General Science and Ability

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Study of universe and air dust and other heavenly bodies in the universe. Includes Observation and
principles about the solar system and stars and structure of space in it.

Universe: space around us conatainig galaxies, stars, meteorids, etc.

IAU: austronomical units—1994, 2009 updated. Created 1976. It is tridimentional.

TriDimentional—Length, Mass, Time.

Time= Seconds… per day= 86400 denoted as (D)

Length= Average distance between Earth and Sun. It is 150M kms. Light year: 9.4x10 12km Measure long
distances (pasrsec), parsec (pc) used to measure the distances outside the solar system=3.26 light
years. Star will have a paralex of 1 sec of arc.

Mass= Mass of Sun 1.9x1030

Origin of Universe:

BigBang Theory: “The problem of origin of the universe is bit like the question, chicken or the egg. What
agency created it or what created that agency or perhaps the universe or the agency existed forever and
didn’t even need to be created.” -- Stephan Hawkins.

It started from a small singularity and then flattening for about 13.7B years. BigBang relates to
Mathematical models and theories. Hotter and denser than everything and then explosion. Then it grew.
Energy changed into particles Matter and |Anti Matter, They destroyed each other, Some matters
survived. Protons and Neutrons started 1s after the universe. Over the next 3 mins the temp dropped
below 1B.

Red Shift: if moving away from e

It was then cool enough to form Hydrogen. After 300,000 years cooled down to 3000 degrees. Atomic
neuclie could form atoms. Universe had H and He gas. The cloud then formed cholesterol bodies.

Nicholas Coppornicus 17th century. Helio Centric – Sun Centered model. Explaining Sun is stationary,
the rest of the planets revolve around. Catholics school of thought.*

Galelio Italian… Tried in 16th century but didn’t get accepted

Evidence of Big Bang: Spectrum of Light.. Movement can be guessed, to and from earth.

Red shift and Blue Shift.

arth -- Supports bigbang theory. Expansion. Greater the red shift the further it is and faster it is.

Blue Shift: if moving towards earth –

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations: Discovered by *Arno Penzias and Wilson.*

Heat lapses after the big bang theory and that is the evidence that big bang happened.

Static Universe Theory against the Big Bang theory.

According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity it ain’t true.

Ultimate fate of the Universe: BigBang accepted by majority.. According to cosmologist it is flat and will
continue to expand.

4 models of possible future of the universe.

Closed Model. Contractual Theory.

Flat Model. Steady Stats Theory.

Cyclic Model. Cyclic Universe Theory.

Open Model. Expanding universe Theory.


Gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, Interstellar gas, dust and dark matters.

Derived from Greek word “Galaxias” literally means “Milky”. AndroMeda, Milkyway.

Galaxies are categorized according to their visual morphology, i.e. elliptical, spiral and irregular many
galaxies are having black holes at their center.

“MilkyWay” Spiral Galaxy shaped like a disc. 100,000 light years in diameter. Formed 13.7B years ago.

Sun takes 250M years to revolve around the Milkyway. Solar System 30,000 light years away from center.

Region occupied by MilkyWay Galactic plane. It has arms due to which it rotates.

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