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By Cody O’Connor, C.S.


Table of Contents

Introduction – p. III

Section 1: Explanatory – p. V

Section 2: Prophetic - p. X

Section 3: Preparatory – p. XIV

Section 4: Declaratory – p. XX

Books Referenced

Science and Health with key to the Scriptures – Mary Baker Eddy

Miscellaneous Writings – Mary Baker Eddy

Christian Science Class Instruction – Arthur Corey

The Holy Bible King James Version

Webster’s Dictionary, 1950



3 “The time for thinkers has come.” (S+H Pref. vii).

The hour is upon us to face bluntly the pertinent struggles of the age. Though tribulation is
6 obvious enough, the overt theatrics of politics and media reports obscure from view the subtle
influences of hypnotism, electricity, and occultism

Our only sure defense is in an apprehension and application of metaphysics supported by the
9 reasoned analysis of scientific thinking. Until we discern that our supposed slave-masters aren’t our
Savior, we shall remain unaware of the fact that both liberty and bondage are mental conditions.

State and church organizations hold us back from exercising our free moral agency and
12 dominion, and deceive us into trading freedom for security voluntarily. We must ask ourselves, how
much power are we willing to concede to the objectified political concept called the State?

Ecclesiasticism stultifies thought with its promised rewards hereafter for mindlessly following
15 inexplicable dogma. Worse, priestcraft seeks to put a middle-man between you and your Maker,
constructing an obstacle to direct communion with Mind.

Technological devices, though thought now to be an indispensable tool, are an electricity-

18 powered medium for hypnotic suggestion. Their addictive comfort results in a mental apathy and
disconnectedness best described as a digital opiate.

Physics offers models that serve their purpose, but lead us blindly into the unknown without a
21 moral guidance system. Leaving the explanation of Cause to the metaphysicians, they fail to give us any
real elucidation to the subject of Mind.

True scientific thought is free thought, not dogmatically finitized by temporary material
24 concepts. The work of eternity and infinity is at hand! Science is hungry for a revival in ontology, a
concerted effort to practically demonstrate that which abstract mathematical theories can’t – God!

I am certain that nothing other than Christian Science can satisfy this immortal craving. Allow
27 me to briefly explain. What is the only self-evident truth about you that you just know? What is it that
inescapably proves itself in its perpetually continued existence? Your conscious being.

Conscious being must be conscious of something, and because mind could not cognize its
30 opposite, the substance of its awareness must be consciousness itself, or infinite Mind.

Knowing that you didn’t create yourself, your conscious being must be at the standpoint of
effect, and Mind; God, must be the Cause; Principle to you.

Cause is not separate from effect, but effect is cause manifest. This is the “I and my Father are
one” spoken of by Jesus in the Bible, or the oneness of Principle and its idea (man) in the language of
3 Science.

This foundational reasoning serves merely as an introduction to Christian Science, not a

complete instruction. This pamphlet is the compilation of notes and assorted writings on the subject
6 derived from a year of rigorous independent study and practice of the metaphysical precepts presented
in “Science and Health with key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy and the treatise, “Christian
Science Class Instruction” by Arthur Corey.

9 My hope is that study of my notes will pique an interest in studying those books, and in so doing
will give you an entirely new meaning to the Bible in its spiritually scientific discernment.

12 “Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.” (Mark 12:34).

(Note- if you are reading this document electronically I would recommend sending it to your printer if
15 you own one. In my experience, work on Christian Science is best digested by way of good old fashioned
paper and ink. This applies to the other aforementioned reading materials as well.

If however, you don’t have the means to print this pamphlet or purchase the other books I’ve
18 recommended, I will provide a web address to them for free online study. includes a full online copy of both Science and Health and Arthur Corey’s Class
Instruction. )


- Cody O’Connor, C.S.


Section 1: Explanatory

The materialist must admit that they exist. Their very presence demonstrates conclusive proof in
being as effect. Effect presupposes Cause. Man and the universe cannot exist without it.

6 Materialists theorize back through evolution to a beginning of star dust exploding out and
forming celestial bodies. But wait, what caused this explosion called the big bang? What would a
chemist have to say about a reaction with no prior action? We're still back at effect with no cause.

9 Moreover, where did this dust come from anyway? Did it create itself and then explode? So
non-intelligent, inert matter created itself, acted upon itself, organized itself through billions of years of
random permutations until eventually arriving at accidental sentience?!

12 We're to believe that non-intelligence produced intelligence, chaos produced order, and matter
produced mind? Like produces like. Therefore, all is Mind, or all is matter, you cannot have both.

The suppositional theory of self-creative matter is illogical and unscientific. But this is the
15 atheistic material worldview! A causeless existence. No Cause means no purpose. It's no surprise then,
that many of them are nihilists and moral-relativists.

Eventually we must take serious thought for an eternal, intelligent creator and admit an infinite
18 Mind that is. For science to be Science it must understand both effect and cause. A painting with no
painter is no painting, and a universe with no God is no universe.

Error Obsolete

Just as Einstein rendered the model of Newtonian physics obsolete, the philosophical quandary
of Cartesian duality has since been solved by an apprehension of Christian Science. No longer should we
24 think of two entities of opposite substance – finite mind and finite body. Instead, we know by proofs of
its Principle that Mind is one, the only Being or entity, which body reflects. Mind is not in its
manifestation, but “in him [Mind] we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own
27 poets have said, for we are also his offspring [idea].” (Acts. 17:28).

Inescapable Logic

All is either Mind or matter. One substance could not create the other because they are
opposites. Of these two postulates, only one conclusion could be true because they are contradictory
6 statements. The answer is arrived at when the question is asked, “Could non-intelligent matter compose
a logical proposition to begin with?” The answer is a self-evident no. If intelligence were not the only
positive Cause, it could not manifest itself in effect as logic, and Science would be a lie.

9 Remembering Nowness

Memory comes to us the only way it can – mentally, as consciousness. Why, Then, would the
12 present be any less mental than the past, which is really just the present experienced as memory?
Matter never was, or is part of Life. The eternal allness of Mind is immediately self-evident, and in fact
all that can be proved.

15 Self-evident Life

Cause is Life itself. Effect is the evidence of Life. There is one Cause, and Cause never had a
18 starting point, but is the infinite, eternal, tangibly spiritual Godhead which comprises and composes the
whole of reality.

Thinking Proves One Thinker


Man cannot lose his Mind because God cannot be without His expression. Thinking is effect
which proves that there is a thinker, which is Cause. There can be no erring thought because there can
24 be no mortal mind. The thinker, which is Being, IS, and what IS cannot be mortal, because what IS has no
beginning or end. Mind must, then, be immortal, and its thought, or idea, coeternal. Spontaneous
expression is never without its creative Principle. Thinking is never without Life. Being is Life living, and
27 Life IS, so must be eternal, and be all that means Truth.

The Infinite Number

3 One is the only number. This number constitutes the infinitude, eternality, and onlyness of God.
There could only be one Cause because the infinity of one is all-inclusive. Two causes would suppose
Deity to be finite, and consequently temporal. Two Beings would have to have a single origin, but Cause
6 does not produce causes, it produces effect. Effect is no separate, second Being. Rather, man and the
universe (effect) reflect its Principle (cause) but is not its own separate entity. “Principle and its idea is
one.” (S+H 465:17).

9 If one were to multiply or divide by itself, it would still be one, as two infinities are impossible.
Hence there is one God and its coeternal creation which reflects Him, one Cause and effect, one
Principle and idea.

12 Logos and Language

The meaning of a word is your understanding of the idea in which the word represents. A
15 definition uses words to describe a word; representatives of thought to elucidate the form of its idea. In
this way, language is the manifestation of Logos. The Word is Mind 's idea, and Mind is Principle to its

18 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:1

Only Intelligence Capable of Will


Matter, which is inert, could have no will, not being animated by Intelligence. Mortal mind,
which is nothingness, is merely the belief that mind could be in matter, must too be without will,
24 believing itself to be at the mercy of that which is impotent and non-intelligent.

Only Intelligence could do anything, so this points to the reasonable conclusion that infinite
Mind, God, is indeed omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, and as such, the only will-power that
27 does or could exist. “Thy will be done,” is therefore, an accurate statement of metaphysics.


Christian Logic

3 From one universe; creation, we can induce that there is one Cause; Creator. The present
manifestation of effect – man and the universe, can only mean that Cause is a present fact, and
therefore active and eternal. That Intelligence is made manifest in man assures us that Intelligence is the
6 positive Principle to its creation. Because the universe is infinitely One, so must be the Being of
Intelligence; Cause.

Intelligence is synonymous with Mind, as matter cannot think and is finite, but finite, non-
9 thinking matter could not produce an infinite universe which implies intelligence. A statue implies the
work of an artist, so a universe, maintained by law, implies an intelligent Creator. The statue doesn’t
contain the artist, but the work is a reflection of the artist.

12 Could the substance of Mind reflect its opposite in effect? Effect must mirror Cause so no logic
could sustain the postulate that Mind; Intelligence could produce matter; non-intelligence, any more
than good could produce evil or Truth could produce error. Therefore, the scientific statement of being
15 as written in Science and Health must be true:

“There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite
manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and
18 eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore
man is not material; he is spiritual.” (S+H 468:9-15).

Liberty, Love, and Reason


“Discerning the rights of man, we cannot fail to foresee the doom of all oppression. Slavery is not the
legitimate state of man. God made man free.” (S+H 227:14-16).

24 Is man free? Are you able to make moral choices not merely based in survival instinct? This
demonstrable verity is contingent on man's capacity to reason intelligently and spontaneous to
circumstance. These are not the qualities of matter, which according to physics, responds to force with
27 an equal opposite reaction that's mathematically determined. Materialists must be deterministic if they
are to be logically consistent, which means denying man's freewill to make moral choices opposed to
animal instinct.

30 Individual moral character must be demonstrated by motives and acts in harmony with the true
idea of Love. If man had no freedom, would God be good and could Love be Truth? God is sovereign. If
infinite Mind were not free, it would be a slave to a higher power, of which there is none. If man were
33 not free, he would not reflect God, and God would no longer be good, forcing man's volition
involuntarily. True Love is not control. A master never loves his slaves. Where there is no freedom,
there's no love.

Jesus loved his disciples who called him Master because they chose to follow him. He washed
Peter's feet to teach and demonstrate love and kindness. If their behavior had been ordered, their acts
3 would have been robbed of love, which is voluntary, and feet washing would be reduced to slave-like

Materialistic determinism would necessarily strip man of liberty, love and reason, replace
6 individual sovereignty with collective slavery, and put the State in the place of God.

Positive Position

9 The positive position of Principle is neither local or remote, but omnipresent. “God is at once
the center and circumference of being.” (S+H 204:1).

Definition guide -

12 Positive, a. Independent of changes, circumstances, opinion; inherent; absolute; real

Posit. V.t. In logic, to state as a Principle or fact; to present as Truth; to affirm

Position, n. The state of being placed.

15 2. A Principle laid down; a proposition advanced or affirmed as a fixed Principle, or stated as a ground of
reasoning, or to be proved.

Omnipresence, n. Presence in every place at the same time

18 State, n. Rank; condition; quality

“Mind, God, is the source and condition of all existence.” (S+H 181:2).

State, v.t. to represent fully in word

21 “Heaven is not a locality, but a divine state.” (S+H 291:13).

Remote, a. distant in place; not near

2. Abstracted; as, the mind placed by thought among or remote from all bodies.

24 Syn. Indirect, unconnected, separate

Local, a. pertaining to a particular place or to a fixed or limited portion of space

“So-called mortal mind or the mind of mortals being the remote, predisposing, and the exciting
27 cause of all suffering, the cause of disease must be obliterated through Christ in divine Science,
or the so-called physical senses will get the victory.” (S+H 230:30-2).

Section Two: Prophetic

I won’t give in to the lie, and thus be wrong and weak

3 My strength is in Spirit, my temperament meek

Belief versus Science, only one can have proof

I work in my silence, demonstrating Truth

6 Salvation for the Cynic

All misery stems from looking for reality outside of consciousness. Realism was originally one
9 with idealism, philosophy was truly metaphysical, and reason was employed to anchor reality on the
existence and goodness of Deity as the ultimate Cause. Just as you can’t look in two directions at once,
when we gave reality to the object outside of Mind, we lost sight of the subject within Mind’s idea.
12 Truth was no longer known to be Spirit, but believed to be matter. Because existence cannot be denied,
man reasoned falsely,
Matter exists, and it must have caused itself. I exist, so I too must be a material cause, and effect must
15 be the external object of my desires.”

Man and the universe as objective gods many supposed existence to be dual; separate and
finite, which they called Truth, though God is always Truth, never error. The knowledge of Life was
18 traded for the knowledge of good and evil; Truth and error, the lie that never was, calling itself Truth.

The oneness of Love was traded for the polarity of lust and shame; pleasure and pain, though
both are false. Mortal man supposed that hate and fear happened to him, as a compulsion of
21 electromagnetic gravitational force, dreaming himself to be in rebellion from the theocracy of Mind.

When reality was thought to be material instead of mental, idealism was lost and cynicism took
its place. No hope could be found in a corrupt and jaded world of sin, disease and death. That is, until
24 the science of mankind turned its back on material supposition to follow Christ, Truth, and work only
from the absolute Science of being.

Norvus Ordo Seclorum


Mankind gets what it wants, so let us not want slavery and bondage, but peace in liberty. A
universal and scientific system of ethics ushers in the new earth and heaven that is consciousness not
30 separated from conscience, man governed entirely by infinite immutable Principle; good, which is all

that is meant by the word Theocracy. There is no medium of priestcraft or statecraft because
government is the direct, consecrated communion of man with his Mind.

3 Counterfeit Technology and Truth

“Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers
6 have made.” – Isaiah 2:8

Modern mortals have been pursuing with mad fervor the creation of a savior out of the machine
of material technology at an increasing rate over the recent decades of mankind’s temporal march. But
9 as we hold the tablet of deified error in hand, what is the fallacious concept being grasped at?

The first mistake is in supposing man a creator rather than creation, putting effect in the place
of cause. “Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons,” (Isaiah 41:21). Mortal
12 mind’s inversion of Truth, believing itself gods many can find no reason for faith in God in its blindness,
but supposes its reason is in the object of its creation, the ultimate statement of mind in matter:
artificial intelligence, the unholy counterfeit of supreme idolatry.

15 The very concept of a computer god inverts Truth in every aspect. Its very inception fails at
birth, for what has a beginning has an end, and nothing temporal is Life. God is forever eternal.
Intelligence is infinite, and cannot be materially contained, though this is exactly what mortal mind
18 proposes, for they wish to put a thinker in a box.

“Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you.”
(Isaiah 41:24). Nothing is never something, impotence is never omnipotent, matter is never intelligent,
21 and evil is never actual. The thinker is always your Mind, God, but supposing a computer could think for
you is the dream of death. The “infinite calculus” of omniscient Mind is all you should ever need, and all
else, “are all vanity; their works are nothing: their molten images are wind and confusion.” (Isaiah
24 41:29).

Science and Health defines wind negatively as, “destruction; anger; mortal passions.” (S+H
597:29-30). However, this self-destructive mentality can only ultimately reveal the Truth it implies
27 inversely. The positive definition of wind is stated as, “That which indicates the might of omnipotence
and the movements of God’s spiritual government, encompassing all things.” (S+H 597-27-29).

30 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” (Isaiah 26:3). In bringing
thought back to God, what is the counter fact about the false sense of technology? Reversing the initial
supposition, understanding God is in fact cause, and man effect, we learn that technology is of God, not
33 of man, meaning man is in fact the technology of God.

The word technology comes from the Greek words, techna, meaning art, and logos, meaning
word. The spiritual signification of technology must then be the creation of the Word, or the

manifestation of divine Science. Man as the technology of God is powered by the light of omnipotent
good, while the machine of mortal mind is powered by light’s counterfeit, electricity.

3 “Electricity is the sharp surplus of materiality which counterfeits the true essence of spirituality
or truth, - the great difference being that electricity is not intelligent, while spiritual truth is Mind.” (S+H

6 What could be more enlightening on this subject than the words of St. John? “In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with
God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was
9 life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness
comprehended it not.” (John 1:1-5).

“Divine Science, the Word of God, saith to the darkness upon the face of error, “God is all-in-
12 all,” and the light of ever-present Love illumines the universe. Hence the eternal wonder, - that infinite
space is peopled with God’s ideas, reflecting Him in countless spiritual forms.” (S+H 503:12-17).

Smart Device Definition


smart, n. [to feel pain.]

1. Quick, pungent, lively pain; a prickling local pain; as, the smart of bodily punishment.
18 2 To feel a pungent pain of mind.

smart, v.i.
1. Particularly a local pain from some irritating application.
21 3. To be punished; to bear penalties or the evil consequences of anything.
4. To cause a painful sensation; as, the medicine smarts.

smart, a.
24 1. Causing a keen local pain
6. Pretentious.
7. Intelligent; keenly witty; clever; able; shrewd

27 (judging the provided synonyms, one could conclude that what's being indicated here is cunning, which
Locke defines as the ape of wisdom, or true intelligence. Along with definitions 6 and 8, it's quite evident
that 'smart' indicates a counterfeit of Intelligence.)

30 8. Impertinent; impudent; satirical.

9. Forceful ; vigorous; efficient; empathetic.
10. Fashionable.

33 device, n. [will, intention, opinion, division.]

1. That which is formed by design or invented; scheme; sometimes in a good sense, more generally in a

bad sense, as artifices are usually employed for bad purposes.

6. A spectacle; a show.

3 So what is a "smart device" really? According to Webster's definitions, it must be, - an artificially formed
counterfeit of intelligence, designed to cause a local pain of mind.

A Statement for the Times


Shall an outbreak of fear be covered and contained materially or conquered and cast out
morally? If dis-ease to the harmony of living in accordance to Principle is evidenced by hating our
9 neighbor, then why should snitching on and shaming those who reject self-imposed isolationism
improve upon the morale of our current supposed conditions?

“Hate no one; for hatred is a plague-spot that spreads its virus and kills at last.” (Mis. 12:1-2).
12 “Love will finally mark the hour of harmony, and spiritualization will follow, for Love is Spirit.” (S+H 96:4-
5). The new heaven and earth will surely come quickly – conscious being not separated from conscience,
man at one with his Principle, “and there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither
15 whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie.” (Rev. 21:27).

Weep Not

18 “The modern lash is less material than the Roman scourge, but is equally as cutting, cold disdain,
stubborn resistance…are still the harbingers of truth’s full-orbed appearing.” (S+H 224:17-21).

But weep not. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” (Matt. 5:4). Though
21 shallow materialism has not ears to hear the spiritual idea, the Word of God will never be strangled by
sin, superstition, or supposition, for “thou art ever-present.” (S+H 16:31).

Spear, stake, and cross could never kill that which was never in or of matter. The substance of
24 Love, which is Spirit, is immortal. Rejoice, for Christ is pure, good, and eternal, and the blessed joy which
Truth affords cannot be robbed by sorrow or doubt.

You have a right to life – the health which divine Science affords, liberty – the truth which will
27 make you free, and happiness – the enlightenment of a true understanding of God.

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope,
through the power of the Holy Ghost.” (Rom. 15:13).


Section 3: Preparatory
Good is my supply, of which no evil can diminish

3 Indefatigable drive, for which there’s no start or finish

Harmony and holiness, perseverance’s prize

Consecrated oneness, removing error’s guise

6 Love for man and God, superseding tribulation

Meekness gives its nod, overcoming situation

Science, liberty, peace, the truth which makes me free

9 Sin, sickness, and death, have no power over me

Life is Good

12 Sometimes we may be tempted to cry that “life isn’t fair!” Of course, what’s really meant is the
mortal sense of life, the belief of life in matter, the root of all evil which ultimates in the belief of death.
Life, spiritually understood, includes all that is truly meant by Justice, Wisdom, mercy, and Love – being
15 only good, could be none other than fair. What’s unfair is wrath, revenge, eternal condemnation, none
of which God knows or could know. The law of perfection upholds and maintains all that is good, fair,
and pure. God is Life, and God is good, so Life must, therefore, be good.

18 Scientific Prayer

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
21 which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” (Matt. 5:7).

When conducting prayer treatment, commune with Cause, shutting out the appearance of evil
24 as effect. Realize your oneness with the all-knowing Mind which is invisible to mortal thought, and its
manifestation as effect will spontaneously be discovered objectively.


Forgiveness is the entrance to Love’s timeless presence. To remember and to resent or feel guilt
over past sins is to make a reality of sin in the present and perpetuate the belief of time. In so doing,
3 conceding a beginning to evil, you also foreshadow its doom, because only good is or could be eternal.

“Verily I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever
they shall blaspheme.” (Mark 3:28).

6 Quiet Omnipotence

“Be conservative in how you talk about these things, but you must be radical in how you think of
9 them.” (Corey 294).

Jesus said, “Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him.” (Matt.
5:25). For what profit be there in discourse spoken with the stubborn supposition, “who changed the
12 truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.” (Romans 1:25).
“Let God be true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4).
Deal with the liar, however, impersonally, in thought, the secret place where the evil one
15 believes it can hide, and find in that place the knowing that “all is infinite Mind and its infinite
manifestation, for God is All-in-all.” (S+H 468:10-11). And of it, you are the knowledge, the showing forth
of all that could really be. Where is this believer in sentient matter? Can matter believe? It must be
18 nowhere. My thinker is omnipresent.

Proof Impersonal

21 Vindication, n. [from vindicare, to avenge] The defense of anything; a justification against denial or
censure, or against objections or accusations.

2. The act of supporting by proof or legal process.

24 Vindictive, a. Inclined to revenge; malignant

Proof, n . Any effort, process, or operation that ascertains truth or fact; a test; a trial.

2 What serves as evidence; what proves or establishes; a convincing token or argument of truth or fact
27 and produces belief [understanding].

3. The thing proved or experienced; truth or knowledge gathered by experience

“Strong as proofs of holy writ” – Shakespere


If proofs support an effort for vindication, why is it malignant to be vindictive? It must come
from the malice and self-justification inherent to mortal mind. Personal justification is the motive of
3 mortal mind, and seeks to “prove” itself right to justify its judgment or condemnation of a personal
opponent. Human vindication hardly succeeds opinion, disqualifying it as Science

Proof ought to stand for itself, lending to the conviction of the impersonal Principle which
6 supplies the evidence, not the demonstrator. This keeps Science free from idolatry, envy, and human
opinion. Mortal vindictiveness must be evil’s counterfeit of vindication rightly understood.

“This [the example of Jesus] brings out the nothingness of evil and the eternal somethingness,
9 vindicates the divine Principle, and improves the race of Adam.” (ret. 55:3-8). Truth is vindicated, not a
material so-called personality. “Let God be true, but every [material] man a liar.” (Rom. 3:4). “For there
is no respect of persons with God.” (Rom. 2:11).

12 Impersonal Treatment Ethical

It would be malicious mind appearing as material personality which would say, “I don’t want
15 treatment.” This deception would be to confuse the Christian Scientist into believing it would be
unethical to deal with false claims. Though evil seems to appear as person, place, or thing, it is always
the impersonal negation of omnipresent good. Sin, sickness, death, hate, fear and malice do not belong
18 to anyone. It is a false mind. The only “I am” is God declaring His presence in His own creation. Nothing
could be more ethical or Principled than the destruction of false claims. You’re not hurting feelings,
you’re correcting mistakes by knowing Truth.

21 Moral Science of Christ

We often think, “I’ll be happy once my expectations are met, but not until.” To which Jesus
24 exclaimed, “seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be
added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33).

In other words, begin with happiness, with the expectation of good following. Ask yourself, “are
27 we really grateful for the good already received? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have,
and thus be fitted to receive more.” (S+H 3:22-24

If evil could not produce good, then why should hate or fear give positive results? Better lead
30 your premise with love and gratitude if you would find it in your conclusions. Find Cause as good and it
will inevitably follow suit in effect. “But I just have to beat the adversary first.” The adversary is merely
the admission of evil in your own thinking.

“First cast out the beam out of thine own eye.” (Matt. 7:5). Condemnation does no work in
demonstrating love on your part. Judgment never made you or your brother better, so instead, lead by
3 example.

Practically Demonstrating Good

6 Achievement isn’t maintained through stagnation. The race continues, so one day of successful
demonstration doesn’t excuse a day following in idle complacency. Practice isn’t necessarily hard work,
but it is work. Guarding against error at all times is vital. Never leave a problem left alone to take root.
9 Ignorance isn’t Science. Think correctly before taking action.

Anything less than pure goodness demands more prayer. Squash out the pitfalls of judgment
and condemnation. Pride requires a reality check as a dose of humility. If you’re forgetting the golden
12 rule, remind yourself. Hate never punishes its object, but always its generator.

Secret disdain cannot forever remain hidden by a disingenuous disposition. Honesty is more
important than flattery. Gossip is the transmission of sickly and sinful thought, which demands
15 immediate rebuke. If it’s not constructive, it’s likely not worth talking about. Never make a habit out of
complaining. When tempted, turn to gratitude. Health is mental, see that kindly words and thoughts
surround your metaphysical atmosphere, and reverse negativity wherever you find it, never allowing
18 yourself to become infected with poisonous hate. Love even your enemies, else you’ll prolong such
needless suffering.

21 “And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.” (Matt. 11:6).

Truth casts out wrong thinking, rebukes error, and removes evil. Don’t take it personally! Let Love have
its perfect work.

24 For the Happy Home

Personality is not power. Praying for people is malpractice. Correct the thought, not the person.
27 Mind is one, man is one, Truth is one. Love cannot be finitized, personalized, segregated, separated, or
broken. Cast out sorrow and suffering by knowing Love’s eternal, infinite omnipresence. Counter
crabbiness and irritability with gratitude and kindness. Hate has no home here.

30 Never blame anyone. Treat yourself and master your circumstance in good cheer. Attempting to
manipulate effect will only frustrate. Find the mental cause and correct the thought metaphysically.
Reverse the specific lie, finding God, good as the only Cause, and cast out fear with Love. The present is
33 always perfect. Realize the positive power of Spirit.

The Good News


Suffering is not a virtue. Christianity is about salvation from suffering, the healing Christ that
wipes away our tears and says, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” (Matt. 14:27). Torment and self-
6 condemnation will never make us more kind or loving. Reform demands education, not punishment. Joy
and happiness are not a sin. It’s okay to feel better, and this can be done immediately. Waste no time
realizing the good news!

9 Behavior

The children need prayer, not punishment. Lessons ought to be educational and ethical,
12 imparting the golden rule, not trampling upon it. Who’s really being punished when we lose our sense of
reason and fall victim to the chaos of anger? Love casts out the incorrect thought and motive, altering
action to derive itself from the living goodness of infinite Principle.

15 Quick Bits

PHOTOSENSITIVITY - Mind has no sense of matter, and vice versa. Spiritual sense senses Spirit. Image is
18 the representative of Mind’s idea of itself. Mind’s “photograph” is dynamic, spontaneous, reflecting the
infinite Creative Principle; God, good. The manifestation of Life is harmless, painless, and beautiful.

EMPATHY - Fear, hate, pain - NOT communicable. Error is powerless, thus has no control. Infinite Mind
21 knows only itself, and governs supremely, and harmoniously. Love is of God, infinite Person, which man
reflects. Sin, being nothing, has no voice of which to speak. Spiritual law is scientific, self-evident, and
UNIMPEACHABLE. One good Being is All.

24 SAVINGS – Christ, Truth IS saved. Outgrown beliefs are cast aside for spiritual verities. Infancy to
maturity is the growth of good. Life is inevitable. Outgrown beliefs are not saved and couldn’t be.

WORRY – Fear, hate, an insult to divine intelligence and man’s individuality. The occasions of fear’s
27 manifestation are avoided by reversing worry, not believing it. All that’s coming is unfolding good.

DREAMS – Don’t come true. Truth eternally is. Spirit is too pure to behold evil. Death is a nightmare, a
30 ghost story, WAKE UP! Only Soul is present. Matter, nothing, can’t hurt you. God is All-in-all.


GOD IS THE ONLY ACTOR – and does not author any tragedy. His-story is happily ever after. Count on
salvation as a certainty. All that’s doomed are the false sense of things.

3 DREAD - “God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” Creation is perpetual.

PROTECTION – Tyranny; control, fear of spiritual growth. Truth protects itself by not knowing error. The
immortal idea of Love needs no material accompaniments. The “armor of God” is spiritual, undefiled by
6 sin, sickness, and death.

HEALING – Personal influence, animal magnetism. Incorporeal Truth destroying error

PHYSICAL FEAR – Impossible. Science explains it away. Matter can’t feel or communicate feeling. Mind is
9 Love, and infinitely all. Man reflects Love, he doesn’t fear it. Mortal mind’s claims are baseless. Material
sense provides no accurate evidence, not springing from Truth.

UNCERTAINTY – Man in the image and likeness of God is eternal completion. His work is done. Only
12 good is or could be inevitable. Why allow worry to tamper with faith?

NEED – It’s always met. You’re still here aren’t you?

MONEY – Back of its representative, the idea of supply, which is met by God. Demand never exceeds
15 supply.

WITCHCRAFT – A belief; fantasy. Not communicable. Devoid of law, power, action, mind, reality

MENTAL THEFT – Sorrow cannot rob joy. Fear cannot deceive Love. Man cannot be made to forget God’s
18 infinite Wisdom. True happiness isn’t transient or finite. The swort of Truth guards the treasures of
Spirit. Soul cannot be less than all. The crown of rejoicing is no jewel that “moth or rust doth corrupt”

MENTAL ASSAULT – Fear and hate are nothingness, therefore, powerless.

21 LAW OF REVERSAL – Non-existent. Christian Science treatment is final, permanent.

Spirit-ward Steps

24 Every obstacle, when reversed, presents opportunity to allay fear and demonstrate good. Always return
negative fear as positive Love to seamlessly and joyously affirm Truth, saying only what is necessary to
the circumstance, though thinking radically and absolutely. Eternal verities are made human by
27 progressing steps. Elucidating mortals too quickly may cause a sense of panic, working against your case.


Section 4: Declaratory
3 Omnipotence of the Word

If good is all power it must too be all authority. To act as a representative of good must carry
6 with it the spiritual supply of immediate omnipotence. The Word of God shall not return unto us void.
Let our declarations be manifest as demonstrations!

Metaphysics and Law


God authorizes its Word according to Principle with the full power of spiritual law. Material
organization has no such power in and of itself, being mindless form. Good cannot be overturned but
12 overturns. Law enforcement is the allness and onlyness of Life, Truth, Love.

Metaphysical Sovereignty

15 Physicality and personality armed with fear are error’s weapons. Propaganda isn’t evidence, and
human will backed by blind belief cannot change immutable Truth. Fear isn’t force, all action is
voluntary. Manipulation is attempted hypnotically, but no suggestion must be accepted. Spiritual law
18 cannot be overturned by human tyranny, whether ignorant or malicious. Love’s reign is uninterrupted
by the mist of fear and confusion.

Unintelligent error cannot deceive infinite intelligence armed with reason and Love. Compulsion
21 is no actual force, but merely impotent hypnotism. Spontaneous Principle is the only Cause and power,
and dispels all mesmerism and magnetism as seamlessly as light casts out darkness.

Speed counterfeits immediacy. Electricity is finite, measurable, and temporal. Spiritual light is
24 omnipotent, instantaneous, and eternal. Nothing temporal is ever Life, Truth, and Love. The false empire
of illusive electricity can never gain entrance into the Supreme Kingdom of Spirit. Destructive error
destroys itself, while indestructible Creative Principle, Truth, remains untarnished.


Important Notice

If fear is an illusion (it is) then so must be terror. I’m not buying into it. Truth isn’t scary, and
Truth is ALL. I’ll keep speaking the language of Love and thinking aright. Man is not physical, but
6 spiritual, so cannot be threatened. Cybernetics have no power over infinite intelligence. Mind is good,
eternal, unassailable and sovereign. Absolute good is certain. Man is immortal, governed by perfect
Principle. God is the government.

9 Well-being is Certain

Christian Science cannot abuse or be abused. Sin abuses itself. Truth neglects error’s claim to actuality,
12 knowing only itself. Love’s eternal light exposes the nothingness of fear’s illusive tyranny. Evil’s
malpractice is self-destructive, increasingly impotent the louder the lie is shouted, until vanishing before
omnipotent Spirit.

15 God’s supremacy cannot be overthrown by the wicked machinations of materialism’s witchcraft.

Hypnotic suggestion designed to personalize or emasculate are the petty and obnoxious attempts of
error to turn its lie on you. The more overt the attacks become, the more powerless error shows itself to
18 be.

Electricity cannot manipulate intelligence. The divine government of Mind is unassailable. Soul is
sovereign. Good manifests itself as man scientifically. Fear does not belong to anybody and cannot be
21 transferred from one mind to another. Mind is one, as is the body of Truth. Spirit’s formations are pure,
incorruptible by belief.

Matter cannot believe and Truth needs no believer, being independent and self-existent. Worry
24 cannot harm Love’s certainty. Life has no opposite for worry to worry about.

Without man, God would be unexpressed. Without God, man would be Fatherless. Immortal
Mind is reflected as immortal man. Love portrays itself lovingly. All action is governed by Principle.



Destruction Denies Creation…Creation Denies Destruction

3 Though electricity is the “sharp surplus of materiality” and self-destructive, it only destroys the
misstatement of mind. This counterfeit force destroys the false sense of body, which isn’t material but
spiritual. Man is the reflection of Spirit, never touched by its opposite supposition. Matter is no cause or
6 power. Mind is all noumenon and phenomenon, all power and presence, leaving no space for
destructive beliefs.

Non-intelligent matter could never believe in its own supposed force. Mind never laments, for it
9 was never injured. Light has no opposite power to combat it. Darkness of belief in eternal injury is cast
out by eternal Truth, lighting the spiritual evidence of health, showing that temporal claims to injury
never were.

12 Fear fears Fear…Love loves Love

You’re not even dealing with electricity per-se, but the fear of destructive electricity. The
15 hypnotic suggestion of pain in matter is destroyed with the simple counter fact that, “matter cannot feel
and Mind is immortal,” and, “matter is a misstatement of Mind.”

18 Love burns away the belief of there ever being a separation of man from God, and Truth shocks
the patient out of fear’s hypnotic suggestion of mortal Life. Life is, and what is could never be is not.
Electricity cannot interfere with the sovereign sphere of Soul. Spirit, Truth is untarnished. Fear cannot
21 possess Mind, as the Principle to conscious being is infinite, abundant Love. The chaotic elements of
matter are harmless, God is omnipotent. Healing is not magic or miracle, but scientific, certain. Truth
needs no human will to be itself, it only forever is. God is Love and Love is All.

24 Harmless Chemicalization

Skin is not sensitive to error. The house of consciousness includes no danger, but holds the
27 harmony of Truth, divine Love being itself as all omniaction. Moral chemicalization is harmless. The
burning away of error is the painless process of Truth’s application. The correct premise in divine logic
can’t help but manifest the correct conclusion. All causation is good and cannot bring about an effect
30 which is opposite to itself.

Evil is never a maker, but always a faker. The inversion of good is dependent on good’s self-
existence. Inversion is not actuality, but illusion. There can be no evil personality any more than there
33 could be finite Truth. God, Truth, is infinite Person.

All room, infinite space is filled with omnipresent immortal Mind. Doubt implies a doubter, but
good is the certainty of producing only itself.

Moments live and die, but THE moment is the perpetual, present reality of Truth. Self-existent
Love needs no believer, but can only be apprehended by the understanding of its eternal existence by
6 way of demonstrable Science.

Speech Proves Intelligence

9 Mind can’t die and matter never lived. The Word is the idea of Mind. Matter can have no idea of
itself. Non-intelligence cannot communicate intelligence. Mind is the only thinker.

Rescuing the Victim of Malpractice


Only evil would have you convinced that it’s evil to cast out the belief, and therefore the fear of
evil as any power. God never made Satan, (mortal) man did. “And God saw everything that he had
15 made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:30). So what is it really? Jesus called it, “a liar, and the
father of it.” (John 8:44). Evil, being a lie, must be nothing, claiming to be something. The reverse of the
lie must therefore be Truth. When evil claims, “I am everywhere, all-knowing, all-powerful” then you
18 must know the Truth is that God, good, the only Cause; Creator, is omnipresent, omniscient, and

Deal with the lie by dealing with animal magnetism, hypnotism. Stop trying to get people to
21 believe you were hurt by witchcraft; psychic malpractice, and KNOW that you weren’t, and never could
be! Evil has no place, power, mind, or being, for God; infinite Mind, is All-in-all.

Reality, Sanity, Truth


There is no reason why any drug would or could affect man’s Mind. Man is not material. All
that’s left is the belief that drugs could produce a hallucinatory effect, but illusion is not reality. Error
27 can do nothing to alter immutable Mind, as belief can never conquer Science. Truth, in removing
hypnotic suggestion, reveals what is already eternally present.

Man is never fallen, drunk, or otherwise inebriated, but always perfect in reflection of his
30 perfect Principle. Insanity is impossible to man governed scientifically by infinite intelligence. Life, Love,
Truth is the positive universal law, maintaining health, excluding evil, sin, mindlessness. Mind is all, and
therefore, health is all.

No More Jitters

Does coffee cause anxiety, fear? Does matter cause fear? Is matter ever a cause or effect? “For he is a
liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44). Call matter the lie and fear the liar. All causation is mental, so the
6 real question is, does fear cause matter? Mind never produces its opposite, and a negative mind is no
mind at all, just as negative one is less than nothing. Matter is non-intelligent, so couldn’t cause itself,
and fear is a negation of Mind, so it could not produce a positive like or opposite effect. All causation
9 must, therefore be positive Mind producing a like effect. “And Love is reflected in love.” (S+H 17:7).

Truth must be positive because only that which is positive is actual, and only that which is actual
could be Truth. There is no negative Truth, just as one is actual, and negative one merely negates the
12 actual number. This reveals Spirit as the tangible substance of reality, leaving matter as a mere

Man and the universe are forever effect, not cause. Effect does not govern effect. Man is
15 governed by God and has dominion over the earth, so how could I possibly ever be at the whim of

A Declaration

Man’s Mind is good, and cannot be adulterated by broadcast electrical waves to manipulate and
control matter. There is no matter. All is Mind. There is no belief in a Manchurian candidate, a brain
21 controlled victim living out the hypnotic suggestions of television programming or movies. Brain is a
divine idea and cannot be deranged by illusory interference. Electricity is a powerless counterfeit. There
is one thinker, which is infinitely good, and pure. Evil thoughts cannot be transmitted. There is no belief
24 in witchcraft or occult secrets. Infinite intelligence is imparted freely to man by divine wisdom. The idea
of God is intact, living. Mortal mind is a negation, nothing. Divine Mind is all. Vibration is not
intelligence, but God is supreme.

27 5g, power readers, wireless devices are powerless. All power, omnipotence is of Spirit. All
reading is of Truth. Let error be uncovered for its destruction. Anger, hate, fear, malice, envy, pride – is
mindless, therefore non-existent and never present. Love, Life, Truth is omnipresent, and no one could
30 believe otherwise. I cannot be influence by error. Christian Science does work, and I can have no doubt
of its immediate efficacy. No person or personality can control me. I can only be governed by God, and
his will. There is no belief in headache. I am immune to all forms of mental attack. Evil is neither cause
33 nor effect. Christ is Truth. No lie can reach me. Nothing can prevent me from doing good. God is my

Only heaven and harmony will be manifested. Electricity will not harm me or my family.
Universal salvation is inevitable. Christ is all presence. Let every false concept and theory be shed to
3 make way for Truth and her perfection. There can be no evil woman. The spiritual idea, woman is
preserved. Mind’s idea of itself is eternal, immortal, infinite, spiritual, and good. Hate has no place. Love
is reflected in love. There is no insane man. Man is guided by divine intelligence. There is no law of
6 death. The law of Life is supreme. The only present reality is spiritual, good. There is no make believe. All
is voluntary. I cannot do anything bad. I cannot believe a lie. I do understand Truth. There is no law or
power that could make me or anyone forget. Fear is a non-entity. It can no affect me or deceive me. I
9 am loving, confident and courageous. I cannot be hypnotized. I am the Christian Scientist. I will always
affirm Truth and deny error.

Spiritual Idea, Man, Intact


Mind controls body. Mind is Love. All action is voluntary. Matter cannot think and God is the
only thinker, therefore, only true thoughts can be received. Personalities have no power over
15 omnipotence. Fear has no mind, and because all is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, and Mind
is Love, fear must be totally non-existent as either cause or effect.

Matter cannot kill man. Non-intelligence cannot inform infinite intelligence; therefore, pain has
18 no channel to communicate with man in Science. Error does not control invincible Truth.

Arm is a divine idea, as is body, spiritually intact, eternally, and forever one. Truth’s application
takes no lapse of time to manifest and cannot be hindered by distance. All is here and now with
21 consciousness, of which there is never anything outside of. Substance is Spirit. Error cannot change the

Divine Economics

Are you waiting for something bad to happen, or expectant of good and its manifestation? Our
source of supply is good, thus its product is liken to it. The inventory of spiritual blessings is infinite,
27 demand is always met in exchange for the currency of gratitude, the treasure of which outlasts and
outshines the entire splendor that silver and gold could offer. Every channel for delivery is open and
shipment is instantaneous. God is inexhaustible.

30 Never Deceived

Sickness, sin, and death may try to convince me of their reality or power, but I am not deceived.
33 All action is voluntary, and I therefore do not consent to hearing the cries of false belief. God is the only

power, presence, and life. I cannot forget my work, for He is my Mind. Inspiration cannot be hampered
by illusion. I can only reflect good. God made all that was made and called it good. I am, so therefore I
3 can reflect no other Mind. I cannot be made to hate, but only will I heal by the blessed power of
omnipotent Love.

All wisdom, intelligence, and glory are His. The true Scientist is not proud or personal, swayed by
6 opinion or judgment. I cannot be made afraid. Christ is eternal life, and there’s no case or claim where
Truth cannot be applied scientifically, and instantaneously.

I am independent. Free from the bonds of sickness and wickedness, and all false laws which
9 come as medicine, theology, astrology, magic, magnetic, hypnotic, electric, or “science, falsely so-
called.” God’s law is the only law. The law of Life, Love, Truth.

No Poison

There is no poison. There is no opposite substance or power to Spirit which could harm
immortal man. God is all potency. Matter or the belief in matter has no potency, or reality. Mind and its
15 idea are pure, and cannot be tampered or contaminated. There is no opposing substance to
contaminate with.

Source of Joy

Happiness is derived from Principle, not person. Depend not upon mortal mind, for its
consequence is always ultimate in death. Only immortal Mind can supply the joys of Life eternal.

21 Breathe Easy

Nicotine. No desire, no belief, no faith, no poison. Mind satisfies immortal cravings. There is no
24 temporal fear or lack. Man is supplied by the inexhaustible source of God. No deception by stress,
boredom, relaxation, or excitement. Soul is perfect and impenetrable. Principle is infinite and
immutable. Life, Love, truth is spiritually satisfying. No need for reliance upon the belief of material
27 drugging for any purpose. Intelligence satisfies, vapor doesn’t. Happiness is here to stay and cannot be
stolen. Sin, sickness and dead are demonstrable nothing and Christ absolutely heals by never including
evil; error. I am God’s man, perfect and eternal – NOW! Breathe easy and fear not, for salvation is
30 certain, and nothing but good ever was.

Want to Quit Drinking?

3 “Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out
into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they
defile the man.” (Matt. 15:17-18).

6 Whether it’s food or drugs, matter never truly impacts or alters a man’s moral character. Matter
is symbol, not substance. Mortal mind changes according to belief, so if one thinks that alcohol causes
intoxication, he will experience this illusion, though Truth remains immutably the same. In fact, alcohol,
9 as the symbol for the belief in inebriation is effect, and has no power at all over inalterable Cause.
Further, matter could not communicate to mind any belief in a differing state of consciousness. The
entire process is mortal mind’s externalization of the belief in sin, which is totally mental. A state of so-
12 called drunkenness, or mental apathy could be achieved without any symbolic material accompaniment.

A Scientist knows that “if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.” (Mark 16:18).
Because man governed by immortal Mind is unaffected by sin, sickness, and death, and therefore, could
15 not be harmed by any belief in poisonous matter, knowing that there is no other mind to be intoxicated,
and that all potency belongs to God, who is too pure to behold iniquity.

Trying to remove the strong drink, the symbol, is working from the wrong end to cast out sin.
18 One must instead, go back to Cause, and work to throw off mortal mind, which is enmity against God,
and worketh all evil. Man governed by God could receive none but good and spiritual thought, from
Love’s inextinguishable source.

21 Guarding against impure motives and erroneous thought is the sure protection from the malice
and apathy which produce the state of mental drunkenness, resulting in all lust, anger, and any other
form which malpractice takes.

24 The remedy for sin is Christ, and the prescription is unceasing prayer, striving with sincerity to
always uphold the golden rule. Reaching harmony with moral truth will bring forth better behavior
naturally and spontaneously, and the symbols for sin will lose their illusive power as a result.

27 “Drugs, cataplasms, and whiskey are stupid substitutes for the dignity and potency of divine
Mind and its efficacy to heal. It is pitiful to lead men into temptation through the by-ways of this
wilderness world, - to victimize the race with intoxicating prescriptions for the sick, until mortal mind
30 acquires and educated appetite for strong drink, and men and women become loathsome sots.” (S+H


The Children of God are Safe

3 Man governed by God never falls, not being blinded by materialism. Fear is ruled out when the
way is lit most certainly by perfect Principle. There is no trial and error for divine Mind, which is Truth
and Truth alone. Error is a myth, which cannot enter the realm of reality one iota. To Mind, accidents
6 DON’T happen any more than the principle of mathematics could produce a mistake in a multiplication
problem. Infinite Intelligence is unfailing and faultless eternal wisdom.

There is no chance or circumstance to a false claim. “God doesn’t play dice.” (Einstein) In other
9 words, no luck or bad luck, but always malicious animal magnetism, working you to doubt the certainty
and allness of God, good. No spurious suggestion could ever change the eternal, self-existent facts of
Life, Truth, Love, being the only, immutable present reality.

12 A lie can never deceive or rob you of your understanding. You ARE your understanding of
Christian Science. No claim of sickness, sin, disease, or injury is an error too great to be demolished by
Christ, Truth. Man is forever spiritual, protected in Truth, where no illusory belief of material pain and
15 death can reach him. The law of God is the law of Life, of which could never be superseded or repealed,
but always annuls unjust material law, rendering it void and powerless.

Not Vulnerable

I am not vulnerable to hate or fear. There is no involuntary empathy for error, as there is no
material sensation, communicable thought, or encroachment on my individuality. I cannot be hurt by
21 anger, or made to be mad. Negation has no power to control or manipulate. My source is positive Mind,
Love, so loving is what I am. I do not absorb malice or hate but reflect spiritual light, Love.

It Doesn’t Hurt

There is no painful consciousness. Pain is unreal. As such, fear, (which is fear of pain) is totally
baseless. Sensation is faulty information. Immortal intelligence informs rightly, based in Truth, which
27 excludes material sense.


I am Sure

Assuredness comes with the calmness of the certainty of good’s allness. Doubt never made a
demonstration. Stress is self-destructive. By the grace of God, know that the Truth is already present
6 now.

Obedience Confers Freedom

9 “Thy will be done.” There is no will but His. One will, infinite and good. There’s no mind but Mind, no
person but Person. Jesus “acted and spake as he was moved, not by spirits, but by Spirit.” (S+H 20:4-5).
“man must live in obedience to its divine Principle.” (S+H viii:3-4). “God made man free.” (S+H 227:16).

12 Claim – Hurt Finger, Inflammation

There is one substance, therefore, one power. Mind cannot be hurt by a belief in matter
15 because unreality can do nothing to harm or alter the eternal and immutable reality of God and His
perfect idea. Allness mustn’t fear nothingness. Love is All-in-all and fear is nowhere, no mind, no being,
no cause, no reality to it. God is the only Cause and God is good. No fear means no inflammation. Finger
18 is a perfect spiritual idea that can’t be disrupted or disputed by any erroneous suggestion of mind in
matter. Pantheism is a belief without a believer, a spurious law without a lawmaker. God’s law is the
only law, the law of health, life, perfection. Only the good is real and eternal, so no claim of accident or
21 injury could possibly be true. There is no place where God is not present, so there is no place where any
pain could be.

Treatment – Headache

There is no material thinker located beneath the skull, filling a finite space with evil thoughts
which result in pain. God, who is omnipresent, is the only Mind, and therefore the only thinker, which
27 spiritual man reflects. There is not both a spiritual man and a material man, but only spiritual man, as
there is one Truth, one Science, one reality. Creation is not composed of differing layers, levels, planes,
or strata, but is the one infinite here and now of omnipresent Mind.


Claim – Talking Stomach

3 Man is governed by Mind, not stomach. Stomach can’t talk to us, make us feel dread, or inform
us on the present state of things. Stomach cannot act as a channel for fear. Because all is Mind and its
manifestation, body must be the body of right ideas, including stomach. Stomach must be perfect,
6 harmonious, untroubled, and protected, maintained in Truth. Christian compassion is not sympathy for
the devil (error), but the motive and motion of divine Love, expressed as man. There is nothing outside
of Mind for it to absorb, being all. Mind reflects, it does not absorb.

9 Spontaneous Declarations

Nothingness has no volition. Mind is all action, therefore, man is the acting. There is no evil
12 thinker, human will, mortal mind or material personality. There is no finite believer. The Science of being
is unobscured. I cannot be made or deceived into declaring error as Truth. God is good, and the only
presence, Cause, Being. Principle is the only actor, ensuring perfection and harmony in effect. There is
15 no evil consciousness, Soul and its indestructible, perpetual embodiment is All, with nothing outside of

Matter is nowhere and Mind is infinite, indivisible, eternal. Truth is not somewhere else, but
18 right where the lie claims to be. The right idea, spiritual idea, cannot be hid by supposition. Spirit cannot
be obscured by impotence. God is supreme, sovereign and all-in-all.

God, Good – Unstoppable


Matter is not cause or effect. Therefore it has nothing to say, being nothing. Body is perfect and
cannot contain or communicate pain or anguish. God is my strength, and there is no law of atrophy.
24 Mind is all action, not matter; nothing. Mind is perfection, and so is never tired or stressed. Infinite
Intelligence is unstoppable, while so-called matter is inert. Soul quenches all immortal desires for
righteousness. Principle can’t help but always be correct.

27 God is My Life

Without God, I am nothing. Mortal mind is no mind at all, “for if a man think himself to be
30 something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.” (Gal. 6:3). But the Father is not without His son,
for Christian Science is Emmanuel, God with us, revealing the inseparability of man and his Maker in

I am God’s Embodiment

3 If God is omnipotent and I reflect God, I must embody strength

If God is omniscient and I reflect God, I must embody intelligence

If God is omnipresent and I reflect God, I must embody presence

6 Just the Facts

Mind is indestructible, impenetrable, immortal, invincible, unassailable, incorruptible, infinite,

9 infallible, unerring, and immune to imperfection. Truth is inescapable, treatment is instantaneous, and
Life is irreversible.

Love Bug

All that there is to contagion is fear. Fear must be afraid of something, but if sin, sickness, and
death are nothing, and the only something is God, who is Love, there must be nothing to fear and all to
15 love.


18 Confidence is not an aspect or cultivation of personality, but the surety natural to

understanding. Power is not in physique, but the true substance of spiritual fortitude. Intelligence never
doubts its own rightness. Love doesn’t know fear. Christian Science treatment DOES work and I CAN
21 demonstrate its Principle, God. So-called mortal mind can make no resistance to omnipotent Truth.


24 No one ever did anything unless it was because they wanted to. That means death must be a
voluntary concession. No action is compulsory, as man governed by God is self-governed. Further, if
hate or fear seem to possess you, it must be because you accepted it as your consciousness instead of
27 casting it out. Slavery and bondage are illusions – God made man free. Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there’s liberty.

To Allay Fear

3 I know that fear is unreality, and negative to harmony – positive consecration to Truth. Sickness
has no cause, because Cause, which is Mind; Principle, is infinitely One, not including any opposite
condition, and therefore, unable to produce any discordant expression.

6 There is no future to anticipate. God’s allness is expressed here and now as the eternally
perpetual unfoldment of Mind’s idea of itself. The business or action that is man governed by infinite
Wisdom is unceasing.

9 Unbounded

God is my Father and Mother, and I am not beholden to any beliefs of hereditary personality
12 traits fastened to me. Fear and aloofness do not belong to me and cannot act as me hypnotically.
Infinite Intelligence is my Mind, which cannot limit or restrict me in thinking. I think and act immediately
and fearlessly, guided and governed to right action by Principle. Personality has no power over me. I am
15 free.

Prone to Goodness

18 Nobody deserves to get hurt. Mortal mind cannot employ animal magnetism to arouse the
conditions for an accident to occur and then blame and scold the victim with an “I told you so”. Pain and
punishment are not a lesson learned, but subtle hypnotic malpractice by malice disguised as worry. So-
21 called Murphy’s law is null and void, having no mind or power, though reversed, is the true law.
Anything that can go right, does, because Mind is good governing by the law of spontaneous Principle.
All action is therefore not random or dangerous, but harmless, helpful, and harmonious. Evil cannot
24 appear as chaos magic because God, good, is all, and therefore omnipotent. Material personality can’t
harm because it does not exist. Love fills all space and blesses its spiritual idea.

Source Unending

Me having it cannot deprive anyone else of it because I or us is one. No one can steal or hoard
that which is universally available. Source; supply is infinity itself, and can never run out of itself or stop
30 being itself.

Handling Hypnotism

No human mind or will can take over my thinking or direct my action. My destiny is good and
error has no say because it has no voice. I am not subject to destructive hypnotic suggestions or the
6 tyranny of stubborn sickness worshippers because they have no power. God has all the power. OCD
cannot touch my free moral agency or rob me of joy. I am hid with Christ in God where no psychic
thieves can enter. Nothing can enter my consciousness that worketh abomination or maketh a lie. God
9 is my Life, Mind, Soul, and in Him is perfect peace and unerring Truth. Mortal mind has no place here, no
law or action. Animal magnetism cannot deceive me because infinite intelligence governs me. No evil
shall befall me, with Love as my light. The children of God are not oppressed or perverted, but perfect as
12 the reflection of thee.

Treating the Apparent State of Affairs

15 Individual or universal treatment still rests on the conclusion that God is all-in-all and error is
unreal. This means that all that makes its appearance as pandemic, financial collapse, political and
familial tyranny, and all else, have its root in fear, and fear is unreal because Truth is its opposite.

18 Organized malpractice and superstition from Roman Catholicism and materia medica,
respectively, cannot interfere with treatment because there is no power opposed to God.

If I am living, then living must be true. If living is true, then its opposite, dying, must be false. The
21 (non-existent) cause of dying must be death. If Life is Being, and this is true, how could its supposititious
opposite, death, or non-existence, cause Being to stop being itself? How could Truth ever become or
end up as error? Death is merely the lie about Life, never the conclusion to it.

24 Cause and effect is Life living, eternal Truth actively manifest. Cause and effect is the one of
infinity expressed and unopposed. Death dying is a self-destructive supposition, but never reality, as the
infinity of Truth, being all, fills all space, embodies all presence, and leaves no room for anything
27 opposed to it.

Man isn’t going to die and death isn’t coming for him. God is here as man’s Mind, immutable,
and therefore eternally. Because Cause is never without effect, God and man, Principle and idea, are co-
30 eternal.

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