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CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 34, No.

12 (2017) 129701

Constraints on Estimation of Radius of Double Pulsar PSR J0737-3039A and Its

Neutron Star Nuclear Matter Composition ∗
杨佚沿) 1,2**
陈黎 )1** , Rong-Feng Linghu( 令狐荣锋) 2**

张立云 塔尼阿里
Yi-Yan Yang( , Li Chen( ,
Li-Yun Zhang( ) , Ali TAANI( )4
Astronomy Department, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
School of Physics and Electronic Sciences, Guizhou Education University, Guiyang 550018
College of Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025
Applied Science Department, Aqaba University College, Al-Balqa Applied University, Aqaba, Jordan

(Received 7 July 2017)

The aspect of formation and evolution of the recycled pulsar (PSR J0737-3039 A/B) is investigated, taking into
account the contributions of accretion rate, radius and spin-evolution diagram (𝐵–𝑃 diagram) in the double
pulsar system. Accepting the spin-down age as a rough estimate (or often an upper limit) of the true age of the
neutron star, we also impose the restrictions on the radius of this system. We calculate the radius of the recycled
pulsar PSR J0737-3039 A ranges approximately from 8.14 to 25.74 km, and the composition of its neutron star
nuclear matters is discussed in the mass-radius diagram.

PACS: 97.60.Jd, 97.60.Gb, 98.38.Mz DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/34/12/129701

PSR J0737-3039 A/B[1,2] is the only known dou- above the saturation density of nuclear matter.
ble neutron star (DNS) system in which both neutron In this Letter, we analyze the evolutionary path,
stars (NSs) have been detected as pulsars, allowing calculate and restrain the radius of PSR A in double
studies on plasma physics, general relativity and mat- pulsar J0737-3039 A/B, respectively. We propose that
ter in the strong-field regime.[3,4] Additionally, pro- PSR B is the secondly formed non-recycled possibly
viding new insights into the evolution of DNS systems involving electron-capture onto an O-Ne-Mg core. The
and for improving models of such matter are valu- evolutionary track of double J0737-3039 is described.
able guidance.[5,6] The first-born, recycled pulsar of Furthermore, we discuss the properties of magnetic
the system, PSR J0737-3039A (hereafter pulsar A), field and characteristic age for J0737-3039 A/B. The
has a spin period of 22.7 ms. The second-born and possible nuclear matter composition of PSR A is also
slower PSR J0737-3039B (hereafter pulsar B) rotates discussed.
every 2.8 s. The two pulsars orbit each other in a tight It is generally thought that DNS systems result
(Porb∼ =2.4 hrs) and moderately eccentric (𝑒 ∼ = 0.088) from one of two evolutionary scenarios, which we
orbit. briefly describe here. (1) Electron-capture super-
The radius of DNS has been shown to probe novae: here an O-Ne-Mg core passes a threshold den-
the ultra-dense matter equation of state (EOS). It sity that allows electrons to be captured on 24 Mg, sep-
is connected to the matter composition and out- arates itself in how the secondary star evolves to form
comes of supernova explosions.[7] Neutron star radius an NS. This decreases the electron degeneracy pres-
measurement has progressed significantly in the past sure, which in turn lowers the Chandrasekhar mass
decade and a number of different techniques have been of the core, inducing its collapse.[6,9,10] This would
employed.[8] Most methods that are currently used result in low NS velocities, since this type of event
rely on the detection of thermal emission from the sur- is thought to proceed over a much shorter timescale
face of the star, either to measure its apparent angular than that needed to develop the instabilities thought
size or to detect the effects of the NS space-time on to cause substantial SNe kicks and has also been in-
this emission to extract the radius information. How- voked to explain the formation of a subset of NSs
ever, the methods of measuring NS radius mainly con- with significantly lower measured masses relative to
tain spectroscopic and timing techniques, these rely the overall known. This would result in low NS ve-
on breaking the degeneracies between the mass and locities. (2) Core collapse supernovae: Bhattacharya
radius introduced by general relativistic effects. The and Heuvel[11] think that two NSs are formed from
precise and reliable measurements of the radius of NS massive binary system (∼8–25 𝑀⊙ ), where the more
would provide valuable guidance for improving models massive star initially undergoes a supernova explosion
for describing properties of cold matter with densities to form a first NS by stably transferring matter to the

∗ Supported by the National Program on Key Research and Development Project under Grant No 2016YFA0400801, the National

Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 11173034, 11673023 and 11364007, the Fundamental Research Funds for
the Central University, the Key Support Disciplines of Theoretical Physics of Guizhou Province Education Bureau under Grant No
ZDXK[2015]38, and the Youth Talents Project of Science and Technology in Education Bureau of Guizhou Province under Grant
No KY[2017]204.
** Corresponding author. Email:;;

© 2017 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd

CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 34, No. 12 (2017) 129701

secondary star, before second collapsing to explode in lobe overflow makes the pulsar magnetic field decay
a supernova, leaving behind the first-formed NS in a one magnitude order and spin decrease to ∼ 1 s. The
high-mass x-ray binary (HMXB).[12] The spin period evolution will stop at the spin-up line where the stel-
of the NS decays with the magnetic dipole emission, lar spin equals the orbital Keplerian frequency of the
while the secondary less massive star evolves. Dur- magnetosphere-disk, which is related to the different
ing the evolution of the secondary, as un-stable mass accretion rates. The NS evolution will continue fol-
transfer, the common envelope (CE) is formed and en- lowing A1–A2 along the spin-up line, until the NS
gulfed the first born NS, and it accretes matter from accretes about 0.001–0.01 𝑀⊙ .
the accretion disk and acquires the angular momen- A2–A3: The companion decreases the electron de-
tum that spins it up to the short period.[13] Dynam- generacy pressure, which in turn lowers the Chan-
ical friction results in the ejection of the CE, leaving drasekhar mass of the core, inducing an electron cap-
behind a short-period recycled pulsar and a ‘normal’ ture supernova, the binary system survives with a
pulsar. pair of NSs, a short period recycled pulsar with mag-
netic field 𝐵 ∼ 109 –1010 G and spin period 𝑃 ∼ 20–
100 ms, and a non-recycled pulsar, with magnetic field
PSR J0737-3039AB
14 Spin-line(1018 g/s) PSR B
of about 1012 –1013 G and spin period of more than
Spin-line(1017 g/s) 10 ms.
13 Spin-line(1016 g/s)
A3–A4: Due to the electromagnetism emission, the
A0 A1
12 period and magnetic field of the PSR A might go on

∆M ~ 0.001 M decaying until it is a normal pulsar.

11 t ~ 1.5T108 yrs A2
It has been assumed that the loss of rotation en-
10 PSR A A3
∆M ~ 0.01 M ergy of the pulsar equals the amount of magnetic
Evolution track of PSR A
dipole radiation. The spin period (𝑃s ) and the spin-
A4 ∆M ~ 0.1 M
A1~A2 for initial ~ 11-14M down rate (𝑃˙ ) of a pulsar can be combined to yield
A2~A3 for initial ~ 3-4M an estimate of the average strength of the dipole com-
A3~A4 for initial ~ 1.338M
ponent of the magnetic field at its surface and charac-
-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 teristic age[11,14]
3𝑐3 𝐼
Fig. 1. The evolution track of recycled pulsar J0739-3039 𝐵 =( 𝑃 𝑃˙ )1/2
A along the 𝐵–𝑃 diagram. 8𝜋 2 𝑅6
(︁ 𝑀 )︁1/2
= 9.06 × 1011 (𝐺) × 𝑃 1/2
PSR J0737-3039 A/B is pointed to a different evo-
(︁ 𝑃˙ )︁1/2 (︁ 𝑅 )︁−2
lutionary scenario compared with most other known
· , (1)
DNS systems. Here we mainly discuss the evolution- 10−15 10 km
ary track of the PSR A. As the shortest spin period where 𝐼 is the moment of inertia and is expressed as
(22 ms), shortest orbital period (0.102 d) and lowest 2 2 2
5 𝑀 𝑅 (gcm ) for a homogeneous stellar density, 𝑅 is
eccentricity (0.088), the possible evolution of double the stellar radius, and 𝑀 is the NS mass.
pulsar J0737-3039 may undergo 5 stages as shown in In the standard accretion spin-up model, the spin-
Fig. 1. up will end when the NS reaches its so-called ‘equilib-
A0: At the very beginning of the binary evolu- rium’ spin period 𝑃eq ,[15]
tion, the two main sequence stars start to evolve, the
more massive (primary) one (e.g., 10–14 𝑀⊙ ), evolves (︁ 𝑀 )︁−5/7 (︁ 𝑀˙ )︁−3/7
6/7 18/7
off and experiences an SNe explosion to form an NS, 𝑃eq = 3.1 (ms)𝐵9 𝑅6 , (2)
𝑀⊙ ˙
whose birth position in the 𝐵–𝑃 diagram lies in the
region A0 with the high magnetic field of about 1012 – where 𝐵9 is the dipole magnetic field in units of 109 G.
1013 G and spin period of tens of milliseconds (like the Spin period 𝑃eq is more influenced by the accretion
crab pulsar 𝐵 ∼ 1012 G, 𝑃 ∼ 30 ms). rate 𝑀˙ (varied in about 2–3 magnitude orders), and
A0–A1: The first born pulsar starts to evolve from less affected by the stellar mass and radius. The mass
A0 to A1, on account of the electromagnetism emis- of NS among DNS ranges from 1 𝑀⊙ to 2 𝑀⊙ , and
sion while the magnetic field is unchanged. If the radius may be from 10 km to 20 km.[16,17]
companion mass is massive enough (e.g., ≥ 10 𝑀⊙ ), Assuming certain models for the spin evolution
with sufficiently long age of the main sequence (e.g., of both pulsars due to steady or evolving braking
∼ 107 yr), the pulsar can arrive at the position A1 torques, we can therefore use the spin-down rates ob-
(𝐵 ∼ 1012 G and 𝑃 >∼ 10 s), where the NS cannot be served to constrain the ages of the pulsars,
seen as a pulsar. 𝑃 [︁ (︁ 𝑃 )︁𝑛−1 ]︁
A1–A2: The dead pulsar can be spun-up by the 𝑡= 1− , (3)
(𝑛 − 1)𝑃˙ 𝑃
accretion and recycled from A1 to A2 with the condi-
tion that its companion leaves its main sequence to the where 𝑃0 is the initial spin period, and 𝑛 (defined as
red giant. The stellar wind accretion and/or Roche- 𝑃˙ ∝ 𝑃 2−𝑛 ) is the braking index. For a normal pulsar,
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 34, No. 12 (2017) 129701

we assume (𝑃0 ≪ 𝑃 ) and 𝑛 = 3, the real age of a recent measurement of the radio pulsar PSR J1614-
pulsar can then be conveniently approximated by its 2230 yielded a mass of ∼ 1.97 𝑀⊙ [21] and ∼ 2.01 𝑀⊙
characteristic age 𝜏 ,[2,14,18] for PSR J0348+043 observed through the Shapiro de-
lay technique, which may give stringent constraints
𝑃 on the EOS of dense matter.[22] Such a high NS mass
𝑡=𝜏 ≡ , for 𝑃0 ≪ 𝑃, 𝑛 = 3. (4)
2𝑃˙ measurement has raised great interests in the struc-
According to the pulsar recycling scenario, the ture and composition of NSs, since it might rule out
PSR A is identified as the first-born NS which was many predictions of non-nucleonic components in NS
spun up (recycled) to the ‘equilibrium period’ by the interiors. Li et al.[23] think that massive NSs require
mass accretion from the progenitor of PSR B. The a very stiff EoS and set a strong upper limit on the
PSR B is then the normal NS formed during the ECS dark dense matter particle mass.
of the secondary.[6] The age of the normal pulsar (PSR From the updated measured pulsar masses,[16] in-
B) can be conveniently approximated by its character- formation is insufficient to infer the nuclear matter
istic age, since its present spin period is much longer compositions inside the central compact objects. The-
than the usual spin period at birth, oretically, pulsars may consist of hadronic matter only,
hadronic and quark matter either bearing or not a
𝑃 mixed phase or quark matter only (see Fig. 3).[24,25]
𝑡sd,B ≃ 𝜏B ≡ , for 𝑃0 ≪ 𝑃, 𝑛 = 3. (5)

By following the work of Lorimer et al.,[14] we as- 24

sume that the spin-down age for PSR A (𝑡sd,A ) can 22

refer to the time since its spin-up ceased, and should 20

Radius (km)
be equal to the time since PSR B was birthed as an 18

NS. We therefore assume 16

𝑡sd,A = 𝑡sd,B . (6) 12
According to Eq. (3), we find 8

(︁ 𝑃 )︁2 ]︁ 6
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
𝑡sd,A = 𝜏A 1− , for 𝑛 = 3, (7) Accretion rate (1018 gs)
Fig. 2. The relationship between the radius and the ac-
where 𝜏A = 𝑃A /2𝑃˙A is the characteristic age of the re- cretion rate. The curve line stands for the possible 𝑅 range
cycled pulsar PSR A, and 𝑃eq = 19.78 ms is obtained. of the recycled pulsar of PSR A.
Combination of Eqs. (1) and (2) yields
=8.14 km

=25.74 km
(︁ 𝑀 )︁1/3 (︁ 𝑃˙A )︁−1/2 CN2 P

𝑅 = 0.98 (km) −15 −1 2.0

𝑀⊙ 10 𝑠𝑠
Gravitational mass (

𝑀 ˙ 1/2

(︁ )︁
· , (8) 1.5
1018 𝑔𝑠−1

where the parameters 𝑀A = 1.338 𝑀⊙ , 𝑃˙A = 1.76 × 1.0 CPC

10−18 𝑠𝑠−1 are adopted, and then we obtain the re-

lation between the radius and the accretion rate (see 0.5 CS1

Fig. 2). The radius of the recycled PSR A 𝑅 ≃ 8.14 km CS2 CN1
(𝑅 ≃ 25.74 km) for the accretion rate 𝑀˙ A = 0.1𝑀˙ Edd 0.0
0 10 20 30
(𝑀˙ A = 𝑀˙ Edd ).[19] Radius (km)
The internal structure of NS is not exactly known
because of uncertainties in the matter EOS in NS Fig. 3. The evolution track of different scenarios based
on the relationship of mass–radius diagram. The the-
cores. The NS internal composition might be con- oretical curves of EOSs are plotted:[20] stars containing
structed solely with normal matter (neutrons, protons, strange quark matter (CS1 and CS2), stars made of nor-
electrons, muons), or it may contain kaon condensates, mal neutron matter (CN1 and CN2), and stars with pion
hyperons, pion condensates, or quark matter. condensate cores (PCC), the horizontal line stands for
𝑀A = 1.338 𝑀⊙ , and two vertical lines stands for possible
Miller investigated that 1.2 𝑀⊙ is a conservative 𝑅 of range the recycled PSR A as 8.14 km and 25.74 km,
lower limit for the mass of an NS formed from a respectively.
supernova.[20] The cores of these tiny, dense stellar
leftovers might conceal new states of matter, and the Recycled NSs in binary systems should find that
possible compositions for an NS contain strange mat- the stiffness increases, and that the phase transition of
ter and normal matter, or a Bose–Einstein conden- nuclear matter may occur.[26] Chatziioannou et al.[27]
sate of pions if their mass is higher than 1.8 𝑀⊙ . The claimed that NSs contain only quark matter, by car-
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 34, No. 12 (2017) 129701

rying out a Bayesian model selection analysis, but hy- short spin period (𝐵 ∼ 1010 G, 𝑃 ∼ 50 ms) will be
brid stars containing both normal and quark matter formed, like PSR B1913+16 and PSR J0737-3039.[2,33]
are typically harder to distinguish from normal mat- At the end of the accretion phase (accreted mass
ter stars (see Fig. 3). The different EOS models pro- greater than 0.2 𝑀⊙ ), we find that a situation in the
posed in the literature differ in the NS composition magnetic field of an NS may arrive at a bottom value
they assume, masses around 1.4 𝑀⊙ would provide in- of about 108 –109 G and its spin period may reach a
dications of the existence or absence of strange quark minimum of about a few milliseconds. For this sys-
stars, while the presence of kaon condensates or hy- tem, the recycled PSR A, whose period is shorter than
perons in NS inner cores cannot be easily confirmed. 50 ms, we have explored accretion at rate of 0.01 𝑀⊙
The detection of hyperon or kaon condensates in through the stellar process onto the companion. Then
NS interiors requires high mass stars, since it is only at the estimated range of accretion rate in the binary sys-
these high masses, and the very highest central den- tem would be as high as 0.1–1 the Eddington rate. Fi-
sities that these condensates form. Moreover, most nally, the evolution of the surface dipole magnetic field
NSs are expected to have masses around the nearby strength 𝐵 versus spin period 𝑃s (𝐵–𝑃 diagram) poses
1.4 𝑀⊙ , rarely reaching 2 𝑀⊙ required for hyperons challenges in attaining deep analysis of their evolution
and kaons detection. Unlike kaon condensates and hy- track.
perons that can only exist in combination with normal A. Taani would like to thank NAOC for support-
matter, quark matter can form both with and without ing his visit as postdoctoral research fellow. The au-
normal matter. thors would also like to thank the anonymous referees
The observed properties of double pulsars reveal for the careful reading of the manuscript and for all
much information about the evolutionary history of suggestions and comments which allow us to improve
different types of binaries (including their spin peri- both the quality and the clarity of this work.
ods, magnetic field, component masses, and supernova
processes).[28] From the above discussion, it turns out
that the spin-down age of the normal PSR B which is
essentially the same as the true age of recycled PSR A. References
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