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J Appl Phycol (2016) 28:3083–3089

DOI 10.1007/s10811-016-0858-8

A comparative study of the nutrient uptake and growth capacities

of seaweeds Caulerpa lentillifera and Gracilaria lichenoides
Hengtong Liu 1,2 & Fang Wang 1,2 & Qiaohan Wang 1,2 & Shuanglin Dong 1,2 & Xiangli Tian 1,2

Received: 3 February 2016 / Revised and accepted: 9 April 2016 / Published online: 19 April 2016
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

Abstract Intensive fish aquaculture activities release large for the growth of G. lichenoides. The results preliminarily
amount of nitrogen (NH4-N and NO3-N) to the surrounding indicate that integrated culture of C. lentillifera and
waters and lead to water eutrophication. However, integrating G. lichenoides was sufficient for bioremediation of marine
a single species of seaweed with the fed fish usually cannot fish aquaculture effluents.
remove both forms of nitrogen efficiently. Polyculture of dif-
ferent seaweeds will be an effective way to reduce the nitrogen Keywords Chlorophyta . Rhodophyta . Ammonium .
load of surrounding waters. To compare the feasibility of Nitrate . Uptake rate . Growth
using Caulerpa lentillifera and Gracilaria lichenoides as
biofilters to treat marine fish aquaculture effluents, nine
NH4-N/NO3-N ratios were set up and the nitrogen uptake Introduction
and growth rate of the two seaweeds were measured. The
main results showed that: (1) In the presence of multiple In terms of the growing shortage of water and space, industrial
N sources, C. lentillifera selectively takes up NO3-N prior to aquaculture has become one of the most sustainable models to
NH4-N and the NO3-N uptake rate was 7.43–50.43 μmol g−1 culture fish. Because high density of fish is cultured with
(dw) h −1 which was significantly higher than that of limited volumes of water, effluents from an industrial aqua-
G. lichenoides. Gracilaria lichenoides selectively takes up culture system usually contain high concentration of nutrients,
NH4-N prior to NO3-N and the NH4-N uptake rate was which poses a potential risk to the surrounding environment
10.27–14.14 μmol g−1 (dw) h−1 which was significantly (Piedrahita 2003). Bioremediation technology has been devel-
higher than that of C. lentillifera. (2) The NH4-N/NO3-N ratio oped to treat aquaculture effluents from industrial aquaculture.
had effects on the growth of the two seaweeds: 1/1 and 1/5 of Bioremediation of aquaculture effluents mainly includes
NH 4 -N/NO 3 -N were favorable for the growth of microorganism dissimilation or assimilation (Burgin et al.
C. lentillifera; 1/4 and 1/0.5 of NH4-N/NO3-N were favorable 2011; Castine et al. 2013), micro- and macro-algae for photo-
tropic plant nutrient uptake (Neori et al. 1996; Metaxa et al.
2006), and constructed wetland units (Sikora et al. 1995; Lin
* Fang Wang et al. 2003). Because of low cost and high uptake efficiency, seaweeds have become a potentially feasible alternative in the
* Qiaohan Wang bioremediation of effluents (Chopin et al. 2001; Neori et al. 2004). Several seaweeds such as Ulva lactuca L. and Undaria
pinnatifida Suringar (Cahill et al. 2010), Gracilaria birdiae
E.M. Plastino & E.C. Oliveira (Matos et al. 2006; Marinho-
Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education, Ocean
University of China, Qingdao 266003, China
Soriano et al. 2009), and Pyropia leucosticta (Thuret) Neefus
& Brodie (Chung et al. 2002) are usually used as biofilters to
Function Laboratory for Marine Fisheries Science and Food
Production Processes, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine
treat aquaculture effluents. However, these seaweeds mainly
Science and Technology, No. 1 Wenhai Road, Aoshanwei Town, take up NH4-N as N source. Neori et al. (2004) showed that
Jimo, Qingdao 266237, China the percentage of NO3-N was usually higher than NH4-N in
3084 J Appl Phycol (2016) 28:3083–3089

aquaculture effluents. Therefore, polyculture of a NO3-N fa- experiments. The seawater used for pre-culture was collected
voring seaweed with a NH4-N favoring seaweed will be an from the coastal waters of Qingdao, China, and the salinity
efficient strategy to remove nitrogen from aquaculture efflu- was 29 psu. Seawater was replaced once a day during the pre-
ents. Previous studies on the polyculture of seaweeds showed culture period. The pre-culture was conducted under con-
that seaweed niche partitioning and diversity dramatically en- trolled conditions of photon flux density (90 μmol photons
hanced nitrogen uptake via complementary use of nitrate and m−2 s−1), temperature (25 ± 0.5 °C), and photoperiod (14:10;
ammonium (Bracken and Stachowicz 2006), as well as sea- light:dark) and the culture was continuously aerated.
weed biomass (Stachowicz et al. 2008).
Caulerpa lentillifera J. Agardh is a green alga with high
Preparation of N-removed seawater
economic value and is naturally distributed in tropical regions
(Paul et al. 2014). It is considered as an important source of
One hundred fifty liters of seawater was placed into four
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and has been shown to be
aquaria (50 cm × 75 cm × 45 cm) and a total of 300 g
effective in removing basic dyes from waste streams
G. lichenoides was placed in each to remove the possible
(Marungrueng and Pavasant 2006) and heavy metals from
nutrient. Water was continuously aerated. During this period,
industrial wastewater (Pavasant et al. 2006; Apiratikul and
nutrient concentrations (NH4-N, NO3-N, and PO4-P) were
Pavasant 2008). Furthermore, C. lentillifera has significant
monitored every 12 h. When the inorganic nitrogen in the
uptake capacity for nutrients (Paul and De Nys 2008), espe-
seawater decreased to a negligible 0.04 mg L−1 (inorganic
cially NO3-N (Guo et al. 2015). Previous studies have gener-
phosphorus decreased to 0.01 mg L−1), the seawater could
ally not on nutrient uptake and growth of C. lentillifera in the
be considered as N-removed water which would be used for
presence of multiple N sources. Tilman et al. (1996) and
the preparation of culture medium. The preparation of the N-
Hooper et al. (2005) also observed that biodiversity might
removed seawater was done on multiple occasions and oc-
enhance the management of nutrient uptake and storage, but
curred within 36–48 h.
this suggestion has been controversial, in part because the
specific biological mechanisms by which species diversity
influences nutrient uptake have not been identified (Loreau Nutrient uptake experiment
et al. 2001). As a result, a comparative study between
C. lentillifera and conventional biofilter seaweed Gracilaria The experiment was carried out inside an illuminating incu-
lichenoides (J.V. Lamouroux) Greville is of importance, as bator and lasted for 10 h. Throughout this experiment, all the
well as the polyculture of the two seaweeds in the treatment cultures were kept at the same conditions of temperature, pho-
of aquaculture effluents. ton flux density, and photoperiod mentioned in BSource and
In the present study, nine NH4-N/NO3-N ratios were set up pre-culture of the seaweeds.^ The NH4-N/NO3-N ratios of the
to compare the differences of nitrogen uptake and growth nine treatments are described in Table 1. Three replicates were
capacities between C. lentillifera and G. lichenoides. We ex- used for each experimental treatment and three algae-free
pect to answer the following two questions: (1) will flasks were used as controls. The culture medium was pre-
C. lentillifera and G. lichenoides selectively take up N from pared with N-removed seawater (mentioned in BPreparation
two sources (NH4-N and NO3-N)? (2) What are the differ- of N-removed seawater^) which was then enriched with var-
ences of nitrogen uptake and growth capacities between ious initial nutrients concentrations from stock solution of
C. lentillifera and G. lichenoides? The main results of the NH4Cl, NaNO3, and NaH2PO4 (P was added to keep N/P
study are expected to supply a scientific reference for efficient equal to 10). The seaweed samples selected after pre-culture
nitrogen removal from aquaculture effluents. were randomly added to 1 L acid-washed Erlenmeyer flasks
containing 800 mL of the respective culture medium. The
initial seaweed stocking density was 2 g (fw) L−1. Duplicate
Materials and methods 6 mL water samples were collected from each flask before
adding seaweeds and after the end of the experiment to deter-
Source and pre-culture of the seaweeds mine the initial and final NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations.

Caulerpa lentillifera and Gracilaria lichenoides were collect- Table 1 The NH4-N/NO3-N and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations
ed from algae farm in Hainan, China (19° 10′ N, 109° 43′ E) in (mg L−1) used to set up the experimental conditions
July 2014. After collection, the seaweeds were transferred to
Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
the laboratory and then cleaned of epiphytes and encrusting
organisms with autoclaved seawater. Afterwards, they were NH4-N/NO3-N 1/0.5 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/10 1/15 1/20
placed in an illuminating incubator (GXZ Series, Jiangnan, TN 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 11.0 16.0 21.0
China) and pre-cultured for 7 days until the start of the
J Appl Phycol (2016) 28:3083–3089 3085

At the end of the experiment, seaweed material was cleaned Results

with N-removed seawater and dried to a constant weight
(48 h) in an oven at 60 °C to determine dry weight (dw). Nutrient uptake
The nutrient concentrations in the water samples were mea-
sured by Four-Channel Auto Analyzer (QuAAtro, SEAL NH4-N uptake The NH4-N uptake rates of C. lentillifera fluc-
Analytical, Germany). Nutrients uptake rates were calculated tuated with different NH4-N/NO3-N ratios in the medium with
following the formula (Pedersen 1994): no significant difference among nine treatments (P > 0.05)
. (Fig. 1a). When NH4-N/NO3-N were 1/5 and 1/2, NH4-N
V ¼ ðS 0 *a−St *bÞ ðdw*t Þ uptake rates by C. lentillifera obtained the maximum and min-
imum values, 7.67 ± 0.68 and 5.69 ± 0.72 μmol g−1 (dw) h−1,
Where V is uptake rate (μmol g−1 (dw) h−1), S0 and St and a respectively. The NH4-N uptake rates of G. lichenoides varied
and b are the substrate nutrient concentrations and the water significantly with different NH4-N/NO3-N ratio (P < 0.05),
volume at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, (μM which indicated that NH4-N/NO3-N in the medium had a sig-
and mL, respectively), dw is the dried seaweed biomass (g), nificant effect on the NH4-N uptake capacity of G. lichenoides
and t is the elapsed time between the sampling intervals (h). (P < 0.05). The G. lichenoides NH4-N uptake rates decreased
with decreasing NH4-N/NO3-N and the maximum and mini-
mum values, 14.14 ± 1.34 and 10.27 ± 0.86 μmol g−1 (dw)
Growth experiment h−1, were observed for G. lichenoides subjected to 1/0.5 and
1/20 of NH4-N/NO3-N, respectively. Of the two species
This experiment was designed as in BNutrient uptake assayed, G. lichenoides showed markedly higher uptake rates
experiment^ and lasted for 15 days. Every 3 days, fresh for NH4-N than C. lentillifera in all the experimental treat-
weight (fw) of the two species was determined after they ments (P < 0.05) (Fig. 1a).
were blotted dry and the culture medium was replaced. At
the end of the experiment, seaweed material was weighed NO3-N uptake As shown in Fig. 1b, minimum uptake rates of
and dried to a constant weight (48 h) at 60 °C. Dried sam- NO3-N (7.43 ± 0.36 μmol g−1 (dw) h−1) for C. lentillifera oc-
ples were ground with a mortar and pestle to homogeneous curred when NH4-N/NO3-N was 1/0.5 and the uptake rates
powder for analysis of carbon and nitrogen content (% dw) significantly increased with decreasing NH4-N/NO3-N. The
in the tissue with a CHNSO Analyser (Vario EL III, maximum rate (50.43 ± 5.93 μmol g−1 (dw) h−1) was observed
Elementar, Germany). The specific growth rates (SGR) for when NH4-N/NO3-N was 1/5. With a further decrease in NH4-
the total duration of the experiment were calculated follow- N/NO3-N, NO3-N uptake rates for C. lentillifera slightly de-
ing the formula (Yong et al. 2013): creased and were stable at 44.99 ± 4.28 μmol g−1 (dw) h−1
  . (Fig. 1b). On the other hand, for G. lichenoides, the rates of
SGR %day−1 ¼ 100*½Lnð f wt Þ−Lnð f w0 Þ t NO3-N uptake increased with a decrease in NH4-N/NO3-N.
Maximum NO3-N uptake rate of G. lichenoides (61.12
Where fwt is the final fresh weight (g), fw0 is the initial fresh ± 3.66 μmol g−1 (dw) h−1) occurred when NH4-N/NO3-N
weight (g), and t is the time in culture (d). was 1/20, which was significantly higher than that of
C. lentillifera at the same NH4-N/NO3-N. While the NO3-N
uptake rates of C. lentillifera were significantly higher than
Statistical analysis those of G. lichenoides in the case of substrate NH4-N/NO3-N
in the range of 1/0.5 to 1/10 (P < 0.05) (Fig. 1b).
All values are given as mean ± SD. Normal distribution and
homogeneity of variances were tested by the Kolmogorov- Growth
Smirnov and Levene tests, respectively. One-way ANOVA
was used to analyze the responses of C. lentillifera and Biomass and SGR As shown in Fig. 2a, b, with the decrease
G. lichenoides to the different NH4-N/NO3-N conditions in of NH4-N/NO3-N, the biomass and SGR of C. lentillifera first
terms of nutrients uptake rates, biomass, SGR, and tissue C increased and then decreased. The maximum values of bio-
and N content. Duncan multiple range test was applied to mass and SGR (3.64 ± 0.05 g and 3.99 ± 0.02 % d−1, respec-
evaluate differences between significant means. Independent tively) were reached at the NH4-N/NO3-N ratio of 1/4. A
Samples t test was used to analyze the differences of these significant escalating trend in the biomass and SGR of
indices mentioned above between C. lentillifera and C. lentillifera was observed when NH4-N/NO3-N was approx-
G. lichenoides. Analyses had a critical probability level of imate to 1/1 (P < 0.05). Correspondingly, biomass and SGR of
0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS G. lichenoides decreased gradually with the decrease in the
Statistics 17.0. NH4-N/NO3-N ratio and the maximum values (3.61 ± 0.08 g
3086 J Appl Phycol (2016) 28:3083–3089

Fig. 1 Uptake rates of NH4-N (a) and NO3-N (b) by C. lentillifera and G. lichenoides. Note: The asterisk represents a significant difference between the
two seaweeds (P < 0.05), data are mean ± SD, n = 3

and 3.94 ± 0.03 % d−1) were recorded when the NH4-N/NO3- (NH4-N and NO3-N) had marked influences on the nutrients
N ratio was the highest. Significant escalating trends in bio- uptake and growth of the two seaweeds.
mass and SGR of G. lichenoides were observed when NH4-N/ Under the experimental conditions, there was a significant
NO3-N was approximate to 1/4 (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2a, b). difference between the two seaweeds in the selection of the
The biomass of G. lichenoides was higher than two N sources. The G. lichenoides was significantly more
C. lentillifera with the NH4-N/NO3-N ratio in the range of efficient in depleting NH4-N than C. lentillifera. Intracellular
1/0.5 to 1/3. However, the difference was not significant nitrogen pools and correlative enzyme activity may be two of
except in the group with the highest NH4-N/NO3-N of 1/0.5. the factors that are responsible for the different affinity for
When NH 4 -N/NO 3 -N were 1/4–1/5, the values for NH4-N (Thomas and Harrison 1985). With the increase in
C. lentillifera maintained at the highest level; however, a sig- medium nitrogen concentrations, the biomass of
nificant reduction in the biomass of G. lichenoides was ob- G. lichenoides increased correspondingly to the NH4-N up-
served (P < 0.05). With a further decrease in NH4-N/NO3-N take rates, demonstrating that the biomass production of
(1/10–1/20), the biomass of G. lichenoides and C. lentillifera G. lichenoides was mainly generated from NH4-N assimila-
all decreased to a relatively low level and no significant differ- tion. Selectivity of nutrient uptake has been confirmed in other
ence was found between the two species (P > 0.05) (Fig. 2a, b). N-deprived seaweeds, including Gracilaria tikvahiae
McLachlan (Ryther et al. 1981), Ulva rotundata Bliding
Carbon and nitrogen tissue content As shown in Fig. 2c, d, (Hernández et al. 2002), and Ulva intestinalis Linnaeus
the C and N content in the tissue of C. lentillifera showed (Cohen and Fong 2004). One possible explanation is that uti-
similar trends as the change of NH4-N/NO3-N and the maxi- lization of ammonium is more metabolically energy-efficient
mum values (24.20 ± 1.56 % and 2.22 ± 0.04 %, respectively) than nitrate, because ammonium can be incorporated directly
were obtained when NH4-N/NO3-N was 1/2. The C and N into amino acids (Lobban and Harrison 1994). It has been
content in the tissue of G. lichenoides increased first and then reported that C. lentillifera has a strong affinity for NO3-N
decreased with the decrease of NH4-N/NO3-N and the maxi- (Pariyawathee et al. 2003; Guo et al. 2015) and this was fur-
mum values of C and N content (30.16 ± 0.43 % and 2.98 ther verified in the present study. Both the biomass and NO3-N
± 0.07 %) were obtained at NH4-N/NO3-N of 1/2 and 1/4, uptake rates of C. lentillifera showed a similar trend with the
respectively. As shown in Fig. 2e, with the decrease in NH4- decrease in medium NH4-N/NO3-N. This indicated that the
N/NO3-N, the C/N in the tissue of C. lentillifera showed no biomass production of C. lentillifera was mainly from NO3-
significant difference among the nine treatments (P > 0.05) and N assimilation. Previous studies have shown that many sea-
the same was found in G. lichenoides. The maximum C/N in weeds prefer to assimilate NH4-N compared with NO3-N (Ale
C. lentillifera and G. lichenoides was obtained in the tissue et al. 2011; Luo et al. 2012). In the present study, C. lentillifera
exposed to NH4-N/NO3-N of 1/2 and 1/0.5, respectively. was more effective in removing NO3-N than G. lichenoides.
The specific nutrient metabolic regulation system in
C. lentillifera may contribute to NO3-N uptake (Guo et al.
Discussion 2015). Previous studies have indicated that nitrate reductase
is one of the key enzymes involved in NO3-N uptake and
This study showed that C. lentillifera and G. lichenoides could assimilation. The nitrate reductase in C. lentillifera is more
assimilate nitrogen even with NH4-N/NO3-N as low as 1/20. active than that in G. lichenoides (Nirmal Kumar et al.
The forms and ratios of the two forms of inorganic nitrogen 2010), which is probably one of the reasons for the significant
J Appl Phycol (2016) 28:3083–3089 3087

Fig. 2 Biomass (a), RGR (b), tissue C content (dw %) (c), tissue N asterisk represents a significant difference between the two seaweeds
content (dw %) (d), and total C/N ratios (e) of C. lentillifera and (P < 0.05), data are mean ± SD, n = 3
G. lichenoides cultured under nine experimental treatments. Note: The

difference on the nitrate uptake between the seaweeds. In ad- has been limited by ambient nitrogen content, while the value
dition, Thomas and Harrison (1985) found an inverse correla- less than 10 indicated that the seaweed has already started to
tion between nitrate uptake rate and the storage of intracellular store nitrogen (Xu and Zou 2008). The C/N ratios in tissue of
nitrate pool in Pyropia (Porphyra) perforata and nitrate pool seaweeds in every treatment were all less than 15 in this study,
size directly affected nitrate uptake. In the present study, the indicating that the substrate nitrogen concentrations were suf-
difference in nitrate uptake rate between the seaweeds may be ficient. When the NH4-N/NO3-N was relative high (in the
related to the difference of the intracellular nitrate pool size. range of 1/0.5 to 1/3), the NH4-N/NO3-N of 1/1 was favorable
It was reported that the nitrogen content and C/N ratio in for the growth of C. lentillifera. These results also have been
tissue of seaweeds usually reflect the nitrogen restriction from confirmed for Grateloupia turuturu Yamada (Lan 2013).
ambient environment (Neori et al. 1991; Friedlander and Levy Nutrient uptake and growth of C. lentillifera were stimulated
1995). The critical C/N value range of Gracilaria spp. is 10–15 under relative low NH4-N/NO3-N (in the range of 1/4 to 1/20).
and a value greater than 15 indicated that growth of seaweed The maximum NH4-N and NO3-N uptake rates, biomass, and
3088 J Appl Phycol (2016) 28:3083–3089

C/N in the tissue of C. lentillifera were obtained when NH4-N/ remove NH4-N and NO3-N from aquaculture effluents. In the
NO3-N was 1/5, which were approximate to the results of a middle-scale pond experiment (lasted for 30 days), we
previous study (Pariyawathee et al. 2003). Variations in NH4- polycultured the C. lentillifera and G. lichenoides in a cement
N/NO3-N have an effect on the magnitude of the seaweed pond (6 m × 6 m). The C. lentillifera was cultivated in small
intracellular protein-nitrogen pool and amino acid-nitrogen cages and the G. lichenoides was cultivated by the floating-
pool and proper ratios of N sources contribute to uptake and raft method. The experiment indicated that the two seaweeds
utilization of nitrogen (Naldi and Wheeler 1999). This may be could be co-cultured and had a high uptake rate for the nitro-
an explanation for the relationship between NO3-N uptake and gen from the effluents of fed fish. However, the stocking den-
growth rates of C. lentillifera under proper NH4-N/NO3-N. sity and co-location of the two seaweeds to obtain the optimal
When the NH4-N/NO3-N in the substrate changed, the change effect needs furher study.
pattern of total N content in tissue of C. lentillifera was not
completely consistent with that of biomass. One possible rea- Acknowledgments We thank all members of Ecology Lab for practical
assistance and technical support. We also thank Dr. L Li for the English
son is that the increase of growth rate led to a decrease in the
review of this paper. This study was supported by the Major Project for
percentage of N in the tissue due to dilution (Teichberg et al. Agricultural Application Technology Innovation of Shandong Province
2008). The present study also indicated that growth of (Grant No. 2013–136) and Function Laboratory for Marine Fisheries
G. lichenoides would be enhanced under relative low NH4-N/ Science and Food Production Processes, Qingdao National Laboratory
for Marine Science and Technology.
NO3-N (in the range of 1/4 to 1/20). The maximum N content
and minimum C/N ratio in the tissue were observed under
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