadmissible person

i. A person who had been admitted to a state A person who is or will be refused admission
legally or illegally and who formally ordered to a state by its authorities
by the competent authorities to leave the state .

ii. For removal of such persons are the

Transportation responsibility by the
responsibility of aircraft operator on which they arrived
the government ordering the deportation

iii. The primary responsibility of escorting a The primary responsibility of escorting a

Deportee is of immigration Law Inadmissible person is of immigration
Enforcement Agency of the deporting Law Enforcement Agency, and Aircraft


Instructor Auditor

1. AVSEC Instructor will follow the AVSEC Auditor will follow the guidelines of
of 'ASTP'
2. AVSEC Instructor will be conduct training AVSEC Auditor will be conduct Audits
for Aviation Security personnel's and quality check of Aviation Organization

3. As per 'NCASTP' he will ensure As per 'NCASQCP' he will ensure the

monitoring and implementation of Aviation compliance examination of all aspects of
Security Trainings Implementation

Q 17. Difference between High Explosive and Low Explosive ?

High Explosive Low Explosive

1. It Explodes . 1. It Burns .
2. It requires Detonator 2. It does not require
3. Magnitude of destruction is more 3. Magnitude of destruction is less

4. Safe to handle 4. Not safe to handle

5. Safe to store 5. Not safe to store

6. Does not need confinement to explode 6. Needs confinement to explode

7. Less Hygroscopic 7. More Hygroscopic

15 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q18 . Difference between REMOTE BAY AND AEROBRIDGE ?

Remote Bay (Open Bay) Aerobridge

i. There is a chance to passenger Less contamination of passenger


ii. Boarding will be announced in 2 ways One way of passenger boarding

at apron area

No need to escort of passengers but surveillance

iii. Passengers need to be escorted till to be done

Q 19. Difference between Profiling And Behavior Detection ?

1. Systematic Observation of Passenger . 1. Observation of suspicious Behavioral

characteristics displayed by passenger and Non-
Passenger .

2. Depends upon 03 factors – Passenger , 2. Depends upon Physiological or Gestural signs

Behavior ,Baggage & Documents . indicative of anomalous behavior .

3. Conventional security Measures for Passenger 3. Advanced measure for Passenger and Non-
to categorized them into Threatening and Non – Passenger Security .
Threatening group.

Q 20. Difference between NCASTP AND NCASQCP ?

1. As per NCASQCP Conducting
1 As per NCASTP Conducting AVSEC trainings Security Audit, Inspection, Survey
& Test
2. Persons carrying out screening operations 2. To the quality control for civil
shall be certified according to the aviation security operations as per
requirements of the NCASTP

3. Ensure implementation of Instructor 3. Ensure implementation of

Certification Auditor/Inspector certification
system. system.

16 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q 21. Differences between Standard practice and Recommend practice ?



2. 2.

3. 3

4. 4.

Q 22. Differences between Explosive Device ( IED) and Incendiary Device ( IID ) ?

Explosive Device ( IED ) Incendiary Device ( IID)

1. IED has four basic components (Explosive 1.IID has three basic components (Low
material, detonator, power source and switch) Explosives, Initiator, and Incendiary material)
2. IED requires explosive material 2. IID requires incendiary material

3. IED requires detonator

3. IID does not requires detonator
4. IED requires triggering mechanism 4.IID requires Ignition mechanism
5. Magnitude damage is very high 5. Less damage

Q. 23. Differences between Appropriate authority and Regulatory authority ?

Appropriate Authority Regulatory Authority

1. Director General, BCAS is our appropriate 1. BCAS is our regulatory authority

2. Primary objective of appropriate 2. Primary objective of regulate authority is to

authority is to protect or safeguard the protect or safeguard the civil aviation in the
Indian civil aviation from against act of region from against
unlawful interference. act of unlawful interference.
3. Establishing, developing, implementing,
maintaining and reviewing the NCASP in India; 3. Monitoring of implementation of NCASP

4. Coordinating activities between different 4. Coordinating activities between different

organizations in India and abroad concerned organizations in particular region concerned
with or responsible for various aspects of with or responsible for various aspects of the
the Programme . Programme .

17 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

24.Difference between General Aviation and Corporate Aviation?

General Aviation Corporate Aviation

1. Aircraft is used for operations other than 1. Non-commercial operation where Aircraft is
commercial or an aerial work used by a company for carriage of goods &
passengers as an aid to conduct company
2. Aircraft operates whenever any client 2. Aircraft operates whenever required by
comes for booking . company.

3. Tickets can be booked through particular 3. Aircraft can only be used for private
tour company. company operations.

25.Difference between Transit and Transfer Passenger?

Transit Transfer
1. Transit passenger remains onboard an aircraft 1. In this case passengers are directly transferred
at transit station. from one aircraft to another aircraft of same air
carrier.(Ramp Transfer)
2. Transit passenger who remains onboard an 2. No need for identification of hand bags.
aircraft need to re-identify their handbags if any.
3. In this case Flight number of passenger and 3. In this case there is a change in flight number
aircraft remains same till the destination of passenger and may change in the aircraft as
4. Transit passenger is not allowed to deplane in 4. Passenger has to deplane in Transit station to
transit station catch another flight which is ready for departure.

Q 26. What is Differences between Internal Audit and Regulatory Audit ?

Internal Audit Regulatory Audit

1. Internal Audit is the responsibility of the CASO / 1. Regulatory audit is the responsibility of DG, BCAS
QCO of the Airlines . .

2. Internal Audit shall be conducted by the Airline 2. Regulatory Audit conducted by BCAS Auditor
Security officials, certified AVSEC Auditors.

3. internal Audit shall ensure the effectiveness of 3. Regulatory Audit shall ensure the effectiveness of

4. Internal Auditor shall submit audit report to CSO / 4. Regulatory Auditor shall submit audit report to

5. Internal Audit is conducted for Individual Air 5. Regulatory Audit conducted for all stake holders.
Operator/ Airport operator / Entity .

18 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q 27. Differences between ASG and NSG ?
1. Aviation Security Group . 1. National Security Guard .

2. Authorised by Rule -13 of the Aircraft security 2. Authorised by Rule- 30 of the aircraft rule -2011
Rules-2011 for protection of Airports . as IFSO.

3. Deployed at Airports for safeguarding 3. Deployed at Aircraft for Sky Marshalling to

International Civil Aviation against Unlawful prevent Hi – Jacking .
interference .
4. Functions under CASO . 4. Functional head of IFSO is Detachment
5. conduct Pre- Embarkation check . 5. Conduct Pre – flight Crew briefing.

Q 27. Differences between

1. 1

2. 2.

3. 3

4. 4.

Q 28. Differences between

1. 1

2. 2.

3. 3

4. 4.

Q 28. Differences between

1. 1

2. 2.

3. 3

4. 4.

19 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL


Q1. What are the security control measures for HUM?

Q 2. What are the security measures to be undertaken for perishable cargo and lifesaving drugs?
Q 3. What are the security measures for carrying unaccompanied consignments of Courier companies/
Express cargo?
Q4. Security controls for Diplomatic Pouch ( order 05/2002 )
Q 5. What are the security control measures for Registered bag?
Q 6. List out the Security Measures to be adapted to carry the co-mail by aircraft?
Q 7. What Anti Hijacking security measures are being adopted at Indian airports?
Q8. What are measures against terrorist attacks?
Q9. What are the anti-sabotage measures?
Q10. What are the measures for Security of personnel?
Q 11. What measures should be taken to maintain sterility of hold area?
Q12. What are the security Measures of High Value goods ?
Q13. What are the security measures AVI ?
Q14. What are the security measures for Postal Mail ?(PO Mail)
Q15. What are the security measures for newspaper and cleaning supplies ?
Q16. What are the security measures Transshipment Cargo ?
Q17. What are the security measures for secret and sensitive cargo ?

Q1. What are the security Measure of high value Goods ?

i. Security checks as any other cargo
ii. X-Ray & Physical check applicable
iii. Stored in strong room
iv. Escort till aircraft
iv. Log book for records

Q2. What are the security control measures for HUM?

For domestic stations:-
1) Death certificate
2) Embalming certificate
3) Permission by the local police
4) Valid photo -ID card

For International Stations:-

1) Death certificate
2) Embalming certificate
3) Permission by the local police
4) Permission from the Indian mission for carriage
5) Copies of cancelled passport of the deceased

Q3. What are the security measures AVI ?

1. Health physical condition of the pet
2. Certificate from veterinary doctor if pet is pregnant
3. Cage box to be exanimated by X-BIS & physical inspection
4. Check that no item is attached to the body of animal
5. Live animal (AVI) not to be put through X-Ray
20 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL
Q4. What are the security measures for secret and sensitive cargo ?
1. Written permission from commissioner for transportation and
Exemption from security checks
2. A document is furnished by authorized organization
3. Officer from authorized organization has been checked physically, packed and
transported to
the airline operator
4. The officer will taking care of this cargo should not contain any dangerous goods and
any other
prohibited items
5. The airline operator shall ensure that the consignment has been handed over personally by a
responsible person of the organization at the destination .

Q5. What are the security measures for Postal Mail ?(PO Mail)
1. Must have a visual identification mark of character on packets
Must be cleared by X-Ray I physical check
3. Co-Mails can be handed over to cabin crew
4. Co-mat to be loaded in hold
5. A record to be maintained by airline

Q6. What are the security measures for newspaper and cleaning supplies ?
1. The stores and supplies have been obtained from an establishment with whom the air
operator has a written contract for the purpose
2. Searched by hand or X-Ray screening to prevent the introduction of any prohibited articles
3. Before allowing access to the aircraft, the cleaning staff shall be frisked and all the
articles carried by them checked properly by the airline security
4. Any other security controls prescribed by the commissioner .

Q7. What are the security measures Transshipment Cargo ?

1. It will be screened as normal cargo If it is shipped from Domestic to International
2. It will not be screened if it is from International to Domestic if the same has been
carried out at origin station but documentation should be checked
3. Transit Trans-shipment cargo (Domestic to International) will not be screened if it is
transported through the sterile area
4. If it is transported from landside it will required to re-
screened as normal cargo v. If any signs of tampering need
to be screened

Q8. What are the security measures to be undertaken for perishable cargo and lifesaving drugs?
Perishable cargo ?
a) Will not be kept for cooling off
b) Obtain Security Declaration from agent
c) X-ray screening by airline staff
d) Physical check
e) EDS if required

Lifesaving drugs
a) Lifesaving drugs are exempted from screening if a exemption letter is obtained from BCAS.
b) If exemption letter is not available such cargo should be treated as perishable cargo.
21 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL
Q 9. What are the security measures for carrying unaccompanied consignments of Courier companies/Express cargo?
a) Will be screened at AAI/ Airport Operator warehouse subject to BCAS clearance.
b) The courier companies shall furnish a declaration certificate
c) Thorough physical checking of individual packets where X-BIS is not available.
d) Wherever X-BIS are available screening by at least two angles.
e) Clearance by EDS If the security measures enumerated in a & b are not possible.

Q10. Security controls for Diplomatic Pouch ( order 05/2002 )

a) Visible external marks of their character.

b) Contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use.
c) Name and address of the consignee as well as that of the Foreign Diplomatic Mission/Consular post a sender.

Carried as hand bag

1. Exempt from x-ray screening
2. Exempt from physical check
3. Documentation check of diplomatic person
4. Incase of doubt inform protocol division

Carried as registered baggage:-

a) X-ray screening
b) No physical inspection
c) Documentation check of diplomatic person
d) Incase of doubt inform protocol division .

Q11 . What are the security control measures for Registered bag?
1. Airline operator should only accept baggage of confirmed ticket passenger.
2. Baggage once accepted shall be protected till departure of aircraft.
3. Off airport checked in Baggage shall be protected
4. Screen baggage by XBIS, EDS or Physical check
5. Do random checks of baggage even after screening.

Q12 . List out the Security Measures to be adapted to carry the co-mail by aircraft?
1. Security Declaration by concerned department signed by a responsible person
2. X-ray Screening or
3. Physical Check

Q 13. What Anti Hijacking security measures are being adopted at Indian airports?
1. Frisking of passengers and search of hand baggage
2. Armed support to frisking / searching staff
3. Escorting of passenger to aircraft
4. Apron and perimeter security
5. Security of catering items
6. Surveillance in Departure areas
7. Use of electronic aids-DFMD,HHMD,XBIS,CCTV
8. Secondary Ladder Point Checks
9. Pre-flight security checks / search of aircraft
10. Deployment of sky marshals
11. On the job supervision by airline staff .

22 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Q14. What are measures against terrorist attacks?
1. Guarding of aircraft
2. Perimeter wall of standard height
3. Apron / airport access control
4. Perimeter road for patrolling
5. Perimeter lighting
6. Watch towers
7. Deployment of Quick Reaction Teams (QRT)
8. Police stations in close proximity of airport
9. Efficient communication system
10. Patrolling Foot or mobile .

Q15. What are the anti-sabotage measures?

1. Screening and protection of registered baggage until loaded into aircraft hold
2. Identification / Reconciliation of registered baggage
3. Anti sabotage check of aircraft at originating station
4. Guarding of aircraft
5. Access control of aircraft
6. On the job supervision by airline staff
7. Security of air crew baggage / aircraft document bags / fuel
8. Security of catering items
9. Security of cargo, courier, human remains, postal mail, company stores
10. Non acceptance of last minute items by passengers
11. Passengers to ensure they are aware of contents of their baggage‘s

Q16. What are the measures for Security of personnel?

1. Airport entry permit (AEP) / Airport Entry Card (AEC) issued after security vetting/ background checks
2. Display of AEP/AEC to detect misuse
3. Frisking of all AEP/AEC holders before entry to airside
4. Never leave your baggage unattended
5. Never lend your uniform / AEP to others
6. Never accept a packet for carriage without screening
7. On the job supervision / surveillance
8. Always display a positive security attitude .

Q17. What measures should be taken to maintain sterility of hold area?

1. Search for prohibited items in hold area using different plans & sweeps.
2. Maintain strict access control
3. Authorized pax to be allowed after proper screening process
4. Authorised staff to be allowed after checks.
5. Catering items to be checked and then allowed in the hold area.

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Q 1. Acts of unlawful interference?.
Q2 . What is ANEX 17 ?
Q3. What is High-risk cargo or mail ?
Q4. Security Investigation :
Q5. Security inspection:
Q5. What is Behavior detection ?
Q6. Difference between Security Check and Search ?
Q7. Difference Between Aircraft in Flight and Aircraft in Service ?
Q8. Difference Between Commercial , Corporate and General Aviation ?
Q9. Difference between Catering Stores and Catering supply .
Q10. Eight roles of Implementation and Development from Quality control ?
Q11. What is Human Factors principles ?
Q12. Difference between Security Audit and Survey and Test ?
Q13. What is Disruptive passenger ?
Q14. What is Detention Room ?
Q15. What is Refusal Room ? Where it is located ? for whom it is used?
Q16. What is PPP? Examples of PPP Airports ?
Q17. Difference between Apron and Movement area ?
Q18 . Security Measures of Trans-shipment cargo ?
Q19. Characteristics of Professional Profiler ?
Q20. As per 6.13 of Appx –B of 11/2017 , The system should not be connected or accessed through internet
by the OEM for any purpose including remote diagnosis ? Why ?
Q21 : What is X-ray ? and basic principle of X-ray Imaging ?
Q22. As per 05/2009 AVSEC Order Arun Mishra committee give the all airline security functions ?
Q23: List out security functions mandated in AVSEC Order 3/2009 ?
Q 24. What is the role of Airlines Engineers and BDD with Specific threat by BTAC?
Q 25: What Accepts must be looked into for the Cargo Security ?
Q26 . How Catering Moves ? Why Catering is a vulnerable target?
Q27. Course of action in case of tampered seal on catering store.
Q28. What is Film Safe?
Q29. A Passenger traveling through Web Check in, is he required to prove his identity? if yes , when and where?
Q30. ROLE OF BCAS ?(Appropriate Authority )
Q31: Role /Duty of COSCA / DGBCAS ? (Rule - 03)
Q32: Role /Duty of CASO ? Rule 14 of Aircraft security rules 2011
Q33 . Why wire thinner than 40 SWG is not used ?
Q34. What is Annex 17. What standard is required for Screeners?
Q35. What is Doc 8973 and what do you understand by Doc AHME?
Q36. When DFMD is already installed at the airports, how introduction of Body scanners for Pax screening will
help security personnel at PESC points at airports?
Q37. As per Rule 47 of A/C security rules 2011. What are the duties/Powers of inquiring officer?
Q38. What do you understand by doc BTCP ?
Q39. Which committees are formed in case of Unlawful seizure of an aircraft/hijacking in India?
Q 40. What are the parameters necessary for BTAC to assess a call as Specific or Non-Specific?
Q 41. Mentioned the basic search rule (behavior of search team personnel)?
Q 42. Write any 3 points explaining how to maintain privacy of passenger while carrying out his /her frisking ?
Q 44. Working of IBSS and what is OOG ?
Q 45. What action to be taken while receiving a Bomb Threat Call?
Q 46. What do you understand by "RE-CONSILIATION"? (Cir-17/2004)(Cir-27/2006) (Order-04/2004)
24 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL
Q 47. What is Gate No Show? Write the steps of Gate No Show ?
Q 48. Under AVSEC Order 01/2006 what are the security measures adopted by ASG for Air Cargo?
Q49. What are the security measures to be undertaken for security of perishable cargo and life saving drugs?
Q 50. What security measure should be adopted for High Value Goods and for AVI?
Security measures for – VAL (High Value Goods)
Q 51. What are the security measures for Co Mat And Co Mail ?
Q 52. Which technique you have adopt while doing search of Area/ room having bomb threat? What action you
have to follow after completing searching ?
Q 53. Define Screening? What all equipment installed at airport for baggage screening?
Q 54. What is Behavior detection ? How it is Different from profiling ?
Q 55. What do you understand by Standards and Recommended Practices ?
Q.56. What is the role of Airline Engineers and BDDS in an Aircraft declared with Specific threat by BTAC ?
Q.57 Define “ Regulated Agent” ? What are the various method of screening cargo ?
Q 59. What are the advantages and limitations of hand search of a bag?
Q 60. What do understand by inline baggage screening system?
Q.61. When Aircraft is not in operation how the Aircraft operator control that Aircraft?
Q 61. Procedure for carriage of Prisoner / Judicial Custody ? (Circular-42/2005) (Corrigendum-2011)
Aircraft Rule 1937- Rule 248) (Aircraft Rule2011- Rule34) ?

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Q 1. Acts of unlawful interference?.

Acts of unlawful interference. These are acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation,
including but not limited to:
1) Unlawful seizure of aircraft,
2) Destruction of an aircraft in service,
3) Hostage-taking on board aircraft or on aerodromes,
4) Forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility,
5) Introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous device or material intended
for criminal purposes,
6) Use of an aircraft in service for the purpose of causing death, serious bodily injury, or serious damage to
property or the environment,
7) Communication of false information such as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the
ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the premises of
a civil aviation facility

Q2 . What is ANEX 17 ?
Annexure 17 (to the Chicago convention): Security specifications of the International Civil Aviation
Organization, applicable to all member states. The specifications are divided into Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARP’s).

Q3. What is High-risk cargo or mail ?

Cargo or mail presented by an unknown entity or showing signs of tampering shall be considered high risk if,
in addition, it meets one of the following criteria:

1) Specific intelligence indicates that the cargo or mail poses a threat to civil aviation; or
2) The cargo or mail shows anomalies that give rise to suspicion; or
3) The nature of the cargo or mail is such that baseline security measures alone are
unlikely to detect prohibited items that could endanger the aircraft.

Q4. Security Investigation :

An inquiry into any act or attempted of relevant national civil Aviation and / or any alleged or suspected
instance of non-compliance with the state National Civil Aviation Security Programme or other legal and
/or regulatory requirements pertaining to civil Aviation security .

Q5. Security inspection:

An examination of the implementation of relevant national civil aviation security programme requirements
by an airline, airport, or other entity involved in security.

Q6. Difference between Security Check and Search ?

Aircraft security search : A thorough inspection Aircraft security check : An inspection of the
of the interior and exterior of the aircraft for the interior of an aircraft to which passengers may
purpose of discovering suspicious objects, have had access and an inspection of the hold for
weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices, the purposes of discovering suspicious objects,
articles or substances weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices,
articles and substances.

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Q7.Diffrence Between Aircraft in Flight and Aircraft in Service ?

Aircraft in Flight : An Aircraft from the moment Aircraft in Service : From the Time it is being
when all its external doors are closed following prepared for a specific flight by the crew or ground
embarkation until the moment when such doors personal until 24 hours after any landing .
are opened for disembarkation .

Q8. Difference Between Commercial , Corporate and General Aviation ?

a) Commercial Air Transport Operation : An aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo
or mail for remuneration or hire.

b) Corporate Aviation : The non-commercial operation or use of aircraft by a company for the carriage of
passengers or goods as an aid to the conduct of company business, flown by a professional pilot employed
to fly the aircraft. (Note that corporate aviation is a subset of general aviation.)

c) General Aviation Operation : An aircraft operation other than a commercial air transport operation or an
aerial work operation.

Q9. Difference between Catering Stores and Catering supply .

Catering Stores : All items , other than catering supplies , associated with Passenger in-flight services , for
examples newspaper , magazines , headphones ,audio and video tapes ,pillow and blankets and amenity kits.

Catering Supplies : Food Beverage , other Dry stores and associated equipment used on board an Aircraft .

Q10. Eight roles of Implementation and Development from Quality control ?

1 Develop , Implement and maintain quality control /assurance activities to verify compliance of existing
security measures with NCASP/AOPSP Requirements.
2 Establish and analysis and reporting process for identified deficiencies.
3 Establish and maintain corrective action plans where deficiencies have been identified.
4 Develop and annual report on quality control activities.
5 Develop and update an annual schedule of activities .
6 Maintain roster of qualified persons for conducting monitoring activities.
7 Ensure that monitoring staff are appropriately trained.
8 Determine the reporting schedule.
9 Ensure Receipt of all corrective action plans.

Q11. What is Human Factors principles?

Principles which apply to design, certification, training, operations and maintenance and which seek safe
interface between the human and other system components by proper consideration to human performance.

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Q12.Diffrence between Security Audit and Survey and Test ?
Security audit : An in-depth compliance examination of all aspects of the implementation of the national civil
aviation security programme.

Security survey : An evaluation of security needs including the identification of vulnerabilities which could be
exploited to carry out an act of unlawful interference, and the recommendation of corrective actions.

Security test : A covert or overt trial of an aviation security measure which simulates an attempt to commit an
unlawful act.

Q13. What is Disruptive passenger ?

A passenger who fails to respect the rules of conduct at an airport or on board an aircraft or to follow the
instructions of the airport staff or crew members and thereby disturbs the good order and discipline at an
airport or on board the aircraft.

Q14. What is Detention Room ?

This room is for Passenger , who refused by state authority due to fake documents ,will be kept in this for
further investigations .
Q15. What is Refusal Room ? Where it is located ? for whom it is used?
Ans :- (Circular 6/2007) Refusal room is areas where those passenger are kept who are denied to enter
into a country at the port of entry by Bureau of Immigration.
It is located in International terminal of an Airport .infrastructure provided by Airport operator and
manned by Bureau of Immigration. It is used for Inadmissible / Deportee passenger .

Q16. What is PPP? Examples of PPP Airports ?

Ans: A Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a partnership between the Public sector and the Private sector for the
purpose of delivering a project or a service traditionally provided by the public sector .
1. Delhi Airport 2. Bangalore Airport 3. Hyderabad Airport

Q17. Difference between Apron and Movement area ?

Apron : A defined area , on an land Aerodrome ,intended to accommodate aircraft for purpose of loading
or unloading passengers ,mail or cargo , fuelling , Parking or maintenance .

Movement Area : The Part of an Aerodrome to be used for the take off , landing and taxing of the Aircraft ,
consisting of the manovering area and the Apron .

Q18 . Security Measures of Trans-shipment cargo ?

1.) It will be screened as normal cargo , if it is shipped from Domestic to International .
2.) Transshipment Cargo is not screened if it is transported through sterile Area .
3) If it is transported from Landside it will require to re-screen .
4) if any signs of tempering need to be screen .

Q19. Characteristics of Professional Profiler ?

1) Alertness
2) Awareness
3) Sufficient knowledge & logical Mind .
4) Flexibility
5) Experience
6) Good team member
7) Quick decision maker .
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Q20. As per 6.13 of Appx –B of 11/2017 , The system should not be connected or accessed through internet
by the OEM for any purpose including remote diagnosis ? Why ?

Because of due to security reason to keep the confidentiality of the information pertaining to this system.
If the system is connected or accessed through internet by the OEM for any purpose ,the many misuse the
systems information which may jeopardize the security of the system.

Q21 : what is X-ray ? and basic principle of X-ray Imaging ?

X-RAY: Apiece of equipment use to take a picture using X-ray ,Used at airport to detect Weapon,
explosives ,or other dangerous devices which may be used to commit an act of Un-lawful interference .
1) X-ray projected on a fluorescent screen , Coating the screen will glow .
2) Object placed between X-ray and screen will absorb some of x-ray causing shadow on the
3) Denser the Object – Darker the image .
4) Denser object absorbs more X-rays .

Q 22. As per 05/2009 AVSEC Order Arun Mishra committee give the all airline security functions ?

Ans:- Deployment of airlines Security staff to undertake security function.

1. Each Airlines must have a Chief security coordinator ,who is directly reported to CMD.
2. Officer of the Airlines Security Department of Suitable Seniority.
3. 1-2 flight is operating in station , Station Manager is the security in-charge of station.
4. At the foreign station , Airline must post its own Indian based Security In-charge .
5. Each Airlines should establish security control room.
6. The security supervisor shall ensure that the aircraft release certificate is signed by all concern department.

Security Staff shall be deployed by the airlines by the following function:-

1) Security of Aircraft .
2) Screening of R/B .
3) Surveillance in Departure Hall .
4) Screening and escorting of cargo / Un Accompanied baggage .
5) Security of catering Items .
6) Security of BMA .
7) Security of Baggage break-up area .
8) Security of parked Aircraft .
9) Security of control room .
10) Pre –flight Anti Sabotage search .

Q23: List out security functions mandated in AVSEC Order 3/2009 ?

.Ans:- 1) Security function cannot be mixed by ground handling agency .
2) security function shall be carried by the concern security department .
3) Screening and Security control of Cargo Consignments .
4) The Responsibility of all security function shall be Airlines Concern .

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Security functions to be carried out by Aircraft operations :-
1) Access control to the Aircraft .
2) Aircraft security Search / Check during normal as well as Bomb threat situation .
3) Screening of R/B, Un-accompanied bag , cargo mail.
4) Surveillance of screened baggage till acceptance at check in counter.
5) Passenger baggage Re- conciliation.
6) Security or baggage tags , boarding pass .
7) Secondary check at ladder point .
8) Security of catering items .

Q 24. What is the role of Airlines Engineers and BDD with Specific threat by BTAC?
1) In specific Bomb threat Airlines Engineers and BDDS team will do through Anti Sabotage Search of the
Aircraft .
2) Airlines Engineering staff will help to BDDS , to search the entire Aircraft .
3) If doctor is not available first aid kit will be checked and released by BDDS .
4) After the check they will sign on the form which needs to send to ATC.

Q 25: What Accepts must be looked into for the Cargo Security ?
1. Officer to supervise Security Controls.
2. Premises secured
3. Access Control
4. Personnel employed for preparation and delivery of catering supplies –regular employee to undergo
Security Awareness Training.
5. Deliveries of Raw material to be x-ray or physically checked.
6. Chilling rooms and refrigerators to be under strict control
7. Catering carts should have proper locking systems.
8. Security certificate for each consignment to be loaded in aircraft.
9. HLVs should be securable

Q26 . How Catering Moves ? Why Catering is a vulnerable target?

Ans : Food Preparation area > Pre-Setting stage > Loading bay for security checks > transportation from Catering
> premises to Airport for loading in aircraft.

1. It is directly going inside the cabin of an aircraft.

2. Many people are involved in the movement of catering.
3. It is coming from landside to airside.

Q27. Course of action in case of tampered seal on catering store.

1. Inform your supervisor
2. Check the catering store/HLV thoroughly
3. Record the incident .

Q28. What is Film Safe?

Ans:- *X-ray radiation does not affect all the objects in a typical piece of baggage or attach case , except for the
film in photographic camera .
*Electric and Magnetic based item , such as floppy disk are un – affected,
*The film in a camera will indeed respond to X-rays ,as well as the visible light for which it was intended.
*While it is true that un-processed photographic film is somewhat sensitive to X-ray ,damage
from modern system are quite rare .Thus the modern X-BIS is called Film Safe.

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Q29. A Passenger traveling through Web Check in, is he required to prove his identity? if yes , when and

A Ans :- As per Cir 03/2007 Bonafide passengers needs to carry his identity through out his air journey ,
but only two places he Needs to show his identity having web check in boarding pass.

1) The Access control Point of the terminal building ,Show Identity to ASG/APSU.
2) At the Boarding gates or Departure gates .

Q30. ROLE OF BCAS ?(Appropriate Authority )

1) Development , Implementation & Maintenance of NCASP.

2) Monitoring
3) Training
4) Planning
5) Coordination
6) Advisory role
7) Technical Evaluation.

Q31: Role /Duty of COSCA / DGBCAS ? (Rule - 03)

1) Establish , develop , implement , maintain and review the NCASP, NCASTP,NCASQCP .
2) Issue Necessary directions on AVSEC.
3) Respond immediately to meet any increased security threat .
4) Allocate the responsibility and ensure coordination amongst various agency .
5) Establish Aerodrome security committee .
6) Arrange for Audit , test , survey , and inspection to be conduct in regular basis .

Q32: Role /Duty of CASO ? Rule 14 of Aircraft security rules 2011

Ans:- 1) Safeguarding of Passenger , crew , ground personnel ,aircraft , aerodram and related facility
and vital installations .
2) Enforcement of Access control measures into the restricted area of aerodram .
3) screening of Passenger and their Hand baggage .
4) Surveillance within and around aerodram area .
5) Enforcement of Security Measures .
6) Supervise the movement of Person in the restricted areas .
7) maintenance of liaison with local police and intelligence agencies .
8) Any other duty assigned by the commissioner .

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Q33 . Why wire thinner than 40 SWG is not used ?

If wire thinner than 40 SWG is used ,the electric current which is passing through that
copper wire is going to melt the wire because of its heat and circuit will be break.

Q34. What is Annex 17. What standard is required for Screeners?

Annexure 17 (to the Chicago convention): Security specifications of the International Civil Aviation
Organization, applicable to all member states. The specifications are divided into Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARP’s).

Standard 3.4.3 Each contracting state shall ensure that person carrying out screening operations are
certified according to the requirement of the NCASP to ensure that performance are consistently
and reliably achieved.

Q35. What is Doc 8973 and what do you understand by Doc AHME?

Doc 8973 The Aviation Security Manual contains guidance on how States may comply with the Standards &
Recommend Practices of Annex-17,Signed at Chicago on 7th Dec1944.

Doc AHME is Anti-Hijacking Mock Exercise ,Objective is to test the efficiency of Contingency plan and
streamline the procedures to deal with a hijack threat.

Q36. When DFMD is already installed at the airports, how introduction of Body scanners for Pax screening
will help security personnel at PESC points at airports?

10. DFMD can detect only metallic items on pax body whereas Body scanners can identify and detect any item
which is hidden on or within the passenger body (e.g- Drugs, knife, weapons)
11. DFMD can detect metal within a range of 30gm or above whereas body scanners has no such limit for
detecting any item.
12. DFMD may give false alarm about the presence of metal Whereas Body Scanner gives actual image of body
and location of item concealed on or within the body.
13. DFMD gives an idea of a location where a metal item could be concealed Whereas Body scanner shows an
exact location or an area where an item is concealed on or within the body.

Q37. As per Rule 47 of A/C security rules 2011. What are the duties/Powers of inquiring officer?
For the purpose of inquiry an Inquiry officer shall have the power:
a) To require, by notice, the attendance of any person.
b) To require any such person to make and sign a declaration regarding the true nature of the statements made by
c) To require the production of books, papers, documents and articles.
d) To have access to and examine any aircraft or place.

Q38. What do you understand by doc BTCP ?

BTCP (Bomb threat Contingency plan) incorporates the relevant aspects of handling Bomb Threat situation and
sequential action required thereof by all agencies/organization at each Airport. BTCP has laid down
duties/responsibilities and accountability of different airlines/agencies at airport to handle bomb threat situations
efficiently. The main Aim of BTCP is to check emergency preparedness and response to counter Bomb threat
against Aircraft or Airport facilities.
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Q39. Which committees are formed in case of Unlawful seizure of an aircraft/hijacking in India?
1. CCS : Cabinet committee on security.
2. COSAH : Committee of secretaries on Aircraft hijack.
3. CC : Central Committee
4. AC : Aerodrome Committee.
Q 40. What are the parameters necessary for BTAC to assess a call as Specific or Non-Specific?

a) Name of staff who attended the call and name of the organization.
b) Status of Aircraft whether in air or on ground.
c) BTRF filled by receiver of the call.
d) BWAF.
e) PTI.

Q41. List out deployment of security staff for a wide body aircraft in three shift pattern as mandated in AVSEC Order
Security of Aircraft :When the wider body aircraft is docked with the aerobridge: Supervisor – 01, staff – 03 .
Aircraft search (Pre-flight anti sabotage Check): Wide body aircraft : Staff -03 .

Q 42. Mentioned the basic search rule (behavior of search team personnel)?

1 Never use more searchers than Necessary

2 Use maximum 2 searchers per room or an area up to 250 sq ft
3 Use searchers in alternate room.
4 Clearly mark the area searched.
5 Never assume that only one device is planted.

Q 43.Write any 3 points explaining how to maintain privacy of passenger while carrying out his /her frisking ?

1. Take the consent from the pax before frisking.

2. HHMD should be 2.5cm away from the body while doing frisking.
3. Male will check Male pax and Female will check female .
4. Female frisking should be conducted in frisking booth.
5. In case of any alarm, passenger to remove metal items from the body and not the staff.

Q 44. Working of IBSS and what is OOG ?

It is a baggage inspection system where hold baggage of passengers is processed through EDTS (Explosive Detection
Tomography System) and X-Ray machines after it is checked in at the Airlines’ Check-in counters. It has 4 levels of
screening process.
It is a conventional standalone X-ray machine which has been provided for processing of oversize baggage, weapon
baggage, baggage containing fragile items and AVIs.

Q 45. What action to be taken while receiving a Bomb Threat Call?

1. Remain Calm
2. Ensure called ID has registered calling number and note it down
3. Switch ON voice recording facility (if it is not automatic)
4. Allow the caller to complete his conversation first without interruption.
5. Note exact time of call
6. Try to prolong the call (if possible) with leading questions to assess the genuineness of the call
7. Alert colleagues and supervisors who can listen to conversation and alert security
8. Observe called sex, voice, language, approx age, background noise etc
9. Note actual words and record other details
10. Do not restore the handset on the cradle switch until calling number is properly noted
11. Inform all details to supervisor .
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Q 46. What do you understand by "RE-CONSILIATION"? (Cir-17/2004)(Cir-27/2006) (Order-04/2004)

1 It is the process of tallying the number of bags checked in and accepted for loading in
the aircraft and tallying the passenger reported for boarding and their respective baggage.

2. It is compulsory to avoid bad intention of Gate no show passenger & in such case the baggage
of such unreported passenger is to be offloaded.

3. It is carried out either manually (identification) or automatically by the concerned airlines

Q 47. What is Gate No Show? Write the steps of Gate No Show?

Passenger who has checked in (may have registered baggage), but not reported for boarding.
1. Obtain the seat number and the sequence number of bag belonging to the gate no show passenger.
2. Check number of pieces of baggage checked-in in the name of the passenger.
3. Cross check the seat physically inside the cabin of the flight.
4. In case the passenger is not located or and even not on board, offload all those bags from the hold of the aircraft.
5. Inform your supervisor.

Q 48. Under AVSEC Order 01/2006 what are the security measures adopted by ASG for Air Cargo?
1. Security sticker pasted on the cargo consignment.
2. Cargo manifest.
3. Access control of persons / vehicles.

Q49. What are the security measures to be undertaken for security of perishable cargo and life saving drugs?

1. Perishable cargo / life saving drugs, etc. to be either X-ray screened or physically checked or both.
2. No cooling off is applicable.
3. Consignor / agent to furnish a certificate to the air carrier that the consignment does not contain
4. Anything dangerous / detrimental to the safety and security of the aircraft / pax.

Q 50. What security measure should be adopted for High Value Goods and for AVI?
Security measures for – VAL (High Value Goods)

1. Security checks as any other cargo

2. Stored in Strong Room
3. Escorted
4. Log Book for records

Security Measures for–AVI

2. Health/ physical condition of pet
3. Certificate from Veterinary Doctor if pet is pregnant.
4. Cage / Box to be examined by X-BIS/ Physical Inspection.
5. Check that no item is attached to the body of animal.
6. Live Animals (AVI) not to be put through X-ray.

Q 51. what are the security measures for Co Mat And Co Mail ?
1. Must have a visual identification mark of character on packets.
2. Must be cleared by X-ray/ Physical check.
3. Co-Mails can be handed over to cabin crew.
4. Co-Mats to be loaded in hold
5. A record to be maintained by airline.

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Q 52. Which technique you have adopt while doing search of Area/ room having bomb threat? What action
you have to follow after completing searching?
Ans: Search Level 1 – Floor to Waist
Search Level 2 – Waist to Head
Search Level 3 – Head to Ceiling

Action after completing: Close door, seal door with masking tape, sign & seal with initials, advice the search team coordinator
that search of specifies room / area completed.

Q 53. Define Screening? What all equipment installed at airport for baggage screening?

The application of technical and other means which are intended to identify and / or detect weapons,
explosives or other dangerous devices which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference.
Equipments installed at the airport for baggage screening are:-
1. X-ray BIS.
2. EVD.
3. ETD.
4. CTX.

Q 54.What is Behavior detection ? How it is Different from profiling ?

Within an aviation security environment, the application of techniques involving the recognition of
behavioral characteristics, including but not limited to physiological or gestural signs indicative of
anomalous behavior, to identify persons who may pose a threat to civil aviation.

1) Profiling is a Systematic observation of Passenger and Behavior Detection is observation of suspicious

behavioral characteristics displayed by passenger and non passenger .

2) Profiling is depend on 03 factor Passenger, behavior, Baggage & documents and Behavior Detection
depends upon gestural signs.

3) Profiling is conventional security Measures and Behavior Detection is Advanced measures .

Q 55.What do you understand by Standards and Recommended Practices ?

Ans: Standard practices are those specifications for physical characteristics procedure etc. The uniform
application of which is recognized as necessary for the safety and regularity of international air navigation
and to which the member states will confirm in accordance with the convention. In the event of impossibility
of compliance, notification to ICAO is compulsory.

Recommended practices are those specifications for physical characteristic procedure etc. The uniform application
of which is recognized as desirable in the interest of the safety & regularity of international air navigation and to
which the member states will endeavor to confirm in accordance with the convention.

Q 56. X-Ray key board switches of an ECIL RAPI-SCAN are divided Into which four areas?
1. On & Off Key
2. Conveyor control
3. Indicator Section
4. Image Processing Key
5. Zoom Section
6. Conveyer control

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Q.56. What is the role of Airline Engineers and BDDS in an Aircraft declared with Specific threat by
1. In specific bomb threat call Airline engineer and BODS team will do the
thorough anti-sabotage check of the aircraft.
2. Airline engineering staff will help to BODS team to search entire aircraft
interior locations
3. If doctor is not available first aid kit will be checked and released by BODS team
4. After the checks they both will sign on the form which needs to send to ATC

Q 57 . What is Annexure-17? What do you understand by

Doc 8973 & BTCP?
1. Its deals about safe guarding the worldwide Civil Aviation security
2. It has measures to prevent and suppress all acts of unlawful interference against
civil aviation throughout the world.
3. It has 86 and 30 Standards and recommended practices.
4. SARPs for international aviation security were first adopted by the ICAO Council on 041h
March 1974, and designated as Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention.
Annex 17 has been adopted in six languages - Arabic, Chinese, English,
French, Russian and Spanish vi. Presently io" edition & is" amendment
Doc 8973:
1. ICAO Aviation Security Manual (ASM)
2. Following guidelines & procedures of Annex-17
3. Assists Member States in implementing Annex-17 to the Chicago Convention by providing
guidance on how to apply its Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs)
4. Now presently 101h Edition
5. Doc 8973 are constantly being reviewed and amended in light of new threats and
technological developments that have a bearing on the effectiveness of measures
designed to prevent acts of unlawful interference.
6. . Doc 8973 has been adopted in six languages - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian
and Spanish

1. Bomb Threat Contingency Plan is
a 2.Proactive plan ii. Airport
Director designated as coordinator
3. Establishment of Bomb Threat Control room
4. Evaluation of call by Bomb Threat Assessment Committee

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Q.58 Define “ Regulated Agent” ? What are the various method of screening cargo ?
An agent, freight forwarded or any other entity who conducts business with an Operator and provided security
controls that are accepted or required by the Appropriate authority is respect of cargo, courier and express parcels or mail.

Method of Screening.
1. Profiling (Visual checks of cargo including document check ) , 2. X-BIS 3. Physical Check
4. 24 hour cooling off 5. ETD, EVD 6. Security Declaration

Q.59. Write any 8 photo identity cards required by passenger along with their ticket at the time of entry into
terminal building?
2. ADHAAR CARD issued by (UIDAI).
3. PAN CARD issued by Income Tax Department.
4. VOTER ID CARD issued by Election Commission of India
6. STUDENT ID CARD issued by Govt. Institutions/Govt. recognized Educational institutions.
7. Nationalized Bank Pass Book with attested Photograph.
8. Service Photo ID Card issued by state/Central Govt. Public Sector Undertakings, Local Bodies or Public limited
9. Pension Card/Pension Documents having photograph of the passenger.
10. Disability Photo ID card/handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective state/ UT govt./

Q 60. What are the advantages and limitations of hand search of a bag?

Advantages Disadvantages
1.Direct interpretation of items we are Chances of contamination.
2. All senses are used to check the item More manpower required.
3.Bags bigger than tunnel size can be clear Time consuming.
through physical check.
4.Items which cannot be x-rayed (e.g-AVI)can Risk to the searcher.
be checked through physical check.

Q 61. What do understand by inline baggage screening system?

Inline hold baggage handling system (HBS) is a multilevel X-Ray screening system
There are various levels of search

Level 1 screening is done by high speed multi view / computer sliced EDTS X-ray machine
Level 2 Remote workstations(s) where operator(s) interpret the image sent by level-1
Level 3(A)-Rejected bags are checked using EDS
(B)- All bags at level 3 will be checked by an advanced stand alone X-ray BIS
Level 4 Passengers of unclear bag are called for interview/ physical inspection of baggage.

Disadvantages of the system?

Automatic multi viewing baggage screening EDTS
250 to 1200 bags can be screened per hour
Bag with IED may go up to Level-3
More costly and trained staff required.
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Q.62 When Aircraft is not in operation how the Aircraft operator control that Aircraft?

1. Aircraft are parked in a well-lit area

2. The area should be easily observed
3. Check authorization of persons claiming a need to access the aircraft .
4. All external doors must be closed
5. Aircraft should be parked away from fences or buildings to prevent easy access
6. Access stairs, passenger loading bridges and hold loading equipment must be removed from the
vicinity of the aircraft and immobilized

Q 63. Procedure for carriage of Prisoner / Judicial Custody ? (Circular-42/2005) (Corrigendum-2011)

Aircraft Rule 1937- Rule 248) (Aircraft Rule2011- Rule34) ?

1. Permission from BCAS at least 07days in advance,

2. Escorted by one or more policing authority officers,
3. Information passed to the concern airlines before 24hrs of travel,
4. Report for security check 3hrs prior,
5. To be kept under adequate restraint at all times,
6. Should be seated to the rear of the cabin away from any exits,
7. One escort should be between the prisoner and any aisle,
8. Location of prisoner should be made known to the pilot in command,
9. Escorts shall not carry arms, or any dangerous goods, weapons and ammunition if any may be allowed in
registered baggage as per instructions in force,
10. They should be accompanied at all times and kept under surveillance including visits to the lavatory,
11. No intoxicating beverage shall be served to escorts or prisoner while on board the aircraft,
12. Prisoner may be served food at the discretion of escorts by should not be provided with utensils or a knife,
13. Should be boarded first and disembarked last of all.

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X-BIS QUESTIONS Appendix-E ( Circular - 11/2017)

Q 1. Give essential requirements for X-BIS?

a) A high detection rate
b) Low false alarm rate
c) A unequivocal differentiation between hazardous and non hazardous substances has to be ensured
d) Inspection of entire bag as well as partial bag areas
e) Integrated image device
f) Detection category of small amounts even below ICAO/TSA standard
g) Throughput upto 300 bags per hour

Q 2.What are the Detection Requirement of X BIS?

XBIS should detect
a) Firearms both metallic and non-metallic
b) Firearms components
c) Ammunition of all calibers
d) Knives, batons, swords etc
e) Explosives, military and commercial
f) Detonators and timing devices
g) Power sources
h) Grenades and other fragmentation/ blast weapons
i) Electrical and electronic items

Q3 .Write the minimum specifications for X_BIS for the following parameters?
a) Single wire resolution: 40SWG
b) Useful Penetration: 26 SWG wire should be displayed under the second step wedge.
c) Penertation: 26 mm steel
d) Multi color: Mandatory.
e) Zoom: 8X
f) X-ray image resolution: 1024X 768 pixels.
g) Radiation level: Should not exceed0.1 mR/hr at a distance of 05 cm from external housing.
h) Conveyor belt Speed: 0.18 to 0.30mtr/sec

Q 4. Which are the X-Ray techniques used worldwide?

1) Single Energy
2) Dual Energy
3) Back scatter x-ray
4) Computer tomography x-ray
5) Thermal neutron activation
6) Pulse fast neutron analysis
7) Nuclear quadruple analysis
Q 5.What are the advantages and limitations of Top- Down Beamer?
a) Low conveyor belt so easy to Handle Bulky Baggage
b) Space Saving Design
a) Performance Limitation
b) Dangerous to children

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Q 6.What are the advantages and limitations of Down –Top Beamer?
a) Magnification of Objects
b) High Performance X – ray
c) Space Saving Design
a) Conveyor belt high
b) Difficult to Handle Bulky Baggage

Q7 .What are the Advantages & disadvantages of Side Beamer?

a) Low conveyor belt so easy to Handle Bulky Baggage
b) High Performance

a) Machine Dimension - Consume more space
b) Easy access for small children therefore dangerous

Q 8. Give the salient features of computed tomography X-ray?

a) X-ray source and detector rotates round the bag.
b) Bag is rayed out over 500 angles
c) It provides high resolution 3D images of the entire baggage..
d) Cross section CT image is produced.
e) Each object is analyzed independently.
f) Throughput: 250 to 1200 bags per hour.

Q 9. Which are the registers to be maintained at each X – BIS

a) X – Ray BIS maintenance register
b) Dangerous goods register
c) Baggage physical check register
d) CTP Log Sheet
e) Screener rotation
f) Sticker consumption register
g) Copy of certified screener‘s certificate

Q 10. How many trained and certified screeners will be deployed when screening is taking place?
12. Load Officer -1
13. X-Ray Officer -1
14. Officers for manual hand search/ Explosive detection test - 2

Q 11. What are the Duties of Load Officer?

1. He will be positioned at the input end of the X-Ray machine.
2. He is also known as a profiler
3. He will ensure that Bag is placed correctly into the tunnel of X-BIS.
4. He will maintain distance between two bags ie. 30cm

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Q 12 . Under what circumstances bag be given for hand search after X-ray screening?

(a) Prohibited or dangerous items other than explosive device is observed on the X-Ray image
(b) The X-Ray Officer is not satisfied as to the safety of any articles
(c) If the contents of any hold baggage are not distinguishable on the X-Ray image
(d) If X-Ray Officer considers it necessary or when directed by their Supervisor.

Q 13, Which are the Pre Operational Checks of X Ray BIS?

1. Check for loose wires disconnections

2. All service panels should be closed and locked.
3. The lead curtains must all be hanging down, and in good condition.
4. All emergency switches must be in the released position.
5. There should be no objects in the inspection tunnel.
6. Check that nothing is obstructing the conveyor belt.
7. Small items with loose belts must be placed in the plastic containers to avoid damages.
8. Make a table available for physical search of baggage.
9. Make sure that the conveyor belt and monitor screen are not dirty.
10. Ensure nobodyc sits or stands on the conveyors or touches moving parts.
11. One must not inspect human being and living animals.

Q 14. List out Do’s and Don’ts for X-ray operator

a) DO check conveyor belt before operating equipment;
b) DO check X-Ray chamber before operating equipment;
c) DO make sure leaded curtains are not damaged;
d) DO check leaded curtains are hanging straight down; and
e) DO check exterior of X-Ray for loose wires/connections.
a) DO NOT reach into the chamber when X-Ray is on;
b) DO NOT allow passengers to reach inside the chamber for their baggage;
c) DO NOT allow any person to loiter in the area to observe the screening process;
d) DO NOT allow children to play with the leaded curtains or touch the conveyor belt; and
e) DO NOT place objects such as coffee, plants and bottles on top of the X-Ray machine

Q 15. What is to be kept in mind when Switching on a X-ray machine?

a) Check that machine is plugged in.

b) Insert key into control panel and switch machine on.
c) Adjust brightness and contract controls.
d) Test the forward, stop and reverse movement of the conveyor belt.
e) Carry out a CTP test.

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Q 16.What is the color scheme of display of objects in an X BIS based on effective atomic number?

Q 17 .Explain combined Test Piece (CTP)?

6. CTP is combined test pieceused to check the performance of the x-ray machine as per the BCAS standards.
The six CTP test are as follows
a) Single Wire Resolution:40SWG uninsulated copper wire shouldbe seen without any step wedge on a Perspex
b) Useful penetration: 26SWG wire should be seen below second step wedge i,e 5/16”.
c) Material Discrimination – Organic and inorganic substances should be seen in different colours
d) Simple Penetration: Lead strip should be visible beneath 26 mm steel.
e) Spatial Resolution: 16 copper gratings 08 vertical and 08 horizontal should be seen.
f) Thin metal imaging: The requirement is to image steel 0.1 mm thick.

Q18 .What is TIP?.

Threat Image Projection, it is a software programme installed in x-ray machines that
projects fictional image of threat articles (IED’s,weapons,Knifes etc) within x-ray image of
the baggage under examination.

Q 19.Give advantages and disadvantages of TIP?

5. Immediate feedback
6. Motivation to the screener
1) Immediate feedback may demotivate the screener
2) Screeners may only concentrate on threat images and objectionable object may pass through

Q 20.What do you mean by Tailored Training?

It is a specific training for a specific Trainee to specific need in area where he is weak in detection.

Q 21.Write feedback messages for TIP displayed on standalone x-ray machine monitor?
OK you have correctly identified a fictional guns(Bomb) threat.
Please check the bag to make sure there are no real threats.

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OK you didn’t identify a fictional guns (Bomb) threat.
Please check the bag to make sure there are no real threats.


OK a Fictional GUN threat was cancelled

In this cancelled image both the threat and the bag were not real.


You are not being tested at this time

No fictional threat was projected.
Please Follow the appropriate security measures.

Q 23.What are different categories of baggage encountered during screening and what does they signify?
a) Safe bags – Affix a security sticker/seal and forward
b) Suspect bags – Send for physical check
c) Unsafe bags – Inform supervisor and ASG and take action as per SOP

Q24 .What are advantages and disadvantages of X-ray machine?

Advantages: Convenient to passengers
It is safe for film, food, medicines
Disadvantages: Trained staff required
High maintenance cost

Q 25. Items that may present difficulties to the X-ray Operator while Screening
a) Wrapped presents and gifts
b) Children‘s toys
c) Crutches, canes, walking sticks
d) Urns containing human remains
e) Religious objects, valuable jewelry and paintings

Q26 . Components of X-ray Baggage Inspection System

a) x-ray generator
b) lead coated panels
c) inspection tunnel
d) lead coated curtains
e) conveyor belt
f) monitor
g) keyboard
h) emergency button

Q27 .What are the properties of X-rays?

a) They are invisible
b) Move in a straight line at the speed of light
c) Cannot be deflected by lens or prism
d) Pass through matter.
e) They impair or destroy living cells
f) They are ionizing radiation, they liberate electrons in matter.
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Q 28 . What are the inbuilt safety measures of X-BIS?
a) Low X-ray dose – X-Ray Radiation should not exceed 0.1 mR/hr at 5cm from external housing.
b) Lead curtains – Prevents scattered x-rays from escaping out of the tunnel.
c) Lead shielding – Prevents the emission of scattered x-rays even with external panels removed.
d) Interlocks – Will sense a critical panel missing and prevent x-ray from being generated

Q 29 . Duties of X-ray Officer?

1. Before commencing duty, the X-ray Officer will check the equipment (X-Ray machine) to ensure that it is
fully operational.
2. The X-Ray Officer will always be in a position to study the X-Ray image and maintain easy operation of the
3. The X-Ray Officer will examine the contents of each bag and its image on the monitor.
4. The X-Ray Officer will not continuously view images on the X-Ray monitor for periods exceeding 20
5. If any unauthorized articles are present, or if there is doubt as to the contents of the bag, the bag will be
referred for manual hand search and/or explosive detection test.
6. Only when the Officer is satisfied that the baggage is free of any unauthorized articles, he will check the bag
for further processing. The Officer will not leave his position unless relieved or until the screening point is

Q 30. What are the Duties of Load Officer?

1. He will be positioned at the input end of the X-Ray machine.
2. He is also known as a profiler
3. He will ensure that Bag is placed correctly into the tunnel of X-BIS.
4. He will maintain distance between two bags ie. 30cm

Q 31 . Which are the registers to be maintained at each X – BIS

h) X – Ray BIS maintenance register
i) Dangerous goods register
j) Baggage physical check register
k) CTP Log Sheet
l) Screener rotation
m) Sticker consumption register
n) Copy of certified screener‘s certificate

Q 32 . How many trained and certified screeners will be deployed when screening is taking place?
15. Load Officer -1
16. X-Ray Officer -1
17. Officers for manual hand search/ Explosive detection test - 2

Q 33. Under what circumstance should a bag be given for hand search after X-Ray screening?
4. Items which you cannot identify.
5. Items which cannot be distinguish.
6. Liquid in bottle.
7. Loose wires.
8. Pale stick like object.
6. Random search.

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Q 34. List any six technologies used in X-Ray BIS/ latest technology worldwide?
1) Single Energy
2) Dual Energy
3) Backscatter
4) Computed Tomography
5) Thermal Neutron Activation
6) Pulse Fast Neutron Analysis (PFNA)
7) Nuclear Quadruple Response

Q 35. What is the inbuilt protection in the X-Ray BIS? Explain each in one sentence?

The in- built safety measures in X-ray BIS are: -

1. Low X - ray Dose “Radiation emitted from the cabinet of x-ray system shall not exceed an exposure of
0.1mR/hr. at any point five cm outside the external surface. This specification limits exposure to a user in
normal operation.

2. Lead Curtains – Lead curtains at both entry and exit prevent scattered x rays that may occur whenever the
inspected and items enter or leave the unit.

3. Lead Shielding – Lead shielding in the unit prevents the emission of scattered x-rays independent of the
covering panels. This ensures safe operation even with external panels removed.

4. Interlocks – If an attempt is made to generate x-ray with a critical panel missing an interlock will sense this
and prevent x-ray from being generated.

Q 36. What are the three categories of bags encountered during screening of registered baggage and what do
they signify?
1) Safe – means the bag is clear
2) Suspect / Doubtful – means image is not clear and needs to be physically checked
3) Unsafe / Threat – means the bag has a confirmed threat object.

Q 37. Name four additional security measures necessary to protect registered baggage after it has been X-Ray
1 . After security inspection and screening, baggage is sealed and safeguard for point of
screening to loading
2. Surveillance is kept on the screened baggage to prevent tampering
3. Baggage is escorted from the baggage make up area to the aircraft
4. At point of loading onto the aircraft, security personnel ensure that baggage seals are intact.

Q 38. List any six salient features of Computed tomography?

1 It provides high resolution 3D images of the entire bag.
2 X-ray source and detector rotate around bag.
3 Bag is rayed out over 500 angles.
4 Cross section CT image produced.
5 Each object is analyzed independently.
6 Throughput of 250 to 1200 bags /hr.

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Door Frame Metal Detector
Circular 25/2004 Appendix-G
a) Works on electromagnetic pulsed-field technology
b) Height 2mtrs
c) Width 0.75 to 0.85 mtrs
d) Weight should not be more than 50.5KG.
e) DFMD resets itself within 03 seconds.
f) DFMD shall work satisfactorily within the temperature range of 0 to +45 degree Celsius with RH up
to 95% non-condensing
g) DFMD has 8 overlapping zones
h) Each zone has 9 led bulbs
i) Total led bulbs 72 bulbs

Q 39. What are the advantages and limitations of Search by DFMD?

a) Faster way to check passengers
b) Gives an idea of the location of the metallic items
a) Proper Distance to be maintained 90 cm
b) Detects the metallic items in specific range only – above 30gm

Q 40. What are the things you will keep in mind while installing DFMD?
a) Floor should be even and solid
b) Distance from fic metal – 10 cm
c) Distance from moving metallic object – 1 mtr
d) Distance from electrical interference – 0.5 to 4 mtrs

Q 41. Write Pre Operational Check Of DFMD?

a) Check the plug is connected to the Main Supply

b) Power supply to be 160 – 260 V AC
c) Operating temperature to be between 0 – 50 degree Celsius
d) Not more than 1-2 LEDs should be glowing when no one passes through the DFMD
e) Carry out checks by using OTP (30gm piece of aluminum)

Q 42 . What is OTP?

OTP is Operating test piece to check the performance of DFMD.

Weight of which is 30gms and size is 10x10cm

Q 43. How to Checking the serviceability of DFMD?

4. Test before startup of every shift
5. Remove all metallic objects from the body
6. 1-2 LED’s should be glowing when no one passes
7. Use OTP of 10 x 10 Sq cms and weight 30gms
8. Place it on 10 different parts of the body and pass through the DFMD.
9. Out of the ten times at least eight times the DFMD should give a correct alarm.

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Q 44. What should be monitored when a person passes through the DFMD?
A) Proper distance to be monitored between passengers.- 90 cm
B) Endure passenger is not carrying any metallic and electronic items.
C) Ensure passenger is not wearing a overcoat or wearing a headgear
D) Profile the passenger
E) Watch for presence of metal in the areas where LED glows
F) Watch the electronic unit for quantity of metal on body

Q 45. What are the main components of a DFMD?

1. Control Panel
2. Transmitting panel
3. Receiving Panel
4. Remote Control unit
5. Cross Piece .

Q 46. What are the points to be considered while installing a DFMD?

1. Distance from fixed metallic objects at least 10 cm.
2. Distance from moving metallic objects 0.5 to 2 m
3. Distance from sources of electrical interference 0.5 to 04 m
4. Distance between two side by side DFMDs at least 35 cms
5. The floor should be even and solidly supported to prevent vibration

HHMD Appendix-H Circular 25/2004

a) Works on electromagnetic pulse field technology
b) Weight less than 250 gms
c) Move HHMD 2.5cm (1 Inch) away from pax body.
d) Detects 0.5gms of metal
e) Gives Audio Visual alarm.

Q 47. What are the advantages and limitations of search of HHMD?

e) Detects both ferrous and non-ferrous metal
f) Easy to use
g) Touch free checks for passenger.
a) Cannot detect non -metallic replicas of prohibited items.
b) Cannot detect plastic explosives.

Q 48. State the procedure of check by HHMD?

a) Ensure the HHMD is working properly.
b) Greet the passengers and ask for permission to frisk.
c) Ensure passenger is not holding or carrying any items.
d) Put all metallic items in the tray and pass through the x-ray
e) Ask the passenger to stand on the platform if provided.

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Explosive Detection System
Circular 25/2004
Appendix - J (EVD) & Appendix- K ( ETD)

Q 49. Differentiate between ETD and EVD

works on ION Mobility Spectrometry technology works on gas chromatography technology

Requires traces for detection Requires vapours for detection

Sensitivity – 100 nanogram Sensitivity – 5 gm
false alarm rate less than 2% false alarm rate less then 3%

Weight – less than 40 kgs Weight – less than 5 kgs

Q Q 50 . What are the advantages & limitations of ETD?

a) Detects almost all types of explosives
b) Requires less amount of explosive for detection
a) Very costly
b) Requires trained staff

Q 51 . What are the principles of EDS?

1. Specificity: Able to distinguish between explosive and non-explosive materials
2. Sensitivity: Able to detect minimum quantity of explosive
3. Selectivity: After detection is able to select the type of explosive

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Q 52. What are the procedures for carrying weapons in ATR?

1. Airline security to physical check weapon and valid documents. Keep Arms & Ammunition separate in the
baggage. Take Weapon declaration form duly filled by pax and eacort the bag upto the aircraft.

2. If a weapon carriage box is available load the arms and ammunition in the weapon box and lock it.

3. If a weapon carriage box is not available Airport Manager has to procure a security box and load the Arm &
Ammunition in it. Lock the box and handover the key to the Pilot in command.

4. On arrival security staff will hand over the same to pax in arrival hall.

Q 53.what is the procedure for carrying the weapon in registered baggage?

5. Airline security to screen & physical check weapon bag

6. Check valid documents.
7. Keep Arms & Ammunition separate in the baggage.
8. Take Weapon declaration form duly filled by pax
9. Escort the bag upto the Make-up area and the up to the aircraft.
10. Supervise loading of weapon bag till holds are closed
11. On arrival handover weapon bag to the passenger

Q 54. Who can carry weapon in cabin baggage?

a) On duty In flight security officers
b) PSO’s of VVIP
c) SPG’s with protectees

Q 55 . Name any four addition security measures necessary to protect the registered baggage after it has been
a) Apply security stickers/seals on screened baggage.
b) Keep surveillance in departure hall when bag moves fro XBIS to Counter
c) Security in Make Up area, BRS, and escorting the bag upto aircraft.
d) Loading of bag in hold of aircraft under supervision.

Q 56 What is baggage reconciliation system and why is it carried out?

• It is the process of tallying the number of bags checked-in & accepted for loading in the aircraft
& tallying the passengers reported for boarding & their baggage. BRS is carried out to avoid
the bad intention of Gate No Show Passenger either manually or electronically

Q 57 State recommended techniques for physical search of bag?

1. If possible, search the clothing without removing the items from the bag
2. Start at the top and work towards the bottom
3. Completely search the left side, then the centre and the right side of the bag
4. Feel between the layers exerting pressure from above and below
5. If baggage has more than one compartment, search each compartment completely before moving on the next one
6. Develop a methodical systematic procedure and follow the same method for each piece of baggage

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Q 58 . Conditions under which physical search / Manual hand search of baggage is required?

1. When an X-ray examination has not been able to accurately determine the contents of baggage
2. When a prescribed percentage check of baggage is required.
3. In the event of the breakdown of X-ray equipment
4. When higher level of threat exists either locally or internationally
5. As prescribed in local SOP

Q 59 . What are the advantages and limitations of hand search?

a) No special equipment is required
b) Most senses may be used
c) Direct interpretation
a. Requires well trained staff
b. Difficult to search electronic items
c. Risk to searcher

Q 60. Under what circumstances bag be given for hand search after X-ray screening
• Dark object on the monitor
• An item which cannot be identified.
• Wires on the screen.
• Pale stick like object.
• Liquids in bottles

Q 61. What procedure is to be followed when a weapon is detected in a registered baggage?

Which is the relevant circular in this regard?

1. Take bag in custody

2. Question the passenger regarding the contents of the bag
3. If passenger agrees that he has a weapon ask for valid license
4. If passenger has valid licence
5. Pack the weapon in unloaded condition
6. obtain declaration from the passenger
7. thereafter allow him to proceed for check-in
8. There is no need to detain the passenger
9. However, a complaint should be made about the incident to the local police station
If the passenger does not have a valid arms license
Airlines security staff should hand him over to the local police along with the arms and ammunition
If the passenger is a serving Police/ Defence Services officer and is entitled to carry his
service arms and ammunition,
10. Confirm his identity through identity card etc.
11. obtain declaration and then allow him to proceed for check-in
12. There is no need to detain the passenger.
13. However a complaint should be made to the local police
14. A copy of such complaint should also be forwarded to the controlling authority of such police/defence senior officers

Circular 31/2005 is in this regard.

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Q 62 . What action to be taken on the discovery of suspect item (IED)while screening
on X-ray monitor ?
1. Do not panic, operator should be cool and calm
2. Stop the conveyor belt
3. Do not touch, do not remove or do not open the bag
4. Inform the supervisor and ASG/APSU by silent alarm
5. Do not alarm passenger
6. Do not restrain passenger by using physical force
7. Do not allow the passenger to board the aircraft
8. Handover the passenger to ASG/APSU
9. Supervisor will then evacuate the area
10. Inform airport manager, airline manager and BDDS

Q 64. As a supervisor what action will be taken if Dangerous Article is detected in baggage?
• Remove the item from the baggage and notify supervisor.
• Notify airline representative who will arrange for the item to be carried on board in accordance with the airlines
security procedures.
• Obtain a receipt from the airline representative.
• Enter the details in the screening point log book.

Q 65. What are the security control measures for Registered bag?
1. Airline operator should only accept baggage of confirmed ticket passenger.
2. Baggage once accepted shall be protected till departure of aircraft.
3. Off airport checked in Baggage shall be protected
4. Screen baggage by XBIS, EDS or Physical check
5. Do random checks of baggage even after screening.

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Circular 08/2008 Order 01/2006

Q 66 . Define Regulated Agent? What are the various screening methods of baggage/Cargo?
An agent, freight forwarded or any other entity who conducts business with an
Operator and provided security controls that are accepted or required by the
Appropriate authority is respect of cargo, courier and express parcels or mail.

Q 67. What are the various screening methods of baggage/Cargo?

a) Security Declaration by cargo agent
b) Screening by
d) Physical check
e) EDS

Q 68. As per AVSEC order 1/2016 what three things should be checked by ASG before allowing CGO to the airside?
a) Signed Manifest
b) Seal on the consignment
c) AEP, ADP of Driver Escort, and vehicle permit

Q 69. How cargo moves?

Q70. why cargo is vulnerable?

• Volume carried increasing – Aircraft is seen as fastest mode of transportation
• Cargo system well known
• Able to target specific flights
• Difficult to screen – Nature and size of cargo
• Low risk to terrorist – cannot be identified after the attacks.


Q 71. What are the questions asked in case of bomb treat call?
Where is the bomb placed?
What time the bomb set to explode?
What type of device is it?
How does it look like?
Why did you place the bomb?
Bomb is on which flight?
What is your name?
How can we get rid of the bomb?
Where are you calling from?

Q 71. What actions will take place on receiving bomb threat call?
1. Remain calm
2. Ensure caller ID has registered calling number and note it down
3. Switch on voice recording facility (if it is not automatic)
4. Allow the caller to complete his conversation first without any interruption
5. Note down exact time of call
6. Try tom prolong call if possible with leading questions to assess the genuinity of the call
7. Alert colleagues and supervisors who can also listen the conversation and alert security
8. Observe caller’s sex, voice, language, appropriate age, background noise etc.

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Q 72. What action in case of specific bomb threat call (air carrier)?
1. Installation of caller ID(CLIP)
2. Give wide publicity in local newspaper if caller is identified.
3. Prompt evaluation of call with help of BWAF.
4. Training of employees.
5. Conduct periodical mock up exercises.
6. Up gradation of EDS/EDDS.
7. Centralized monitoring of CCTV by APSU, Customs and Immigration.
8. The aircraft will be shifted to isolated bay
9. ASG/APSU will cordon off the aircraft from the distance of 100 mtrs
10. Search of aircraft will be conducted by bomb squad, dog squad, airline engineers,
airline security, ASG/APSU and airworthiness officer.
11. Offload all registered baggage, cargo, unaccompanied baggage, catering and
kept 100 mtr away from the aircraft.
12. The registered will be lined up properly for re-identification by the passengers.
13. Cargo, unaccompanied baggage, mail will not be reloaded unless it is x-rayed
or sniffed by snifer dog.
14. Catering items, First aid kits, bonded stores and engineering stores to be subjected
to through search.
15. First aid kit may opened and resealed by BDDS if doctors are not available
16. Re issuance of fresh boarding cards if necessary
17. Agencies carrying out search will sign completion certificate and which is given
to ATC by airline

Q 73. What action are to be taken in case a bomb threat is assessed as non-specific involving an aircraft?
1. The aircraft need not be shifted to isolated bay.
2. Stop boarding, deplane passengers/Crew with handbag and bring them for PEC thru departure hall
3. Search of the aircraft by the airlines security and airline engineers.
4. BDDS, AWO, emergency teams (Medical & fire) to stand near the aircraft.

Q 74 Write composition of BTAC?

1. Airport director – coordinator
2. CASO (Chief airdrome security officer) – member
3. Representative of concerned airline – member
4. WSO (Watch supervisory officer) - from air traffic control (ATC) – member
5. BDDS – member
6. AWO – Airworthiness officer from Director General of Civil Aviation – member
• Customs and Immigration officer – member
• BCAS observer

Q 75. Write salient features of BTCP?

1. Airport director designated as coordinator
2. Establishment of bomb threat control room
3. Evacuation of call by BTAC guided by BWAF
4. Questioning technique
5. Duties and responsibilities of various agencies at airport such as AAI, ASG, APSU,
6. Airlines, BDDS, DGCA, Customs & Immigration
7. Search procedure
8. Evacuation of building threat
9. Procedure to deal with unidentified/suspected baggage

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Define Bomb Alert
A status of alert put in place by competent authorities to activate an intervention plan
intended to counter the possible consequences arising from a communicated threat, anonymous or otherwise, or
arising from the discovery of a suspect device or other suspect item on an aircraft, at an airport or in any civil
aviation facilities.

Q 76 .What security measures are ensured for carrying unaccompanied consignments of Courier
1. Treated as cargo of special kind and subjected to stricter security measures.
2. Accepted in separate terminal wherever available
3. X-ray screening
4. Through physical check wherever X-BIS facility not available
5. 24 hrs. Cooling off whenever X-ray / physically checking not possible.
6. Declaration Certificate by the courier company

Q 77. What actions are to be taken in case a bomb threat is assessed as non-specific involving an
1. The aircraft need not be shifted to the isolation bay.
2. Boarded pax to be offloaded and brought back to the check in counter
3. Search of the aircraft to be done by airlines security and airline engineers
4. BTAC to decide about off loading and search of register baggage, cargo, courier and mail etc as per
threat assessment .

Q 78. What measures should be taken to maintain the sterility of a sterile hold area?
1) Anti sabotage check
2) Prevent unauthorized access
3) Effective screening of all pax and persons entering
4) Protection of all openings e.g. doors, windows etc
5) Searching of all pax bags and other goods entering the area.

Q 79.What are the counter measures for Bomb incidents at airport?

1. Installation of caller id
2. Wide publicity in local newspaper
3. Prompt evaluation of call with help of BWAF.
4. Deployment of dog / BDDS in airports.
5. Periodical mock up exercise
6. Training of employees
7. Up gradation of EDS / EDDS.
8. Installation of EVDS / ETDS

Q 80.What do you understand by STEB? For what

purpose it is Used?

STEB: Security Tamper-Evident Bag

Purpose: Security tamper-evident bags that should only be used for the sale of lAGs by
airport outlets or on board aircraft. This is the procedures for carriage of Duty Free
items by departing passengers on board the aircraft at airports in India.

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Q 81. What aspect to be looked in for Catering Security?
1. Officer to supervise Security Controls.
2. Premises secured
3. Access Control
4. Personnel employed for preparation and delivery of catering supplies –regular employee to undergo Security
Awareness Training.
5. Deliveries of Raw material to be x-ray or physically checked.
6. Chilling rooms and refrigerators to be under strict control
7. Catering carts should have proper locking systems.
8. Security certificate for each consignment to be loaded in aircraft.
9. HLVs should be securable

Q 82. What are the Security Controls for Newspapers and Cleaning supplies?
1. The stores and supplies have been obtained from an authorizes vendor
2. Should be searched by hand or X-ray screened for prohibited article;
3. Frisk staff and check all articles before allowing inside the aircraft
4. Any other security controls prescribed by the Commissioner.

Q 83 . What response to be taken while witnessing tampering of seals / stickers while carrying catering for
loading in flight?
1. Inform the supervisor immediately
2. Carry out a thorough check of the HLV, catering uplift for any suspicious items
3. Record the incident.


Q 84. What are the committees to deal with unlawful interference with civil aviation in India?
a) Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) - Apex Body
b) Committee of Secretaries on Aircraft Hijack (COSAH) - Advisory Role
c) Central Committee (CC) - Executive Authority/ Command
d) Aerodrome Committee (AC) - Operational Command


Q 85. What do you mean by prohibited items? What are the four categories into which items are divided? Give 02
examples of each?
Articles which are, in the specific context of aviation security, defined as those articles, devices or substances which may
used to commit an act of unlawful interference against civil aviation or
which may endanger the safety of the aircraft and its occupants, or installations and the public.

Weapon Eg: Spear gun, Pistol,
Dangerous articles – Eg: cricket bat, chisel hammer
Dangerous substances – Eg. Acids, corrosives and radioactive materials.
Explosives Eg: TNT, gun powder, RDX

Q 86. Define IED?

An IED is the expensive device designed, fabricated placed and activated with an
intention of causing injury/death or to create panic and chaos amongst public or to
cause intensive damage to property. IED’s could be of any size.
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Q 87. Which are the different types of IED mechanisms?

1. Anti Handling – Lift, Tilt, Pull, Pressure and release etc.

2. Delayed mechanism – Timers and clocks etc clock work,Electroninc timer
3. Remote controlled (command) – Remote control, radio bomb
4. Ambient condition mechanism – Light, darkness, sound sensors.

Q 88. What are the various explosion effects?

Blast Effect : High pressure up to 4000000 PSI, Velocity of detonation of TNT is 25000 kmph
Fragmentation effect – speed of fragments up to 6000 kmph
Thermal Effect – temperature up to 3000-4000 degree Celsius
Translation effect – bodies are lifted 30-40 ft high and thrown hundreds for feet away.
Concussion effect
Earth and water shock – damage takes place miles away
Secondary effects – Fire, Damage to building, vehicles, airport, aircraft etc.

Q 89. Which are the methods & places of concealment?

Methods of concealment
1) Disguised
2) Dismantle
3) Camouflaged

Places of concealment
1) On person’s body eg: under armpits, gap of back etc.
2) On person’s body eg: collar, socks, shoes and pockets etc.
3) In the vehicle eg: top, bottom etc.
4) In carry of baggage
5) Registered baggage
6) Cargo and up lifments

Q 90. List out the components of an IED/Bomb in which color of these appear in X-Ray BIS
Explosive Orange
Detonator Copper Blue,
Detonator Aluminum-Green
Mechanism Green / Blue
Power Source Blue

Q 91. What are the four steps to be taken on locating a suspicious item during search?
a) DO NOT TOUCH suspicious objects
b) Notify the Search Coordinator
c) Mark the location
d) Withdraw from the immediate area and await further instructions

Q 92. Why it is difficult to defuse an IED?

It is difficult to defuse an IED because its mechanism is not known.

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Q 93 . What measures should be taken to maintain sterility of hold area?

1. Search for prohibited items in hold area using different plans& sweeps.
2. Maintain strict access control
3. Authorized pax to be allowed after proper screening process
4. Authorized staff to be allowed after checks.
5. Catering items to be checked and then allowed in the hold area.

Q 94. What is the Basic Search Rule for search of building?

1. Never use more searchers than necessary
2. Use max 2 searchers per room or an area upto 250 sq.ft.
3. Use searchers in alternate room
4. Never assume that only one device is planted
5. Clearly mark the area searched
6. Give rest after 10 mins of search
7. Do not touch or handle any suspicious objects
8. Trust nothing and assume nothing is safe
9. Never accept anything on face value

Q 95. What is the basic search rule (Behavior of search team personnel)?
1. Wish the passenger
2. Consent of passenger
3. Use gloves for searching the bag
4.. Be courteous and tactful, but also cautions
5. Thank the passenger for their cooperation
6. Be cautious of sharp objects, especially hypodermic syringes
7. Check systematically

Q 96.What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Boarding Gate ( De –Centralized ) Screening System
a) -Reduce transfer of Arms/dangerous devices
b) -To be staffed only during screening
a. Large no of screening staff/ Equipments required
b. Delays in aircraft departure can adversely affect security staff deployment and rotation.

Q 97. What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Holding Area ( Semi- Centralized ) Screening System
• Area specially designed to hold passengers awaiting particular flight
• Less staff/equipment required as more time available to screen
-To be secured when not n use
-Large area to controlled and secured

Q 98 . What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Concourse (Centralized) Screening System
-Fewer Staff and equipments are required.,
-More time available
-less equipment are available
-All access points to the concourse area must be controlled to maintain

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Q 99. Write any six measures to be taken for allowing access of vehicles inside the airport?

1. Check vehicle permit for validity

2. Check the vehicle for presence of any Restricted / Prohibited article
3. Only drivers having ADP are allowed to drive in the airside
4. Driver/occupants should have AEP
5. Frisk the driver/occupants
6. Check all items being carried in the vehicle

Q 100. What points should be checked while checking AEP?

• Photograph of the holder
• Areas and validity
• Period of validity
• Name of permit holder
• Name of employer/agency/organization
• Permit serial number


Q 101 What are the conventional threats to Civil Aviation?

1. Hijacking of Aircraft
2. Sabotage of Aircraft/Airport
3. Terrorist Attack

Q 102 . What are New Emerging threats faced by Civil Aviation?

Cyber Terrorism
Misuse of aircraft as a weapon of mass destruction
Air to air attack by aircraft or by missile
Cyber terrorism
Attack by magnetic systems
Man Portable Air Defense System (MANPADs)
Threat from CBRN

Q 103. Why is Aviation an attractive target?

1. Instant publicity
2. Aircraft is mobile
3. Different mentalities onboard
4. Aircraft can be easily taken in control
5. Aircraft itself can be used as missile
6. Economic damage to the country
7. Airline carries the flag of the nation

Q .104. Aircraft Release Certificate is signed by which 05 departments related to aviation before it is
handed over to the commander.
f) Airline Engineer
g) Airline Security
h) Commercial
i) Catering
j) Ground services

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Q . Define Profiling?
Systematic observation of passenger and his baggage and questioning if necessary to categorize them into two groups, i.e. thr
non-threatening, so that more attention can be paid to the threatening ones..

Q .105. What action to be taken in case of suspicious passenger is detected?

a) Keep surveillance on the passenger till he reaches the aircraft
b) Frisk thoroughly
c) Check baggage thoroughly
d) Ask questions
e) Verify documents
f) Inform ASG if required

Q .106. What are the questions asked about baggage while profiling?
1. Is it your baggage?
2. Did you pack it yourself?
3. Do you the contents of the bag?
4. Was the bag in your custody throughout?
5. Are you carrying any electronic or electrical goods?
6. Did you accept any gift or packets from any other person?
Q .107. Security functions of Airline Operator?
1. Security of Aircraft
2. Aircraft Search (Pre-flight anti sabotage Checks)
3. Security of parked / idle aircraft.
4. Screening of Registered Baggage
5. For security and surveillance in BMA and for accompanying the screened baggage up to aircraft.
6. Security in Baggage break-up area.
7. Screening and escorting of screened cargo / unaccompanied baggage
8. Secondary security checks.
9. Surveillance in departure hall
10. Security of catering items.
11. Security of Control Room (including bag tags, boarding cards, etc.)

Q .108 What do you understand by Refusal Room? Where it should be located and who use this room?
a) Refusal room is situated on the arrival side of an international airport
b) where deportees/inadmissible passengers are kept before their departure time.
c) It is guarded by ASG/APSU.

Q .109 List the names of new designation of following officer in BCAS

a. COS(CA) Director General
b. ACOS(CA) Deputy Director General
c. RDCOS(CA) Regional deputy Director
d. DCOS(CA) Deputy Director
E. ACS(CA) Assistant Director

Q .110 Write any three points explaining how to maintain privacy of pax while carrying out his/her
a) Frisking to be done by same sex
b) Use frisking booth to frisk female
c) Check passenger with disability, pacemakers, medical problems etc. in a discreet room.
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Q .111 What is Gate No Show? What actions will be taken in case of Gate No Show?
Gate No Show : Passenger who has checked in but does not show up for boarding.
Registered Baggage of gate no show passenger should be offloaded as it may contain an IED.

Q . 112 Difference between: Apron and Movement area?

Apron Movement area
A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-
accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or off, landing and taxiing of aircraft,
unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, Consisting of the manoeuvring area and the
parking or maintenance. apron(s).

Q .113 What do understand by inline baggage screening system?

Inline hold baggage handling system (HBS) is a multilevel X-Ray screening system
There are various levels of search

Level 1 screening is done by high speed multi view / computer sliced EDTS X-ray machine
Level 2 Remote workstations(s) where operator(s) interpret the image sent by level-1
Level 3(A)-Rejected bags are checked using EDS
(B)- All bags at level 3 will be checked by an advanced stand alone X-ray BIS
Level 4 Passengers of unclear bag are called for interview/ physical inspection of baggage.

Disadvantages of the system?

Automatic multi viewing baggage screening EDTS
250 to 1200 bags can be screened per hour
Bag with IED may go up to Level-3
More costly and trained staff required.

Q. 114. What is the role of OOG in this System?

1. Bags that cannot pass through Level-1 HBS because of its size / dimension or height are
considered as Out of Gauge(OOG) baggage.
2. OOG bags will be stopped by the sensor before entering HBS multi viewing machine
3. OOG bags are screened on standalone machine known as OOG machine.

Q. 115. Functions of 'X-RAY BIS' switch? (SMITH )
The important segments on the key board of the machine are:-
1. On & Off Key 6. Navigator
2. Image display keys 7. Conveyor control keys
3. Indicator section 8. Priority keys
4. Functional keys 9. Card reader
5. Emergency switch

1. Key switch for switching on and off,

2. Image display keys has the keys for imaging objects,
NEG -To check the connectivity
O2 - To detect explosive materials

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OS - To detect weapons, detonators, timers, wires, ammunitions, batteries
BW - Irrespective of size & share will get clear idea about the objects
SEN - Layer by layer or in depth image
VARI -To increase and decrease the penetration levels, can easily detect concealed items
HI - To check the penetration level of the objects

3. Indicator section power on, wait and radiation indicators, Green indicator - Power on and
machine ready to work Red indicator - Error occur
Yellow indicator - Radiation on or baggage screening

4. Functions keys- to select the screen menus and enter digit and text,
1. Mark or Select and deselect the single bag
2. Auto mode - select and deselect the all bags I system will help the learners OJT with denser object circles
3. Save mode - Image saving
4. Library- Clip objects and TIP saved & missed images
5. Menu - Login & logout I indicator test etc.
6. Exit
7, 8, 9 - Technician use
10. Enlarge image (Like fit to page)
11. Zoom in & out and User ID & password credentials

5. Emergency stop button to quickly switch of conveyor belt generator and monitors,
6. Navigator for selection of image sections for zoom and for selection of functions in screen menus and
7. Control key to move conveyor left to right, recall images and stop button,

8. Priority keys
Pl-used as ENTER key and to display objects in BW4, SEN
P2-used as ENTER key and to display objects in BW4, HI
P3-used as MARK function to indicate suspected scanned baggage.


The key board is divided in 04 areas:
1. Indicator Section 2. Conveyor control
3. Zoom selection 4. Image processing

Q.117 What are the comparable keyboards switches in a" HEIMANN" and "RAPISCAN X-BIS"?
1 NEG (Negative) INV (Inverse)
2 OS (Organic stripping) IM (Inorganic materials)
3 02 (Organic only) OM (Organic materials)
4 SEN (Super enhancement) cc (crystal clear)
5 BW (Black and white) B+W (Black and white)
6 HI (High penetration) HIGH (High penetration)
7 VARI (Variable Key) VG (Variable Gamma)

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Q. 118. International Conventions

1. Chicago Convention 1944 : safe and orderly development of International Civil Aviation
2. Tokyo Convention 1963 : pilot in Command (PIC)
3. The Hague Convention 1970 : Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft.
4. The Montreal Convention 1971 : Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Civil Aviation.
5. Protocol for the Montreal Convention 1988 : Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at
Airports Serving International Civil Aviation.

Q. 119. ANNEX

There are total 18 Annexure issued by ICAO

Annex 1: Personnel Licensing

Annex 2: Rules of the Air
Annex 3: Metrological services for International air navigation
Annex 4: Aeronautical Charts.
Annex 5: Units of Measurement to be used in Air and Ground Operations
Annex 6: Operations of Aircraft
Annex 7: Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
Annex 8: Airworthiness of Aircraft. Annex 9: Facilitation.
Annex 9: Facilitation.
Annex 10: Aeronautical Telecommunications
Annex 11: Air Traffic Services. Annex 12: Search and Rescue.
Annex 12: Search and Rescue.
Annex 13: Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. Annex 14: Aerodromes. Volume.
Annex 14: Aerodromes. Volume
Annex 15: Aeronautical Information Services. Annex 16: Environmental Protections.
Annex 16: Environmental Protections.
Annex 17: Aviation Security.
Annex 18: The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.

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1. As per AVSEC Circular No. ______38/2005____ the member of Indian Armed force/ para-military forces
while traveling on duty by civil commercial flight in domestic sectors within India may be allowed by the
concerned aircraft operator to carry their service fire arms and ammunition in hold baggage.

2. ___________Aerodrome__ Committee meets at airport in case of unlawful seizure of aircraft.

3. DFMD should have___uniform sensitivity_______ across the aperture Metal object exceeding threshold
mass should produce identical alarm when passed through any portion within frame.

4. ETD has chances of ___2___ % of false alarm.

5. Reconciliation of hold baggage shall be done in accordance with the procedure given in BCAS Circular No.
___17/2004____ .

6. Rules relating to carriage of dangerous goods written in which circular/ Order 06/2004___ .

7. Procedure for screening of hold baggage is given in circular _ 34/2005______ .

8. X-Ray BIS should be able to produce clear images on monochrome or colour monitors with minimum of
…1024 x 768……………..pixels.

9. Moving metal beyond …1meter…………….from DFMD should not affect performance of the DFMD.

10. DFMD shall work satisfactorily without any deterioration in performance within the temperature range of
……0 + 45 degree C………… with RH up to ………95%…….non-condensing.

11. DFMD shall be manufactured by firms having ……ISO 9000 certified…………

12. Mass of metal that a DFMD should detect is ……30 Grm………. and has a……Audio…………alarm.

13. As per circular 25/2004 Appendix “K” is ………ETD…………….

14. As per Avsec Order No. 05/2009 gives in details all the security functions to be performed by………Airline
15. Procedures for dealing with cases wherein arms and ammunition are detected during screening of
passengers or his baggage mentioned in AvSec circular……08/2017…………..

16. ……25 to 30……………percentage of physically checked baggage carried out at alert condition.

17. Avsec training by CASO/Supervisory staff of ASG/APSU mentioned in which Avsec Order

18. IATA code reflected on screen cargo as LFSM defined goods as ………Life saving material…………………….

19. As per circular no……16/2006………. every certified screeners need to revalidate his screener certification
after 2 years from qualified initial certification test.

20. Machine should be capable of recalling ……15 to 20…………… previous images and should have the
capability of archiving …3000 to 4000………… images.

21. The DFMD should have ……Multi Zone………………….capability with uniform sensitivity in all zones.
22. Radiation level around X-Ray machine should not exceed……0.1mR /Hrs……………….. at a distance of
……5………… cm from the external housing

23. Procedure for passenger and carryon baggage screening is Circular no. …23/2005……………………

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24. During the course of audit, inspection/ tests if a screener fails in the test, he shall be removed from
screening duties with immediate effect. He will not be deployed for the screening jobs till he is trained
and re-certified as per the prescribed procedure. This is given in AvSec Order no……04/2005…………

25. Some of the items banned in cabin baggage or on person are authorized for carriage in registered
baggage by a passenger on board the flight operating from civil Indian airports; and Indian registered
aircrafts operating from foreign airports. Details of these items are given in AvSec Order No.

26. Security procedure for General Aviation Operations and Chartered Aircraft Operations are mentioned in
AvSec Circular No. ………27/2005……………………

27. Composition of an Airport Security Committee has been given in AvSec Circular No.

28. Minimum Standards for Bomb Detection and Disposal Equipment are given in AvSec Circular No.
29. IFSO duty is to safeguard ………..Civil aviation……………

30. FM transmission is ......Remote control………switch.

31. SOP for screening of pax with special needs and medical condition AVSEC Order……04/2014…….

32. Security measure of Air Cargo by ASG……01/2006………. (AVSEC Order

33. Norms for deployment of airline Security staff for security functions vide AVSEC Circular 05/2009 is…….
Arun Mishra Committee……...

34. On the x-ray monitor, copper shall be appear in ………BLUE…Color.

35. A thin sheet of silver would be seen in …….light blue…….. colour and thick silver sheet would be seen in
……dark blue…… colour though the atomin number remains the same.

36. The cargo manifest shall be countersigned by the responsible officer of the APSU on duty before
transportation to airside for loading is mentioned in which of the BCAS instructions ………01/2006……….

37. Screening of passenger through ETD is mentioned in AVSEC …………16/2010………..

38. ICAO headquarters is situated in ……Montreal……..

39. RDCOS offices fields-DEL, ATQ, AMD, MAA, CCU, BOM,GAU

40. Avsec Cir …01/2017……………………………… gives Measures to facilitate transport/Transfer of Human Organs
at Airports.
41. Low explosive need confinement as they are ……not safe to handle…..

42. As per Rule 22 of the Aircraft (Security Rules 2011), the screening duty shall be performed by such officer
who has been …Certified…….by the commissioner.

43. Aviation Security Group and Aircraft Operator shall protect the passenger and their cabin baggage from
………Unlawful interference…………from the point of screening to boarding the aircraft.

44. Person who cannot be cleared by the normal screening process should be referred for…Pat down
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45. 100% check of all pax with plaster cast on limb etc. will specific check of the plaster cast through ETD

46. Security measure for Air Cargo………Avsec Order 01/2006……

48. Distribution of airports among airlines and procedure for conduct of awareness training……Avsec

49. List of VVIPs exempted from Pre emb.Check………………………………………………….

50. Items that are banned for carriage on person/hand baggage on board flights operating from civil airport in

51. Issuing of Temp AEP Circular……07/2015………….

54. Physical identification of baggage is a process of ………Baggage Reconciliation…………..

Latest fill in the blanks

55.Avsec order 03/2016 deals with………Avsec Awareness training of employees…………..

56. The technical specification of X-BIS are issued by BCAS vide circular no. _____11/2017______ on
04 August 2017 .

57. IFSO carry a card called __Weapon Authorization card(WAC)___________ as an authority for carrying a
weapon on person while on board.

58. All future procurement of X-BIS by airport operator should have _____dual_________ view.

59. India is located in ___Asia & Pacific________ region in ICAO

60. In hyper sensitive airport __01__ &__02__ audits & inspections are conducted by BCAS respectively in
calendar year.

61. Avsec security manual is also known as doc ___8973____________.

62. Officers of BCAS not below the rank (designation) of ___Asst. Director Security___________ are
authorized to conduct a security test (Dummy Test) to check the efficiency of the procedure.

63. Appropriate authority in India for Avsec is known as ____DG-BCAS_________

64. Aviation security in the world is regulated by a document known as ___Annex 17___________

65. As per Aircraft security Rules 2011,_Rule 22_____ is related to Certification of Screeners.

66._______Postal Authority_____ shall give security declaration for postal mail.

67. BCAS has _____08____ Regional Offices.

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• 01/2000 - Pre-Embarkation Security Check Of Cabin and Cockpit Crew At
International And Domestic Airports In India
• 16/2000 - Declaration of weapon
• 06/2004 - Rules relating to carriage of dangerous goods (rules-2003)
• 17/2004 - Reconciliation of registered baggage
• 21/2004 - Using of hand gloves while frisking of passenger and their baggage
• 25/2004 - Minimum standards for civil aviation security equipment's
• 14/2005 - Carriage of 'Kirpan' by Sikh passenger while travelling by air within India
• 23/2005 - Procedure for passenger and carryon baggage screening
• 34/2005 - Procedure of screening of register(hold) baggage
• 01/2006 - Procedure for screening of natural and artificial plants at the airport
• 02/2006 - Ladder point checks by the airline
• 16/2006 - Re-certification of screeners
• 26/2006 - Pre-flight security check
• 08/2008 - Comprehensive Air cargo
• 16/2010 - Screening of passenger through ETDs
• 18/2010 • Minimum standards for Bomb detection and disposal equipment
• 20/2010 - Minimum standards for Bomb detection and disposal squad
• 04/2014· Standard operating procedure for screening of passengers with special needs and
medical conditions
• 05/2016 - Change in designation of appropriate authority- BCAS
01/2017 - Measures to facilitate Transport/Transfer of Organs at Airports
• 04/2017 - Dispensing with Stamping of Hand Baggage Tag
• 05/2017 - Specifications of CCTV and PIDS
• 08/2017 • Procedure for dealing with cases wherein arms and/or ammunition are
detected during screening of a passenger or his baggage
• 11/2017 - Minimum standards for Civil Aviation security equipment's & Technical
specification of Civil aviation security equipment's


* 04/2005 - Screener certification cancelled if a screener fails detecting of dummy checks
• 05/2005 - Permissible and prohibited items to be carried (banned items list)
* 01/2006 - Security measures of air cargo
* 03/2009 - Security functions to be carried out by aircraft operations
* 04/2009 - Secondary Security checks at ladder points of aircrafts
* 05/2009 - Arun Mishra committee (security staff shall be deployed by the airline for the security functions)
* 07/2011- Pre-flight anti-sabotage check
* 08/2011- Potentially disruptive passenger
* 17/2011 - Bomb Threat Contingency Plan
* 19/2011 - Contingency plan for handling aircraft hijack situation - 2011
* 02/2015 - NCASP (08/2015 NCASP Amendments)
* 03/2015 - NCASQCP
* 04/2015 - NCASTP
* 06/2015 - Exemption from Pre-embarkation security checks at civil airports
* 07/2015 - AEP Guidelines -Temporary area specific AEPs for a period up to 03 days
* 11/2015 - Security Measures of Regulated Agents
* 03/2016 -AVSEC awareness training to the employees of various stake holders working at the civil airports india.
* 04/2016 - Deployment of IFSO
* 01/2017 - Regarding security procedures for business establishments/concessionaires at aerodromes in the
security restricted area (SRA) of the aerodrome

67 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Important AVSEC Orders & Circulars ( LATEST )

AVSEC CIRCULAR 01/2017 Measures to Facilitate Transport/Transfer of organs at Airports

AVSEC CIRCULAR 03/2017 Minimum standards/specifications with regard to the Bomb Suit
AVSEC CIRCULAR 04/2017 Dispensing with Stamping of Hand Baggage Tag
Corrigendum AC 25/2004 Minimum Standards for Civil Aviation Security Equipment reg- EVD less than 05 kg
AVSEC CIRCULAR 05/2017 CCTV PDIS specification
Procedure for dealing with cases wherein arms and /or ammunition are detected during
AVSEC CIRCULAR 08/2017 screening of a passenger or his baggage
AVSEC CIRCULAR 11/2017 Minimum Standards for Civil Aviation Security Equipment.( X-ray Baggage
Inspection System (BIS) & In-line CT-EDS)
Provision of Bullet Resistant Vehicles to Quick Reaction Team at Airports.
Prioritizing the BDDS equipments-Reg
List of Photo Identity Proof for security control of departing passengers-Reg
Categorization of airports


Sl.No. AVSEC Order / Circular Topic / Subject

Avsec Order No.20/2011 dated 01.02.2011 National Civil Aviation Security Training
Avsec Order No. 16/2011 dated 01.02.2011 National Civil Aviation Security Quality
Control Programme
3. Avsec Order No. 12/2011 dated 28.01.2011 National Civil Aviation Security programme
Avsec Order No. 19/2011 dated 02.02.2011 Contingency Plan for Handling Aircraft
Hijack Situation.
5. Avsec Order No. 17/2011 dated 02.02.2011 Bomb Threat Contingency Plan
6. Circular No.01/2009 dated 12.01.2009 Counter terrorist Plan at the airports.
Avsec Order No. 03/2010 Security Programme of Civil Commercial
/General Aviation /Helicopter Operation.
Circular 43/2005 Contingency plan for handling aircraft hijack

01. AVSEC Circular No. 16/2006 date 28-08-2006 Re-Certification of screeners

Avsec Order No. 4/2005 dated 08.02.2005 Re-certification of Screeners if he / she fails in
02. the test during the course of audit, inspection /
tests (dummy checks)
03. Avsec Order no.3/2001 dated 27.03.2001 Qualification for cortication to the security
04. Avsec Order 01/2005 dated 31.01.2005 Avsec Awareness Training of staff
05. Avsec Order 03/2016 Avsec Awareness Training of employees

AVSEC CIRCULAR 11/2017 Minimum Standards for Civil Aviation Security

1. Equipment.( X-ray Baggage Inspection System
(BIS) & In-line CT-EDS)
2. AVSEC CIRCULAR 13/2017 Prioritizing the BDDS equipments-Reg

68 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL


Avsec Order No. 05/2009 dated 29.10.2009 Norms for Deployment of Airline Sec Staff for Sec
Functions – Arun Mishra Committee
Avsec Order No. 03/2009 dated 21.08.2009 Security Functions to be carried out by Aircraft
03. Circular No. 26/2006 dated 04.12.2006 Pre-flight Security Checks.
04. Circular 02/2006 Ladder Point check by airline


Circular No.42/2005 dated 24.10.2005 Carriage of a Prisoner / person under judicial custody /
1. administrative control (here in after mentioned as
prisoners) by air

2. Circular No. 14/2005 dated 15.04.2005 Carriage of Kirpan by sikh passengers in domestic


1. Circular No. 14/2006 dated 11.08.2006 Carriage of liquid items / gels/ pastes or items of
2. Circular 18/2006 Not more than 100 ml liquid items/gel/paste or items
of similar consistency (except medicine/inhaler
accomp0anied by prescription and baby food to be
allowed in the hand baggage).
3. Circular No. 04/2008 dated 01.08.2008 Technical Specification of Security Tamperevident
Bags (STEBs) for carriage of Liquids, Aerosols and
Gels (LAGS).

Baggage Security

Sl.No. AVSEC Order / Circular Topic / Subject

1. Circular No. 34/2005 dated 22.8.2005 Procedure for screening of hold baggage.
Avsec Circular No. 31/2006 dated
2. Security measures of unaccompanied baggage.
4.12.2006& 17/2004
AVSEC Circular No. 27/2006 Date Reconciliation of passengers and hold baggage and
04.12.2006 maintenance of records by the aircraft operators.
4. Circular 23-2005 dated 11.07.2005 Procedure for Passenger & Carryon Baggage
5. Avsec Order No.05/2005 Permissible & Prohibited items to be carried by
6. AVSEC Circular No. 06/2000 dated One Hand Baggage Rule – Carriage of One Hand
11.05.2000 Baggage by passenger

7. Circular 25/2005 Security check of Photographic equipment and film

69 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Cargo & Catering

S. AVSEC Order / Topic / Subject

No Circular
1. Circular No. Comprehensive security procedures in respect of cargo , express cargo ,
08/2008 dated mail and courier bags.
2. AVSEC Order No. Security measures for Company mail COMAIL & Company material COMAT
10/2011 dated
3. AVSEC Order No. Diplomatic Baggage screening
5/2002 dated
4. AVSEC Order No. Regulated agent cargo security programme
1/2009 dated
5. Avsec Order No. Security of Catering consignment
7/2004 dated
6. Circular Security controls for catering supplies.
dated 04.12.2006
7. Avsec Order Caterers Security Programme
13/2011 dated
8. AC 01/2017 Measures to Facilities Transport / Transfer of Organs at Airports.
9. AO 08/2015

1. Order Exemption from Pre-embarkation Security Checks at Civil Airports.

2. Avsec Order No. Secondary security checks at ladder points of aircrafts
4/2009 dated
3. Circular No. Installation of Explosive Detection System at the airports in India by Airport
03/2006 dated Operator
4 Circular No . Instructions pertaining to Security Removed Items (SRI) to be carried by
25/2003 dated Airline operator for handling over to the passengers at destination
5. Circular 10/2002 Tarmac Transfer of Passenger

6. Circular 16/2010 Screening of passenger through ETD

7. Circular 04/2014 Security Procedures for Screening of Passengers with Special Needs and
Medical Condition.
8. Order 08/2011 Potentially disruptive passenger

9. AC 04/2017 Dispensing with Stamping of Hand Baggage Tag

70 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Passenger Screening

S.No. AVSEC Order / Circular Topic / Subject

1. AVSEC CIRCULAR 08/2017 Procedure for dealing with cases where in arms and
/or ammunition are detected during screening of a
passenger or his baggage.
2. Circular No. 29/2002 Procedure for carriage of weapons and ammunition
by Personal
Fire Arms

3. Circular No. 17/2008 dated Carriage of Weapons by SPG Personnel while on Duty
Circular 05/2010
4. Circular No. 04/2006 dated Carriage of licensed firearm and / or ammunition by
12.06.2006 a sportsperson while ravelling by air.
Corrigendum Carriage of licensed firearms and / or ammunition by
a sportsperson while travelling by air-BCAS Circular
no. 33/2005
5. Circular No. 38/2005 dated Carriage of authorised firearm and / or ammunition
06.09.2005 by Units of armed forces / paramilitary forces while
travelling by a civil commercial flight.
6. Circular 26/2003 Weapon upto the terminal building by PSOs
accompanying the VVIP.


S.No. AVSEC Order / Circular Topic / Subject

1. AVSEC CIRCULAR 2/2018 Categorization Of Airports
3. Circular No. 30/2006 dated Level of threats and counter measures
4. AVSEC Order 2/2005 dated Special Security Zones BMA & ATC – Security
31.1.2005 Measures
AVSEC Circular No 06/2007 dated Guarding of Refusal Room at Airport
03 .May 2007
5. AVSEC Circular No. 40/2005 Procedure for communication of AVSEC related
dated 14.09.2005 information
6. Circular No. 08/2005 dated Background Checks
7. Avsec Order No. 4/2010 dated Issuance of Temp AEPs by Apt Oprs
8. Circular No. 21/2010 dated Prompt Communication of Incidents
9. Circular No. 48/2005 dated Airport Security Committee (APSC)
10. Circular 13/2006 Aircraft operator to collect security removed items belonging to
passengers from the security check point in the SHA and
hand these over to the passengers at destination

71 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL



New Delhi, the 19 January, 2012

G.S.R. 34(E).- Whereas certain draft of the Aircraft (Security) Rules 2011 were published as
required by Section 14 of the Aircraft Act 1934 vide the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry
of civil Aviation No. G.S.R. 109 dated 25 March, 2011 in Gazette of India, Part II, Section 3, sub section (i) dated
25 March, 2011 for inviting objection and suggestion from all persons likely to be affected thereby before expiry of
the period of forty- five days from the date of publication of the said rules in the Official Gazette;


Rule 1. Short title, extent and commencement – (1) These rules may be called the Aircraft
(Security) Rules, 2011.

(2) They shall extend to whole of India and apply also to –

(a) an aircraft registered in India, and to persons on an aircraft operated by an operator who has his principal
place of business or permanent residence in India, wherever they may be;

(b) all aircrafts in India.

(3) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the Official Gezette.

Rule 2. Definitions – (1) In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context;-

(a) “Act” means the Aircraft Act, 1934 (22 of 1934);

(b) “aerodrome operator” means a person, organisation or enterprise responsible for operation and
management of an aerodrome;

(c) “aerodrome entry permit” means the photo identity card, smart card or temporary permit issued by the
Commissioner of Security (Civil Aviation), Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, Ministry of Civil Aviation or any
person authorized by the Central Government for entry into the aerodrome or part of an aerodrome;

(d) “aircraft operator” means a person, organisation or enterprise engages in or offering to engage in an aircraft

72 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

(e) “acts of unlawful interference” means acts or attempted acts to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation and air
transport, including-

(i) unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight;

(ii) unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground;

(iii) hostage-taking on board aircraft or on aerodromes;

(iv) forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an aerodrome or on the premises on an aeronautical facility;

(v) introduction on board an aircraft or at an aerodrome of a weapon or hazardous device or material intended for
criminal purposes;

(vi) communication of false information with a view to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the
ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an aerodrome or on the premises of a civil
aviation facility;

(f) “airside” means the movement area of an aerodrome, adjacent terrain and building or portions thereof access
to which is controlled;

(g) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Security (Civil Aviation), Bureau of Civil Aviation Security,
Ministry of Civil Aviation who shall be appropriate authority for the requirements of Annex 17;

(h) “Aviation Security Group” means an unit of specialized Government agency authorized by the
Commissioner to safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference and protection of property at the
aerodrome handling civil aviation;

(i) “Cabin baggage” means a baggage intended for carriage in the cabin of an aircraft;

(j) “Convention” means the Convention relating to International Civil Aviation signed at
Chicago on the 7 day of December, 1944;

(k) “express cargo” means goods other then mail and accompanied or baggage involuntarily or inadvertently
separated from passengers or crew which is required to be carried on priority basis by an aircraft operator;

(l) “In-flight security officer” means Government security personnel deployed on board an aircraft for maintaining
security of aircraft against any acts of unlawful interference;

(m) “mail” means dispatches of correspondence and other objects tendered by and intended for delivery to postal

(n) “movement area” means the area of an aerodrome which is intended for the surface movement of an aircraft
and includes the man powering area and aprons;

(o) “national civil aviation security programme” means such programme established by an officer authorized by
Central Government in this behalf to give effect to any annex of the Convention with the prior approval of central

73 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

(p) “officer” means a person appointed or employed in any office by Government of India;

(q) “prohibited article” means an object which can be used to commit an act of unlawful interference an which
has not been properly declared;

(r) “public aerodrome” means an aerodrome which has been licensed for use by public at large;

(s) “regulated agent” means an agent, freight forwarder or any other entity who conducts business with an
operator and provides security controls that are accepted or required by the Commissioner in respect cargo, courier
and express parcels or mails to be transported by air;

(t) “screening” means the application of technical or other means which are intended to indentify or detect
weapons, explosives or other dangerous devices which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference with
civil aviation;

(u) “security” means a combination of measures, human and material resources intended to be used to safeguard
civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference;

(v) “security accident” means an occurrence which results in death or grievous hurt to a person or major damage
to the property;

(w) “security clearance” means compliance with the security controls specified in the national civil aviation
security programme with regard to any aircraft, person or object;

Explanation:- For the purposes of this clause “grievous hurt” shall have the meaning assigned to it in Indian Penal
Code 1860;

(x) “security restricted area” means airside areas of an airport into which access is controlled to ensure
security of civil aviation including passenger areas between the screening check point and the aircraft, the ramp,
baggage mark up area, cargo sheds, mail center, airside catering and aircraft cleaning premises;

(y) “security incident” in relation to civil aviation security means an occurrence, which takes place either on the
ground or in flight, which results –

(i) in injury to a person, damage to property, fire and breakage;

(ii) contravention or breach of security laws, regulations, national civil aviation security programme and orders
issued by the Central Government under the provision of the Act;

(z) “security control” means the method by which the introduction of weapon, explosive or other dangerous
device, article or substance, which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference, can be prevented;

(za) “security programme’ means written measures specified by the Commissioner to be adopted by an entity to
safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference;

(zb) “terminal” means the building or group of buildings and includes arrival building where screening of
passenger, baggage, cargo and courier bag is done and boarding on aircraft takes place;

74 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

(zc) “unattended baggage” means baggage at an aerodrome with or without a baggage tag which is not picked up
by or indentified by a passenger or any other person;

(zd) “vital installation” means any facility on or connected with an aerodrome, which , if damaged or destroyed,
would seriously impair the functioning of the aerodrome.

(2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the same meaning as is
assigned to them in the Act.

Rule 3. Duties of commissioner.- The commissioner shall;-

(a) establish, develop, implement, maintain and review the national civil aviation security programme
consistent with the provisions of Annes-17 to the convention to safeguard civil aviation operations against acts of
unlawful interference and threat perception taking into account the safety, regularity and efficiency of flights;

(b) make order necessary to carry out national civil aviation security programme; (c) respond

immediately to meet any increased security threat;

(d) define and allocate tasks and coordinate activities between the departments, agencies and other organisation
of the State Government, aerodrome and aircraft operators and other entities concerned with or responsible for the
implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation security programme;

(e) establish an national aviation security committee or similar arrangements for the purpose of coordinating
security activities between the departments, agencies and other organisations, aerodrome and aircraft operators and
other entities concerned with or responsible for the implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation
security programme;

(f) establish, develop and implement national civil aviation security training programme for personnel of all
entities involved with or responsible for the implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation security
programme which shall be designed to ensure the effectiveness of the said security programme;

(g) designate an authority at each aerodrome serving civil aviation who shall be responsible for coordinating the
implementation of security controls;

(h) establish aerodrome security committee at each aerodrome serving civil aviation for coordinating the
implementation of security controls and procedures as specified in the aerodrome security programme;

(i) develop, implement and maintain a national civil aviation security quality control programme to
determine compliance with and validate the effectiveness of its national civil aviation security programme;

(k) establish and implement policy and procedure to adjust relevant element of its national civil aviation security
programme accordingly, based upon a security risk assessment carried out by the national security agencies.

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Rule 4. Appeals. – If any person is aggrieved by an order passed by an officer in exercise of a powers
conferred on him by these rules, he may prefer an appeal to the Central Government.


Rule 5. Planning, design and layout of the Aerodrome security requirement –

(1) The Planning, design and layout of the aerodrome shall be according to the specifications provided in the
national civil aviation security programme including,-

(a) security control applied to passenger, baggage, cargo, courier, express parcel, mail, catering store and

(b) protection and control of access to airside, security restricted area and other sensitive aerodrome area and

(c) the use of security equipment; and

(d) architectural and infrastructure related requirements.

(2) Every aerodrome operator shall establish security restricted area at aerodrome serving civil aviation in
accordance with the security risk assessment carried out by the Commissioner.

(3) Aerodrome operator shall make aerodrome design mentioned in the national civil aviation security programme
by integrating the design and construction of new facilities and alternation to existing design and facilities at
aerodromes shall be carried out after obtaining in writing the approval of the Commissioner.

Rule 6. Aerodrome perimeter,- Every aerodrome operator shall construct a perimeter wall of the height of 2.438
meter (8ft) with overhung fence of 0.457 meter (1.5ft) around the aerodrome:

Provided that the Commissioner, keeping in view the threat or any other reason, may by order, increase the
specification of the perimeter wall.

Rule 7. Provision of lighting, road for patrolling and observation post – The aerodrome operator shall make
the following security arrangements at the aerodrome, namely:-

(a) lighting for perimeter and any other sensitive area;

(b) all-weather road for patrolling by the security personnel; and

(c) observation or command posts for the security personnel;

Provided that the Commissioner may, taking into consideration the security perceptions make such order in
writing as may be deemed appropriate for security arrangements.

Rule 8. Aerodrome security programme.- Every aerodrome operator shall, with the approval of Commissioner,
make and comply with aerodrome security programme in accordance with the national civil aviation security
programme and any amendment to such programme shall be made after the approval of the Commissioner.

76 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Rule 9. Security clearance for operations at aerodrome.- (1) No aerodrome operator shall commence
operation at aerodrome without obtaining the clearance of security arrangements and the approval of the aerodrome
security programme from the Commissioner.

(2) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that any aerodrome operator has contravened or failed to comply with the
provision of these rules, he may, after given him an opportunity of being heard, and for reasons to be recorded in
writing, suspend or cancel the security clearance and security programme granted or approved by him.

Rule 10. Handling of unattended or suspect baggage.- The aerodrome operator shall-
(a) construct and maintain a protected and isolated area for placing a suspect or unattended baggage; and
(b) get the same investigated and disposed off.

Rule 11. Business establishment at aerodrome – No aerodrome operator shall allow the setting up of any
business establishment in the security restricted area of aerodrome without obtaining security clearance in this regard
from the Commissioner;

Provided that where any business establishment is established in the security restricted area after the
approval of the Commissioner, the owner of the business establishment shall make and comply with business
establishment security programme in accordance with the national civil aviation security programme.

Rule 12. Protection of facilities owned by aerodrome operator.- Every aerodrome operator shall
demarcate and protect all vital installations owned by him including technical and maintenance, power supplies,
electrical sub-station, control towers and other building used by air traffic services and communication facilities.

Rule 13. Aviation Security Group. – (1) Every aerodrome operator shall engage such number of
personnel of Government security agency as may be determined by the Commissioner for performing security
duties assigned to it under these rules.

(2) The personnel engaged under sub-rule (1) shall be designated as Aviation security Group shall be designated as
chief Aerodrome Security Officer.

(3) The Aviation Security Group shall work under the general supervision and direction of the aerodrome in-charge.

(4) The aerodrome operator shall provide such facility and support to the Aviation Security
Group as may be approved by the Commissioner.

(5) In emergent situations, the Commissioner may make necessary changes in the deployment of Aviation
Security Group.

Rule 14. Duties of the Chief Aerodrome Security Officer.- The Chief Aerodrome Security
Officer shall perform following duties, namely:-

77 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

(i) safeguarding of passengers, crew, ground personnel and other aerodrome users, aircraft, aerodrome and
related facilities including vital installations;

(ii) enforcement of access control measures into the restricted area of the aerodrome; (iii) Security of


(iv) Screening of passengers and their hand baggage; (v)

surveillance within and around aerodrome area;

(vi) enforcement of security measures including car parks, viewing gallery, aerodrome restaurant and areas
close to movement area;

(vii) enforcement of security measures;

(viii) maintenance of order and discipline in the aerodrome premises; (ix)

supervise the movement of persons in the restricted areas;

(x) maintenance of liaison with local police and intelligence agencies; and

(xi) any other duty assigned by the Commissioner.

Rule 15. Ground handling service.- No ground handling service provider shall be allowed to provide ground
handling services at any aerodrome without obtaining the security clearance and the approval of its security
programme form the Commissioner.

Rule 16. Contingency Plan.-

(1) The aerodrome operator shall make contingency plans to deal with acts of unlawful interference with the
approval the Commissioner.

(2) The contingency plan shall be tested at such regular intervals as may be specified by the

78 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Rule 17. Disembarkation of unruly passenger.- The Chief Aerodrome Security Officer or any other Officer of
Aviation Security Group authorized by him in this behalf shall, on a written request of the pilot-in-Command,
disembark any person from the aircraft on grounds of risk to safety and security of the passengers and the crew.


Rule 18. Entry into aerodrome.-

(1) The entry into aerodrome shall be permissible only to the persons having admission ticket or aerodrome entry

(2) The entry ticket to the aerodrome shall be issued by the aerodrome operator.

(3) The aerodrome entry permit shall be issued by the Commissioner after due verification.

(4) The Central Government may direct the Commissioner or aerodrome operator or any other person to issue
such admission ticket or aerodrome entry permit.

(5) No person shall enter into aerodrome without obtaining an admission ticket or aerodrome entry permit.

(6) The aerodrome entry permit shall be displayed by the holder conspicuously above waist level at all time while
on duty.

(7) No person shall-

(a) Leave or throw or cause to be thrown any animal, bird or object, (b) cause
any animal under his possession or control to stray, and
(c) operate any vehicle without entry permit from the Commissioner in the movement area;

Provided that a passenger in the process of embarking, disembarking or in transit holding an air ticket or any
person who is engaged on regular duty at an aerodrome and holds an aerodrome entry permit issued by the
Commissioner shall not be required to obtain the admission ticket or entry permit.

(8) The aerodrome entry permit shall be surrendered to the Commissioner or to any person authorized by the
Central Government in this behalf, upon its expiry or cancellation or upon termination of employment of the person to
whom it is issued.

(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the aerodrome operator or the Commissioner, may, if he is
satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the interest of security,-

(i) refuse admission to any person in the aerodrome; or

(ii) require any person to leave the aerodrome.

79 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Rule 19. Entry into security restricted area.- (1) The aircraft operator shall make arrangement for
movement of person and vehicles to and from the aircraft in security restricted areas at each aerodrome.

(2) Before granting access to security restricted areas, the aviation security group shall screen every
person, vehicle, baggage, belongings or supplies.

(3) The entry of vehicles in the security restricted area shall be permissible after obtaining entry permit or special
permission from the Commissioner.

Rule 20. Prohibition to carry weapons or explosive.- (1) No person shall enter aerodrome or the aircraft with
any arm, ammunition or explosive;

Provided that the provisions of this sub-rule shall not be applicable

(i) to the Aviation Security Group, Armed forces and police personnel required to carry their arms or ammunition
in connection with the performance of their duties; and

(ii) to such dummy weapon, explosive, explosive device or any other dummy prohibited item, duly authorized by the
Commissioner, for the purpose of testing the efficacy of aviation security.


Rule 21. Security check before embarkation. –

(1) Before embarkation, every originating passenger and transfer passenger boarding an aircraft and his hand
baggage, if any, shall be screened by an officer of the Aviation Security Group or an officer duly authorized in this
behalf by the Commissioner.

(2) The provisions of sub-rule (1) shall be applicable to the transit passengers only if they disembark from the

Provided that the provisions of sub-rule (1) and this rule shall not be applicable to such persons as may be
specified by the Commissioner by a special order.

(3) Aviation Security Group and aircraft operator shall protect the passenger and cabin baggage from
unauthorized interference from the point of screening to boarding the aircraft.

Rule 22. Certification of screener. – The screening duty shall be performed by such officer who has been
certified by the Commissioner.

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Rule 23. Prohibition on carriage of certain goods.-

(1) The Commissioner may by an order in writing prohibit the carriage of certain goods on persons or in cabin
baggage of passenger and crew member which , in his opinion, is likely to be used for committing unlawful interference
with civil aviation.

(2) Where prohibited goods are detected during screening, the passenger shall not be allowed to board the
aircraft and action may be taken against him in accordance with the provisions of these rules or any other law for the
time being in force.


Rule 24. Security Programme. – Every aircraft operator shall, with the approval of Commissioner, make and
comply with aircraft operator security programme in accordance with the national civil aviation security programme
and any amendment to such programme shall be made after the approval of the Commissioner.

Rule 25.Security clearance for operation. – (1) No aircraft operator shall commence operation at
aerodrome without obtaining the clearance of security arrangements and the approval of the aircraft operator
security programme under rule 24 from the Commissioner.

(2) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that any aircraft operator has contravened or failed to comply with the
provisions of these rules, he may, after giving him an opportunity of being heard, and for reasons to be recorded in
writing, suspend or cancel the security clearance and security programme granted or approved by him.

Rule 26. Deployment of staff. – An aircraft operator shall engage only those personnel for security duties
who are whole time employees whose character and antecedents have been verified and who are employed after
proper training, selection procedure and certification in accordance with national civil aviation security programme.

Rule 27. Security search of aircraft. – An aircraft operator shall carry out the search of his aircraft –

(a) before taking it to security restricted area; and

(b) before boarding of passengers after disembarkation.

Rule 28. Access control to aircraft. –

(1) The aircraft operator shall control access to aircraft and maintain surveillance from the security check to the

(2) The aircraft operator shall control the non-operational aircraft by keeping,- (i) Cabin

doors closed;
(ii) aerobridges and ventral stairs secured, withdrawn or retracted ; and
(iii) temper evident sealed doors.

81 Ashutosh kumar (PAT)AIATSL

Rule 29. Closing of cockpit door. – Every aircraft operator shall, -

(a) lock cockpit doors of aircraft during, all phases of flight, unless required to be opened for operational reasons;

(b) establish and maintain communication system between the flight crew and cabin crew during flight; and

(c) assign responsibility of access control of cock-pit to pilot-in-command.

Rule 30. Deployment of in-flight security officer.-

(1) Aircraft operator shall carry such number of in-flight security officer on board a passenger aircraft, as the
Commissioner may specify by an order in writing.

(2) Aircraft operator shall declare to the pilot-in-command the number of armed persons and their seat location.

Rule 31. Security control for hold baggage. – The aircraft operator or the aerodrome operator shall screen and
protect the hold baggage in such a manner as may be specified by the Commissioner from time to time.

Rule 32. Identification and reconciliation of hold baggage. – An aircraft operator shall carry out the identification
and reconciliation of hold baggage in such manner as may be specified by the Commissioner by an order in writing
form time to time.

Rule 33. Transfer baggage. – The aircraft operator shall screen the transfer hold baggage before loading into an
Provided that the hold baggage screened at the point of origin and subsequently protected form
unauthorized interference from the originating aerodrome to the departing aircraft at the transfer aerodrome shall not be
subject to screening.

Rule 34. Carriage of prisoners in aircraft. – The aircraft operator shall carry any prisoner, in such manner
as may be specified by an order in writing by the Commissioner.

Rule 35. Carriage of cargo, mail, catering items and other stores. – The aircraft operator shall accept on board
any cargo, mail, catering items and other stores and supplies in such manner as may be specified by the

Rule 36. Detention of aircraft. – The Commissioner or any other person authorized in this behalf by the Central
Government may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, detain an aircraft if in his opinion,-

(a) the aircraft has on board unauthorized arms, explosives or other sabotage devices which are likely to cause
danger to the security of that aircraft; or

(b) the aircraft on board a person who has gained entry in unauthorized manner or is likely to cause unlawful
interference with civil aviation operational; or

(c) the detention is necessary to secure compliance with any of the provisions of these rules.

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Rule 37. Security control for cargo and courier bag. –

(1) Any cargo, express cargo or courier bag intended to be carried on any aircraft, shall be received, processed
and handled by regular employees who are trained in accordance with the national civil aviation security programme
of aircraft operator or any other agency authorized by an order in writing by the Commissioner.

(2) NO cargo shall be loaded on aircraft without making security controls including X-ray screening or physical
Provided that the Commissioner may by an order in writing exempt any cargo, express cargo or courier
bag from the provisions of this rule.

Rule 38. Registration of courier agency. – NO aircraft operator shall accept any courier bag for transportation form
any agency unless such agency,-
(a) has registered as such with the aircraft operator; and
(b) has made and complied with a security programme approved by the Commissioner from time to time.

Rule 39. Identification or reconciliation of the Accompanied courier bags. – The identification or reconciliation
accompanied courier bag shall be made by air craft operator in such manner as may be specified by the Commissioner
form time to time.

Rule 40. Prohibition on carriage of certain goods. –

(1) The Commissioner may, by order in writing, prohibit the carriage of certain items through cargo or courier bags
or mail.

(2) The consignment containing prohibited article shall not be loaded on aircraft.

Rule 41. Protection of security cleared cargo or mail or courier bag etc. – The aircraft operator or airport
operator or any other agency working for any of them shall screen and protect the cargo or mail or courier bag in such
manner as may be specified by the commissioner from time to time.

Rule 42. Regulated agent. – The aircraft operator may engage Regulated Agent for carriage of cargo, courier or
mail to be carried by air, who shall function as per the procedure laid down by the Commissioner in writing from time to


Rule 43. Catering supplies. –

(1) No person shall supply any catering item form loading in the aircraft without obtaining the approval of its
security programme from the Commissioner.

(2) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that owner or operator of catering establishment has contravened the
provisions of sub-rule (1), his security programme shall, after affording an opportunity of being heard, be cancelled.

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Rule 44. Supply of other stores. – No aircraft operator shall load on the aircraft any item for use on the
aircraft without security screening.


Rule 45. Reporting of security accident or incident. – Every aircraft operator, aviation security group,
aerodrome operator, regulated agent and owner or operator of catering establishment shall report the security
accident or security incident to the Commissioner immediately on the occurrence of the security accident or
security incident.

Rule 46. Investigation of security accident or incident. – (1) The Commissioner may order investigation
of any security accident or security incident and appoint an officer not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner
of security as Inquiry Officer.

(2) The Inquiry Officer shall, after affording an opportunity of being heard to the defaulting person, make a
report to the Commissioner who should forward the same to the Central Government.

Rule 47. Power of the Inquiry Officer. – For the purpose of inquiry an Inquiry Officer shall have power-

(a) to require, by notice, the attendance of any person;

(b) to require any such person to make an to sign a declaration regarding the true nature of the statements
made by him;

(c) to require the production of books, papers, documents and articles; (d) to

have access to and examine any aircraft or place.


Rule 48. Inspection. – Any person, authorized by the Commissioner in writing may, at all reasonable
times, enter any place or aircraft to which access is necessary and to inspect the facilities, services, equipment,
documents and records for the purpose of securing compliance with the provisions of these rules.

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