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Communication Adaptor Driver for the IBHLink S7, IBHLink S5 ethernet

gateway and the IBHsoftec S7-SoftPLC for use with S7 for Windows®, the
IBHsoftec OPC Server and Simatic® STEP®7


1.0 Introduction
1.1 System requirements
1.2 Installation
2.0 Local operation with a S7-SoftPLC
2.1 Operation in a local area network
2.2 Operation via the Internet
3.0 Configuration of connected PLCs
3.1 IBHLink S7
3.2 IBHLink S5
4.0 Defining access names to identify the PLCs
5.0 Settings within STEP®7
6.0 Settings within STEP®7 MicroWin starting with V3.1 SP2
7.0 Using the IBHNet driver with WinCC
8.0 Using the IBHNet driver with the ProTool Pro V6 runtime
9.0 Using the IBHNet driver with WinCC Flexible
10.0 RFC1006 Communication
11.0 Change IBH Net stations with normal user rights
11.1 Registry entries for S7 for Windows® access
12.0 Accessing PLC variables
13.0 Troubleshooting
14.0 Technical Data IBH-Link S7
15.0 Technical specifications IBH Link S7 Plus
16.0 Technical specifications IBH Link S7 ++

© Copyright 1993 - 2008 IBHsoftec GmbH. All rights reserved.

Gesellschaft für Automatisierungstechnik mbH

Turmstraße 77
D - 64743 Beerfelden / Odw.
Fon +49 60 68 / 30 01
Fax +49 60 68 / 30 74

Simatic, Step5, Step7, MicroWin, WinCC, ProTool, S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, Profibus and MPI are registered trademarks of
Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich.
Windows, ActiveX are registered trademarks of Microsoft Cooperation. Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Cooperation
in the United States and other countries.
1.0 Introduction

With the IBHNet driver for the IBHLink and the S7-SoftPLC, controllers can be
easily programmed and maintained via ethernet using the TCP/IP protocol. Besides
programming and variable access, also monitoring the block status of the controller is
possible via the IBHNet driver.
The IBHNet driver can be used in conjunction with S7 for Windows®, with the IBH
OPC Server and Simatic® STEP®7. Also, the IBHNet driver enables you to gain a
direct variable access via standard programming languages like Visual Basic or
The following PLC controllers can be accessed with the IBHNet driver:
- An IBHsoftec S7-SoftPLC, operated on the same PLC.
- An IBHsoftec S7-SoftPLC, connected via a local area network, via an Intranet
or via the Internet.
- Any Simatic® S7-300® or S7-400® PLCs, connected via a local area network,
via an Intranet or via the Internet. To establish a connection of a Simatic® S7-
300® or S7-400® PLC with the ethernet network, the communication adaptor
IBHLink is required.

1.1 System requirements

To install the IBHNet driver on your PC, the following minimum requirements need to
be fulfilled by your system: The PC needs to have a 32-Bit Windows Operating
System installed. S7 for Windows supports the IBHNet driver starting with version
4.14, the IBH OPC Server starting with version 3.05. If you are using Simatic®
STEP®7, it can be used starting with version 5.1. Following operating systems are
supported: Windows95® (with Internet Explorer 5.5 and Windows Sockets 2 Update
installed), Windows98® (with Internet Explorer 5.5 installed), Windows ME® (with
Internet Explorer 5.5 installed), Windows NT4® (with Service Pack 6 and Internet
Explorer 5.5 installed), as well as Windows 2000® (with Internet Explorer 5.5
installed) and Windows XP®. Please also seek for the minimum requirements of your
STEP®7 package.

If the IBHNet driver is to be used in combination with the communication adaptor

IBHLink, please ensure to connect the IBHLink whenever possible directly to the
MPI or the Profibus connector of the Simatic® S7-300® or S7-400® PLC. If this in some
cases may not be possible, it can be necessary to externally supply the IBHLink
communication adaptor with a 24V DC supply voltage. IBHsoftec offers special
adaptors, if required.

The IBHNet network support is integrated in the S7-SoftPLC starting with version
2.10. If you are using an older version of the SoftPLC, you need to update the
SoftPLC, to gain the networking capabilities of the S7-SoftPLC.
The used PCs need to have a working network connection via TCP/IP installed. The
network names and the IP-Addresses of the used PCs need to be known by the user.
Please contact your administrator, if you do not know these numbers. As network
hardware any network adaptor that supports Windows and TCP/IP can be used. In a
local area network 100 MBit network adaptors and switches should be preferred, in
order to gain the best performance. Of course 10 MBit network adaptors can also be
used, but they will slow down operation, especially when viewing a block status.
1.2 Installation

Please make sure to be logged in as administrator, if you are planning to install the
IBHNet driver on one of the 32-Bit Windows operating systems Windows NT4®,
Windows 2000® and Windows XP®, since the setup program needs to make entries
into the Windows registry during the installation.
To install the software, please run the program Setup.exe from the CD and follow the
instructions on the screen. Please make sure, that the name of the installation folder
does not contain any spaces or other special characters, since the STEP®7 software
cannot find the driver in that case. Best is, to keep the old MS-DOS 8.3 convention
(8 Characters for the filename, 3 characters as file extension). If STEP®7 is installed
on Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP, it is required to install the
Siemens communication driver for the PC-Adapter (MPI) prior to installing the
IBHNet network driver.
Upon completion of the installation, please restart your PC. Only a complete
restart enables Windows to activate the altered settings.
After the installation, the new entry IBHNet can be found in „Start-Programs”. Run the
program „IBHNet and IBHLink Settings“ from the IBHNet menu. With this program,
the IP addresses of the connected IBHLinks can be set. The configuration screens
of the IBHNet driver can also be accessed from the menu „Set PG/PC interface“
within STEP®7.

2.0 Local operation with a S7-SoftPLC

If the programming software and the IBHsoftec SoftPLC are used on the same PC,
the IBHNet driver needs to be installed only on this PC. Enter the IP Address of the
local PC in the driver settings, to obtain access to the SoftPLC.

2.1 Operation in a local area network

If the programming software and the IBHsoftec SoftPLC are used on different PCs
in the same local area network, the IBHNet driver needs to be installed on the PC
with the programming software, as well as on the PC with the IBHsoftec SoftPLC. If
the IBHLink communication adaptor is used, it is sufficient to install the driver on the
PC with the programming software. In order to set up a connection to the PLC in the
driver settings, the IP address of the PC with the SoftPLC, respectively the IP
address of the connected IBHLink needs to be known by the user.
2.2 Operation via the Internet

If the programming software and the IBHsoftec SoftPLC are used on different PCs
in the same local area network, the IBHNet driver needs to be installed on the PC
with the programming software, as well as on the PC with the IBHsoftec SoftPLC. If
the IBHLink communication adaptor is used, it is sufficient to install the driver on the
PC with the programming software. In order to set up a connection to the PLC in the
driver settings, the IP address of the PC with the SoftPLC, respectively the IP
address of the connected IBHLink needs to be known by the user.
To be sure that the network connection is alive, please make sure that the remote
PLC can be reached via the ethernet network. The easiest way do this, is to send a
PING <IP-Address> from the DOS-Box.
Currently the SoftPLC uses the TCP ports 710, 711 and 712. If your PLC sits
behind a firewall, you need to open the appropriate ports for a communication in your
firewall-software. Consult your administrator or the documentation of your firewall on
how to permit access via certain ports. For future revisions a 16-channel
communication is planned. It may be a good idea to already configure the following
32 Ports starting at port 710 (total of 33 ports) in the firewall software. The IBHLink
uses the port 1099.
3.0 Configuration of connected PLCs

For an initial setup of the IP address, the IBH Link must be in the same network
segment as the PC with the IBHNet driver software.
From Start – Programs – IBHNet run the program „IBHNet and IBHLink Settings “. A
window as shown below will be displayed:

Since no PLC names are defined yet, an empty list will be displayed. Prior to defining
a symbolic name for the PLC, an IP address needs to be set for the connected
IBHLink. To setup or change a PLC, it is necessary to have at least default user

3.1 IBHLink S7
To do so, please click „IBHLink settings“.
In the list all IBHLink S7 that are connected to the same network segment will show
up. If no IP address has been defined yet, it will show up with the address
If no IBHLink S7 is shown in the list, it is either not in the same network segment (i.e.
cannot be reached with a broadcast) or it is not in configuration mode. In this case
please click “Search again”. A message box as shown below will be displayed:

Follow the instructions on the screen and disconnect the IBHLink S7. Re-connect it
after 2-3 seconds. 6 seconds after re-connecting it, click „OK“.
The list will be refreshed and the IBHLink S7 will be displayed in the list.

In the first 3 minutes after power on the IBHLink S7, the IP address can be set, if the
IBHLink S7 is in the same network segment.
Select the IBHLink S7 you want to configure from the list and click „Settings“.
If the selected IBHLink S7 has not got an IP address the following window will

This dialog also shows up, if IP address and network segment, between PC and
IBHLink S7 are not matching.
The IP address set in this dialog is just temporary and is exclusively to configure the
IBHLink S7 for the first time. If the IP address could set up successfully, the real
configuration dialog will be opened.

If you will not confirm the following dialog with “Save permanently”, the IP address
will be set, after the next restart of the IBHLink S7 back on the old value (

In the following dialog, set the IP address, the subnet mask and – if available – a
gateway address. If no gateway is available in the network, leave these fields empty.
Select the data transfer rate of your MPI or Profibus network. If MPI is selected
normally the setting is 187,5 kBaud. If the IBHLink is to be used on a Profibus
network, it needs to be set to the baudrate, which is configured on the CPU. For a
CPU315 2DP the standard setting is 1,5 Mbit/s. Exactly the same data transfer rate
as on the CPU needs to be chosen. If the CPU has some weird timing parameters,
an advanced profibus parameter screen can be opened to set these parameters. The
setting of these parameters can be found in the hardware configuration of the CPU.
Since the IBHLink is also a device, which is connected to the MPI/Profibus network, it
also has to have an unique MPI/Profibus address. The factory setting is address 0.
The Siemens factory setting for a programming device is 0, an Operator panel has
the address 1 and a CPU the address 2. Take care to not set a conflicting address for
the IBHLink.
Also the maximum address in the network, as configured on the CPU and the bus-
profile MPI/Profibus needs to be selected.
After all settings are made, click „Save permanently“ to save the settings in the
IBHLinks flash memory.
Follow the instructions in the appearing message box to save the settings.

Then the configuration of the IP address and the bus is completed. The IBHLink S7
can now be used.

The firmware release is also shown in the in the dialog box. By clicking “Firmware
download” the IBHLink S7 can be updated to the newest firmware release. In the
installation folder (normally C:\winnt\system32 or C:\windows\system) the file
„Nlmpi.e11“ can be found. This file holds the firmware of the IBHLink communication
adaptor. This file needs to be replaced with a file that holds a more recent firmware, if
the firmware of the adaptor is to be replaced. If “Firmware download“ is selected, you
will be asked to confirm this operation. Clicking “Yes” will start the update.

3.2 IBHLink S5
For this click the button “S5 IBHLink”.
The list is empty, after a click on the button “Suche im lokalem Netz”, which means
“Search on LAN”, all IBHLink S5 in the same network segment as your PC shows up.
If no IP address is setup, on the list the address appears.
If no IBHLink S5 shows up, it is not in the same network segment or not in
configuring mode. In this case click on “Suche bestimmte Adresse”, which means
“Search given address”. The following dialog shows up:

Enter the IP address of the IBHLink S5 you want to configure and press “suchen”,
which means “search”.

Select the IBHLink S5 you want to configure and press the button “Einstellungen …”,
which means “Setup”.
In the following dialog enter the PLC name (Gerätename), the S5-PG-Port, the S5-
Server-Port, the network segment (Subnet-Maske) in which the IBHLink S5 is used
and the address of a possibly existing gateway.
If there is no gateway available, leave these fields empty.

After you entered all your settings, click on “OK”. The IBHLink S5 now has the new IP
address and can be, if your PC is in the same network segment, found as described
before in the S5LANMangager.

The Firmware of the connected adapter is shown in the dialog field too. After
pressing the button “Firmware laden”, which means “Load firmware”, the IBHLink S5
can be setup to the updated state. It will open an open data dialog, in it you can
search for the new firmware version on your PC. After quitting the dialog with “open”
the firmware update starts.
4.0 Defining access names to identify the PLCs

By defining a symbolic name for the PLC, it is not necessary to always remember the
IP addresses of the CPU. In the next step, we will assign the IBHLinks IP address to
a symbolic name for the PLC.

From Start – Programs – IBHNet run the program „IBHNet and IBHLink Settings“.
The screen as shown below will be displayed:

In the list, existing stations can be selected. If “Change Station” is clicked, changes
can be applied to definitions of already existing stations. The buttons “S7 IBHLink“
and “S5 IBHLink” will lead back to the settings of the IBHLink S7/S5, as already
discussed in section 3.
We assume, that no station has yet been defined. Click “New Station” to define a new
symbolic name. The dialog below will appear:
Enter the IP address of the IBHLink S7, IBHLink S5 or the SoftPLC. A selection
needs to be made, which type of device it is. Enter a time for a connection timeout.
For Step7 a time about 2000 ms has approved, for ProTool CS 4000 ms, for ProTool
RT or OPC Servers use 1000 ms. For an S7-300/400 or OP it needs to be chosen,
whether the IBHLink S7 is connected to the MPI or Profibus interface. For the S7-200
the PPI interface needs to be selected. Additionally you can choose if you want to
test your network connectivity with a “ping” before you connect. This should be done
if you can not be sure about the reliability of your cable connection. If firewalls and/or
routers are used, it might be necessary to disable that option. With ProTool RT or
OPC Servers “Test network connectivity” should always be activated.

Type a unique name for the PLC and click „Apply“. The dialog will close upon clicking

If “S5 IBHLink” is selected, the “Advanced connection settings” will change. Of course
the IBHLink S5 can not be used for S7-PG-functions. With the IBHNet drivers it is
only possible to read/write data in an S5-PLC via IBHNet object using Delphi,
VisualBasic a.s.o.. For using PG functions with S5 software separate drivers are
supplied with the IBHLink S5.

Enter the port you setup on 3.2 in the field “S5-PG-Port”.

A valid licence need to be entered in order to use the IBHLink S5. The licence
information is supplied with the IBHLink S5. To enter the licence information press
“Enter registration”. It will open the following dialog:
Attention: Minimum requirements are at least default user rights to complete this
step successfully.

Enter your name and company. In the field “Serial number” enter the serial number of
the IBHLink S5 in the following format: “S5L-XXXXXX-XXXX”. Then enter the PIN
supplied with your IBHLink S5. If you do not have a valid serial number and/or PIN
code, please contact our support. If all information is correct, “Add licence” will
activate itself. To apply your registrations press this button. Attention: Every serial
number can be entered only once. With a click on “Exit” all entered changes are
committed, if the dialog is closed by pressing “[x]” all changes are lost.

By clicking “Language” in the “IBH Network settings” window, the user interface
language can be chosen. The software needs to be restarted to apply the changes.

After all names for the PLC have been defined, these can be chosen by selecting the
symbolic name, since the IP address is assigned to that name. The dialog below
shows, how to select a PLC from STEP®7.
5.0 Settings within STEP®7

Once the installation and configuration of the IBHNet driver has been completed
successfully, please run your copy of STEP®7. To choose IBHNet as communication
driver, select „Extras – Set PG/PC interface“ from the STEP®7 menu bar.
Alternatively "Set PG/PC interface“ can also be accessed via the Windows control

Starting with Version 1.19 of the IBHNet network driver, the installation of the
Siemens driver for the PC-Adapter (MPI) for the Siemens STEP®7 software is not
required any more. It simply appears in the list.
Select IBHNet as your default communication driver.

Click „properties“ to select an already defined PLC or „IBH Network Settings“ to

define a new name for a PLC.
Confirm your selection by clicking „OK“. When closing the dialog “Set PG/PC
interface”, STEP®7 will inform you that driver selections have been altered.
If you are using an IBHLink, the configuration is now complete.

If a SoftPLC in the version 2.x is used, the option „TCP/IP“ (available starting with
version 2.10) needs to be selected. To apply the settings, the SoftPLC needs to be
With the current Version 3.x of the SoftPLC the TCP/IP protocols are ON by default.
A separate driver installation and/or configuration is not required with the SoftPLC
Version 3.x.

All required settings are completed. The PLC can now be reached by the Simatic®
Manager via the IBHLink. Access to the PLC or the SoftPLC will now be performed
via TCP/IP.
The IBHLink displays the real MPI respectively Profibus address of the PLC. To work
with hardware PLC – as you would with a PC Adaptor – the address of the CPU need
to be selected. The SoftPLC always shows the MPI address 2. Work with the
Simatic® Manager, as you are used to.
6.0 Settings within STEP®7 MicroWin starting with V3.1 SP2

After successful installation and configuration of the IBHNet driver, please run your
copy of STEP®7 MicroWin. For configuring please select “View-Communication”
Alternatively you can also select „Communication“ from the left bar.

If STEP®7 MicroWin is installed on the operating systems Windows NT4, Windows

2000 and Windows XP, the Siemens driver for the PC-Adapter (MPI) needs to be
installed. If the PC-Adapter (MPI) is not installed, the IBHNet network driver will not
show in the list.
Double click on the adaptor, which is displayed as a circuit board to open the dialog
„Set PG/PC interface“. Select IBHNet(PPI) as desired driver.

Click „Properties“ to select an already configured PLC or, via „IBH Network settings“
add a new PLC to the list.
Save your settings by confirming „Ok“.

All required settings are completed. The PLC can now be reached by the STEP®7
MicroWin software via the IBHLink. Access to the PLC will now be performed via
The IBHLink shows the real address of the PLC. In order to work with the PLC, you
need to select the PPI address, you want to work with. Then you can work with
STEP®7 MicroWin as usual.

There is one difference, if the baudrate of the CPU changes, because the SDB has
been transferred to the CPU with a different setting in the baudrate. At the end of the
transmission, the communication will fail due to the changed baudrate. However, the
transmission has been completed successfully. Disconnect the IBHLink from the PLC
and terminate STEP®7 MicroWin. After restarting STEP®7 MicroWin first of all, the
adaptor has to be set to the new baudrate, prior to any access to the plc. At this pint,
it is a good idea to verify all settings and – to make sure - confirm these.
7.0 Using the IBHNet driver with WinCC

To use the IBHNet driver with WinCC, please follow the instructions step by step.
- Install WinCC and make sure, the installation was successful.
- Now install the IBHNet driver.
- Configure the IBHLink and specify the the PLC Names and their
- From the control panel open the „Set PG/PC interface“ dialogbox and.
select „IBHNet (MPI)“. In the properties dialog choose the previously . . .
configured PLC.
- Use some programming software to make sure that the connected PLC .
is available. If no programming software is available, the Visual Basic .
samples that come with the driver may ba used for testing. The .
samples may be found in „C:\IBH softec GmbH\IBH_Net\samples“.
- Now we are sure the PLC is available. Start WinCC and create a new.
- To make configuration changes, the project must not be active. Make .
sure to deactivate the project.

- Highlight the „Tag Manager“ and right click. From the context menu, .
select „Add New Driver“.
- From the list the driver „SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite.CHN“ needs to be chosen.

- After selecting the driver, the communicatione listed below are .

available. Please select the branch „MPI“.
- Before a PLC may be added, the communication parameters need to be set.
Right clicking the branch "MPI" opens a context menu. Select „System

- Now set the communication parameters as shown in the two screens below. In
the register „Unit“ now the driver „IBHNet (MPI)“ may be chosen. Please make
sure to assign a PLC via „Set PG-PC interface“ from the control panel.
- To create a PLC, „MPI“ needs to be highlighted again. From the context menu,
choose „New Driver Connection“.

- In next dialog a name may be entered for the PLC. WinCC will use this name.
- After the PLC has a name, the „Properties“ needs to be opened. Here the MPI
address and Rack/Slot nubers of the CPU need to be entered. In the sample a
PLC on rack 0, slot 2 with the MPI address 2 is used. Disable the option
„Send/Receive raw data block“.
- Now variables for WinCC may be entered. Save your project and verify your
settings after restarting the project.

In case of questions and/or comments, please contact our product support.

8.0 Using the IBHNet driver with the ProTool Pro V6 runtime

To use the IBHNet driver with ProTool, please follow the instructions step by step.
- Install ProTool and make sure, the installation was successful.
- Now install the IBHNet driver.
- Configure the IBHLink and specify the the PLC Names and their connections.
- From the control panel open the „Set PG/PC interface“ dialogbox and select
„IBHNet (MPI)“. In the properties dialog choose the previously configured PLC.

- Use some programming software to make sure that the connected PLC is
available. If no programming software is available, the Visual Basic samples
that come with the driver may ba used for testing. The samples may be found
in „C:\IBH softec GmbH\IBH_Net\samples“.
- Now we are sure the PLC is available. Start ProTool and create a new project.
- In the newly created project, select the item „PLC control“. For the protocol
Simatic S7-300/400 V6.0 needs to be chosen. The PLC may have any name !
- Verify the parameters.

- The next screen shows the creation of a boolean variable. For the PLC, select
the newly created PLC, here "IBH_Link".
- After all settings are made, the ProTool Pro runtime engine should be able to
communicate with the PLC.

9.0 Using the IBHNet driver with WinCC Flexible

To use the IBHNet driver with WinCC Flexible, please follow the instructions step by
- Install WinCC Flexible and make sure, the installation was successful.
- Now install the IBHNet driver.
- Configure the IBHLink and specify the the PLC Names and their connections.
- From the control panel open the „Set PG/PC interface“ dialogbox and select
„IBHNet (MPI)“. In the properties dialog choose the previously configured PLC.
- Use some programming software to make sure that the connected PLC is
available. If no programming software is available, the Visual Basic samples
that come with the driver may be used for testing. The samples may be found
in „C:\IBH softec GmbH\IBH_Net\samples“.
- Now we are sure the PLC is available. Start WinCC Flexible and create a new
- For the protocol Simatic S7-300/400 needs to be chosen.
- After the project is entirely created, verify the parameters in the tree
"Communication - Connections". Be sure to disable "Cyclic operation".

The next screen shows the creation of a boolean variable. For the PLC, select the
newly created PLC, here "Connection_1".

- After all settings are made, the WinnCC Flexible runtime should be able to
communicate with the PLC.
10.0 RFC1006 Communication

In order to communicate via RFC1006 with the IBH Link S7 or IBH Link S7 Plus like
with a Siemens CP343/443, the "RFC1006 to IBHLink" converter service can be
started on the local PC or on a PC in the network. Visualizations (HMI) or other
applications, that would normally communicate via RFC1006 with a Siemens
CP343/443 can talk to the IBH Link S7 or IBH Link S7 Plus this way. The connection
will be established from the HMI to the PC with the "RFC1006 to IBHLink" converter
service. The converter translates the requests into the IBH Link S7 or IBH Link S7
Plus protocol and routes them to the PLC.

The RFC communication takes place via the TCP Port 102. The Siemens "SIMATIC
IEPG Help Service (s7oiehsx.exe)" or the CP emulation of the IBHsoftec S7-SoftPLC
may have already occupied this port. Make sure the port is free.

Starting the RFC to IBHLink converter via the Start menu enables configuration.
Clicking the icon left to the clock in the taskbar opens the configuration dialogs. If
configuration is finished, the startup of the service can be set to "Automatic" with the
Windows service control manager "Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services". If
started as service, only status dialogs can be opened. To go back to configuration,
the Service must be stopped and the converter must be started via the Windows
Start menu.

To create a connection, click "Create/Edit conection". Connections can be exported

and also be imported. The dialog below is used to Create/Edit connections:
The RFC1006 communication defines TSAPs to identify connection definitions.
Normally those are set up as a combination of Rack/Slot number of the PLC and the
HMI. User defined TSAPs are also possible. The assignement between the TSAPs to
the connected IBHNet station and its relative PLC must be unique. If unsure which
TSAPs are sent by the Visualization/HMI, the user can try to establish a connection
from the HMI to the "RFC1006 to IBHLink converter" service. It shows the last
requested TSAPS from the HMI in the configuration dialog. Accepting these TSAPs
into the current configuration is also possible. The "RFC1006 to IBHLink converter" is
ready, as soon as all configuration dialogs were exited with "OK".

The status dialog shows the currently established connections and a telegram
11.0 Change IBH Net stations with normal user rights

Open the Registry Editor with administrative rights:

<Start> <Run> regedt32

Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBH softec GmbH\ and

highlight the key IBHNet

Right-click and select <Permissions...>:

Select <Full Control> for the desired user.

11.1 Registry entries for S7 for Windows® access

Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBH softec GmbH\S5W-

Connect\ and highlight the key S7WILINK

Right-click and select <Permissions...>:

Select <Full Control> for the desired user.

12.0 Accessing PLC variables
The IBHNet network driver ships with an object, which allows access to variables of
the PLC. This COM-Server can be used in any programming language, such as
VisualBasic, Delphi a.s.o..

Its interface name is IIIBHnet. In VisualBasic for instance, it is presented as IBHNet

1.0 Type Library from the menu „Project – References “. To access variables from
the PLC the methods and properties listed below are available:

S5 S7 SoftSPS SoftSPS S7
Methods of the interface 300/400 V2.x V3.x 200
FirstStation(BSTR* pVal) X X X X X
NextStation(BSTR* pVal) X X X X X
Connect([in, string] BSTR Station,[in] long X X X X X
Disconnect() X X X X X
ReadVal(long typ,long nr,long DBNr,long size, X X X X X
long *val)
ReadVals(long typ,long nr,long DBNr,long X X X X X
size,SAFEARRAY(unsigned char) vals)
WriteVal(long typ, long nr, long DBNr, long X X X X X
size, long val)
WriteVals(long typ, long nr, long DBNr, long X X X X X
size,SAFEARRAY(unsigned char) vals)
PLC_Store() - - - X -
PLC_Restore() - - - X -

Properties of the interface

PLC_Run([out, retval] BOOL *pVal) X X - X -
PLC_Version([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_Cycles([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_Stop([in] BOOL newVal) X X - X -
PLC_Run_OB100([in] BOOL newVal) X X - X -
PLC_Run_OB101([in] BOOL newVal) X X - X -
PLC_Terminate([in] BOOL newVal) - - - X -
PLC_SerialNr([out, retval] BSTR *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_Name([out, retval] BSTR *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_Firma([out, retval] BSTR *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_Mlfb([out, retval] BSTR *pVal) X X - X -
PLC_CycleAct([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_CycleMin([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_CycleMax([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_JitterMax([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_JitterAct([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_Load([in] long newVal) - - - X -
PLC_InitPath([out, retval] BSTR *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_MemTotal([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
PLC_MemFree([out, retval] long *pVal) - - - X -
Station(long Nr, [out, retval] BSTR* pVal) - X X X -

Properties to access Variables

MD(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
MD(long nr, [in] long newVal)
MW(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
MW(long nr, [in] long newVal)
MB(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
MB(long nr, [in] long newVal)
M(long nr,long bit, [out, retval] BOOL *pVal) X X X X X
M(long nr,long bit, [in] BOOL newVal)
ED(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
ED(long nr, [in] long newVal)
EW(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
EW(long nr, [in] long newVal)
EB(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
EB(long nr, [in] long newVal)
E(long nr,long bit, [out, retval] BOOL *pVal) X X X X X
E(long nr,long bit, [in] BOOL newVal)
AD(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
AD(long nr, [in] long newVal)
AW(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
AW(long nr, [in] long newVal)
AB(long nr, [out, retval] long *pVal) X X X X X
AB(long nr, [in] long newVal)
A(long nr,long bit, [out, retval] BOOL *pVal) X X X X X
A(long nr,long bit, [in] BOOL newVal)
DD(long DBNr,long nr, [out, retval] long X X X X X
DD(long DBNr,long nr, [in] long newVal)
DW(long DBNr,long nr, [out, retval] long X X X X X
DW(long DBNr,long nr, [in] long newVal)
DB(long DBNr,long nr, [out, retval] long X X X X X
DB(long DBNr,long nr, [in] long newVal)
D(long DBNr,long nr,long bit, [out, retval] X X X X X
BOOL *pVal)
D(long DBNr,long nr,long bit, [in] BOOL
System – functions
ResetDevice(BSTR device); - X X X X
Key_Position([out, retval] long *pVal); - X - X -
LifeList(BSTR device, VARIANT * - X X X X
SZ_List(long SZL_ID, long INDEX, VARIANT - X - X -
* SZ_List);
TerminateDriver(); - X X X X
Extended functions and .NET
Connect_DP(BSTR Station, long DPAdr, - X - - -
long Rack, long Slot)
Subnet_Connect_DP(BSTR Station, long - X - - -
MPIStart, long MPIZiel, long RackZiel,
long SlotZiel, long Subnet_HH, long
Subnet_Connect_IP(BSTR Station, long - X - - -
MPIStart, BSTR IPZiel, long RackZiel,
long SlotZiel, long Subnet_HH, long
SubnetConnectH1(BSTR Station, long - X - - -
MPIStart, BSTR H1Ziel, long RackZiel,
long SlotZiel, long Subnet_HH, long
ReadDB(long DBNr, VARIANT*DB, long * X X X X X
WriteDB(long DBNr, VARIANT DB, long Len) X X X X X
DotNetReadVals(long typ, long nr, long X X X X X
DBNr, long size, VARIANT * vals)
DotNetWriteVals(long typ, long nr, long X X X X X
DBNr, long size, VARIANT vals)
In the installation folder of the IBHNet driver, samples for Visual Basic 6 can be
found. The samples are commented. Samples for other programming languages will
follow. Contact our product support to ask for more samples.

Following error codes will be returned:

Errorcode Description
1 netpcomv.CreateInstance failed
2 netpcomv.MPI_open failed
3 netpcomv.MPI_ConnRequest failed
4 connection request to SoftPlc failed
5 netpcomv.MPI_close failed
If accessing a variable fails, still an exception will be raised.
13.0 Troubleshooting

Q: The property dialogs will not show in the Simatic® Manager:

A: Make sure, that you had administrative rights during installation. After the
installation, the PC must be restarted. Make sure to have at least version 5.1 of the
Simatic® Manager.
Run the MS-DOS prompt and go to the installation folder of the IBHNet driver,
normally \WINNT\SYSTEM32 or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Type the following
Regsvr32.exe ibh_Netpd.dll
Regsvr32.exe ibh_Netpdl.dll
Regsvr32.exe ibh_Netpdldp.dll
Regsvr32.exe ibh_Netpdlppi.dll
Regsvr32.exe ibh_Netspl.dll
Regsvr32.exe ibhnet.dll
As result a message box should show "Dll Register Server Succeeded".
Run the program IBH_Netpcom.exe with the option –RegServer.
Example: C:\Winnt\System32> IBH_NETPCOM.EXE -RegServer
No error message should appear.

Q: With some older versions of Windows 95, the file „IBH_NetPcom.exe“ can not be
correctly registered during installation.
A: Your Windows95 lacks the Update for „Windows Sockets 2“. This can be
downloaded from Microsoft free of charge. The filename is:

Q: When accessing a PLC, I get an error message.

A: Make sure, that the IP address is correctly entered in the driver settings. If a
SoftPLC is used, make sure to have TCP/IP selected in the SoftPLC dialog box. With
the command PING <IP address> from the MS-DOS prompt, verify that the IBHLink
respectively the PC that holds the SoftPLC can be reached via the Ethernet network.

Q: When using a SoftPLC, no Stations are displayed in the Simatic® Manager.

A: Make sure to have TCP/IP selected in the SoftPLC dialog box. Altering the
settings require a restart of the SoftPLC to apply the settings. If no changes are
applied, probably the file PLC43.INI in the installation folder of the SoftPLC is write

Q: The driver IBHNet does not show in the properties dialog „Set PG/PC interface“ of
the STEP7® software.
A: Install the driver for the serial adaptor „PC-Adaptor (MPI)“, since this adaptor pre-
installs basic functions required by the IBHNet driver.

Q: In the properties dialog of the STEP7® software, the no properties for the IBHNet
can be opened:
A: During the installation pathnames have been used, that do not match the MS-DOS
8.3 convention. The name of the installation path must not have spaces and/or other
special characters.
Q: During the transfer with ProTool I get the message „Server is busy“, and it looks
as if ProTool hangs.
A: The timeout for the IBHLink is set to a too high value. If the timeout is > 4
seconds, this message may show up.

Q: The adaptor is connected to the profibus, but there are no online functions
A: Verify the timing parameters for the Profibus in the Step7 project. Look at the
properties of your profibus and write down the timing parameters. Enter the values
read from the Step7 project in the „advanced“ screen of the baudrate settings for the
IBHLink adaptor. If there is still no online communication possible, increase the
parameter „Ttr“ (Target Rotation Time) as well in the IBHLink and on the CPU by

14.0 Technical Data IBH-Link S7

The IBHLink is an ethernet gateway. IBHLink fits in a DSub-housing. It consists of a

complete fieldbus master together with a 10/100 MBit/s ethernet interface which uses
Auto-Negotiation to determine the speed of the network ist is connected to.

Due to the design in a D-Sub housing the IBHLink can be directly attached on the
fieldbus-connector of a MPI-capable device. The IBHLink is connected to the next
hub or switch by a 3m long STP-cable.

To connect the IBHLink directly to a PC, you have to use a cross-over cable.

The IBHLink is directly supplied over its MPI interface.

The configuration takes place over ethernet. Therefore you have to start IBHNet on a
PC which is connected to the same ethernet segment like the IBHLink.

A diagnosis channel to the IBHLink is established over a defined TCP/IP port. The
configuration is stored in a flash memory inside the IBHLink.
Drawing :

pin signal explanation

1 - unused
2 DGND reference potential
3 RxD / TxD-P receive- / send-data-P
4 - unused
5 DGND reference potential
6 - unused
7 VP supply voltage 24 V
8 RxD / TxD-N receive- / send-data-N
9 - unused

For the connection of the IBHLink to the MPI interface of a Siemens S7 or another
MPI-capable device no connection-cable is needed. The IBHLink is directly attached
on the MPI interface of the device.

No external power supply is needed, the IBHLink is supplied by the MPI interface.

- Due to its compact size, the IBHLink does not have a reverse voltage
- Some PLCs may have a temporary error condition on the the
MPI/Profibus for the startup period of the internal profibus chip, if the
IBHLink is connected in an angular position. If the IBHLink needs to be
connected to a PLC that reacts sensitive to this behaviour, the IBHLink
must only be connected in powerless state of the PLC.

RJ45 connector

pin signal explanation

1 TX+ send-data
2 TX- send-data
3 RX+ receive-data
4 - unused
5 - unused
6 RX- receive-data
7 - unused
8 - unused
Connection with Hub/Switch

IBHLink Hub / Switch PC

LED Controls
RDY / RUN red Flashing (1 Hz) Bootloader active
Flashing fast (10 Hz) Booting, Firmware gets initialized
On Ready, IP-Address set
Flashing irregular no IP-Address or Address exists in the network
Flashing fast (10 Hz) Firmware-Update in Progress
Link LED On Connection to the ethernet is up
Off No connection to the ethernet

Technical Data

speed 10 / 100 MBit/s
interface 10 / 100 Base-TX
Connector RJ45

PROFIBUS-Interface RS485, max 12 MBaud

PROFIBUS-Interface according to EN 50170

supply voltage +24 V / 50 mA

operating temperature 0 °C - 50 °C
IP 20
dimensions 65 x 48 x 16 mm
weight ~ 140 g with cable
15.0 Technical specifications IBH Link S7 Plus


The following figure indicates the connections X1, X2 and X3 of the IBH Link S7 Plus.

Connection Description

X1 Power Supply
1 Ground
2 24V

X2 Front Connection
X3 Cable Connection
LED Controls

RDY = Ready

yellow Static On
Device is ready
yellow Flashing cyclic at 1 Hz
Device is in bootloader mode and is waiting for firmware download
yellow Flashing cyclic at 5 Hz
Firmware download is in progress
yellow Flashing irregular (*)
Hardware or heavy runtime error detected
Device has no power supply or hardware defect

(*) 3 times fast at 5 Hz, 8 times between 0,5 Hz and 1 Hz

RUN = Communication

green Static On
communication is running
green Flashing irregular (*)
Power Up: Configuration missing or faulty, device needs commissioning
No Communication

(*) 3 times fast at 5 Hz, 8 times between 0,5Hz and 1Hz

ERR = Error

red Static On
Communication error on PROFIBUS
No communication error or PROFIBUS

STA = Status

yellow On
Device is holding the PROFIBUS token and is able to transmit telegrams
yellow Flashing acyclic (**)
Device is sharing the PROFIBUS token with other master devices
in the PROFIBUS network
Device is not configured or has not received the Token permission
on the PROFIBUS network

(**) between 0,5 Hz and 100 Hz

ACT = Activity

yellow On
The device has a link to Ethernet

yellow Flashing
The device sends/receive Ethernet frames

The Device has no link to Ethernet
X2 Ethernet Interface

Ethernet pinning at the RJ45 female connector:

Pin Signal Meaning

1 TD+ Receive Data +

2 TD– Receive Data –
3 RD+ Transmit Data +
4 n.c. not used
5 n.c. not used
6 RD– Transmit Data –
7 n.c. not used
8 n.c. not used

Ethernet Connection Data

Topology Star Topology

Medium 4 x 2 Twisted Pair copper cable Cat 3 (10 MBit/s), Cat 5

(100 MBit/s)

Length of cable to the Device or to the next Hub and Switch respectively

Transmission rate 10 MBit/s / 100 MBit/s

Direct Connection Connection via Hub/Switch

Technical data

Protection Class IP 20
Cable Connection Cable length 2 m
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715
Weight ca. 200 g with Cable
Operating Temperature 0°C – 50°C

Ethernet Interface

Transmission rate 10 / 100 MBit/s

Interface max. 100 Base-TX potential free
Connector RJ45 male connector
Dimensions (L x W x H) 65 x 25 x 100 mm


Transmission rate RS485, max 12 MBit/s

Power supply 18.....30 VDC / 100 mA
Dimensions (L x W x H) 55 x 16 x 60 mm

The IBH Link S7 Plus requires 24 VDC at X1 (see draft section 6.0).
Pay attention to polarity.
16.0 Technical specifications IBH Link S7 ++

- 16 PC-connections at the same time
- 32 MPI® / DP-connections at the same time
- Automatic Baudrate-detection
- RFC1006
- Diagnostic LEDs
- PG(PU)-Connector
- RJ45-Connector
- Power supply from the MPI® / DP interface
- Connection also to passive nodes with power supply via integrated 24V connector


Ethernet Interface
Ethernet pinout of the RJ45 female connector:

Pin Signal Meaning

1 TD+ Receive Data +
2 TD– Receive Data –
3 RD+ Transmit Data +
4 n.c. not used
5 n.c. not used
6 RD– Transmit Data –
7 n.c. not used
8 n.c. not used
Ethernet Connection Data

Topology Star Topology

Medium 4 x 2 Twisted Pair copper cable Cat 3 (10 MBit/s),
Cat 5 (100 MBit/s)
Length of 100m to the Device or to the next Hub and Switch respectively
rate 10 MBit/s / 100 MBit/s

Direct Connection Connection via Hub/Switch

Technical data
10 / 100 MBit/s
Interface max. 100 Base-TX potential free
Connector RJ45 female connector
RS485, max. 12 MBit/s

The IBH Link S7 ++ only requires 24 VDC if not supplied by the PLC.
Pay attention to polarity!

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