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A light grade channel is used as a purlin on a roof truss with a sloping of 3H to 1V. The trusses are spaced 3.0 meters on centers. The
roof loads are as follows

Dead Load Pressure ................ 1200 Pa

Live Load Pressure .................. 1000 Pa
Wind Load Pressure ................. 1400 Pa

Wind Load Coefficients:

Windward ......... 0.20
Leeward ........... 0.60

Channel Properties;
Sx = 48.8 x 10^3 mm^3
Sy = 11.8 x 10^3 mm^3
Weight of Purlins = 71 N/m

Allowable Bending Stress Fbx = Fby = 138 MPa

1. Determine the value of interaction equation due to dead load and live load.

2. Determine the the value of interaction equation due to load combination 0.75(DL + LL + WL) @ Windward

3. Determine the the value of interaction equation due to dead load and live load if sag rods are provided at the mid span

4. Determine the the value of interaction equation due to load combination 0.75(DL + LL + WL) @ Windward if sag rods are provided at
the mid span.

Span, L= 6.0 m Slope (Top chord) = 1V:3H
Dead load = 1200 Pa Wind Pressure Coefficients:
Live load = 576 Pa Windward side = 0.2 pressure
Wind load = 1440 Pa Leeward side = 0.6 suction

Properties of C section
Sx = 4.18 x 10^4 mm^3
Sy = 1.18 x 10^4 mm^3
w = 71 N/m
Fbx =0.66Fy; Fby = 0.75Fy; Fy = 250 MPa

For D + L W load combination, a one third increase in the allowable stresses is allowed.

1. Using 2 lines of sag rods, find the safe purlin spacing (m) for D + L load combination.

2. Using 2 lines of sag rods, find the safe purlin spacing (m) for D + L + W where W is at the windward side.

3. Using 2 lines of sag rods, find the total flexural stress (MPa) due to D + L + W load combination where
W is at the leeward side. Purlins are spaced at 0.75 m on centers:

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