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Actividades de ingles

Step 1: Explore
Listen to the recording. If you need help, use the student tools.
Escuche la grabación. Si necesita ayuda, use las
herramientas para estudiantes.
Hello, Mr. James? This is Don Barnes, the president of Greater
Electric. I'm calling about your plans for the new factory. I'm interested
in discussing the matter with you. Can we make an appointment for
lunch instead of meeting at my office? Do you mind if I invite my bank
manager, too? It's impossible for me to make any decision about the
project unless I have his approval. Please call me this afternoon. I'll be
in meetings all morning. I'll talk to you later. Goodbye.

¿Hola, Señor James? Este es Don Barnes, el Presidente de mayor

Electric. Llamo por tus planes para la nueva fábrica. Estoy interesada en
discutir el asunto contigo. ¿Podemos hacer una cita para almorzar en
lugar de reunirse en mi oficina? ¿le importa si invito a mi Gerente de
Banco también? Es imposible para mí tomar ninguna decisión sobre el
proyecto a menos que tenga su aprobación. Por favor, llámeme esta
tarde. Estaré en reuniones toda la mañana. Hablaré contigo más tarde.

Step 2: Practice
Listen to the recording again and do the tasks that follow. If you
need help, use the student tools.
Who is Don Barnes?

a restaurant manager

a person who is planning a new factory

the president of Greater Electric

a bank manager
Why does Don Barnes want to meet Mr. James?

to introduce Mr. James to the bank manager

to discuss the plans for the factory

to get Mr. James interested in Greater Electric

Where does Don Barnes want to meet?

at a restaurant

at his own office

at Mr. James' office

at the bank

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