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ANKE E— ~ Set ae) Code No. 15671 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3 YDC) / LLB (Hons.) (3 YDC) | Year Il Semester Examination, August / September 2019 Subject : Law Paper -I: Law of Gontract - I Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART — A (5 x 6 = 30 Marks) Note: Answer any five questions from the following Co-surities Contract of indemnity— Bailment_—~ Finder of goods Pawnor — Universal Agent —— Unpaid seller Reconstitution of firm. SN OMeawonNa PART ~ B (2 x 15 = 30 Marks) Note: Answer any two question from the following 9. What is the nature of a surety's authority? State his rights against the principal debtor. 10. What is contract of Agency? What are the essentials of relationship of agency? Explain the Nature of a contract of sale of goods and bring out clearly the distinction between a sale and an agreement to sell. AIE“A partner isthe agent ofthe fim forthe purpose of the business of the fan Explain PART - C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) Note: Answer any two question from the following 3. A gives silk to B” a tailor, to be stitched into a coat. B promises ‘A’ to deliver the coat ‘88 soon as it is made and to give ‘A’ three months credit for the charges. 1s B entitled to retain the Coat until the charges are paid. 14.'A enters into a contract with ‘B' for buying B's cat as agents for'C’ without B's authority. Repudiates the contract before ‘C’ comes to know it. ‘C’ subsequently ‘ratifies the contract and gives to enforce it. Advise B. 1. A sold 100 quintals of groundnut oil to B: Before it could be delivered to ‘B' the Govt. of India requisitioned the whole quantity lying with ‘A’ in public interest, ‘B’ wants to sue ‘A’ for breach of contract. Advise B. eK Of Agra ordered certain specified goods from ‘B' of Bombay. ‘B’ sends the goods, not ordered, along with them. What should ‘A’ do? Bare e~e@s1 16D Code No. 15672 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3 YDC)/ LLB (Honours) (3 YDC) |-Year II-Semester Examination, Aug./Sept. 2019 ‘Subject : Law Paper : Il : Family Law—Il Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART — A (5x 6 = 30 Marks) fy Note: Answer any five question from th Sich Deffered Dower a Batil Marriage Bequeathable one third principle }— é ‘Acknowledgement of Paternity — Khula ote O Doctrine of Auk aw! ‘Schools of Muslim L ay OW 2x 15-somans ing questions: Answer any TWO of the foll 9. What are the esseritia| requirements of Muslim Marriage? Valid, Void and irregular Marriage under Muslim Lé 40. What are the gréfinds of divorce under the Indian Divorce Act, 1869. 11. Explai ees of Judicial Separation and Restitution of Conjugal Rights u .cial Marriage Act, 1954~ 12.6 le Rules of Succession of a Muslim Male property under Sunni Law. PART —C (2x 10 = 20 Marks) ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions: 43. ‘A’ a Muslim husband pronounced talaq thrice to one of his wives'B’. Explain the 2 tights of B under the law. 44. °X’ a Musiim wife, Sunni by sect, died leaving behind her husband and two sisters. Distribute X’s property. _© A, a Hindu husband converts to Islam and contracts a second marriage with a Muslim ‘woman without dissolving the first marriage. Explain the validity of the second marriage. 16. ‘P’ a Muslim married to Ms. K. After a period of 6 years he lost his job and became bankrupt . He divorced his wife. K filed a maintenance case against P. Will he be successful OPNOARONS istinguish between @- 831-BO vase Code No. 15673 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B. (3 YDC)/LLB (Hons.) (3 YDC) | -Year Il-Semester Examination, August / September 2019 Subject: LAW Paper — Ill : Constitutional Law — It Time : 3 Hours. Max. Marks : 80 PART ~ A (5x6=30 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following: Effect of Anti Defection Collective Responsibil Pardoning Powers of the President y Curative Petition Doctrine of Repugnancy AV Doctrine of Pleasure Act of Stato \ Judicial Accountability PART - B (2x15 fecal any TWO of the following questio :xplain the relation between the Pt 10 Make a critical analysis of the Supt Advocates on Record Association challenge to the NJAC Act. 14 Explain the recent trends pe to the tortious liability of the State. @NODRON= 9 Mefks) dl the Union Council Ministers. ‘ourt Judgment in “Supreme Court of India’ (2015, SC) in the context of iscuss the evolution structure theory in India. — C (2x10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO aye lowing question: 13 The Speaker othe abha expelled 20 members for receiving money for raising questions in the house on behalf of vested interests They challenged the expulsign befofe the Supreme Court. Decide. ment issued several ordinances continuously on the same subject roducing a regular Bill in the State Legislature. Decide the tutional validity of such practice. «ATA State has issues with its neighbouring state regarding the sharing of the waters of a river flowing across both the States. What is the constitutional mechanism to resolve the said dispute? Explain. 16 All the 150 public servants working in a Government department were dismissed from service, as most of them participated in a Dhama cum Gherao Programme. No inquiry was conducted on the ground of impracticability. Discuss the validity of such dismissal. vars 1&= BBN- 18D Code No.15674 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3 YDC) / LLB (Hons.) (3 YDC) | Year I! Semester Examination, August / September 2019 Subject : Law Paper : IV: Law of Crimes Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART ~ A (5 x 6 = 30 Marks) (Short Answer Type) Note: Answer any five questions from the followin Insanity Actus Reus Y Bigamy~ “A Section 304-8 XN Mischiet— e Perjury Sedition/ Extortiog~~ O Pi B (2.x 15 = 30 Marks) Note: Answetany fy question from the following 9. Discuss the reac lIpable homicide and Murder PNOHRONS 10. Explain the slope ee! xxim “Actus non facit reum mens sit rea’ <2 Define Kidnapping anthdistinguish it from” Abduction—— ATE. Explain the stagge of crime, SS PART ~ C (2 x 10 = 20 Marks) jote: Answer any two question from the following J QO by four persons in a running bus and tried to kill her. Subsequently X died in the hospital. Discuss the liability & Punishment. 14. A game false evidence, by which Mr. D, an innocent person was convicted with death sentence. Discuss the liability and offence committed by A. 15. ‘A’ and ‘B' are friends. ‘A’ due to sudden quarrel, gave a blow to ‘B’. ‘B’ sustained Injuries B filed a case for attempt to murder. Discuss. _J$-Four members armed with deadly weapons. Entered a bank and robbed the bank. Discuss the offence. Tosh Bi -18 Code No.15675 FACULTY OF LAW LL.B (3 YDC) | Year Il Semester Examination, August/September 2019 Subject : Law Paper - V: Law of Evidence Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 PART ~ A (5x 6 = 30 Marks) Note: Answer any five questions Hearsay Evidence ~ -2- Presumptions of fact _2< Test Identification Parades ay

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