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2010 International Conference on Power System Technology

Application Novel Immune Genetic Algorithm for

Solving Bid-Based Dynamic Economic Power
Load Dispatch

Owo-Ching Liao IEEE Member and Jia-Chu Lee

Abstract � This paper presented a new algorithm-Isolation each time-period, electricity price and the corresponding op­
Niche Immune Genetic Algorithm for solving Bid-Based Dy­ erating parameters) to the Independent System Operator
namic Economic Dispatch (INIGA-BDED) in a power system. (ISO). The ISO, in meeting the context of systemic economy
Economic Dispatch determines the electrical power to be gen­ and security as well as the objective of maximizing the so­
erated by the committed generating units in a power system so
cial benefits, conducts the dynamic economic dispatch of
that the generation cost can minimized, while satisfying various
each trading time-period. The Bid-based Dynamic Economic
load demands simultaneously. The model of Bid-Based Dynamic
Economic Dispatch is proposed in order to maximize the social
Dispatch Model (BDED) [1]-[7] proposed by this paper not
profit under the competitive environment of electricity market. only took into account of the bidding perspectives of genera­
This model synthetically considers various constraints on ramp tion and users, but also incorporated the users' flexible effect
rates, transmission line capacity and polluting gas emission to make electricity as a commodity to adjust the supply and
constraints etc. The Isolation Niche Immune Genetic Algorithm demand as well as the stability of electricity price through its
was induced as a new solution for this model. With the intro­ own leverage. The solution of the economic dispatch model
duction of niche technology, the capability of the immune ge­ proposed in this research, that took into the consideration of
netic algorithm in dealing with the optimization of multi-peak
constrains of ramp rate of unit, the security of grid, envi­
model function was enhanced. This paper proposed the Niche
ronmental pollution, was to calculate the operational trajec­
based on Isolation mechanism which possesses with biological
basis. It not only effectively ensures the diversity solutions of
tory of each unit in continuous region of time and space, be­
the group, but also has a strong ability to guide evolution. On ing more complicated in nature with features of high order,
the other hand, the use of immune genetic algorithm itself is a nonlinear, and multiple constraints. This research used a
very good and innovative method in the solution for multi-peak new evolutionary computation method, Isolation Niche
model function. A new improving method for this algorithm was [8]-[9] Immune Genetic Algorithm [10]-[12] (INIGA) to
also presented in this paper. This research integrated the appli­ solve the Bid-Based Dynamic Economic Dispatch. There are
cations of these two methods to enhance the evolutionary capa­ many ways in the past were used to solve the economic dis­
bility in seeking a more optimal solution for solving nonlinear
patch, such as: dynamic programming method [13]-[15]. The
programming. The result of the application of this integrated
advantage of this method is that the cost function can be for
method for the proposed test had been very good.
discontinuity or monotonically increasing; while the disad­
vantage of it is that when the number of units increases, the
Index Terms � Isolation Niche, Immune Genetic Algorithm,
demand for its computer memory and computing time re­
Dynamic Economic Dispatch, Bid-Based
quired increases exponentially, and since then, owing to
multiple local minimums it has, this method often can only
find a suboptimal solution. On the other hand, the recent de­
velopment of artificial intelligence optimization methods has
The Dynamic Economic Dispatch (DED) plays an im­ been used by some scholars to search for optimal methods in
portant role in the operation of power system as well as economic dispatch, such as Simulated Annealing, (SA)
real-time control, and is of great significance in improving [16]-[18], Genetic Algorithm (GA) [19]-[23], Evolutionary
the economy and the reliability of the operation of power Programming (EP) [24]-[26], and Evolutionary Strategy (ES)
system. With the reform of power industry system, the tradi­ [27], these are the best optimization techniques with the
tional economic dispatch of power system has been given a ability to find the global optimal solution. Such as the SA
lot of new meaning. In order to improve the competitiveness method in solving optimal decomposition, it uses a probabil­
of the participating parties as well as the most optimal allo­ ity approach to accept the candidate solutions in order to es­
cation of resources in the power system, the dynamic eco­ cape the trap of optimal solutions in the region. Its draw­
nomic dispatch in power market has been converted from the backs are the difficulty in its parameter set and the comput­
traditional goal of cost minimization to the goal based on ing time is very large; besides, in the application to large
Bid-Based mechanism and maximization of social profit. In power system, this method is more difficult to manipulate.
the market, the participants present their own one-day or Another method of GA is also successfully in the solution of
one-hour in advance bid curve (including bid1ding power for economic dispatch, but its shortcomings are the long count­
ing time, and no guarantee to find the global optimal solu­
Gwo-Ching Liao is with Department of Electrical Engineering at Fortune tion. Similarly, EP method is also used to solve the economic
Institute of Technology. ( dispatch problem but with the same shortcoming of long
Jia-Chu Lee is with Department of Electrical Engineering National Sun computation time when encountering with a lager system.
Yat-sen University. (

97S-1-4244-5940-7110/$26.00©2010 IEEE
This paper proposed Isolation Niche Immune Genetic Algo­ power output of unit i at time slot of t; d . for the user
} ,1
rithm for solving Bid-Based Dynamic Economic Dispatch.
load in time slot of t; C
i (g ) for bid function of the unit i in
Isolation Niche is a superior optimization method owing to I, I

its ability to divide a large population into several separated the electricity market, for constant coeffi-
gl' b gl' a gl
. . .

small populations which allows it to be more effective in

finding the optimal solution of Multiple-Peak. In addition, cients of the bidding function ; B i (d j) for the bid function
its structure is suitable for parallel processing technology of user j in the electricity market, C dj , b dj , a dj for the con­
which can effectively accelerate the pace of its evolution. In
the meanwhile, we use the Immune Genetic Algorithm to stant coefficients of tender curve .
discriminate both antibody affinity and concentration, which
allows its optimal solution effectively to escape the trap of 2.2 Constraints
optimal solutions in the region as well as to maintain the di­
versity of population for avoiding the solution prone to be (1). The balance between load and generation
premature. Therefore, we integrated these two methods;
capturing individual advantages to become a superior Lg Ld
I gil = I d ,t + Loss I
method for solving the economic dispatch. i=1 ' j=1 j

t =1,2...... ,T
Where in equation (4), Loss' is the loss of power value
of the system distribution network in the time slot t; due to
A hypothesis was set while in constructing the mathe­
the consideration of the constraint of branch flow, Loss 1 is
matical model for Dynamic Economic Dispatch in market
environment. Which was that in the competition of electric­ obtained by the flow algorithm.
ity market, all bid curves summated by participants (power
producers and users) were equal to the individual functions (2). Maximum unit, minimum bid generation power
of generation cost and functions of users benefits in market
environment. Based on this hypothesis, the social profit is (5)
the total user benefits minus the total generation cost. To
simplify the calculation, the bid curve submitted by partici­
i= 1,2, ..., L g
pants was expressed with the approximation of quadratic
Where in equation (5), g i,1 min ' g i,1 max is for the
2.1 The objective function
maximum unit, minimum bid generation of power unit i at
time slot t, respectively.
The mathematical model bases on Bid-Based Dynamic
Economic Dispatch in power system is to, under the condi­
tion of meeting the constrains of system operation, optimize
the generator output and user load to maximize the social (3). Minimum user and maximum bid load
profit. Its mathematical model is as follows:
d·} , t mm
. <d·
<d·} ,t max
} ,t -

T Ld Lg j= 1,2, ... , Ld
Max (1)
I I B (d ,t) - Ie i( g it)
t=1 j=1 j j i=I '
' ' d j,· t max is for the
Where in equation (6), d j,t mm .

minimum user and maximum bid load of user j at time slot
of t, respectively.

(4). The constraints of unit ramp rate

C I (g I I) = C gl + b gl g 1,1 + a gl (g i ,/)
- D Ri. A.t :::; (g.I,t+ 1 - g.I,t) :::; U Ri' A.t (7)
i=I,2,... ,j=1,2,... ,Ld t=I,2...... ,T
Where in equation (7), U Ri and D Ri are the maxi­
Where in equation (3), T is the total number of time mum rate of up and down of unit per time unit time; A. t is
slots; L d L are the set of generator system putting into
' g
for the duration of each time slot.
operation and the set of users, respectively; g. is for the
(5). The constraint of branch flow

- F I min :::; F l,t :::; F I max (8)
Xni,1,g - eXi,1I,g ,Xi,12,g
_ n,g) (10)
" " , Xi !

Where in equation (8): Fl,t is transmission power of Where

time slot t, branch I; F I max for the limits of transmission
power of branch. X g represents as any antibody in human antibodies.
I, t

(6). The constraint of polluting gas emission n represents as the number of antibody (n= 1, 2, ..., U,

v, ..., Z),
T Lg g is the number of evolution generations,
I I Hi(gi):::; APM (9) i is the number of genes of antibody n (i = 1, 2, ...., M).
Where in equation (9), Hi(g.l,t) is the linear function of Assuming that each antibody has i units of electricity gen­
eration , i is determined by the generation unit of power sta­
pollution gas emissions of generator i, APM is the index of tion, the number of antibodies each hour is set to 20,
allowable maximum amount of polluting gas emissions.
IE i ex7,/) I - P i,1 log P i,1
= (11)
Where IE;CX�tg) represents the ith "information en­
3.1. The immune genetic algorithm based on isolation niche
tropy" of the nth antibody, Pi t is the probability of genetic
The immune genetic algorithm factor kt coming from the gene i, and the value of Pi,t is
set between [0.1,0.9], its calculation of the genetic character­
We mimicked the lymphocytes and antibody of human
istics uses the equation (12), while the "average information
body immune system to solve economic dispatch. Lympho­
entropy" is expressed as
cytes can recognize the invasion of antigens and produce an­
tibodies to destroy antigens. In solving optimization prob­
lems, the antigen and antibody of immune system were con­ 1 M
IE (Xn,g )=-"
sidered as the objective function and reasonable solution. M� IE
l,t I l,t (12)
The code in the immune system is somewhat similar
to genetic algorithms, its data structures of the genetic factors Where the value of lEi is set from 0.1 to 0.4, as shown in
- antibody coding was shown in Figure 1, a total of Z anti­
bodies in the Figure 1, each antibody is with M number of equation (12) which indicates the entropy can be expressed
genetic factors, which means that there are Z number of an­ as the diversity of antibody population.
tibodies in one generation, each gene locus in each antibody This research used two calculation formula of affinity; the
is marked as k1, k2, ..., k, ..., ks. first one expresses the affinity between the two antibodies:

Ab (XU,g,xv,g) = 1
l,t l,t (13)
1 + IE (xu,g
Anti Ody 1
r '----'-----'--,---fL---,,...-'t--"---'.---'

Where the A b (X u,g

I,t , ",g)
x I,t indicates the affinity be-
Antir OdY
tween two antibodies, x;:;.g and x�f just represents the
Antibody Z information entropy between two antibodies v and u.

In equation (13), when the affinity between the two anti­

bodies is small, it represents a greater diversity.
Figure 1: The code of antibody The second calculation of affinity is based on the relation­
ship between antibody and antigen, which is expressed as
equation (14) as folIows:
The calculation of diversity and affinity:

Suppose there were Z numbers of antibodies in antibody Ag X , g

( Y 't ) =
--l-+-- ---:Cp:"-s"-ex--:c-y,I""::g""-)- (14)
pool, each antibody is with M number of genetic factors, in e
here, we proposed a concept of "information entropy" ex­
pressed as follows:

u,g (1), Fs ex �/)
Where the Fs (X 1,1
) is a adaptive value, which is IS the adaptive value calculated from
equation (15),
used to show the similarity between antibody X�tg and an­
tigen and is written as follows: (2), Use equation (16) to calculate the concentration
en (X u, g)
of antibody xu,g
1,1 '

(15) 1 D
Cn (X'I,1,1g) = -
v,g )
I AC (XU,1,1g, xl,t (16)
D v=l
3,2 The implementation of new immune genetic algorithm
The 11 steps of New method are shown as following
Figure 2:
The defi n ition of antibody and

D represents the number of antibody; such as when u = I

Dividing into several antibody
groups by Isolation Niche
and v = 4, then D = 4-1 = 3,
e OL , e OH represent predetermined thresholds, where,
The comput atio n of antibody evolutionary
the value of e H is set to 0,96 while the value of
C L is set to 0,9,
The acceleration or inhibition of antibody production

Step 4: Select the better solution (antibody), and store it in

The delenni nation of m at ing and mutation rate by fuzzy system
the memory,

The progress of Crossover

Step 5: use equation (18 ) to calculate the expected reproduc­
tion rate of the uth solution,
The progress of Mutation

Comput atio n of Annealing Immune Operator-AIO Ag (X u,g

' ,1
,:", (18 )
Er (X u, g)
= ____ __


Antibody updated

As the equation (18 ) shown, when a solution is with lower

No concentration and i higher affinity, its regeneration rate is

Step 6: The determination of matching rate and mutation rate

by fuzzy system
Figure 2, The flow chart of niche immune genetic method

Step 7: The conduction of crossover

Step 1: definition of antigen and antibody In this step, the "select window" was conducted by ex­
changing the select windows of the solution of two parent
genes to produce two new offspring,
Antigen 1: The values of objective function Fs (Xu,g)

of equation (15) Step 8: The progress of mutation

Antigen 2: Constraints,
Two points were randomly selected, and genes were
Antibody: reasonable solution, forced to change from "0" to "1", or from "1" to "0", the
Step 2: The generation of initial antibody population
Step 9: Annealing Immune Operator (AIO)
The production of different sub-group of antibody, each
group is consisted of different adaptive value of antibod­ The annealing immune operator consists of two parts,
Ies, namely (a),Vaccine inoculation, and (b) Annealing immune
Step 3: The computation of antibody evolutionary

(a). Vaccine inoculation g)
(X u,.!C. ,I__
A -'2.g_--'I
(X u,g) ___
C (23)

P 1,1

(1). Calculate and select the best adaptive value of the indi­ L A g (X 1,1 n,g)
vidual parent, that is the largest value of Fs of the solution n
of xn,l,f
Where the A (X �tg) represents the affinity between
antibody u and antigen.
2). And then comparing the solutions of the rest of the anti­
bodies one by one to choose the one with the best adaptive
value. Step 11: Stopping criterion

(b). The conduction of annealing immune algorithm. If the values of generation evolution meet the set, the cal­
culation steps can be stopped.
Decisions and choices of the next-generation were made
by comparing the above stated inoculation of vaccine (solu­ IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS
tion). If the inoculated adaptive value of next-generation is
higher than the value of parent, it will be accepted to the so­ The simulation system in this research included nine
lution of next- generation as shown in equation (19); if not, transmission lines, 7 Buses, 4 generators and 3 users. Figure
use the discrimination equations from (21) to (22) will be 3 demonstrates this system. The node of a power producer 1
used to decide whether to include it into next-generation so­ was set as a balance node, where in this paper a example of
lution. three hours time slot was set to solve the model bases on
Bid-Based Dynamic Economic Dispatch. In addition, this
(19) research also set the power producer's polluting gas emission
as a linear function, the constant coefficient value of pollut­
ing gas emission of power producer 1 was 0.7Ib/MBTU,
2). If Ws=(FSCX'.l,tg+l)-FsCX'.�) �O, l,t
(20) power producer 2 and 3 were 0.5Ib/MBTU, and power pro­
ducer 4 was 0.2Ib/MBTU. The parameter and the basic in­
The acceptance of the solution is determined by the prob­ formation (biding data) of generation unit of 4 power pro­
ability obtained from equation (21). ducers and 3 users were shown in Table 1.

P (Ll Fs, T r) --7-1 --=--;----,-­ (21) Table 1 Users' Biding Data

= __

(22) No. of
Generator Gmin Gmax
Where the Fs(.) represents the adaptive value of anti­ Cgi bgi ag i MW MW
body with the value set between [0,1]
PG 1 650 8.35 0.0017 100 780
T r represents current temperature PG 2 610 8.64 0.0033 80 620
PG 3 420 7.22 0.0038 50 540
To represents the initial temperature, such as 1,000 DC,
PG 4 150 6.37 0.0052 10 410
r represent stacked algebra, such as 0 to 1,000,
fJ is for the cooling rate value, 0 < fJ <1.
Step 10: Antibody updated

The affmities of antibodies were compared using the

Roulette Wheel Selection to determine its turnover rate, in Bus I -r...c..,-
other words, when a solution is with greater affinity, the
wheel will possess large areas thus determining the solution
of this antibody in the new pool is with more number of its
new generation, and the average affinity of antibody pool of
new generation calculated by step 3 is higher than the solu­
tion of the older generation.
Bus 5
The updated rate can be obtained by equation (23) as fol­
lows: User I User 2 User 3

Figure 3 System Structure

4.1 The model bases on Bid-Based Dynamic Economic Dis­ respectively, and power producers 3 and 4 were 40 MWIh
patch without the consideration of some constraints and 10 MWIh, respectively, and taking into account of the
unit constraints, the optimal results of dispatch using INIGA
In order to obtain the effectiveness of the application of were shown on Table 4. Owing to the adding of constraint of
isolation niche immune genetic algorithm (INIGA) on the ramp rate, the total social profit had dropped form 72,115 to
dynamic economic dispatch model, as well as to simplifY the 71,256.
calculation, this research firstly did not consider the con­
straints of the capacity of transmission line, Unit Ramp rate Table 4 The optimization results of power producers and users' biding under
the constraints of ramp rate.
and the polluting gases emissions. Table 2 shows the final
power producer and users' bid amount obtained from
Time Slot Time Slot Time Slot

PG I 455.42 407.63 397.56

Table 2 The optimization results of power suppliers and users' bid PG 2 365.32 325.85 307.95

PO 3 216.79 205.33 176.94

PCi 4 134.16 81.67 72.95

1171.76 1020.56 955.42

Time Slot Time Slot Time Slot
1/MW 2/MW 3/MW
Total Ci-cncration

User 1 525.18 497.74 432.18

2 417.54 388.53 305.75

PG1 443.74 401.22 388.47 User

301.44 User 3 227.48 129.93 205.81

PG2 363.21 301.32
1170.29 1016.28 943.83
Total Electricity
PG3 208.68 197.35 165.83 Consumption
12.55 6.52 4.77
Loss of network
PG4 112.47 102.49 76.50

Total Generation 1128.1 1002.5 932.12

User 1 517.36 512.36 421.13

User 2 402.35 398.62 301.31 4.3 The consideration of the constraints of line capacity and
User 3 236.49 115.72 205.78 polluting gas emissions
Total Electricity
Consumption 1156.2 1026.4 928.22

10.17 6.21 4.62 Table 5 shows the power producers and users' final opti­
Loss of network

mization results which demonstrated that the final value of

social profit dropped from 72,115 to 70,889.
This research used dynamic programming (DP) and ge­
netic algorithms (GA) together, under the same conditions, to
conduct the optimal dispatch to the system. Table 3 shows Table 5. The optimization results of power producers and users' biding un­
der the constraints of line capacity and polluting gas emissions
the optimal results obtained from the three algorithms. The
data of the table shows that GA and INIGA is clearly better
Time Slot Time Slot Time Slot
than the DP, as the required time for calculation of INIGA IIMW 2/MW 3/MW

was 1.35 sec., and GA was 17.22 sec., while DP was 21.89
PG I 452.23 408.94 397.22
which demonstrates that the calculation speed of INIGA was
PG 2 357.54 307.33 302.54
faster than GA and DP. On the other hand, from the perspec­ PG 3 208.88 218.57 186.34
tive of the convergence of the algebraic stack, the INIGA had PG 4 153.55 85.66 64.20
converged to the optimal solution after the 18th generations, Total Generation 1172.2 1020.5 950.3
while the GA was to the 45th times, which demonstrated that User 1 512.43 504.31 457.75

User 2 423.17 388.93 321.54

the convergence of INIGA was significantly superior than
User 3 234.90 122.06 161.41
the GA.
1170.5 1015.3 940.7
Total Electricity

Table 3. The results comparison of different calculation method under the

same conditions

Power Total quantity of V. CONCLUSION

Method producer total User total Total social polluting

costl$ costl$ profitl$ emission/lb (1). This research proposed the model based on Bid-Based
Dynamic Economic Dispatch. This model could optimize the
DP 16,732 84,031 67,299 4634.8 power producers' economic dispatch and operation and con­
trol problems of users' electric power system and demon­
GA 16,358 86,114 69,756 4573.8 strated that the Isolation Niche Immune Genetic Algorithm
was an effective tool for solution.
INIGA 15,814 88,036 72,222 3397.2
(2). As the economic dispatch is with features of high di­
mensional, nonlinear, constraints, this research proposed a
4.2 The consideration of the constraint of ramp rates of unit
Isolation Niche Immune Genetic Algorithm, through a cal­
culation analysis to a 7 Buses system as well as a comparison
Assuming that the upper and lower limits of the ramp rate
between the dynamic programming and genetic algorithm, to
of system power producer 2 was 60 MW / h and 20 MW / h,
verifY the correctness and effectiveness of the algorithm.

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