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Grammar: Present Perfect

Investigate the grammar structures of Affirmative, negative, interrogative
and answers. The, Look for some “time expressions” used in present perfect
and write sentecences using them.
Write 5 examples of each structure and send the activity to TEAMS.

Grammar structure: _subject + auxiliary verb (to have) + past participle_
1. Maria has gone to work
2. I have talked to Peter
3. we have been in San Andres
4. Andres has worked very hard
5. They have learned English
Grammar Structure: subject + auxiliary verb (to have) + not + past participle
1. Maria has not gone to work
2. I have not talked to Peter
3. We have not been in San Andres
4. Andres has not worked very hard
5. they have not learned English
Interrogative: (yes/no questions) and short answers.
Grammar Structure: _ auxiliary verb ( to have) + subject + past participle___
1. _Has Maria gone to work___?
Answer: yes, she has
2._Have I talked to Peter__?
Answer: yes, I have
3.__Have we been in San Andres __?
Answer: no, we have not
4. Has Andres worked very hard____?
Answer: yes, he has
5. __ Have they learned English ___?
Answer: no, they have not

Interrogative: (WH questions) Long answers.

Grammar structure: _WH + auxiliary verb ( to have) + subject + past participle
1. __Who has been working all night ____?
Answer: Andres has been working very hard
2. _When we have been in San Andres ___?
3. __Who has been talking to peter _____?
Answer: I have talked to peter
4.____Who have learned English _____?
Answer: they have learned English
5. __Who has gone to work___ ?
Answer: maria has gone to work
Time Expressions Sentences:

The present perfect is used to describe an experience

I have never flown in a plane

He has worked in many different museums

The present perfect is used for a change in time

I have become more timid in my old age

Their English has improved a lot this year

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