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V5 Rules Errata 2.

Chapter 2 Added “Most Nosferatu do not breach the Mas-
querade by just being seen. They are perceived by
The Hunt (p. 44): mortals to be grotesque and often terrifying, but
Change “Lars gets only two successes, so Sandra not supernaturally so.”
spends a couple of hours calling people with exactly
zero to show for it (the Storyteller set the difficulty
to four).” to “The Storyteller set the difficulty to four. Chapter 5
Lars gets only two successes, so Sandra spends a couple
of hours calling people with exactly zero to show for Opposition (p. 119, first bullet point):
it.” Change “Decide on a Difficulty according to the table
above” to “Decide on a Difficulty according to the
Chapter 3 table below.”

Endings and Beginnings (p. 57):

Change “no Kindred of 13th generation or lower is Chapter 6
welcome in the Camarilla.” to “no Kindred of 14th
generation or lower is welcome in the Camarilla.” Set You Attributes (p. 144):
Change “Then pick four Attributes at three dots, and
Blood Bond (p. 58): three Attributes at two dots.” to “Then pick three
Change “a mystical power relationship between two Attributes at three dots, and four Attributes at two
individual vampires, where one has partaken of the dots.”
other’s Blood thrice; accepting Blood from a vampire
is an acknowledgment of their mastery.” to “a mystical Choose a Loresheet (p. 151):
power relationship between two individual vampires, Added “At Storyteller discretion, players may pur-
or a vampire and a mortal, where one has partaken of chase dots in additional Loresheets during gameplay.”
the other’s Blood thrice; accepting Blood from a vam-
pire is an acknowledgment of their mastery.” Farmer (p. 177):
Change “Gain the Feeding Flaw: (••) Vegan.” to “Gain
Prince (p. 57): the Feeding Flaw: (••) Farmer.”
Change “The term can refer to a Kindred of either
sex.” to “The term is gender neutral.” Feeding (p. 181):
Change “Flaw: (••) Vegan.” to “Flaw: (••) Farmer.”.

Folkloric Bane (p. 182):

Chapter 4 Change “Two-point folkloric banes include:” to “a
coven of elder Mawali would be a four-dot Mawla
Nosferatu Bane (p. 85):
Change “Revolting Flaw” to “Repulsive Flaw”.
Change “In addition, any attempt to disguise Mawla (p. 192):
themselves as human incur a penalty” to “In Change “a character might be a two-dot Bond Junkie
addition, any attempt to disguise themselves as with Short Bond” to “a character might be a Bond
non-deformed incur a penalty”. Junkie with Short Bond”.

September 6, 2019
V5 Rules Errata 2.0
Mawla (p. 192): Ghouls (p. 234):
Change “a coven of elder Mawali would be a three-dot Change “A mortal who drinks a vampire’s Blood be-
Mawla group” to “a coven of elder Mawali would be a comes something both more and less than human, for
four-dot Mawla group”. a time. Derisively called a ghoul by western vampires
the mortal gains a smidgeon of the power of a true
Status (p. 194): vampire.” to “A mortal or animal who drinks a vam-
Change “Notorious” to “Suspect”. pire’s Blood becomes something both more and less
than what they are, for a time. Derisively called a ghoul
Chapter 7 by western vampires the imbiber gains a smidgeon of
the power of a true vampire.”.
Bite Attacks (p. 213): Change “The effects are temporary, however, and if
Updated section: “Vampires can use their fangs as weaned off vampire Blood, the mortal deteriorates
weapons during a Brawl-based attack. To attempt a rapidly, as the years catch up with their halted aging.”
bite attack, the players must declare their intention to “The effects are temporary, however, and if weaned
to bite before rolling their dice. They can do so in two off vampire Blood, the imbiber deteriorates rapidly, as
ways: either by succeeding in a grapple contest (p. 301) the years catch up with their halted aging.”.
or directly with a Strength + Brawl called shot with a Change “A Rouse Check’s worth of vitae bestows
1-success penalty. Unless part of a grapple, bite attacks the following benefits to a mortal for approximate-
are easier to defend against and harder to target on ly a month: The mortal gains the first dot in their
exposed flesh. master’s highest-rated discipline, along with a single
level 1 power possessed by the vampire.” to “A Rouse
A win on the roll lodges the attacker’s fangs into their Check’s worth of vitae bestows the following benefits
victim, treating the foe as grappled and dealing them to a mortal or animal for approximately a month: The
exactly two Aggravated Health damage despite the master grants the mortal the first dot from one of the
margin of success or the damage modifier. The bitten disciplines the master knows, along with a single level
foe can escape through a contest of Strength + Brawl 1 power possessed by the vampire.”.
as per the rules of grappling, whereas the attacker
may continue biting without the called shot penalty Effects of Diablerie (p. 241):
to their Bite Attack pool. Feeding does one point of Change “They persist for a year, or if the diablerist’s
Aggravated Health damage to mortals per turn as well generation was lower than their prey’s, they persist
as slake 1 Hunger for the feeder. Against a vampire for a number of years equal to the original difference
target, a feeding attack increases the target’s Hunger in generation” to “They persist for a year, or if the
(as per Feeding from Other Vampires, above), instead. diablerist’s generation was higher than their prey’s,
they persist for a number of years equal to the original
Other creatures are also capable of Bite Attacks, but difference in generation”.
only Vampires deal Aggravated Health damage”. Change “They must then roll a contest of Humanity
+ their own Blood Potency vs. the victim’s Resolve
Stakes (p. 221): + Blood Potency. Every success gives the diablerist 5
Added “In circumstances where time and disturbance experience points to immediately spend on increasing
is not a factor, no roll is required to stake an incapac- Blood Potency (to a maximum up to the victim’s Blood
itated or sleeping vampire, at the Storyteller’s discre- Potency) or on disciplines known by the victim.”
tion.” to “They must then roll a

September 6, 2019
V5 Rules Errata 2.0
contest of Humanity + their own Blood Potency vs. the the user information on the exact type of creature
victim’s Resolve + Blood Potency. Even if the diablerist (for example, a werewolf), as well as their Hunger (or
fails this contest to assert control, every success rolled equivalent) level, and their Resonance.”
on the Humanity + Blood Potency roll gives them 5
experience points to immediately spend on increasing Auspex (p. 249):
Blood Potency (to a maximum up to the victim’s Blood Add “Level 3” header prior to Scry the Soul.
Potency) or on disciplines known by the victim.”.
Prowess (p. 264):
Damaging or Destroying Touchstones (p. 240): Change “When activated, add the Potence rating of
Change “Of course, any Storyteller worth their salt the user to their unarmed damage value as well as
creates story and drama that puts pressure on the to feats of Strength.” to “When activated, add the
player to decide between harming their Touchstone Potence rating of the user to their unarmed damage
and achieving some vampiric goal.” to “Of course, any value as well as to feats of Strength, and add half their
Storyteller worth their salt creates story and drama Potence rating (round up) to their Melee damage.”.
that puts pressure on the player to decide between
preserving their Touchstone and achieving some vam- Brutal Feed (p. 264):
piric goal.”. Change “In combat, Brutal Feed comes immediately
after a successful Brawl attack using fangs.” to “The
Humanity Table (p. 241): victim first takes bite damage, followed by a number
“Humanity 7” appears twice. Second instance from top of automatically successful feeding actions up to the
should read “Humanity 5”. user’s Potence rating. Against vampires, the number of
feeding actions is halved (round down).”
Losing the Last Drop (p. 241): Change “Armor does not protect against Brutal Feed,
Change “All their Attributes and scores increase to as the wounds are, or at least begin as, mainly inter-
5 for that scene;” to “All their Physical Attributes nal.” to “Of course, Armor may protect from the bite
increase to 5 for that scene;” itself, as normal.”

Chapter 8 Fist of Caine (p. 266):

Change “Duration: One turn” to “Duration: One
Using Powers (p. 244): scene”.
Added “Add the bonus from Blood Potency and
Intense Temperament (p. 228) only to the user’s dice Lingering Kis (p. 267):
pools that directly benefit from Disciplines adding Change “Mortals fed upon by the user become ad-
dice or that use the Discipline as one of the Traits of dicted to the Kiss” to “Victims fed upon by the user
the roll. If multiple Disciplines enhance the same roll, become addicted to the Kiss”.
such as Eyes of the Beast (Protean 1) and Daunt (Pres- Change “Mortals often become anemic, self-harm, or
ence 1), only add the bonus once.”. even die from this addiction, but vampires find it a
useful power for cultivating a herd.” to “Mortals often
Sense the Beast (p. 245): become anemic, self-harm, or even die from this ad-
Change “On a win, a critical gives the user informa- diction, but vampires find it a useful power for culti-
tion on the exact type of creature, as well as their vating a herd and empowering their favored associates.
Hunger or Rage level” to “On a win, a critical gives Addicting other vampires

September 6, 2019
V5 Rules Errata 2.0
is also possible, with the caveat that obsessed vampires Characteristics (p. 272):
demanding to be fed from quickly lead to the user Added “The Ghouls of Blood Sorcerers or Thin-bloods
becoming Blood Bound.”. drinking from Sanguine temperaments gain tem-
Change “System: The vampire can choose to use this porary access to the Discipline powers, but not to
power or not during each feeding. The user adds dice Rituals.”.
equal to their Presence to any subsequent Charisma
Attribute-assisted pool against the bitten subject. A Profane Hieros Gamos (p. 285):
mortal fed upon with this power can make a Will- The power was entirely rewritten, and re-categorized
power test (Difficulty equals the user’s Presence) every as level 3.
week to resist the effects. Winning this test for three Updated Text:
consecutive weeks breaks the effect, as does a single “To the Alchemist, rebirth and renewal are not locked
critical win.” to “System: The vampire can choose to behind the ritual of sacred union between two oppo-
use this power or not during each feeding. The victim sites. Through the power of their mercurial vitae the
gains a bonus equal to half the user’s Presence (round Alchemist can help shape a human body to match the
up) to one category of dice pools (Physical, Social, mental self-image or desired shape held by the con-
or Mental) chosen by the user. This benefit lasts for sciousness within it.
a number of nights equal to the user’s Presence and
is renewed to full duration if used again during the With the help of rare reagents the Alchemist can even
period. Once the benefit fades, withdrawal strikes defy one of the fundamental curses of the vampiric
and all actions not spent working toward acquiring condition by altering the unchanging state to which
a new fix receive a penalty equal to the initial bonus, the undead revert to in their day sleep. This specific
including trying to resist whatever the user asks of the formula can be imbibed by mortals or vampires other
addict. A victim fed upon with this power can make a than the Alchemist, after their ritual purification and
Willpower test (Difficulty equals the user’s Presence) deep meditation on their own idealized, or desired,
every week to resist the effects.”. form.

Feral Weapons (p. 270): This knowledge makes the expertise of the Alche-
Change “When activated, the vampire adds a +2 mist a valuable and desired commodity even to those
modifier to their Brawl damage, and causes Aggra- Kindred who loathe their very existence. Duskborn
vated Health damage to mortals. Superficial damage openly offering services like these are more likely to be
inflicted from Feral Weapons is not halved.” to “When coerced to work or kidnapped than paid handsomely.
activated, the vampire’s natural weapon of choice
becomes a light piercing Brawl weapon with a +2 mod- ■ Ingredients: The alchemist’s Blood, melancholic and
ifier to damage. Vampiric Bite Attacks still only deal phlegmatic human blood, entheogenic substances.
two points of Aggravated damage despite the number
of successes, but do not suffer the called shot penal- ■ Activation Cost: One Rouse Check or One point of
ty. Superficial damage inflicted by the user’s natural Aggravated Health damage for mortals.
weapons is not halved while Feral Weapons is active.”.
■ Dice Pools: Stamina + Resolve
Mist Form (p. 271):
Added “Level 5” header prior to Mist Form. ■ System: Whoever imbibes the formula mixed with a
Rouse Check worth of

September 6, 2019
V5 Rules Errata 2.0
their own blood instantly falls into a catatonic fever Predator Pool (p. 302)
dream until the following night, the depths of their Change “Headhunter” to “Blood Leech”
psyche plumbed for their personal idealized form, or
a form strongly desired. The effects of Profane Hieros Chapter 11
Gamos are limited to the external morphology of the
human form, the body refusing transformations too Competence Assumption (p. 352):
outlandish and fantastical to be without the wondrous Change “In a game makes sense to assume that the
spectrum of human anatomy. characters (...)” to “In a game about emotions and rela-
tionships, it makes sense to assume that the characters
The imbiber makes a Stamina + Resolve roll against a (...)”
difficulty of 8 minus the successes on the distillation
roll. If the imbiber is a vampire, they add their Bane Church and State (p. 361 & 363):
Severity to the difficulty of the check. Change “BOPE” to “BOES”

Mortals (p. 370):

On a win, the transformation process is successful and
Change “The exception to this rule comes where their
their physical body molds to the desired shape. A crit-
Secondary Attributes and profession or role-specific
ical win can grant and remove Merits and Flaws of the
challenges come into play, such as a cop’s aim being
Looks category, though like all Advantages they need
higher than their typical physical pool, or an inquisi-
to be paid for with Experience points (p. 180). A messy
tor’s perception of danger.” to “The exception to this
critical or a bestial failure might cause a new Flaw to
rule comes where their Secondary Attributes and pro-
manifest, ranging from Repulsive, Obvious Predator,
fession or role-specific challenges come into play, such
Stigmata or even Organovore as the Beast interferes
as a cop’s aim or an inquisitor’s perception of danger
with the transformation.
being higher than their typical physical pool.”
Not even the blood of the Duskborn can spare the Sacrifice the Children (p. 382):
Nosferatu from their Bane, the process incorporating Change “Resolve + Humanity + Blood Potency” to
the clan’s hideous affliction despite the user’s mental “Humanity + Blood Potency”

Duration: Permanent until performed again.

Additional Material: Loresheets, Appendix
Thin-Blood Alchemy (p. 287): I: Standard Feats, Appendix II: Projects,
Change “(5 – 3 = 2)” to “(5 – 2 = 3)” Appendix III: Advice for Considerate Play
Chapter 9 Added additional material that was previously
PDF-only bonus text. The Loresheets added are (in
Cover Table (p. 302) order of appearance): Descendant of Tyler, Descendant
Removed the last two rows titled “Very Hard” and of Zelios, Descendant of Vasantasena, High Clan, Low
“Nearly Impossible”. (Table should end with “Murder Clan, Ambrus Maropis, Carmelita Neillson, Fiorenza
Hole”.) Savona, Descendant of Karl Schrekt, Descendant of

September 6, 2019

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