Sequence and Series Last Mile

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Sequence and Series – LAST MILE IPM 2020

1) What is the sum of the first 100 terms which are common to both arithmetic progressions 17, 21,
25……….and 16, 21, 26………..
a) 100000 b) 101100 c) 111000 d) 100110 e) None of these

2) The number of soap cakes produced by a machine increases by 400 every month. Total number
of soap cakes produced by the machine in 2 years is 153600. What is the number of soap cakes
produced by the machine in the 8th month?
a) 4600 b) 4400 c) 5000 d) 5200 e) None of these

3) The sum of all natural numbers between 200 and 400 which are exactly divisible by 3 is
a) 20100 b) 20150 c) 19020 d) 19920 e) none of these

4) What is the 8th term of the Harmonic progression ¼, 3/10, 3/8, 1/2 ………….
a) -3/2 b) 2/3 c) 3/2 d) 0 e) None of these
6) After striking the floor, a ball rebounds to 4/5th of the height from which it is dropped. What is
the total distance it travels before coming to rest if it is dropped from a height of 120 mt?
a) 540 b) 630 c) 1260 d) 1200 e) None of these

7) The ratio of the sums of the first n terms of 2 different APs is n + 4/(2n + 3). What is the ratio of
their 7th terms?
a) 13/21 b) 14/29 c) 17/29 d) 15/31 e) None of these

8) The sum of an AP, consisting of 12 terms, is 354. The ratio of the sum of the odd terms to the
sum of the even terms is 27 : 32. The common difference of this progression is
a) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 7 e) None of these

9) In an infinite GP, each term is equal to twice the sum of all the terms that follow it. If the sum of
the first two terms is 12, the sum of the entire GP is
a) 9/2 b) 27/2 c) 88/7 d) 15 e) 18

10) In an infinite GP, the sum of all terms is 243 and the sum of the first 5 terms of this GP is 275.
The 4th term of this GP is
a) -180 b) -120 c) 140 d) 80 e) -240

11) The sum of an infinite GP is 162, and the sum of its first n terms is 160. If the inverse of its
common ratio is an integer, then how many values of the common ratio are possible?
a) 2 b) 4 c) 16 d) 12 e) None of these

12) Consider the set S = {1, 2, 3, 4, ………………..1000}, how many AP’s can be formed from the
elements of S that start with 1 and end with 1000 and have atleast 3 elements?
a) 9 b) 7 c) 21 d) 8 e) None of these
13) The common ratio of a GP is 2 and the last term is 192. If the sum of these terms is 381, then the
first term is
a) 3 b) 1 c) 5 d) 7 e) None of these

14) If a1 = 1 and an+1 = 2an + 5, n = 1, 2, 3……then a100 is equal to

a) 5 * 299 – 6 b) 5 * 299 + 6 c) 6 * 299 + 5 d) 6 * 299 – 5 e) None of these





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