Material de Apoyo 3

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Learning activity 3


1. Adjectives with –ed and –ing

Here, we will review some of the adjectives that are important to describing
things and people. Look the list of adjectives below and their associated

-ING words that

-ED words that
Meaning refer to objects, Meaning
refer to people
ideas etc.

Feeling of being
entertained or Describes
delighted. something that
causes laughter
Amused Amusing
or enjoyment, is
funny or

Feeling of being
not interested. Describes
something that is
Bored Boring
not interesting at

Feeling of not
understanding. Describes
something that is
Confused Confusing unclear or not
easy to
Feeling of being
sad and gloomy.
Depressed Depressing something that
makes you sad.

Feeling of being
angry and upset
about something Describes
that you do not something that is
Disgusted approve or like. Disgusting offensive to the
taste and causes

Feeling of being
ashamed of
something and
worried about Describes
what other people something that
Embarrassed will think of you. Embarrassing
make you feel

Feeling of being
confident and Describes
motivated. something that
Encouraged Encouraging inspires you or
make you
Feeling very
happy and
because Describes
something is something that
Excited good. Exciting make you feel

Feeling of being
tired or drained Describes
out of energy. something that
makes you lose
Exhausted Exhausting
energy or makes
you feel

Feeling of being
afraid, scared or
terrified about
something that Describes
Frightened happened. Frightening something that
scares you.

Feeling of being
curious and
attentive about Describes
something. something that
Interested Interesting makes you feel
attracted or
engaged to.
Feeling of being
content or
pleased. Describes
something that
Satisfied Satisfying
makes you feel

Feeling of being
disturbed or
impacted with Describes
something. something that
Shocked Shocking makes you feel

Feeling of being
fatigued or sleepy. Describes
something that
Tired Tiring
makes you feel
out of energy.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Examples of adjectives in context:

 I was embarrassed by your behavior. 

 My reaction was shocking for her; she was expecting something quite
 Laura has been running for three hours and now she is exhausted.
 They need to operate my grandmother and her situation is quite frightening.
 Visiting those old places we were in together long ago was depressing.
 I think he was confused because he called me Maria and my name is
 The film is not interesting despite it got good critics.
 It was the most boring meeting I have ever attended.
 I had such good marks that I was very encouraged.
 My boss was completely satisfied with my work.
 Being in a relationship in which you are always fighting is really exhausting.

2. Future perfect

As you learned in the introductory material, the future perfect is used to put two
future events in sequence. The future perfect can be made in two ways: with the
future simple of 'have' (will have) and the past participle or with the going form (is
going to have).

will / be going to + have + past participle

 She will have cooked the dinner before everybody arrives.

 She is going to have cooked the dinner before everybody arrives.

As you have seen throughout this unit, the future perfect is a tense used in mainly
three specific cases.

Case 1: To talk about an action in the future that will take place before another
action in the future.

Fuente: SENA


 By the time we get home, my mom will have cooked dinner.

 By the time we get home, my mom is going to have cooked dinner.

Case 2: To talk about the duration of an activity before a specific time in the future.
Today is my first day of cooking
class. I have two more weeks of
class. I already learned how to make
pies. By the time I finish my cooking
course, I will have learned many

Fuente: SENA


 By the time I finish my cooking course, I will have learned many recipes.
 By the time I finish my cooking course, I am going to have learned many

Case 3: To express certainty about the occurrence of something in the near past.

Hello dear. Yes, I am baking the cake

for the birthday party. I am sure that
before you arrive the cake will
already be done. It will be ready for
the candles. Can you bring some?

Fuente: SENA


 I will have finished baking the cake before you arrive, so bring the candles.
 I am going to have finished baking by the time you arrive, so bring the candles.
2. Grammar structure
Below you will find some charts illustrating how to structure a sentence in the
future perfect.

Affirmative statements
Subject Auxiliary verb Have Past participle
+ + +
I will have finished.

I will have finished my report by the time the

deadline arrives.

Yes/ No questions
Auxiliary verb Subject Have Past participle
+ + +
Will they have left?

Will they have left by the time the boss comes?

Information questions
Questio Auxiliary
Subject Have Past participle
n word verb + + +
When will you have finished.

When will you have finished cooking dinner?

Negative statements
Subject + Auxiliary verb + Auxiliary verb + Past participle
+ not /won’t
Your dad will not have retired.

By the time you get a job, your dad won’t have retired.

3. Irregular past participles

Also remember that while using the future perfect, you have to take into account
past participle forms of the verbs. As you may know, there are two types of verbs,
regular and irregular. For regular verbs the past participle is easy to remember: you
form it by adding -ed at the end of the verb. For the irregular verbs, you have to
remember the past participle of each verb.

Future perfect tense for regular verbs

 By the time she gets to the classroom, the kids will have cleaned.
 By the time she gets to the classroom, kids are going to have cleaned.

Future perfect tense for irregular verbs

 People will have eaten the cake by the time you get here, so hurry up!

Here are some of the most common irregular verbs. Use this as a reference list.

Verb Past participle

Awake Awoken
Begin Begun
Break Broken
Bring Brought
Choose Chosen
Do Done
Eat Eaten
Feel Felt
Go Gone
Have Had
Keep Kept
Know Known
Make Made
See Seen
Speak Spoken
4. Common time expressions:
The most common time markers used with the future perfect are:

BY tomorrow, tonight, next week, next Monday, next year.

(It means sometime before that point in time)

 I will have finished the project by next week.

BY three o'clock,
(It means sometime before this time)

 By 8 a.m., I will have woken up.

BY the time they get home.

(It means sometime before the beginning of this activity)

 I will have finished making dinner by the time they get home.

5. Contracting the future perfect

Finally you should know that, similar to other cases, you can contract the future
perfect tense. When you use future perfect you contract the verb will with the


I will have made lunch before I’ll have made lunch before
you are out of work. you are out of work.
She will have gotten ready She’ll have gotten ready by
by the time her husband the time her husband comes
comes to pick her up. to pick her up.

When you use the form with be going to, you contract the verb be.


We are going to have taken We’re going to have taken

all our money out of the bank all our money out of the bank
account the time we buy our account the time we buy our
house. house.
He is going to have been He’s going to have been
married for ten years next married for ten years next
Monday. Monday.

6. Vocabulary

Here is a review of select vocabulary about tastes and textures from the
introductory material. You will notice that these words are presented with their
antonyms, that is, the words that mean the opposite. In many cases it can be
useful to learn them in terms of antonyms. Another strategy to help you remember
vocabulary is by creating an association between the word and image. Look at this
chart that can help you make important associations with the new words from this

Sour Sweet

Hard Soft

Crispy Smooth
Bitter Strong

Chewy Crunchy

Salty Creamy

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

To bake To blend To boil
To chop To cut To fry

To grate To grill To mix

To peel To beat To slice

To squeeze To season To stir

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Cooking at home and eating in a restaurant are very different. Knowing the verbs
commonly used to describe foods on menus is also useful. Here you will find some
of the frequently vocabulary you will find on different menus. These describe the
method of preparation or the way certain food items are served.

Topped with Whipped cream Hand- battered Sautéed


Grilled Flaky crust Cover with Toasted

Breaded Stuffed Topping Boiled

Fuente de imágenes: SENA


A. Read the following phone conversation between a housekeeper who hates

cooking, but is forced to do it at her job, and her friend who loves it, but just does
it for fun. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjectives.

Marta: Hello Maria, how are you? It’s been a long time since we talked!

Maria: Hey! I’m good. The new job is going well. I live here with the family they
are really nice to me. They have two little kids, a girl and a boy. What about

Marta: Well, not too bad. I moved to Miguel’s house, my boss’ son, because he
got married and they are having a baby.
Maria: Wow! It sounds 1) _________ (interested / interesting). After all,
sometimes we need to change places, activities and people to keep from getting
2)_________ (bored / boring), don’t you think?

Marta: Yeah I agree. But I have to be honest, working for new people and this
new baby thing is kind of 3)___________ (frightened /frightening).

Maria: I know. But I think it is kind of 4)___________ (amused / amusing) too. I

love kids and really what makes me enjoy my work as a housekeeper is having
the opportunity to interact with those two little kids. I am telling you from my own
experience, although it can be 5)___________ (exhausted / exhausting), it is
surprisingly entertaining.

Marta: Yes! Actually the big problem is not really the kids… The problem is,
since I changed houses, I am kind of 6)_________ (bored / boring ) with one
task. Miguel’s wife wants me to cook because she does not even know how to
boil water for tea. And as you know I am not into the kitchen and cooking stuff.

Maria: Oh! That sucks. But don’t make a big deal of it. That is a really important
thing for some employers. I think I can give you a recipe book that would help
you create stuff. You are creative, so maybe if you look at it from that
perspective, you could start to enjoy it. In the end, you might make something
7)__________ (amazed / amazing) and Miguel and his wife will be
8)__________ (shocked / shocking).

Marta: Thanks! That’s a great idea. Sometimes I am not sure about how to cook
and I feel 9)___________ (confused / confusing) about the steps of the
preparation process to prepare the things they like to eat. Their tastes are
different from mine.

Maria: You will get used to them. And once you learn how to cook for them, it
will be easy and 10)_______________ (satisfied / satisfying). Hey! I gotta go.
This weekend I’m free and off of work. Let’s meet!

Marta: Sure! I will call you on Friday.

B. Read each paragraph describing each three food journalist’s descriptions of

different foods in food magazines. Then, answer the questions.

Almond cake
By Sofia Fonseca
For a flour-based cake, Sofia
Fonseca’s Almond Cake is
unusually rich and nutty, yet not
overly sweet. It seems to be the
various almond ingredients that
develop the flavor intensity of this
treat: almond flour, almond extract,
and toasted almonds. The batter is
composed of all three and the
cake is topped with the toasted
almond slices, which makes it
crunchy. When pulled from the
oven, the single-layer cake is
firmly moist, with a close crumb.
The real draw of the dessert is its
aroma and buttery, dense texture.
Served on its own or with a fruit
compote or whipped cream, this
mildly sweet almond cake is a star
on the dessert menu at HonesTea

Anise ‘Arepa’
Arepas are delicious corn griddle cakes
By Gabriel Perea popular in Colombia and Venezuela.
They can be salty or sweet depending
on how they are prepared. In Colombia,
there is a specific kind of arepa in each
region. Arepas can be prepared from
scratch by grinding corn, but the most
common one is with masarepa, a special
pre-cooked corn flour that is easy to
work with. Arepas work as breakfast,
lunch, dinner or snacks.

My favorite arepa is sweet and flavored

with a hint of anise. This particular
recipe mixed flour, sugar and anise
seeds. They were hand-made from
ground corn and then deep-fried. The
outside was crispy, which is the arepas
most charming characteristic. The outer
crust makes it perfect for dipping in hot
chocolate at breakfast. This dish is one
of the ‘not to be missed’ Colombian
gastronomic experiences.

People looking for a good sausage need

to get out and try the ones at Herman ze
German. Herman’s sausages are
everything a sausage should be: fatty,
juicy, and made with the highest quality
Herman ze German Sausages ingredients. The sausage chef himself
By Santiago Cruz told me that these homemade delicacies
are made of ingredients imported from
his childhood friend of Herman, another
German butcher called Fritz. You can
get Herman’s classic bratwurst (made
with pork and veal), beef sausage and
chiles (for a Mexican twist), or our
favorite – the bockwurst – made with
smoked pork. With a strong flavor, a
springy center and plenty of snap when
you bite into it, it needs no toppings.
However, for those who like to
accessorize their food, the house
ketchup and mustard, crispy onions,
sauerkraut and curry sauce are
available, too.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

1. Sofia finds the almond cake to be sickly sweet.
2. Sofia thinks it is the ingredients of the cake, not the
preparation method, that makes it taste rich.
3. Gabriel thinks the anise arepa is perfect breakfast, lunch or
4. Gabriel’s favorite part of the arepa is the crispy texture.
5. Santiago thinks that Herman ze German sausages are best
if eaten with toppings.
6. Santiago finds the delicate flavor of the sausage to be

C. Look at the sentence in bold that describes a situation in the future. Decide
whether option i, ii, or both express the situation using the correct form of the
future perfect.

1. I will finish my homework before 10:00, but I don't know exactly when.

i. I will have finished my homework by 10:00.

ii. At 9:00 I will have finished my homework.

a. Sentence i expresses the same thing as the sentence in bold.

b. Sentence ii expressed the same thing as the sentence in bold.
c. Sentences i and ii both express the same thing as the sentence in bold.

2. Her husband will get home and dinner will already be ready.

i. She is going to have cooked dinner before he arrives home.

ii. By the time he arrives home, she will have cooked dinner.

a. Sentence i expresses the same thing as the sentence in bold.

b. Sentence ii expressed the same thing as the sentence in bold.
c. Sentences i and ii both express the same thing as the sentence in bold.

3. After two hours in the oven, the cake will be ready.

i. By the time the cake has baked for two hours, it will be ready.
ii. After two hours in the oven, the cake will have baked enough.

a. Sentence i expresses the same thing as the sentence in bold.

b. Sentence ii expressed the same thing as the sentence in bold.
c. Sentences i and ii both express the same thing as the sentence in bold.
4. At the end of my baking course, I will know how to make banana cake.

i. By the time my baking course is over, I will have learned how to make
banana cake.
ii. By the time my baking course ends, I am going to have learn how to make
banana cake.

a. Sentence i expresses the same thing as the sentence in bold.

b. Sentence ii expressed the same thing as the sentence in bold.
c. Sentences i and ii both express the same thing as the sentence in bold.

D. Choose the correct option.

1. She’ll have slept / She will have sleeped for two hours by the time we
arrive to Bogota.
2. By next summer, I will have been / I’ll have be living in the Amazon for two
3. By the time the oven is ready, I’ll have chopped / I will chop all the meat
and vegetables.
4. Tomorrow after they get married, their life is going to have changed / will
have change completely.
5. By the time he graduates, he’ll have complete / he will have completed
four years of study.

E. If you are helping in the kitchen, you will probably have to take some
instructions that involve important kitchen utensils and preparation techniques.
Fill in the blanks using the appropriate words from the box.

1. Can you ______ (drain / boil) water for the tea? The pot is over there.
2. Help me serve the pasta! It is ready. Just drain the water using the strainer,
put it in the bowls that are over there and you only need to ________ (grate /
chop) the cheese on top of it.
3. I am going to __________ (fry / chop) the vegetables for the salad while you
prepare the dressing. Take the knife.
4. You can ______ (slice / mix) some bread and serve it with olive oil and
balsamic vinegar. The cutting board and the knife are on that shelf.
5. Can you _______ (fry / grill) some eggs for the kids while I _______
(squeeze / drain) the oranges for the juice?
6. Let’s make scrambled eggs, Colombian style. It is easy! You just need to (7)
______ (stir / peel) the tomato and the onion and after, you should______
(cutting / sauté) them. Then, you _______ (beat / fry) the eggs with the
whisk that is over there. Then you have to _______ (fry / pour) them into the
pan after you have _________ (sauteed / boiled) the tomatoes and the
onions. _______ (cook / slice) them for 3 to 5 minutes and (13) _______
(chop / serve) them on a plate. That’s it!

F. Choose the best verb to complete each sentence taken from a recipe.

1. _________ the carrot into slices.

a. Stir
b. Drain
c. Cut

2. You have to _______ the lasagna for 30 minutes.

a. boil
b. bake
c. fry

3. After fifteen minutes_______ the pasta until there is no water left.

a. sauté
b. boil
c. drain

4. ______the potatoes and then cut them. Put them in the frying pan for 15

a. Stir
b. Fry
c. Peel

5. ______ constantly until the mixture gets thick and creamy.

a. Drain
b. Stir
c. Pour
6. _____ the steak with salt, pepper and lemon.

a. Grill
b. Season
c. Mix

7. ______ the pasta until it is soft.

a. Drain
b. Stir
c. Boil

8. Before serving the pasta, _______ some cheese on top.

a. grate
b. cut
c. squeeze


A. Write one paragraph in which you describe your favorite hobby and one
paragraph about a task you really dislike. Use at least 5 adjectives that are
positive and 5 that are negative in explaining your feelings about the activities
and the people and things involved.

B. Many people think planning can be boring, time-consuming and useless.

Nevertheless, making a to do list can be helpful, not only to remember the things
you have to do, but to plan the times each will take and the order in which you
will do them.

1. Make a ‘to do list’ in which you write all the things you have to do for this
upcoming week.
2. Then write a letter to a friend telling him or her about the things you are going
to be doing during the next week and what order.

Remember to use future perfect at least 3 times.

C. Create a menu you can offer a foreigner who wants to get to know Colombian
food. Include 2 appetizer options, 4 main dishes and 2 desserts. Use the
cooking vocabulary you have learned throughout the unit. Use the format below
to help you.

Appetizers Desserts

Main dishes

Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert Dirección de
Asesor English Dot formación December20
Author Nicole Bruskewitz
Works - Programa profesional. 14
de bilingüismo Dirección General
Paola Andrea Centro
Copy editor - Línea September
Adaptation Bobadilla Agroindustrial
de producción 2015
Gutiérrez Regional Quindío

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