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Remember the Alamo? THC Might Need a Reminder

Do You Know the Way to San Antonio de Valero?
As we approach San Antonio’s 300th birthday, it’s nice to remember a
simpler time. A time before every face was glued to a tiny screen. A time
before you didn’t leave the house without first programming your GPS. A
time when life moved a little more slowly—and a little more aimlessly
sometimes. For some, it was a time when getting lost resulted in unwanted
recognition. Remember the Alamo? The what? Where was that again? When
some Texas Historical Commission staff headed out from Austin, traveling
to the Shrine of Texas Liberty, they should have packed a map. After driving
through downtown San Antonio for far too long, unable to locate the most
iconic building in Texas, they stopped to ask for directions—cleverly leaving
their marked state vehicle out of view. Directions in hand, they set off again
and thanks to San Antonio’s maze of one-way streets, drove right past the
pedestrian who had just shown them the way to the site that represents one
of the most significant defining moments in Texas history. That lucky San
Antonian caught a full glimpse of the Texas Historical Commission seal on
the side of the car, leaving him to wonder—if the THC can’t remember
where the Alamo is, what hope is there? For his heroism and fearless (if
sometimes directionally challenged) leadership, this delayed Bum Steer
Award goes to Mark Denton. Luckily the Defenders had a better sense of

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