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z. Ritz and I.Amit
Technical Report No.55
November 1975

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This report has been submitted for publication elsewhere and has been issued as a

technical report for early dissemination of its contents.

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Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975


Two methods are employed for estimating the hit-probabil ity of

a single A.A. round fired at a moving spherical target. First, a

simulation-program for a digital-computer is constructed then an

analytic formula is derived, which estimates the hit-probabil ity

as an explicit function of the accuracy of the values of some

parameters,determining the trajectories of target and shell.


Comparison of the estimates obtained by the two methods reveals

that for ~ specific category of encounters the derived formula is a

reli~ble and convenient instrument for hit-probability estimation.

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- I ­


Whether or not a hit will be scored upon firing a single A,A. round

at a moving target is dependent on many parameters which determine the

trajectories of the target and the shell, among them the initial and instan­

taneous velocities of target and shell, atmospheric conditions at the time

of fire, wind velocity, etc, Due to the difficulty of predicting before­

hand the values of the various parameters at the time of fire, there is no
assurance that aiming is indeed accurate, therefore it is customary to

refer to the IIhit-probabil ity of the A.A, round ll •

In order to estimate the hit-probability two methods are used. First

a simulation-program (SP) which simulates the aiming and firing process by

IIMonte-Carlo ll methods is constructed, We then derive an analytic formula,

which estimates the hit-probability as an explicit function of the accuracy

of the values of some of the parameters which determine the trajectories of

target and shell.

The SP serves as a IIl a boratory ll for checking various shell-target

encounters, Because of the myriad situations which can be derived from

various combinations of target configurations, target trajectories, muzzle­

velocities, etc" we restrict the investigations to spherical targets which

move at constant speed along a straight I ine during the time of fire.

Comparison of the derived formula's estimates of the hit-probabil ity

with those of the SP, assuming the SP results to be accurate standards

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 2 ­

for comparison. reveals that in encounters similar to those which we

investigate. the analytic formula serves as a reliable and convenient


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- 3 ­


In order to reach an accurate estimation of the hit-probabil ity, the

SP (based on the aiming principles stated in Wrigley [8J· which are

the same for most conventional A.A. systems) must correctly simulate

both the gun-aiming process and the errors which are inherent to it.

The object of the gun-aiming system is to point the gun barrel

toward the Theoretical Impact Point (TIP) defining the TIP to be the
point in space at which a properly directed projectile fired at the right

moment will strike the target, provided the estimates of target and shell

trajectories are correct.

We divide the main errors appearing during this process roughly into

two categories: errors which arise from erroneous prediction of the

trajectories of target and shell and therefore lead to the wrong TIP-the

prediction-errors; and errors which arise from deviations in the aiming

process due to mechanical I imitations of the gun system and ball istic

dispersion of the shell the dispersion -errors.

In order to implement the SP, we make the following assumptions:

2.1 The target is spherical with ra*i~s r and moves at a constant speed

u along a straight line at the time of fire. This trajectory is

determined by two independent angles e and ~, the dive and course

angles respectively of the target in relation to the gun (see Fig. 1).

We derive the above restriction from the evidence that aircraft which attack

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- 5­

point ground targets with conventional armamant, such as bombs and rockets,

attempt to fly at a constant speed and in a straight 1ine during the attack

stage, which is also the stage at which the A.A. batteries usually fire

at the aircraft (see Schreier [6J).

2.2 Shell trajectory is determined by the muzzle-velocity v and by two

" "
independent angles a and S, the elevation and prediction angles
respectively of the gun (see Fig. 1). The instantaneous position vector

of the projectile is calculated by equations (1) and (2).

Usually, a system of differential equations must be solved in order to

accurately calculate the ball istic trajectory of a shell (see Macshane [5J).

For our purposes, equations (1) and (2) are sufficiently accurate, especially

since we deal with short range flat trajectories.

2.3 The gun system estimates of target speed, dive and course anglesarasimulated
" "
as normally distributed random variables N(uo ,0 u2 ) , N(a 0 , 0a2 ) , N(epo'O~)

respectively, with the actual values of these parameters uo ' " "
ao' epo
as means and au, 0a' 0ep' the standard deviations, as input variables.

2.4 The actual muzzle-velocity is simulated as a normally distributed random

variab'le N(V,0 2 ) with the nominal muzzle-velocity as a mean, and the
o v
standard deviation as an input variable.

~ The elevation and prediction angles at which the shell is actually fired

are simulated as two independent normally distributed random variables

" , 2 " '" "
N(Ol.t,Oa)' NU~l 'Oa) with al , 13 1 ( i.e. the angles at which the shell

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 6 ­

must be fired at the correct moment in order to hit a target moving at


u, e and ep) as the means, and the standard deviations OCt' Os as

input variables.

Assumptions 2.3 and 2.4 allow us to simulate the prediction-errors and

Assumptions 2.4 and 2.5, to simulate the dispersion-errors.

2.6 The target position at the moment of fire (t = 0) is known accurately.

We assume that actual errors in estimating this position can be represented

by the errors in estimating the trajectory and speed of the target.

2.7 A hit is scored when and if at any moment the centers of target and
shell are at a distance of less than r from each other.

The trajectories of target and shell are displayed in a three-dimensional

rectangular coordinate system (X,Y,Z), where the origin 0 is at the center

of the gun position; coordinate Y is along the instantaneous position vector

of target at time t=O (point B); the X coordinate is perpendicular to
the Y coordinate, such that the XY plane is defined by gun position 0,

target position at moment of fire B and the TIP c; the Z coordinate is

perpendicular to the XY plane (see Fig. 1).

Let y(t;v,Ct,S) be the instantaneous position vector of the shell at

time t, 0 ~ t ~ T, where T is a given time 1imit (e.g., self-destruction

time of
Technion shell);
- Computer Sciencelet w(t)- Technical
Department be the average
Report CS0055 -speed
1975 of the projectile along
-+ .
- 7 ­

where k is an input variable, a drag constant specific to each gun type,

and v is the muzzle velocity.

-+ ""
Using (1), the formula for y(t;V,el,S) in the (X,Y,Z) system is:

-+ " "
y(t;V,el,S) = (w(t)tcoselsinS,w(t)tcOSelCOSS,w(t)tsinel) (2)

The instantaneous position vector of the target at time t is denoted

-+ " "
by x(t;u,e,~) and d denotes the distance of target from gun position
at t=O (i .e. , d = -+x(O;u,e,~».
" "
The formula for -+ " "
x(t;u,e,~) is:

-+ " "
x(t;u,e,~) = (utcosesin~,d-utcosecos~,utsine) (3)

A concrete case for investigation by the SP is defined by the basic

input data which includes values for the variables r, d, u , a , ~ , v0 ,


au, ae' O~, 0v' 0el' aS, k.

The estimate of the hit-probabil ity is derived by repeatedly simulating

different encounters of the same case by the following method:

Step 1: The gun-system estimates of the three parameters " "

u, a,~, which

determine the target's trajectory are sampled form the given normal

distributions N(u ,( 2 ), " 2)

N(eo,Oe ' N(;O'O:) respectively.
o U

Step 2: With the above estimates, utilizing formulas (1), (2) and (3),

the theoretical hit time to' and "ell and "a , are calculated
by solving the equation

-+ " "
Iy(t;vo,el,a) - -+ ""
x(t;u,e,~) I2 = 0, (4)

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- ­ ~

or exp 1 ic i t 1y :

(utcosesln~ -w (t)tcosaslna)2 + (d-utcosecos~-w (t)tcosacosa)2

o 0

+ (uts in e -w (t) ts ina) 2 = 0 (5)



w (t) = v 1(1 + kt) .

o 0
Step 3: v, a, a which serves as the actual values of the three
parameters determining the projectile's trajectory are sampled
from the normal distributions N(v ,(12), N(a 1 J(1~) , N(Sl'(1a)
o v

Step 4: The minimal distance (miss distance) R between target and

shell during the time interval [ 0 ,TJ (R = min
1; l t ;u
,e0 ,¢0 ) -

I) is found. If R s r, a hit is recorded.

Let n denote the total number of trials for a specific case, m the
total number of hits scored, and Pn the SP estimate of the hit-probabil ity
after n trials; then

Pn = mIn (])

Another variable calculated by the computer model is Rm, the average

of the square miss-distance
m= ( L
i III 1

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 9 ­

where R.I is the minimal distance between target and shell in the i-th

Systematic examination of the dependency of hit-probabil ity on the

values of the various parameters determining the trajectories and the
accuracy in their estimation, was accomplished by repeated runs of the SP,
each run differing in the value of a single input variable.

Represented in Fig. 2 is the change in hit-probabil ity as a function

of the distance of target from gun at the moment of fire, and in Fig. 3, the
change as a function of the target course angle. In each figure are repre­
sen ted the results obtained for several different values of the standard
deviations of the prediction and elevation angles and of the dive and course
angl es.

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

10 ­


0.0251. o =0.033 Ct =0
e a Ct
o =0,01
Ct 0cj>=Oe








L m 400


2000 2400 d

Figure 2: Dependence of hit-probability on distance of target from

gun at t=O.

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 11 ­

O· 009 j a=0~

0.006 j
0,,005J \
0.004 ~~=0,,02 .~
0.003 f~="''''~
. . . .


0.002 : . e " "'-.. .

radian 0 0.3491 0.6981 1.0472 1.3963"
<Po in Radian

Figure 3: Dependence of hit-probabil ity on target course angle.

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- 12 ­


In order to develop a convenient formula for estimating the hit­

probabil tty we devise a method of estimating the expectation of the

square of the miss-distance between shell and target ~ from the values
of the parameters defined in Section 2. (The relation between the two

concepts is discussed in Section 4.)

We let ~ denote these six parameters, that is to say,

...,. A l;, A A
~ = (v,a.,S,u,a,<j» .


~ is a vector of independent normally distributed variables

2 -+ --+
N(C. ,0 .. ),
10 i
i = 1, ••• ,6; let z(t;Z;) and be the instantaneous

distance vector and instantaneous distance respectively between target

and she 11

-+ -+ A ~
z ( t ; l;) = -+
y(t;v,a., ) - -+ " "
x(t;u,a,<j» (10)

Q.(t;l;) =
-+ -+
II Z ( t; l;)ll = [ i =I 1z. (t; t) ~
I - *
( 11)

We assume

-+ -+
l:.!. T is a positive number such that for any value of l;, ( t ; t;) has

only a single local minimum in the time i nterva 1 [O,TJ. That is to say,
if R(l;) denotes that minimum and t the time it occurs, then

R( +)
z:; = ~
t i ; 1;) < ~,
t ; +)
1; (12)
O~tl<T Vt,tE[O,TJ,t~tl

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- 13 ­

3.2 If then the minimal distance vanishes

R(!o ) = O. ( 13)

is a continuous function of the random vector (,;, therefore


According to Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2 the expectation of R2 is

( 14)


A = {a~ i[u +[w (t )/(l+kt )]cos(~ +~ )]2a~/S2}u2t2

1 000 0 0 0 0 0

A2 = (a 2 +[u cos(~ +~ ) + w (t )Xl+kt )]2 a ;/S2}w (t)2 t 2, (15)

Ct 0 00 00 0 000

A u2/[(1+kt )2 S2]}(a 2/u 2+a 2/w (t)2)t 2sin 2 (a +~ )

= {w0(t0)20
3 0 u 0 v 0 0 00'

S2 2 + [w (t )/(l+kt )J2+
= u0 2u [w (t )/(l+kt )]cos(a +~) (16)
00 0 000 0 0 0

and to' So are calculated by solving equation (5).

Eli s the e r ro r .

For proof of the theorem see Appendix A.

Examination of formula (15) reveals that Al and A2 represent the

contribution to the miss-distance of the angular-deviation factor of the

prediction-error and dispersion-error respectively, while A represents


the contribution of the inaccuracy in estimating target speed, and the

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 14 ­

deviation of the shell's speed.

In some 30 different cases, comparison between the estimates of

t derived by formula lal4) (see Remark in Appendix A) and those
derived by the SP R to be the SP estimate), yields an
average relative error (Itm - Rm I /R)
m of 1.5%, and 0.35m as the
standard deviation of the difference between the two types of estimates.

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975


We define the target-plane (TP) as passing through the target

center and as constantly perpendicular to gun-target line (GTL) , and

take the target center to be the origin of the (n 1 ,n 2 ) rectangular

coordinate system of TP, where n A is constantly horizontal.

We assume, as did Cunningham [I], Frazer [2], and Lind [4J, that

the most significant information about the hit-probabil ity is derived

from the dispersion of the intersection between shell trajectory and the TP.

The dispersion is normally distributed in the two independent coordinates

(n ,n ) , with the center of target as the mean and (1,(1 as the respective
1 2 1 2

standard deviations.

As in Assumption 2.7, we consider a hit to be scored when

therefore, the hit probabil ity p is

p = J I N(O,0~)N(O,(1~)dnldn2' ( 18)

n2+n 2s r 2
1 2

If (11 = O
= (1 the hit-probabil ity is given by

( 19)

Alternatively, if

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 16 ­

p = (n~ + n~)i , (20)

then p is a Rayleigh distributed variable, and therefore



We find that taking aa - a<l> ' aa. "" aa and <I> - 0 is a sufficient
condition to cause a 1 = a2 . This condition defines a category of cases
where formula (22) can be used for hit-probabil ity estimation.

Comparison of the hit-probabil ity estimates derived by the SP and

by formula (22), where ~2 (computed by formula (a14» is taken to be
the estimation of ~~, yields a relative difference of 4.5%, where
the maximal relative difference recorded is 11.6%.

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 17 ­


Sections 3 and 4 indicate that formula (22) in conjunction with (a14) is a

reI iable instrument for estimating the hit-probability in a specific category of

encounters. It is also a convenient instrument for analyzing the dependence of

the hit-probability on the various parameters defined throughout the paper.

Some interesting relationships utilizing formulas (22) and (a14) are represented

in figures 2,3 and 4.

In figure 4, for instance, each curve represents the different combinations

of 0a and 0e which yield the same hit-probability, information which can be

utilized for decision making in an attempt to improve a given AA system. Once

the costs of changes in and are defined, we can calculate the quality of

the reductions in 0a and 0e which will most efficiently shift the AA system
from one indifference curve to a better one.


The authers wish to express their thanks to Dr. A.Shafi for his valuable
remarks and suggestions.

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

- 18 ­

"'" p=O. 00077

ole ",
0.1 1.. \

O. 13 ~O. OOO~ ,

: : p~~\\

o. 1




0005 ­



0.01 \\
radian l - _......_ . - . _......-'-+l-_ _- - l l - - - . ; I - - - - - ­
radian 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Figure 4: Hit-probabi1 ity indifference-curves

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975



Proof of the Theorem

R is a continuous function of r;; therefore:

= Jr OOf R2(~) II N(r;. ,cr~)dr;.

(a 1)
... i=l \0 I I

since all partial derivatives of at least order 4 of R2 (t) exist, let

to a Taylor series around r; o

2 -+­ -+­ -+­

R (r;) = T lr;) + E (r;) la2)


(1/2!) l [02 R2(to )/or;i or;j](r;i - r;io)(r;j - r;jo) +

j, i =1

ll/3!) l la3)
i ,j , k= 1

a) = (1/4!) . . l _ [olt R2(t l )lor;i or;}r;k 0I;R,] _.n. (I;n - r;no) . la4)
I ,J , k, R,- 1 n- I ,J ,k, R,

Substituting la2) in lal), we obtain


Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

As is well known, if x is a random variable with mean o and

standard deviation a,


Formul as (n), (a3), (a6) and (a5) imply

E{T} = L (a])


= (9 ·6/4 1) L [a 4 R2 (t )lar;~ar;~ ] a~a~ (a8)
i ,j=l 1 I J I J

By formula (12) we obtain

Since tl is the time instant where li(t} I is minimal:

-+ -+ -+ -+ -+
G(t; r;) = z(t; r;)·(dz(t; r;)/dt) = 0 (alO)

consequent 1Y ,

= 1"",6 , (all)

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975


Substitution of (all) in (a9) and differentiation yield

i = 1, ... ,6 . (a 12)

Solving (a12) explicitly for every parameter and substituting the

result in (al) we obtain:

(a 13)



S2 = u 2+[ w (t )/(l+kt ) J2 +2u [w (t )/(l+kt ) J cos(S +<1> )

000 0 000 0 0 0


Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975




and since, in effect, the standard-deviations of the angles a, S, 8
and $ are quite small, there are cases where E2 can be neglected,
and 1 can be estimated by

12 = E{T} . (aI4)

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975


I. CUNNINGHAM, L.B.C. and W.R.B. HYND: "Random Processes in Problems

of Air Warfare", Supplement to the Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, Vol. 8, #1, 1946.

2. FRASER, D.A. : "Generalized Hit Probability with a Gaussian Target I,

Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 22, 1951.

3. FRASER, D.A.: "Generalized Hit Probability with a Gaussian Target II,

I bid., Vo 1. 24, 1953.

4. LIND, G.: liThe Shot-Down Probability When Firing Automatic Anti-

Ai rcraft Guns", Wehrtechnische Monatshefte, #3, Vol. 61, (1964),
pp. 89-99, and #4/5, Vol.61, (1964), pp. 135-140.

5. t-iACSHANE, E.J., KELLEY, J.L. and F. RENO, l'Exterior Ballistics" ,

University of Denver Press, Denver, 1953.

6. SCHREIER, F.: liThe Oerl ikon-Contraves 35mm AA Tank Some Operational

Considerations", International Defence Review, Vol. 5, #4,
August 1972.

7. TRANSUE, J.R.: "Simfind Models of Anti-Aircraft Gun Systems",

Research Paper, p.564, March 1970, pp. 31-32.

8. WRIGLEY W. and J. HOVORKA: Fire Control Principles,

McGraw-HilI Book Company, Inc., 1959.

Technion - Computer Science Department - Technical Report CS0055 - 1975

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