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Article · April 2012

DOI: 10.1177/205684601361


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Eduardo Bericat
Universidad de Sevilla


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Eduardo Bericat University of Seville, Spain

abstract The emotions that human beings experience play a fundamental role in all social phenomena.
As a result, sociology needs to incorporate the analysis of emotions into its objects of study. This process
began three decades ago with the birth of the sociology of emotions. This article offers an introductory and
critical overview of the work sociologists of emotions have carried out so far.
keywords feelings ◆ social interaction ◆ social structure ◆ sociological theory ◆ sociology of emotions

Introduction What are emotions?

The emotions that human beings experience play a We may know what emotions are and understand
fundamental role in all social phenomena. As a result, their importance from our own experience. In fact, as
sociology needs to incorporate the analysis of emo- human beings we can only experience life emotional-
tions into its objects of study. This process, which ly: I feel, therefore I am. However, many questions still
began three decades ago with the birth of the sociology remain regarding their essential nature (Lawler, 1999),
of emotions, must continue advancing until emotions making it difficult to arrive at their satisfactory defini-
are fully integrated into the general sociological per- tion (Marcus, 2000: 224). The profound complexity
spective. which characterizes human life in the world is reflected
This article offers an introductory and critical in the broad and subtle universe of emotions. For this
overview of the work sociologists of emotions have reason, understanding the complex nature of human
carried out so far. These sociologists have helped us, emotions is absolutely necessary for the adequate
first of all, to understand what an emotion is, the development of sociology.
countless number of existing emotions, their different
types and the great complexity of emotional process- Definitions and types of emotions
es. Second, they have revealed the social nature of Denzin (2009 [1984]: 66) defines emotion as ‘a lived,
human emotions, the emotional nature of social phe- believed-in, situated, temporally embodied experience
nomena and the role that emotions should play in the that radiates through a person’s stream of conscious-
discipline of sociology. Third, they have developed a ness, is felt in and runs through his body, and, in the
number of theoretical approaches to studying the process of being lived, plunges the person and his
emotions. And, lastly, they have carried out sociologi- associates into a wholly new and transformed reality –
cal analyses of many specific emotions (fear, trust, the reality of a world that is being constituted by the
shame, etc.), and emotional analyses in many areas of emotional experience’. For Kemper (1987: 267),
sociology (gender, work, organizations, social move- Seymour Epstein’s definition of a primary emotion is
ments, etc.). After presenting these contributions, this useful: ‘a complex, organized response disposition to
article offers suggestions for the future development engage in certain classes of biologically adaptive
of the sociology of emotions, basic readings for those behaviors ... characterized by a distinctive state of
wishing to start in this field of study and a comple- physiological arousal, a distinctive feeling, or affective
mentary bibliography. state, a distinctive state of receptivity, and a distinctive
pattern of expressive reactions’. Lawler (1999: 219)
defines emotions as relatively brief, positive or nega-
tive evaluative states, which have physiological, neuro-
logical and cognitive elements. And Brody (1999: 15)

© 2012 The Author(s)
© 2012 ISA (Editorial Arrangement of Sociopedia.isa)
Eduardo Bericat, 2012, ‘Emotions’, Sociopedia.isa, DOI: 10.1177/205684601361

Bericat Emotions

sees emotions as motivational systems with physio- Without doubt, the ‘self’, the feeling subject, con-
logical, behavioural, experiential and cognitive com- stitutes the central reference upon which emotions
ponents that have a positive or negative valence (they turn. According to Denzin (2009 [1984]), the link-
make one feel good or bad), which vary in intensity age of emotion to self is, in essence, a matter of def-
and tend to be induced by interpersonal situations or inition. However, it is evident that the nature of
events that merit our attention because they affect emotions is relational. The concrete emotion that a
our well-being. subject feels will depend on what the perceived con-
Although the general term currently most widely sequences of interactions with others are for the sur-
used is simply that of ‘emotion’, it is important to vival, well-being, needs, goals and personal plans of
distinguish between different classes of affective the self (Stryker, 2004: 3). The subject of emotions
states. is not, therefore, a being or body hermetically isolat-
Primary emotions are considered to be universal, ed from its environment, but is a subject who must
physiological, of evolutionary relevance and biologi- by necessity achieve its goals in relationship with
cally and neurologically innate, while secondary emo- others and other things in its environment.
tions, which can be a result of a combination of
primary emotions, are socially and culturally condi- The complexity of emotions
tioned. According to Kemper (1987), the primary The apparent simplicity of human emotions hides
emotions are fear, anger, depression and satisfaction, abundant complexities, problems and paradoxes.
while Turner (1999: 145) identifies them as satisfac- The emotions a subject feels should never be con-
tion-happiness, aversion-fear, assertion-anger, sidered as simple mechanical or physiological
disappointment-sadness and startlement-surprise. responses to variations produced in the environ-
Emotions such as guilt, shame, love, resentment, dis- ment. As different theories have stressed, a subject’s
appointment and nostalgia are considered to be sec- emotional experience depends on many factors:
ondary emotions. How an act is evaluated consciously and/or uncon-
Gordon (1981: 566–7) distinguishes between sciously; to whom or what the cause/responsibility
emotions and sentiments, which according to him are for an act is attributed; the subject’s expectations in
‘socially constructed pattern[s] of sensations, expres- the situation; the subject’s active social identity at
sive gestures, and cultural meanings organized each moment; and the subject’s identification with
around a relationship to a social object’. Lawler other persons or groups.
(2001: 326–8) distinguishes between global emotions, According to appraisal theories of emotion (Brody,
or generic responses to the outcome of an interac- 1999: 23), human beings are not mere sentient bio-
tion, which are involuntary and not conditioned by logical mechanisms, as we cognitively evaluate the
interpretation or cognitive attribution, and specific elements in our environment before we experience
emotions, which actors associate with specific objects or express our emotions. Applying to all emotions
and are defined through interpretive effort. Kemper Freud’s (1948) idea that anxiety warns individuals of
(1978) also distinguishes between structural, situa- a serious danger to their mental health, Hochschild
tional and anticipatory emotions. (1983) argues that emotions function as messengers
Jasper (2011: 286–7) establishes the following for the self; they carry out a signal function and are,
typology of emotions: bodily urges, such as sexual therefore, adaptive and useful in both the evolution-
desire or the need to defecate; reflex emotions, which ary long-term and the interactive short-term
are short-term reactions to our immediate environ- (Stryker, 2004). But in addition to carrying out a sig-
ment, both physical and social, such as anger, fear or nal function, emotional experiences also have an
joy; moods, or lasting affective states, not very intense impact and leave a mark, sometimes one that is
and lacking a specific object; and reflexive emotions, enduring and which conditions the future disposi-
like ‘affective loyalties’, such as love, respect and tion of the subject.
trust, or ‘moral emotions’, involving feelings of According to attribution theories (Lawler et al.,
approval and disapproval. 2008: 523), the emotion experienced does not
In short, we can state that emotions constitute the depend only on the event itself, but also on the
bodily manifestation of the importance that an event in causal attribution made by the subject. If the indi-
the natural or social world has for a subject. Emotion vidual believes that someone else has been the cause
is a bodily consciousness that signals and indicates of an undesirable event, he/she will feel anger, and if
this importance, regulating in this way the relation- the subject believes him/herself to be the cause, the
ships that a specific subject has with the world. In its response will be guilt or regret; finally, if the event is
most basic expression this involves three elements: perceived to be caused by fate, the response will be
(a) the assessment/appraisal; (b) of an event in the sadness or despair (Brody, 1999: 24).
world; (c) made by an individual. According to expectation states theory (Turner and

Bericat Emotions

Stets, 2006: 36), the assessment of an object, event (Marinetti et al., 2011: 32).
or person will depend on the prior expectations of The study of emotions is never simple, because
the subject, which can affect the resulting emotional emotions are part of an active process and can under-
experience. In the sphere of social interaction, a key go multiple and enigmatic transmutations that are
factor is if individuals meet the expectations awak- both voluntary and involuntary, or conscious and
ened in others based on their position of power or unconscious. Shame can become anger, happiness
status. can turn to weeping, pain into pleasure. Repression,
According to identity theories (Stryker, 2004), denial, displacement, projection, sublimation and
which recognize and address the fact that both role attribution are some of the defence mechanisms that
identities as well as social and group identities oper- can alter our emotions (Turner, 2008: 326). In addi-
ate in culturally defined positions within the social tion, it is obvious that we do not experience isolated
structure, emotions are also linked to the expecta- emotions, one at a time, nor do the emotions consti-
tions that actors have in each social interaction: to tute static states in time. Our emotional lives are
the extent that an interaction validates or does not dynamic processes of multiple sequences and emotion-
validate their identity they will feel positive or nega- al structures.
tive emotions (Burke and Stets, 2009). Finally, the complexity of emotions is also reflect-
Some theories, such as intergroup emotions theory, ed in their composition. Scherer’s multicomponent
show that the emotions subjects experience are the theory of emotions (2001) considers the following five
result not only of what happens to them personally components: cognitive, neurophysiological, motiva-
but of what happens to the social groups to which tional, expressive and subjective. Shott (1979: 1318)
they belong and/or identify with (Devos et al., 2002; argues that at least two elements – physiological
Mackie et al., 2000; Yzerbyt et al., 2003). Thus, as arousal and cognitive labelling as affect – are neces-
Durkheim argued in The Elementary Forms of the sary for an actor to experience an emotion. Thoits
Religious Life, group emotions and socially shared (1989: 318) distinguishes between appraisals of situ-
emotions exist (Bar-Tal et al., 2007; Braithwaite, ational stimuli, physiological or bodily changes,
2004), as do processes of emotional contagion expressive gestures, and cultural labels applied to spe-
(Hatfield et al., 1994). cific combinations of the first three components. In
The complexity of human emotions is also a short, subjective conscious feeling constitutes only
result of the dialectic existing between emotional one of the essential elements involved in the experi-
experience and expression, the capacity that emo- ence of emotions.
tions have to transmute and form successive emo-
tional structures, and the multiple compositions that
shape the nature of any affective state. The sociology of emotions
In the world of emotions, a fundamental distinc-
tion must be made between internal emotional expe- We have stated that the self, the individual organism,
rience (subjective feelings) and emotional expression is the central reference upon which emotions turn.
(the external manifestation of emotions). What we This being true there are two questions we must
feel can be expressed through words, facial expres- answer: What can sociology contribute to the study
sions, vocal tones, actions and physiological changes. of emotions? Why should sociology integrate emo-
However, the existing relationship between internal tions into its study of social reality? According to
experience and external expression is confusing and Barbalet (1998: 8–9), sociology has something to say
problematic (Brody, 1999). First, emotional expres- about emotion for two reasons: first, because sociol-
sion cannot be reduced to the simple and mere man- ogy seeks to explain social phenomena, and emotion
ifestation of an internal state, as expression, oriented is a social phenomenon, and second, because emo-
towards communication with another, emerges in tion is necessary to explain the fundamentals of
the context of social interaction (Marinetti et al., social behaviour.
2011: 32). A little girl that falls may cry because she On the one hand, the sociological study of emo-
has hurt herself, or she may cry because she wants tions is grounded in the fact, indicated by Kemper
her parents’ attention. Second, it has not been (1978, 1987), that the majority of our emotions
demonstrated that internal feelings produce physio- emerge, are experienced and have meaning in the
logical or external bodily changes. For Damasio context of our social relations. Loneliness, envy, hate,
(1994), it is the physiological changes that trigger fear, shame, pride, resentment, revenge, nostalgia,
the feelings: we do not tremble because we feel sadness, satisfaction, joy, anger, frustration and a
afraid; we feel afraid because we tremble. In short, myriad of other feelings emerge in specific social
external manifestations have an emotion-expressive situations, expressing in the individual’s bodily con-
function, but also a social communicative function sciousness the rich spectrum of forms of human

Bericat Emotions

social interaction and relationships. Understanding analysing the existing social structures and social fac-
an emotion means understanding the situation and tors which condition an emotion, and analysing the
social relation that produces it. expression, behaviour and social consequences stem-
On the other hand, the incorporation of emo- ming from it, we can reach a greater understanding
tions into sociological studies involves investigating of each emotion. Understanding the social life of
and ‘theorizing all that becomes apparent when we emotions and establishing adequate sociological defi-
make the simple assumption that what we feel is nitions of them (Bericat, 2005) are essential to gain
fully as important to the outcome of social affairs as understanding of not only the complex world of
what we think or do’ (Hochschild, 1990: 117). An emotions but also that of human beings in the con-
actor whose consciousness is limited to ideas or cog- text of the processes and structures of social interac-
nitions and lacking in social values or emotions is tion.
inconceivable. For this reason, any description,
explanation or sociological understanding of a social The emotional nature of social reality
phenomenon is incomplete, and therefore false, if it In all social phenomena, without exception, emo-
does not incorporate the feeling subject into its study tions are present and play a fundamental role. This is
of structures and social processes (Bericat, 2000: true in those collective phenomena in which intense
145). passion occupies a central place (e.g. festivals, sport-
In short, the sociology of emotions faces two fun- ing competitions, the response to terrorist actions
damental tasks: studying the social nature of emo- and political revolutions), as well as in more intimate
tions and studying the emotional nature of social social relations, such as within the family and in
reality. friendships, which are charged with lasting though
often almost imperceptible feelings, and which give
The social nature of human emotions flavour to every minor daily encounter.
The use of the sociological perspective is essential to The two basic dimensions of sociability are the
understand the innumerable emotions that make up symbolic or intercommunicative dimension and the
the affective universe of human beings. Despite the energetic or interactive dimension. Hence, social
implicit meaning in many of the metaphors used in reality is always culture, communication and con-
current language (Kövecses, 1990), emotions are sciousness, and at the same time, structure, energy and
not, according to Gregory Bateson, a specific sub- action. This is why emotions are a constituent part of
stance, but rather, patterns of relationship which link all social phenomena. Due to their informational
the self with its environment, fundamentally with and expressive nature, emotions are one of the three
others, in other words, with the social world (Burkitt, fundamental components of the intercommunica-
2002: 151). Kemper’s social relational theory (1978) tive dimension of sociability (cognitions, values and
argues that primary emotions are a product of the emotions). But due to their energetic and motiva-
outcome of interactions in two basic social dimen- tional nature, emotions are also determinants of
sions, power and status: fear is the outcome of an individual will, one of the three components of the
interaction in which an actor is subject to a power interactive dimension of sociability (natural energy,
greater than his/her own; anger appears when we social power and individual will). In short, emotions
believe someone else is responsible for denying us are a constituent part of any social phenomenon,
merited status or prestige; depression emerges when whether it be conflict between partners (Retzinger,
an actor loses status, but sees him or herself as 1991), the Christmas season (Schervish et al., 1996),
responsible for the loss; and finally, ‘satisfaction the attack on September 11 (Burkitt, 2005; Kemper,
results from interactions in which the power out- 2002), comedy series on television (Weaver, 2010)
come is nonthreatening’, and status outcomes are or trends in the stock market (Berezin, 2009).
similar to what was expected or desired (Kemper, This requires the development of a sociology
1987: 275). which studies the complex existing emotional struc-
Both the meaning and understanding of every tures and processes in the context of social life. As
one of the innumerable feelings which form our Thoits (1989: 333–4) has pointed out, emotion con-
broad emotional universe are intimately connected cepts are being incorporated as intervening variables
to specific relational patterns, in other words, to their in substantive sociological research on such diverse
specific social nature. What we feel in a social situa- topics as charisma, gender roles, the division of
tion will depend on the content and outcome of the labour in the home, responses to stress, the reaction
interaction, the balance we obtain from the of battered women to violence, group solidarity and
exchange, the type of social relationship that inequality in intimate relationships. The incorpora-
connects us to the other, the relevant norms and val- tion of emotions into this research makes it possible
ues and a broad set of other social factors. Thus, by to provide more specific and more detailed

Bericat Emotions

explanations of these important social phenomena. (2002), Stets and Turner (2006), Clay-Warner and
Robinson (2008) and Hopkins et al. (2009).
The place of emotions in sociology It is clear that since its birth, the sociology of
The sociology of emotions was born in the second emotions has developed tremendously. However, if
half of the 1970s, initiated by the research of three social interaction and emotions are intimately
pioneers: Arlie R Hochschild, Thomas J Scheff and linked, as has been argued here, we must ask why the
Theodor D Kemper (Bericat, 2000). sociology of emotions emerged so late. We should
Hochschild was the first to use the term in 1975, also ask if sociology in its foundational or classical
reflecting on the relationship between emotion and epoch incorporated the emotions into its analysis.
gender. In 1979 she published an article in which, A reading of the works of the classical sociolo-
through concepts such as feeling rules or emotion gists, as well as those of other thinkers of the 19th
work, she demonstrated the existing relationship century, reveals that these first social scientists incor-
between culture, politics and emotions. The culture porated the emotions into their work in a sponta-
defines what, when and how we should feel. In her neous and natural manner. However, the gradual
book, The Managed Heart: The Commercialization of advance of modern culture, the exclusive and exclud-
Human Feeling (1983), she analysed the emotion ing legitimacy that the positivist paradigm began to
management that must be carried out by certain serv- acquire in the social sciences, and the hegemony ulti-
ice workers, such as flight attendants. Scheff pub- mately reached by cognitivism in the middle of the
lished an article in 1977 in which he linked social 20th century led to the almost complete disappear-
rituals to a process of emotional catharsis, and anoth- ance of the emotions in both social theory and
er in 1988 in which he synthesized his sociological research. Only with postmodern social and cultural
theory of shame and pride. In Microsociology: change was the door opened to new approaches,
Discourse, Emotion and Social Structure (1990) he facilitating a re-encounter between the social sciences
presents an argument for incorporating emotions and emotions.
into the core of sociological meta-theory, based on Although the major 19th-century social thinkers,
the idea that maintaining social bonds is the most Marx (worker alienation), Durkheim (social rituals),
important of human motivations. Kemper’s book, A Weber (Protestant desire for love) and Freud (anxi-
Social Interactional Theory of Emotions, published in ety), considered affective phenomena in their work
1978, presents his structural theory of emotions, (Denzin, 2009 [1984]), emotions occupied a rela-
based on two basic dimensions of social interaction: tively marginal analytical place, as can be seen in
power and status. In an article from 1981, he sum- Weber’s typology of social action. Only Charles H
marized a theoretical debate that emerged between Cooley, with his theory of the looking-glass self,
positivism and social constructivism, and in another explicitly placed emotional dynamics at the centre of
article from 1987 he tried to integrate both positions social interaction (Turner and Stets, 2005: 106–7).
by distinguishing between primary and secondary However, a detailed analysis of Suicide, by
emotions. In 1990 he edited an important collection Durkheim, and the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
with contributions from many of the pioneers in the Capitalism of Weber reveals the significant role that
sociology of emotions. emotions play in these two paradigmatic sociological
Included among these pioneers are: Collins studies. These authors also demonstrate that any
(1975, 1981), Heise (1979), Denzin (2009 [1984]), sociological theory that does not consider the emo-
Gordon (1981), Shott (1979), Thoits (1985, 1989), tions involved in the social phenomena it is attempt-
Clark (1987), Hammond (1983) and Smith-Lovin ing to explain or understand will be
(Smith-Lovin and Heise, 1988). To these must be incomprehensible (Bericat, 2001a, 2001b).
added others, such as JH Turner, JE Stets and JM What is, therefore, the place of emotions in soci-
Barbalet, who have expanded the body of literature ology? Schieman (2006: 493), in his work on anger,
on the sociology of emotions through diverse and emphasizes that an essential question for sociology is
important contributions over the last three decades. the following: ‘What can we learn about social life by
During this time various academic journals have studying anger?’ As we have seen, the analysis of any
dedicated special issues to the study of emotions: emotion offers us a unique perspective from which
Symbolic Interaction 1985, 8(2); Rationality and we can observe certain essential aspects of specifical-
Society 1993, 5(2); International Journal of Sociology ly human social interaction. However, despite the
and Social Policy 1996, 16(9/10); Advances in Group great interest in understanding the social nature of
Processes 2004, 21; Journal of Social Issues 2007, each of the emotions, the primary interest of the
63(2); Theory and Society 2009, 38. In addition, sociologist should be to understand the emotional
several important collections have also been pub- nature of social life, in other words, the emotional
lished: Bendelow and Williams (1998), Barbalet structure and dynamics present in the social

Bericat Emotions

phenomena that are the object of study. depending on the social situation and the social
In conclusion, no sociological analysis should network in which they are activated (salience hier-
exclude the emotions felt by participants in specific archy). For Cooley ([1964 [1902]), Goffman
phenomena, events, structures or social processes. (1956, 1959), Shott (1979), Hochschild (1979)
and Scheff (1988), the emotions that emerge dur-
ing social interactions play a fundamental role in
Theoretical approaches social control.

With the objective of understanding and explaining c. Ritual theories argue ‘that focused interaction,
both emotions and the emotional dynamics of social which these theories refer to as ritual, is at the
reality, sociologists have, over the last three decades, heart of all social dynamics. Rituals generate
developed a wide range of theoretical approaches. group emotions that are linked to symbols, form-
Turner and Stets (2005, 2006) have classified these ing the basis for beliefs, thinking, morality, and
into five major types: culture’ (Summers-Effler, 2006: 135). Taking the
sacrificial rituals of aboriginal Australians as a
a. Cultural theories see emotions not as mere bio- paradigm, Durkheim (1965 [1912]) described
logical responses but as social feelings. These feel- the basic mechanisms through which these col-
ings are conditioned by the culture of a society lective events produced and maintained the social
(its norms, values, ideas, beliefs, etc.), emerge in cohesion of the group. Rituals are social gatherings
the course of patterned social interactions and are in which individuals maintain the same focus of
learned through a socialization process (Gordon, attention, share the same values and feel the same
1981). Societies have an emotional culture, an emotions (Collins, 2004; Knottnerus, 2010).
emotional vocabulary, feeling rules and display These social gatherings provoke a collective effer-
rules, which define, for every situation and for vescence and a high level of group consciousness.
every social position a subject occupies, what Collins (1981, 2004) distinguishes between the
should be felt and how feelings should be positive emotions and moral feelings, which,
expressed (Hochschild, 1979, 1983). However, directed towards the group itself, shape social sol-
although culture conditions our emotional expe- idarity, and the positive emotions and trust that
riences and expression, it does not determine individual participants feel in the form of emo-
them. Whether with the aim of adjusting to a tional energy (EE). According to Collins, individ-
norm, managing emotional deviation (Thoits, uals always seek to maximize their emotional
1985), adapting to a job, or obtaining an advan- energy in every social encounter. Goffman
tage during a social interaction, individuals are (1959) grounded his social research project in
capable of strategically manipulating their emo- this initial Durkheimian insight, stating that all
tions (Hochschild, 1979, 1983) as well as their social encounters constitute an interaction ritual.
expression (Goffman, 1959).
d. Structural theories of emotions, whose initial for-
b. For symbolic interactionist theories, the identity mulation we owe to TD Kemper (1978), explain
of the self constitutes the dynamic behind emo- the type of emotion felt by actors in the course of
tional arousal. Individuals, at all times, try to social interaction, focusing on specific relational
confirm both the image they have of themselves characteristics. According to Kemper, there are
(self-concept) and the particular identities two basic relational dimensions: power and status.
through which they act in any specific social Actors with power, or who gain power in an
interaction (role identity). In Heise (1979) and interaction, experience positive emotions such as
Smith-Lovin’s affect control theory, the emotional satisfaction, confidence and security, while actors
dynamic stems from the existing degree of corre- with a low level of relative power experience neg-
spondence between fundamental sentiments and ative emotions such as fear. Actors with a high
the transient feelings from a specific situation level of status, or to whom others give deference,
(Smith-Lovin and Heise, 1988). When our self- will feel positive emotions such as pride, while
conception is confirmed by others, we experience those that lack status, or lose it, will feel negative
positive emotions; when it is negated, we experi- emotions such as shame. Thamm (2004) propos-
ence negative emotions, such as distress, anxiety, es universalizing Kemper’s social relational theory
anger, shame or guilt (Burke and Stets, 2009; by specifying with greater detail the structural
Turner and Stets, 2006: 30). Stryker’s identity the- conditions associated with specific emotional
ory (2004) emphasizes the existence of multiple responses. These depend on whether the Self and
identities, some more important than others the Other meet their expectations, and whether

Bericat Emotions

they are rewarded as a result of interaction. tion an implicit, although under-developed, empiri-
Barbalet (1998) has developed a structural theory cal vocation. As a result, the progress made in the
of emotions from a macro-sociological perspec- past provides an excellent basis for the future devel-
tive. opment of a sociology of emotions in which macro-
analysis and empirical research will have a more
e. Exchange theories, developed by George C prominent role.
Homans and Peter M Blau, have also been used
to explain the complex world of emotions The sociological analysis of emotions
(Lawler, 1999). Social interaction is a process in The evident macro-sociological and empirical pro-
which actors exchange valuable resources in order jection of the micro-sociological theories of Kemper,
to obtain an advantage or benefit. Individuals try Scheff and Collins can illustrate a necessary path for
to obtain rewards or avoid punishments by max- integrating micro- and macro-analyses.
imizing the utility of their behaviour and calcu- Although Kemper’s theory begins with the analy-
lating costs and investments (Turner and Stets, sis of a concrete situation in which two individual
2005: 180). Individuals ‘feel good’ (positive rein- actors interact, it predicts the resulting emotions
forcement) when rewards exceed costs and invest- based on the two basic structural dimensions of
ments, and they ‘feel bad’ (negative sociability. These emotions are not a result of the
reinforcement) when they do not. But the inten- individuals’ biological nature, but of the power/sta-
sity and type of emotions provoked by a social tus associated with their social positions and the vari-
exchange depend on many other factors: the type ations in power/status they experience in the course
of exchange (productive, negotiated, reciprocal or of the social interaction. In the same way, social
generalized); the characteristics of the structure actors’ emotional energy (EE), produced in every
and the nature of social networks (degree of coor- micro-social encounter, whether of a hierarchical
dination involved in the exchange, density of the (power) or egalitarian (status) character, is the result
network); the relative power and dependency of of the structurally accumulated energy in interaction
the actors; whether or not expectations are met; ritual chains (Collins, 1981). For Scheff (1994: 4),
the relevant norms of justice (for example, equi- who studies episodes of shame and rage in micro-
ty, equality and procedure); and to what individ- scopic detail, the analysis of the parts and the whole
uals attribute the cause of the outcome of (part/whole analysis) ‘places equal emphasis on the
exchange (the self, the other or others, the social smallest parts of a social system, the words and ges-
unit, or the task in itself ) (Lawler, 2001; Turner tures in discourse, and the largest wholes, the insti-
and Stets, 2006: 41). Lawler’s affect theory of tutions that exist within and between nations’.
social exchange ‘introduces an emoting actor, Thus, the sociological importance given to fear
specifically, an actor who responds emotionally to and rage, on the one hand, and shame and pride, on
exchange and who attempts to understand the the other, are explained, not so much by their impor-
source of their emotions and feelings’ (Lawler, tance in individuals’ psychic lives, but by the funda-
2001: 347). mental role they play in the social structure and in
social dynamics. Fear and rage are the central emo-
tions in the interactive dimension of sociability
Emotions and sociological analysis (power), while shame and pride are the central emo-
tions in the intercommunicative dimension (status).
That affective life constitutes, prima facie, a bodily Fear constitutes a broad emotional family com-
reality rooted in the biology of individual organisms, posed of feelings such as worry, anxiety, panic, terror
can explain why the sociology of emotions has expe- or horror, which differ both in content and in inten-
rienced its greatest development up until now in the sity. According to Kemper (1978, 1987), individuals
micro-sphere of social phenomena. In addition, the feel guilt if they perceive themselves to possess excess
fact that the emotional life of human beings consti- power, and they feel fear-anxiety if they lack suffi-
tutes such a subjective, labile and fluid reality, could cient power. For Barbalet (1998: 161), fear indicates
explain the predominance of theoretical reflection that the future interests of the actor are threatened.
over empirical research, as well as the insufficient In this sense, Hume (1911 [1739]) pointed out that
development of research methodologies and tech- both fear and hope depend on the likelihood that an
niques especially adapted to the sociological study of event will happen, a desirable event in the case of
emotions. hope, and an undesirable event in the case of fear.
However, since the birth of the sociology of emo- Barbalet (1998) distinguishes between the cause of
tions, the micro-analyses have always contained an fear, which is vulnerability and an actor’s relative lack
evident macro-projection, and the theoretical reflec- of power in relation to something out in the world,

Bericat Emotions

and the object of fear, which is the expectation of 1979), empathy and sympathy (Clark, 1987; Smith,
suffering harm. 1976 [1759]), grief and sadness (Gharmaz and
Anger is the node for an extensive family of emo- Millingan, 2006), boredom (Barbalet, 1999) and
tions which range from simple annoyance, to indig- disgust (Douglas, 2002).
nation, to rage or fury. It is most often stimulated by
perceived or real insult, injustice, betrayal, lack of The emotions in sociological analysis
equality, obstacles to achievement, incompetence Sociology has incorporated, and must continue
and physical aggression (Schieman, 2006: 496). incorporating in its different areas of study, the
Anger emerges when an individual loses power or analysis of three types of emotions: (a) interactional
status and when this loss is considered remediable emotions, that is, the dispositions, states and emo-
and another actor is considered responsible (Kemper, tional processes related to the different positions that
1990). Anger activates the power dimension in the actors occupy in the social structure; (b) group and
form of hostility or aggression of the self towards the collective emotions, that is, those that subjects experi-
other, who is considered responsible for a negative or ence or express by being a member of a group or
unjustified outcome. There are four forms of anger: forming part of a collective in a specific social situa-
frustration (because of undesirable outcomes), tion; and (c) emotional climates and societal emotions,
resentment (because of outcomes which benefit oth- that is, the general and lasting moods or states of
ers), reproach (attributing blame to others) and emotion rooted in the essential characteristics of a
anger itself (for undesirable outcomes in which specific society or social unit.
blame is attributed to others) (Clore et al., 1993: First, bearing in mind that emotions can only
68). exist in the body of individual organisms, sociology
Scheff argues that shame and pride are social emo- must study the emotions experienced by individuals
tions for antonomasia. Cooley’s theory of the looking- as actors who occupy certain social positions. Thus,
glass self conceives the human being as always for example, anger is assumed to be a ‘masculine
adopting the role of the other, arguing that we always emotion’, one which women should repress (Brody,
see and evaluate ourselves from an external perspec- 1999; Hochschild, 1975). Those who occupy higher
tive. This basic mechanism of sociability involves positions of power express anger more easily, while
three steps: the first is imagining how we appear to those that are in subordinate positions try to control
the other; the second is imagining how the other their anger (Schieman, 2006: 508). ‘Because of the
judges this appearance; and the final step is a greater ability of those in power to define situations,
response based on what we think of this judgement including emotional ones, depression and anxiety
in the form of a feeling such as pride or shame often come to replace anger in the experience of sub-
(Cooley, 1964 [1902]). Any encounter can become ordinate actors’ (Freund, 1990: 467). However,
embarrassing for any participant (Goffman, 1956: anger, rage and indignation form part of the moral
265), who can suffer a loss of face and feel ashamed. emotions (Stets et al., 2008), which are provoked by
Scheff ’s theory of shame is based on the assumption of injustice, the violation of norms, social deviation and
the ‘maintenance of bonds as the most crucial guilt. This explains their presence in both moral pan-
human motive’ (Scheff, 1990: 4). There are secure ics and social movements (Berry, 1999; Jasper,
and insecure bonds. Secure bonds produce solidarity, 2011).
and insecure bonds, alienation. In each encounter The sociology of gender has studied emotional
our bond with the other can be ‘built, maintained, differences based on gender in great detail.
repaired or damaged’ (Scheff, 1994: 1). Shame and Traditional cultures and societies associate women
pride constitute a ‘gyroscope’ which informs the with emotionality, excluding men from the world of
individual of the state of his or her social bonds. We feelings. Women are encouraged to feel and express
feel legitimate pride when the bond is secure, and powerless emotions, such as fear and sadness, while
shame, a very painful emotion, when we are rejected men, on the other hand, must repress and hide these
by or lose worth in the eyes of the other. emotions, instead feeling and expressing powerful
The system of social control is effective thanks to emotions such as anger and pride (Brody, 1999;
the compelling force of these four key emotions. Shields et al., 2006). Both the conceptual
However, as can be seen in the emotional classifica- approaches (feeling and expression rules, emotion
tions developed by different authors (Kemper, 1987; management, surface and deep acting) and the
Ortony et al., 1988; Plutchik, 1980), many emo- empirical research of Arlie R Hochschild (1975,
tions still remain to be analysed. Social scientists 1983, 2003), carried out using participant observa-
have contributed to the understanding of some, such tion, content analysis and unstructured interviews,
as, for example, confidence (Barbalet, 1998, 2009; have had a tremendous impact on the development
Dunning and Fetchenhauer, 2010; Luhmann, of sociologies of gender and work. The role that

Bericat Emotions

emotions play in work or in the culture of the work- unemployment (Barbalet, 1998: 158), the circula-
place, the emotional content of different occupa- tion of elites (Barbalet, 1998: 161), consumption
tions, the social and personal consequences of (Miller, 1998), politics (Marcus, 2000), social move-
emotion management and the emotional structure ments (Jasper, 2011) and the economy (Berezin,
of the workplace in comparison with the family have 2009). However, it could be argued that today fear
been the object of many studies (Clay-Warner and also constitutes a societal emotion, in other words, an
Robinson, 2008; Hochschild, 2003; Wharton, emotion that essentially characterizes the ethos of our
2009). postmodern societies. The culture of fear (Furedi,
Second, individuals experience and express group 1997), or the culture of horror analysed by Bericat
emotions and collective emotions because they are (2005) using micro- and macro-analyses of the emo-
members of a group or form part of a collective in a tional content of the news published in North
determined social situation. For example, fear often American newspapers, stems from characteristics
emerges in social contexts, not as a mere individual which are essential aspects of our society as a risk
reaction to a threat, but as the result of an intersub- society (Beck, 1992) and a liquid society (Bauman,
jective experience. ‘Thus, the conception of fear as 2006). Every society or social unit fosters, in every
an individual reaction to physical threat offers very age, specific characteristic emotions.
little for an understanding of social behavior and In short, through analysing the emotions
action’ (Barbalet: 1998: 153). involved in social phenomena, sociology has broad-
The sociology of social movements has been an ened, deepened and renewed knowledge in different
area in which the analysis of group and collective areas of study. The following particularly stand out:
emotions has made an important contribution, the sociology of gender (Brody, 1999; Shields et al.,
deepening knowledge of specific social movements 2006), work (Clay-Warner and Robinson, 2008;
as well as leading to theoretical renewal in the fields Grandey et al., 2012; Hochschild, 1975, 1983,
of public opinion and political action (Jasper, 2011). 2003; Wharton, 2009), organizations (Fineman,
Many emotions, such as indignation, moral shock, 2008), social movements (Emirbayer and Goldberg,
anger, fear, shame, pride and humiliation, condition 2005; Flam and King, 2005; Jasper, 2011) and mass
and inspire social movements, whether in their ori- media (Döveling et al., 2011; Knottnerus, 2010).
gin, recruitment of members, maintenance of organ-
ization or in the struggle to achieve their objectives.
Emirbayer and Goldberg (2005) theorize collective Future directions
action and social movements, incorporating emo-
tions based on the rejection of three erroneous pos- Although the sociology of emotions has developed a
tulates: that reason and emotion are mutually rich set of concepts, perspectives and theories, con-
exclusive, that emotions are individual states of tradictions and inconsistencies remain; this calls for
mind, that collective emotions lack analytical auton- a greater degree of integration. As in other fields, the
omy. paradoxes or inconsistencies highlight problems, the
Lastly, it is clear that the basic structure and resolution of which lead to advances in knowledge.
processes of a society create specific emotional cli- The sociology of emotions should address and seek
mates, or even societal emotions, which condition the to resolve these multiple paradoxes and theoretical
general sentiments of the population (Bar-Tal et al., problems.
2007; De Rivera, 1992). In this sense, a sociology of Up until now, the sociology of emotions has car-
any emotion, such as for example, a sociology of fear, ried out one-dimensional and static analyses of the
must analyse the cultural matrix in which fear emotional lives of human beings, and for this reason,
emerges and address the patterns of social action they are often too simple and even mechanical. For
commonly associated with it (Barbalet, 1998; Tudor, example, many specific emotions have been
2003: 244). Helena Flam (1998), using biographical analysed, but it is obvious that individuals do not
interviews as her research technique, studied the role feel emotions in an isolated and independent man-
of fear in the communist regimes of Poland and East ner. The feelings we experience are part of complex
Germany. Thomas Scheff, using the microscopic emotional structures consisting of many emotions. In
analysis of verbal content and paralinguistic and addition, emotional experiences happen over time as
visual behaviour, studied the role of shame in micro sequences or emotion chains that have a particular
family conflicts and in the macro violence of the two emotional dynamic.
world wars (Scheff, 1994). The sociology of emotions has made greater
Every emotion can be an essential component of advances in the development of broad meta-
very diverse social phenomena. For example, fear theoretical perspectives than in contributing sub-
plays an important role in terrorism (Burkitt, 2005), stantive theories on concrete phenomena and social

Bericat Emotions

emotional processes, or in carrying out empirically Scheff TJ (1990) Microsociology: Discourse, Emotion, and
valid and reliable research. The development of rele- Social Structure. Chicago: The University of Chicago
vant, quality empirical research is therefore indispen- Press.
sable for the advancement of this sub-discipline. As a This book includes some of the most important
result, it is critical to adapt available research tech- work carried out by Scheff in the early development
niques to the social analysis of emotions. of the sociology of emotions, such as his theory of
shame. It offers a paradigm which incorporates
The sociology of emotions in both its theoretical emotions in the very centre of sociology. See also
development and in its empirical studies has, up Scheff (1988).
until now, focused more on the structures and Stets JE and Turner JH (eds) (2006) Handbook of the
processes of micro-interactions than on social emo- Sociology of Emotions. Boston, MA: Springer.
tional macro-phenomena. Although this shortcom- A very complete collection of high quality articles
ing has recently been recognized and efforts to about basic emotional processes, theoretical
address it are being made, it is evident that a macro- perspectives, the analysis of singular emotions and
sociology of emotions remains to be developed. social emotional phenomena.

Annotated further reading References

Barbalet J (1998) Emotion, Social Theory, and Social Barbalet J (1998) Emotion, Social Theory, and Social
Structure: A Macrosociological Approach. Cambridge: Structure: A Macrosociological Approach. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press.
A very important, pioneering contribution in the Barbalet J (1999) Boredom and social meaning. British
field of the macro-sociology of emotions, in which Journal of Sociology 50(4): 631–646.
different social phenomena related with the emotions Barbalet J (ed.) (2002) Emotions and Sociology. Oxford:
of resentment, confidence, shame and fear are Blackwell.
analysed. Barbalet JM (2009) A characterization of trust, and its
Clay-Warner J and Robinson DT (eds) (2008) Social consequences. Theory and Society 38: 367–382.
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A very complete collection of high quality articles Collective emotions in conflict situations: Societal
about status-power, work identity, exchange relations, implication. Journal of Social Issues 63(2): 441–460.
justice and moral emotions, emotional labour and Bauman Z (2006) Liquid Fear. Cambridge: Polity Press.
social change. Beck U (1992) Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity.
Hochschild AR (1983) The Managed Heart: Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Commercialization of Human Feeling. Berkeley: Bendelow G and Williams (eds) (1998) Emotion in
University of California Press. Social Life: Critical Themes and Contemporary Issues.
A classic work of the sociology of emotions in which London: Routledge.
the author analyses the function of feelings, Berezin M (2009) Exploring emotions and the economy:
emotional norms and the management of emotions New contributions from sociological theory. Theory
in both the private world of interpersonal and Society 38: 335–346.
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workplace. A study on the emotional work emoción en la sociología. Papers. Revista de Sociología
demanded in many jobs, such as flight attendants. 62: 145–176.
See also Hochschild (1979). Bericat E (2001a) Max Weber o el enigma emocional del
Hopkins D, Kleres J, Flam H and Kuzmics H (eds) origen del capitalismo. Revista Española de
(2009) Theorizing Emotions: Sociological Explorations Investigaciones Sociológicas 95(1): 9–36.
and Applications. New York: Verlag. Bericat E (2001b) El suicidio en Durkheim, o la
A very complete collection of high quality articles modernidad de la triste figura. Revista Internacional
with contributions from diverse micro- and macro- de Sociología 28: 69–104.
theoretical perspectives, and which treats diverse Bericat E (2005) La cultura del horror en las sociedades
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Kemper TD (1978) A Social Interactional Theory of centrífuga. Revista Española de Investigaciones
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Bericat Emotions

Eduardo Bericat is Professor of Sociology at the University of Seville (Spain). He has

researched and published in the areas of social values, emotions, social indicators and visual
sociology. [email:]

résumé Les émotions que les êtres humains éprouvent jouent un rôle fondamental dans tous les
phénomènes sociaux. En conséquence, la sociologie doit intégrer l’analyse des émotions dans ses objets
d’étude. Ce développement a commencé il y a trois décennies avec la naissance de la sociologie des
émotions. Cet article propose une introduction générale et critique du travail des sociologues des émotions
ont effectué jusqu’à présent.
mots-clés des sentiments ◆ l’interaction sociale ◆ sociologie des émotions ◆ la structure sociale ◆
la théorie sociologique

resumen Las emociones que experimentan los seres humanos juegan un papel fundamental en todos
los fenómenos sociales. Por este motivo, la sociología debe incorporar el análisis de las emociones a sus
objetos de estudio. Este proceso de incorporación comenzó hace tres décadas con el nacimiento de la
sociología de las emociones. El presente artículo ofrece una visión de conjunto, introductoria y crítica, del
trabajo realizado hasta ahora por los sociólogos de las emociones.
palabras clave estructura social ◆ interacción social ◆ sentimientos ◆ sociología de las emociones ◆
teoría sociológica


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