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VTFT Profile Assignment

By: Brynn Brazukas

My Teacher- Mrs. Shugrue
Numbers of years taught at schools- 4 years total at linkhorn elementary.

What school attended/degrees- Old dominion with a bachelor's degree in early

childhood education.

Previous jobs- Sales representative, preschool teacher, teachers assistant.

Teaching quote- “ If a teacher does not believe in their kids, they will not believe
in themselves.”

Teaching activities outside of school- Meetings, teaching classes and


Family- Mike- husband, sierra and cassidy- daughters, and Max her dog.
My teacher continued..
Favorite part about teaching- Being able to see her kids succeed and learn new

Least Favorite part about teaching- All of the extra meetings and paperwork after
My Profile
High School: Frank W. Cox High School
GPA: 3.9
Extra Curriculars:SCA, Cox swim team, General Assembly, IEA Riding Team.
Plans after Graduation: I plan on attending University of Tennessee for a masters
degree in special education and elementary.
Hobbies: I ride and train my horse named timmie six days a week. I compete all
year long.
Dreams: I want to become an elementary teacher right after highschool and
potentially have a family with two kids and lots of dogs. I want to have a happy life
living somewhere in Tennessee or Virginia Beach.
Family: I have a mom, dad, and 2 little brothers. I also have 2 doggies and a
horse named timmie.
My Profile Continued….
Opinion of teaching profession: We have all heard of teachers complaining about the
teaching salary, but to me it is not about the money. Teaching is about helping children
succeed and preparing them for not only academics, but for life. A good teacher cares
about his or her students and will do whatever it takes to make sure they are on the
right path.

Why VTFT?: VTFT has helped me in many ways, it has showed me what grade I know
I want to work with, it has given me joy with my classmates and the kids I work with,
and most importantly, a step ahead in my career.

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