1 ResumeOfMdShahriarKamal

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Shahriar Kamal

Dhaka, Bangladesh Website: github.com/shahriar1628,

Phone: 880-1777651280

Skills Java 8, Python, JavaScript, Spring,  Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data, JUnit,
Mockito, Selenium, Node, React, Vue.js, SQL, NumPy, Pandas, Django, Maven, Git,
Machine Learning, Problem Solving(ACM)

Work experience Dynamic Solution Innovators June 2019 — Present

Senior Software Engineer
Technology Used: Java 8, Vue.js, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data, Hibernate,
JWT, PostgreSql, Firebase, Android, iOS, Signal protocol, STOMP, WebSocket
Primary Responsibility: 
Working as a Development Lead for developing a con dential Bangladesh
government project for SSF(Special Security Force)  
Creating a web application for administration and REST Api  for other platform 
R&D for implementing secured communication platform  
Performing architectural design and task review 

Dynamic Solution Innovators August 2018 — June 2019

Senior Software Engineer
Technology Used: Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Data, MySQL, Selenium, Apache POI,
JUnit, Maven
Primary Responsibility: 
Build an automation test data driven framework from scratch for AMTdirect. (An
american software company providing lease accounting and administration
Give task  and code review to other team members.  

Dynamic Solution Innovators August 2015 — Present

Software Developer
Technology Used: Java, SQL, AWS, Struts, EJB, Micro service, JSP, JavaScript, Python,
Primary Responsibility: 
Working in a team as a java developer which outsourced "Jenzabar". ( An american
software company providing ERP solution for higher education) 
Implement new features to their products through sprint. 
Write and maintain MySQL, SQL, Oracle query les. 
Write  python scripts for additional works, which will be really hard and time worthy if
doing manually.  

Ssd-Tech May 2014 — August 2015

Software Developer
Technology Used:  Java, SQL, Networking, C#,PHP
Primary Responsibility: 
Java developer (create server based project with thread and networking) 
Writing procedures, functions and triggers in MySQL database.
Add new features in existing application (C#  & Java Application)
Completed Diameter Scapv2 Protocol Base Project(For Banglalink)

Projects Selenium Automation Test Framework

A keyword and data driven Testing Framework with cross browsing testing facility. The
plan is writing test steps with keyword and data in excel les and will be executed from

Online School - Django Framework Base Project

A online school, where students can enroll new courses, can learn from watching video
and  taking exams. The project is following REST process; using 'Tastypie' for REST

Education B.Sc. in Computer Science Jan 2010 — Dec 2013

Dhaka University
 CGPA : 3.43

HSC June 2007 — June 2009

Notre-Dame College
GPA: 5.00

Achievement Participated in AI Challenge at Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology

and placed 4th(2013)
Participated in Bot competition "Ultimate Tic Tac Toe" in The AI
Game(http://theaigames.com)  and ranked fty- fth position.
Got a certi cate from 'Coursera' on “Algorithm part-2” . It is a online course run by
'Stanford University' of USA, got 84.6% mark
Got a certi cate from same source on “Machine Learning” obtaining 91.2% mark.

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