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ISSN 1990-3413, Astrophysical Bulletin, 2014, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 58–66.

c Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014.
Original Russian Text  c M.A. Al-Wardat, Yu.Yu. Balega, V.V. Leushin, N.A. Yusuf, A.A. Taani, K.S. Al-Waqfi, S. Masda, 2014, published in Astrofizicheskii Byulleten, 2014,
Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 62–71.

Speckle Interferometric Binary System HD 375; Is It a Sub-Giant Binary?

M. A. Al-Wardat1* , Yu. Yu. Balega2, 3** , V. V. Leushin2, 4 ,
N. A. Yusuf5 , A. A. Taani6 , K. S. Al-Waqfi5 , and S. Masda5
Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, 71111 Jordan
Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhnii Arkhyz, 369167 Russia
St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and Optics,
St. Petersburg, 197101 Russia
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, 334006 Russia
Yarmouk University, Irbid, 21163 Jordan
Aqaba University College, Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Aqaba, 77110 Jordan
Received September 1, 2013; in final form, September 21, 2013

Abstract—Atmospheric modeling is used to build synthetic spectral energy distributions (SEDs)

for the individual components of the speckle interferometric binary system HD 375. These synthetic
SEDs are combined together for the entire system and compared with its observed SED in an iterative
procedure to achieve the best fit. Kurucz blanketed models and the measurements of magnitude
differences were used to build these SEDs. The input physical parameters for building these best fitted
synthetic SEDs represent adequately enough the parameters of the system. These parameters are:
Teff = 6100 ± 50 K, Teff
= 5940 ± 50 K, log ga = 4.01 ± 0.10, log gb = 3.98 ± 0.10, Ra = 1.93 ± 0.20 R,
Rb = 1.83 ± 0.20 R, . 26 ± 0.40,
Mva = 3 m . 51 ± 0.50,
Mvb = 3 m La = 4.63 ± 0.80 L, and
Lb = 3.74 ± 0.70 L, in accordance with the new estimated parallax π = 12.02 ± 0.60 mas. A modified
orbit of the system is built and compared with earlier orbits, and the masses of the two components
are calculated as Ma = 1.35 M and Mb = 1.25 M. Based on the estimated physical and geometrical
parameters of the system, which are confirmed by synthetic photometry, we suggest that the two
components are evolved subgiant (F8.5 IV and G0 IV) stars with the age of 3.5 Gy, formed by
DOI: 10.1134/S1990341314010064
Keywords: binaries: visual—stars: fundamental parameters—stars: individual: HD 375

1. INTRODUCTION other important parameters such as radius, luminos-

ity, and effective temperature, and gives a basic check
The Hipparcos mission revealed that many previ- of stellar structure and evolution theory [6]. It also
ously known single stars are actually binary or multi- provides a unique way to thoroughly investigate the
ple systems [1]. Most of these resolved systems are spectral types and luminosity classes [7]. Hundreds of
nearby stars that appear as a single star even with
such systems with periods of the order of 10 years or
the largest ground-based telescopes except when ob-
less are routinely observed and analyzed by the afore-
served using high resolution techniques like speckle
interferometry [2, 3] and adaptive optics (AO) [4, 5]. mentioned high resolution techniques. But in spite
That is why these binaries are called speckle interfer- of that, there is still a paucity of individual physical
ometric binaries. parameters for the components of the systems. The
only way to estimate these parameters is by indirect
In general, the study of binary stars is the most analysis of the binaries. The method makes use of Ku-
powerful direct method to correlate stellar theoretical
rucz blanketed models [8] to build a synthetic spec-
models with the actual observed parameters which
tral energy distribution (SED) for each component
is more complicated in the case of speckle interfero-
metric binaries. It connects mass determinations with separately, and hence for the entire system. Then, by
comparing this entire synthetic SED with the ob-
E-mail: served one in an iterative repetition to achieve the best
E-mail: fit between them, one may be able to determine the


physical and geometrical parameters of the individual Table 1. Data for HD 375 from SIMBAD and
components. NASA/IPAC, and from Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues
The method at first used earlier versions of line-
blanketed plane-parallel theoretical model atmo- Parameter Value Ref.
spheres for F, G, and K-type stars [9], where it h m s
accounted only for the hydrogen line opacities when α2000 00 08 28 .446 SIMBAD
building the SEDs [10]. Later, it employed δ2000 +34◦ 56 04 . 37 SIMBAD
ATLAS9 with its new opacity distribution functions
(ODFs) [11] to build the individual synthetic SEDs Sp. type F8 SIMBAD
and was successfully applied to some binary systems E(B − V ) 0.057 NASA/IPAC∗
like COU 1289, COU 1291, HIP 11352, HIP 11253,
HIP 70973, and HIP 72479 [12–15]. AV 0m
. 180 NASA/IPAC∗
The speckle interferometric binary HD 375 was VJ 7m
. 41 Hipparcos
first analyzed using the earlier version of this method
by [10]. In this paper, the modified physical and geo- (B − V )J . 606 ± 0.015 Hipparcos
metrical parameters of the system, obtained using the BT . 113 ± 0.009 Tycho
modified version of the aforementioned method, and
the modified orbit of the system, based on the latest VT . 470 ± 0.007 Tycho
speckle interferometric observations, are presented. (B − V )J . 584 ± 0.009 Tycho
This information will enhance our knowledge about
stellar parameters in general and consequently help π 12.72 ± 0.86 mas Hipparcos, old
in understanding the formation and evolution mecha-
π 11.69 ± 0.67 mas Hipparcos, new∗∗
nisms of stellar binary systems.
π 4.10 ± 5.20 mas Tycho
** van Leeuwen [16].
Table 1 contains the basic data of the system from
SIMBAD and NASA/IPAC, and from Hipparcos and
Tycho Catalogues [1].
The magnitude difference between the two com- MV = mV + 5 − 5 log d − AV , (3)
ponents Δm = 0 m . 27 ± 0.01 is adopted as the aver-
age of all Δm measurements under the speckle filters log(R/R ) = 0.5 log(L/L ) − 2 log(T /T ), (4)
545 nm/30 (see Table 2) as the closest filters to the
visual. This value was used as input to the equations: log g = log(M/M ) − 2 log(R/R ) + 4.43. (5)
maV = mV + 2.5 log(1 + 10−0.4Δm ), (1) The total energy flux from a binary star is created
by the combined luminosity of the components a and
mbV = maV + Δm. (2) b located at a distance d from the Earth. One can
Using the total visual magnitude of the system write [13]:
mV = 7 m . 41 (see Table 1), the preliminary individual Fλ d2 = Hλa Ra2 + Hλb Rb2 , (6)
visual magnitudes mV for each component are:
maV = 8 m. 04 and mbV = 8 m. 31. from which
Preliminary individual absolute magnitudes were Fλ = (Ra /d)2 (Hλa + Hλb (Rb /Ra )2 ), (7)
calculated using equation (3), in the assumption that
both components are main sequence stars. These where Hλa and Hλb are the fluxes from a unit surface
were used to calculate the preliminary input elements of the corresponding component. Here Fλ represents
a = 6750 K, T b = 6500 K, log g = 4.19, and
(Teff a
the entire SED of the system.
log gb = 4.21) to construct model atmospheres for The resulting total synthetic SED, which is built
each component, using grids of Kurucz’s 1994 blan- using the preliminary input elements, does not co-
keted models (ATLAS9) [8]. Subsequently, equa- incide with the observed one. It shows a lower color
tions (4) and (5) are used. Interstellar reddening (B − V ) index which means that the temperatures of
is taken from Table 1; T = 5777 K is used, and the stars should be lower.
bolometric corrections are taken from [24] and [25]. Many attempts were made to achieve the best fit
Hence, a spectral energy distribution for each com- between the synthetic SEDs and the observed one.
ponent is built. The preliminary calculated parameters are used as


60 AL-WARDAT et al.

Table 2. Magnitude differences between the components of the system along with the filters used to obtain the

Δm Filter (λ/Δλ) Ref. Δm Filter (λ/Δλ) Ref. Δm Filter (λ/Δλ) Ref.

. 04 ± 0.39 VHp : 550 nm/40 [1]
0m 0m
. 01 745 nm/44 [6] 0m
. 00 745 nm/44 [6]
. 28 ± 0.05
0m 545 nm/30 [17] 0m
. 41 550 nm/40 [6] 0m
. 04 550 nm/40 [20]
0 . 31 ± 0.05
545 nm/30 [2] m
0 . 15 541 nm/88 [6] m
0 . 88 550 nm/39 [20]
. 03 ± 0.15
0m 648 nm/41 [18] 0m
. 55 698 nm/39 [6] 0m
. 71 698 nm/39 [20]
0 . 22 ± 0.24
2115 nm/214 [2] m
0 . 47 650 nm/38 [6] m
0 . 00 745 nm/44 [21]
. 02 ± 0.15
0m 503 nm/40 [18] 0m
. 41 650 nm/38 [6] 0m
. 48 550 nm/40 [21]
0 . 00 ± 0.15
701 nm/12 [18] m
0 . 49 698 nm/39 [6] m
0 . 43 692 nm/40 [23]
. 20 ± 0.15
0m 648 nm/41 [18] 0m
. 54 745 nm/44 [6] 0m
. 52 562 nm/40 [23]
. 20 ± 0.15
0m 600 nm/30 [22] 0m
. 29 550 nm/40 [6] 0m
. 38 692 nm/40 [23]
. 81 698 nm/39 [6] . 20 ± 0.04
0m 600 nm/30 [19] 0 m
. 48 447 nm/60 [23]
. 23 ± 0.06
0m 545 nm/30 [22] 0m
. 01 550 nm/40 [6]
0 . 22 ± 0.03
600 nm/30 [22] m
0 . 07 745 nm/44 [6]

starting values, and an iterative method is used for the 2) The inclination of the spectrum (represented by
different sets of parameters. The best fit is evaluated the color indices (U − B), (B − V ), and (v − b)).
using the following criteria. 3) The magnitude difference between the compo-
nents (Δm).
1) The maximum values of the absolute flux (repre- 4) The profiles of the absorption lines.
sented by the apparent magnitudes and calculated
using synthetic photometry). While the last three criteria depend mainly on Teff
and log g and were fulfilled using

a = 6100 ± 50 K,
Teff b = 5940 ± 50 K,
log ga = 4.00 ± 0.10, log gb = 3.99 ± 0.10,
the first criterion depends on the parallax of the
system and the radii of the components (see equa-
tion (7)). The estimated total synthetic visual magni-
tudes based on the parallax of Hipparcos and the radii
of [25] (assuming that both components are main
sequence stars) are higher (i.e. the absolute flux is
lower) than the observed ones. This means that either
the parallax of the system is incorrect and the system
is closer to Earth or the components of the system are
no longer main sequence stars but evolved stars with
higher radii.
Now, in order to get the exact fit with the observed
absolute flux (Fig. 1), the parallax is chosen according
to the following two approaches.
Fig. 1. Best fit achieved between the total observed SED
in the continuous spectrum of the system [26] and the 1) Fixing the parallax according to the Hippar-
combined synthetic one of the two components, built cos modified data π = 11.69 ± 0.67 mas [16] and
using Kurucz blanketed models [8]. changing the radii until the best absolute flux is



Table 3. Positional measurements of the system from the Fourth Interferometric Catalog and from [32]

θ, ρ, θ, ρ, θ, ρ,
Epoch Ref. Epoch Ref. Epoch Ref.
deg arcsec deg arcsec deg arcsec
1991.25 358.0 0.101 [1] 2002.7879 32.4 0.113 [6] 2004.8237 347.9 0.064 [19]

1997.6191 263.7 0.121 [28] 2002.7879 32.6 0.114 [6] 2004.9695 340.6 0.060 [6]
1998.7717 72.9 0.133 [2] 2002.796 34.4∗ 0.111 [32] 2004.9695 342.2∗ 0.061 [6]
1999.0145 71.0∗ 0.134 [29] 2003.5304 22.2∗ 0.099 [6] 2004.9723 345.2∗ 0.062 [6]
1999.7469 63.6 0.134 [2] 2003.5304 21.5∗ 0.099 [6] 2004.9723 343.1 0.060 [6]
1999.8202 64.5∗ 0.141 [30] 2003.5305 23.1∗ 0.099 [6] 2006.5257 227.6∗ 0.0457 [20]
1999.8854 62.6 0.138 [29] 2003.5305 21.2∗ 0.100 [6] 2007.0106 185.4 0.0547 [20]
1999.8854 62.2 0.140 [29] 2003.6371 22.6∗ 0.100 [6] 2007.8172 139.8 0.062 [21]
2000.7591 54.1 0.137 [29] 2003.6371 19.8 0.098 [6] 2007.8201 136.0 0.066 [21]
2000.8727 54.1 0.134 [22] 2003.6371 17.5 0.098 [6] 2008.6910 111.0 0.084 [23]
∗ ∗
2001.4999 47.1 0.129 [6] 2003.6371 19.5 0.095 [6] 2008.6937 110.7 0.085 [23]
2001.7526 45.6 0.128 [22] 2003.928 14.8∗ 0.088 [32] 2010.8919 78.9 0.12 [31]
2001.7526 45.5 0.127 [22] 2003.928 14.4∗ 0.088 [32]
* These points were modified by 180◦ to achieve consistency with the nearby points.

Table 4. Orbital elements of the system ([2], [10], [6], and this work)

Parameter [2] [10] [6] (This work)

P , yr 19.3 16.74 ± 0.24 12.9 12.79 ± 0.11
To , yr 2005.6 1988.265 ± 0.177 2006.12 2006.36 ± 0.02
e 0.38 0.52 ± 0.02 0.6 0.5237 ± 0.0051
a, arcsec 0.124 0.127 ± 0.003 0.091 0.0904 ± 0.0005
i, deg 125 124 ± 2.0 159 149.03 ± 1.13
Ω, deg 42 32 ± 3.0 315 62.99 ± 3.03
ω, deg 107 105 ± 1.0 72 183.42 ± 3.22
(Ma + Mb )/M 2.3∗ 3.55∗ 2.835∗∗ 2.83 ± 0.49∗∗
2.19 ± 0.45∗∗∗
2.60 ± 0.16∗∗∗∗
Notes: * Based on the estimated individual absolute magnitudes, in the as-
sumption that both components are main sequence stars.
** Using Hipparcos new trigonometric parallax π (mas) = 11.69 ± 0.67.
*** Using Hipparcos old trigonometric parallax π (mas) = 12.72 ± 0.86.
**** Using the parallax estimated in this work π (mas) = 12.02 ± 0.60.


62 AL-WARDAT et al.

Fig. 2. Relative visual orbit of the system HD 375; the origin represents the position of the primary component. The filled
circles are the new points used to modify the orbit (see Table 3), and the Hipparcos point is denoted by a star. Panel (a) shows
the epoch of the positional measurements; the brackets show that there is more than one point in that year. (b) Comparison
between the modified orbit of this study (solid line) and that of [6] (dotted line).

Fig. 3. (a) The preliminary orbit of the system by [2]. (b) The orbit of [10].

reached. Note that while changing the radii, only which can be attributed to subgiant stars.
slight changes in the value of Δm are allowed. The second approach resulted in the following radii
2) Fixing the radii as given by the tables in [25] or the and parallax:
standard R–L–T equation (4) for main sequence
a = 6100 ± 50 K, T b = 5940 ± 50 K
stars with Teff Ra = 1.18 ± 0.15 R , Rb = 1.12 ± 0.15 R ,
and changing the parallax until the best absolute flux π = 19.818 mas (d = 50.46 ± 0.02 pc),
is reached.
which disagrees with the Hipparcos trigonometric
Doubts in Hipparcos parallax measurements were parallax.
introduced in [27]. These authors noted that in some
cases Hipparcos parallax measurements are distorted The parallax estimated by the second approach
by the orbital motion of the binary system compo- does not coincide with the orbital elements and the
nents. Therefore, one has to be careful when using mass sum calculated below, while that given by Hip-
those measurements. parcos is somewhat acceptable. Hence, the param-
eters obtained by the first approach represent the
The first approach resulted in the following radii:
system better (but not best) than those obtained by
Ra = 2.00 ± 0.15 R , Rb = 1.89 ± 0.15 R , the second approach (see section 4).



The orbit of the system is built using the positional
measurements listed in Table 3, which are taken from
the Fourth Interferometric Catalog and from [32].
There are seven new points used to modify the orbit
of [6]. Figure 2a shows the orbit of the system, which
represents the relative positions of the secondary star
with respect to the primary, and the ascending motion
of the secondary according to the positional measure-
ments. Figure 2b shows a comparison between the
new orbit (solid line) and that of [6] (dotted line). The
preliminary orbit of [2] and that of [10] are shown in
Fig. 3. The modified orbital elements of the system
along with the previous ones are listed in Table 4.
The table shows a good consistency between our
estimated period, periastron epoch, semi-major axis,
and eccentricity, and those estimated by [6], while
there are some differences in the inclination, position
angle of nodes, and the argument of periastron. Fig. 4. Dotted line: the total observed SED in the
continuous spectrum of the system. Solid lines: the total
synthetic SED of the two components obtained using
4. MASSES a modified dynamical parallax (π = 12.02 ± 0.60 mas);
Using the estimated orbital elements, we calcu- the synthetic flux of the primary component
lated the total mass of the system (in solar masses) with Teff = 6100 ± 50 K, log g = 4.01 ± 0.10,
R = 1.93 ± 0.15 R , and the synthetic flux of
and the corresponding error using the following equa- the secondary component with Teff = 5940 ± 50 K,
tions: log g = 3.98 ± 0.10, R = 1.83 ± 0.15 R .
(Ma + Mb )/M = a3 /π 3 p2 , (8)

σM  σ 2  σ 2  σ 2
π a p
= 3 + 3 + 2 . (9)
M π a p
Table 5. Physical and geometrical parameters of the com-
The preliminary result obtained using the new ponents of the system
Hipparcos trigonometric parallax π = 11.69±0.67 mas
is (Ma +Mb )/M = 2.80 ± 0.49, while it is 2.19 ± 0.45
when using the old Hipparcos trigonometric parallax Component a b
π = 12.72 ± 0.86 mas (Table 1).
Teff , K 6100 ± 50 5940 ± 50
The mass sum calculated using the new Hippar-
cos parallax yields a higher value than what would be Radius, R 1.93 ± 0.20 1.83 ± 0.20
expected for two stars with the previously estimated
physical parameters which is well demonstrated by log g 4.01 ± 0.10 3.98 ± 0.10
the positions of the two components on the evolution- L, L 4.63 ± 0.80 3.74 ± 0.70
ary tracks. Another loop of iterative calculations is
performed to reach the best fit between the estimated MV . 26 ± 0.40 3 m
3m . 51 ± 0.50
physical parameters and the orbital ones, especially Mass, M 1.35 ± 0.16 1.25 ± 0.15
the mass sum, which is affected highly by the parallax
value. ρ, ρ 0.188 ± 0.015 0.204 ± 0.015
The best fit (Fig. 4) between the synthetic SED Sp. type∗ F8.5 IV G0 IV
and the observed one, along with the best consistency
between the physical and geometrical elements of Parallax, mas 12.02 ± 0.60
both components, dynamical parallax, and dynamical (Ma + Mb )/M 2.60 ± 0.16
mass sum, are achieved using a modified dynamical
parallax (π = 12.02 ± 0.60 mas), which gives a mass ∗
Age, Gy 3.5 ± 0.5
sum of 2.60 ± 0.16. The final physical and geomet-
* Based on the positions of the components on the
rical parameters of the system are listed in Table 5; evolutionary tracks of [25].
they represent adequately enough the elements of the
system within the errors of the measured quantities.


64 AL-WARDAT et al.

Table 6. Magnitudes and color indices of the synthetic 5. SYNTHETIC PHOTOMETRY

spectra of the system
The following relation is used in the calculations
of the total and individual synthetic magnitudes of the
System Filter Entire Comp. a Comp. b system [33, 34]:
Pp (λ) Fλ,s (λ) λ dλ
Johnson U 8.14 8.73 9.08
mp (Fλ,s (λ)) = −2.5 log  + ZPp ,
Cousins B 8.02 8.63 8.93 Pp (λ) Fλ,r (λ) λ dλ
V 7.41 8.04 8.29 (10)
R 7.07 7.72 7.95 where mp is the synthetic magnitude of the pass-
band p, Pp (λ) is the dimensionless sensitivity func-
U −B 0.12 0.10 0.15 tion of the passband p, Fλ,s (λ) is the synthetic SED
B−V 0.61 0.59 0.64 of the object and Fλ,r (λ) is the SED of the reference
star (Vega). Zero points (ZPp ) are adopted from [34]
V −R 0.33 0.32 0.35
(and references therein).
Strömgren u 9.29 9.88 10.23 The results of the calculations of magnitudes
v 8.35 8.96 9.28 and color indices in different photometric systems
(Johnson–Cousins: U, B, V, R, U −B, B −V, V −R;
b 7.75 8.37 8.65 Strömgren: u, v, b, y, u − v, v − b, b − y, and Tycho:
BT , VT , BT − VT ) for the entire system and for indi-
y 7.38 8.01 8.26
vidual components are shown in Table 6.
u−v 0.94 0.93 0.95 A comparison of the synthetic visible magnitudes
v−b 0.60 0.58 0.63 of the system and its color indices with the observed
ones (Table 6) shows a good consistency within
b−y 0.37 0.36 0.39 the three photometric systems: Johnson–Cousins,
Tycho BT 8.17 8.77 8.09 Strömgren, and Tycho (see Table 7).
Using the tables in [25] or the Sp–Teff empirical
VT 7.47 8.11 8.36 relation from [24], the spectral types for the compo-
BT − VT 0.69 0.67 0.73 nents a and b of the system can be estimated as F8.5
and G0 respectively.


Table 7. Comparison between the synthetic visible mag-
nitudes and color indices of the entire system and those Atmospheric modeling and the visual magnitude
calculated from the observed SED [35] difference between the two components along with
the total observed SED are used to build synthetic
System Filter Entire synth. Entire obs. individual and total SEDs for the components of
the speckle interferometric binary HD 375. Least-
±0.02 ±0.02
square fitting with weights inversely proportional to
Johnson–Cousins B 8.02 8.03 the squares of the positional measurements observa-
tional errors is used to modify the orbit of the system.
V 7.41 7.43 Hence, the physical and geometrical parameters of
B−V 0.61 0.60 HD 375 are estimated, and the parallax of the system
is modified.
Strömgren v 8.35 8.35
Figure 4 shows the best achieved fit between
b 7.75 7.80 the total synthetic SEDs and the observed one.
We can see a good consistency of the maximum
v−b 0.60 0.55 values of the absolute flux and the inclination of
Tycho BT 8.17 8.18 the spectrum. There is also a good consistency
between the synthetic magnitudes and colors and the
VT 7.47 7.50 observed ones within the three photometric systems:
BT − VT 0.69 0.67 Johnson–Cousins, Strömgren, and Tycho (Tables 7
and 8). This consistency gives a good indication of the



reliability of the estimated parameters of the individual

components of the system, which are listed in Table 5.
The estimated masses and radii can only be ex-
plained by assuming that the system is a subgiant
binary system. Earlier calculations of the mass sum
are listed in Table 4, and [36] calculated it in three
different ways: using Kepler’s law (the so-called dy-
namical mass Md ), using the mass-luminosity re-
lation along with the observed photometry (photo-
metric mass Mph ), and using the mass-spectrum
relation along with the spectral classification (spec-
tral mass Msp ). They found Md = 2.78 ± 0.89 M ,
Mph = 2.67 M , and Msp = 1.10 M . The discrep-
ancy between the dynamical and spectral mass esti-
mates is possibly due to their assumption that both
components are main-sequence stars (they used Ta- Fig. 5. The components of the system on the evolutionary
ble VI of [37]) and that the spectral mass represents tracks of [43].
the minimum mass of the system.
A deep look at the estimated physical and ge- 7. CONCLUSIONS
ometrical elements of the system (Table 5) shows
that the secondary component is very similar to the The speckle interferometric binary HD 375 was
star β Hydri (HIP 2021), which is a G2 IV evolved analyzed using atmospheric modeling and dynami-
subgiant with an age of about 6.5–7.0 Gyr [38, 39]. cal analysis. The parameters for the components of
Bedding et al. [40] used high precision asteroseismol- the system were estimated according to the best fit
ogy to measure the mean stellar density of β Hydri as between the entire observed SED and the synthetic
ρ = 0.1803 ± 0.0011 ρ and [41] used interferometry ones built using atmospheric modeling of the indi-
to measure its angular diameter, where they estimated vidual components. The total and individual U BV R
its physical elements as: Johnson–Cousins, uvby Strömgren and BV Tycho
synthetic magnitudes and colors of the system were
Teff = 5872 ± 44 K, R = 1.814 ± 0.017 R
The modified orbit and geometrical elements of the
log g = 3.952 ± 0.005, L = 3.51 ± 0.09 L , system were calculated and compared with the earlier
ones. Based on the estimated parameters, especially
M = 1.07 ± 0.03 M the radii and masses, we suggest that the two com-
ponents are F8.5 and G0 stars in their early subgiant
The primary component is also similar to the stage, positioned slightly above the main-sequence
secondary component of the binary system β LMi B, on the H–R diagram. The estimated physical and
which is known as an F8 subgiant with mass
M = 1.7 ± 0.4 M and absolute magnitude
MV = 2 m. 3 [42]. Table 8. Comparison between the observed and synthetic
magnitudes, colors, and magnitude differences of the sys-
This leads us to suggest that both components tem
are evolved subgiant stars with ages around 3.5 Gy.
Figure 5 shows the positions of the components on Parameter Obs.∗ Synth. (this work)
the evolutionary tracks of [43]. VJ 7m
. 41 7m
. 41
Based on the similarity of both components, frag- BT . 11 ± 0.01
8m . 17 ± 0.02
mentation is proposed as the most likely formation
process for the system. According to [44], fragmen- VT . 47 ± 0.01
7m . 47 ± 0.02
tation of a rotating disk around an incipient central (B − V )J . 61 ± 0.02
0m . 61 ± 0.03
protostar is possible, as long as there is continuing
Δm . 27∗∗ ± 0.01
0m . 25 ± 0.02
infall. Zinnecker [45] pointed out that hierarchical
fragmentation during rotational collapse has been in- Notes: * See Table 1.
voked to produce binaries and multiple systems. ** Average value for the filter 545 nm/30 (Table 2).


66 AL-WARDAT et al.

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likely process for the formation and evolution of both Astronom. J. 141, 180 (2011).
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