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Interesting Facts About Parrots

Are there many different kinds of In what ways are parrots different from other
parrots? types of birds?
There are over 360 different species. Almost 100 of 1. Parrots are “zygodactyls”, which means
these are threatened with extinction, mainly that they have 2 toes pointing to the front
due to loss of habitat and capture to be pets. and 2 pointing to the back.
Where are wild parrots found? 2. They have a hinged upper and lower beak.
(Watch a parrot yawn sometime – unlike
Most live in tropical and semi-tropical areas other birds, it raises the upper part of the
like Central and South America, the Caribbean, beak without moving the whole head!)
Africa, Asia, India, New Zealand and Australia. 3. Parrots are the only birds that can lift up food to their
Are all feathers the same? What is a parrot’s mouths using their feet. Other birds use their beaks
to lift their food, or use their feet to grasp and carry it.
Definitely not! There are three beak made of?
basic kinds of feathers: It might seem like a parrot’s beak is solid, How big are parrots?
but it’s not. In fact, like many of the bird’s
Down feathers are bones it is hollow, with fine bony struts The smallest parrots (called
the small, soft, fluffy inside to make it strong. The outside is Parrotlets) can fit into the
feathers located closest covered in keratin (which is what our palm of your hand. The
to the bird’s skin. They help the fingernails are made of). A parrot’s beak largest (Hyacinth Macaws)
bird regulate its temperature. grows continuously and is worn down by can be over 90 cm from head to tail,
eating, chewing wood, and by grinding the have a wingspan of 125 cm and weigh
Contour feathers cover
top and bottom parts against each other. as much as 1,700 grams.
the head and body. They
make the bird very How long can parrots live?
smooth so it can travel How are wild baby parrots raised?
easily through the air. On average, small pet parrots
like budgies live about Most parrots nest in tree hollows, but
Flight and tail feathers 10 years. Very large there are exceptions. For example, some
are much stiffer and pet parrots can parakeets will carve out cavities in termite
longer than contour live 80 years mounds, and some large macaws will nest in cliff
feathers. They move or even caves. Some parrots will even make their nests in
the air so that the bird more! burrows. Generally speaking, parrots lay from 2-7 eggs
can fly. and incubate them for 22-30 days. When the babies hatch,
“mom” usually feeds them and “dad” brings food for her.
What predators do wild What do wild parrots eat? How do parrots communicate?
parrots have? Parrots have very loud
Most parrots like fruits,
Young parrots must beware of vegetables, nuts, seeds voices. Different sounds
animals like snakes, ants, and a few insect larvae. mean different things
cockroaches, monkeys and But, some parrots are (like “watch out for the
birds of prey. But, large adult specialists – for example, hawk”, or “there’s food
parrots (like macaws) have wild Lorikeets eat fruit and nectar. Wild over here”). Parrots learn
very few enemies – mainly Hyacinth Macaws eat mainly palm nuts. to make these calls by
birds of prey and people. listening to their parents
Just how smart are parrots?
and flock mates. As pets, some can
Are parrots good pets?
Some scientists think parrots are at least learn to talk by listening to us. Parrots
Parrots are loud, messy, highly as smart as dolphins and chimpanzees. also use body language (like fluffing
energetic and live a For example, Alex the African their feathers) to communicate.
very long time. Grey parrot knew how to
How can we help wild parrots?
They need special count to 6, identify 7 colours
food and vet care, and name 35 different objects. Here are a few ideas. Always be
huge cages, lots of Alex was even learning to sure to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
attention and tons of toys. But, read! He was trained by Dr. Pepperberg, Support groups that protect parrots
they can be great companions who is now training two more parrots just and their habitats. Never buy a wild-
IF you can meet all their needs like him! Visit to caught parrot as a pet, and always
and give them a home for life. learn more about parrot intelligence. keep learning about conservation. Copyright © 2008 Bluebird Learning

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