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April Ronald L.

Dart Ministries 2020

“Somewhere along the line you have got to make

a decision—a conscious, deliberate decision to
accept that covenant, to enter that covenant, to
take on the obligations of that covenant—to take
up your cross and follow him.”
—Ronald L. Dart

The Entrance to
By Ronald L. Dart

“And as they were eating, Jesus the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
took bread, blessed and broke it,
and gave it to the disciples and At some point in time, you
said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’ understand that Jesus Christ’s
Then He took the cup, and gave blood was shed for you: it
thanks, and gave it to them, removed your sins, took away
saying, ‘Drink from it, all of your guilt, and opened the door
you. For this is My blood of the for a relationship with God. God
new covenant, which is shed for invited you into His family and
many for the remission of sins’” into His home, as it were. At
(Matthew 26:26-28 NKJV). Jesus baptism you passively entered
Christ established a covenant with into a covenant that God made
his disciples—this covenant, this with you. The question is have
relationship, had never existed you made a covenant with God?
before that night. And that is a different matter
The Christian covenant that Jesus
made with his disciples on the “For by grace are ye saved through
night in which he was betrayed faith; and that not of yourselves:
and which we, every year, it is the gift of God: Not of works,
remember in the observance of lest any man should boast”
what some people call the Lord’s (Ephesians 2:8-9). Justification
Supper, others call the Passover, is by faith alone. Justification is
others call Communion, is the by the grace of God, not of works
taking of the bread and wine as lest any man should boast. There
a symbol of the broken body and is not one law you can keep, there
is not one thing you can do to
2) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • April 2020
The 26th chapter of Matthew is the
first instance in the New Testament
of the Lord’s Supper and I believe
this may be the very first place in
all of the New Testament that the
word “covenant” is used unless you
actually accomplish your own are using the (King James Version),
justification. That’s all done for it’s not used there. In Matthew
you by Jesus Christ. 26:28 (KJV), “For this is my blood
of the new testament, which is shed
We understand salvation is by
for many for the remission of sins.”
grace, but then you start reading
the Bible and you find in the New The word in the Greek is diatheke.
Testament (not to mention the It is precisely the same word that
Old) obligation after obligation is used elsewhere in the New
after obligation—layered up, one Testament when they are citing an
on top of the other—the demands Old Testament scripture about the
that God makes of us and expects covenant. The Greeks did not have
us to come through. This gives us a word that would have fit exactly
the very distinct impression that with the Old Testament covenant
there are dire consequences if we so they used this Greek word,
don’t. God made a covenant with which, in Greek, often means or
us. Have we made a covenant with refers to a Last Will and Testament
Him? Do you have a covenant of someone who has died. But it
relationship with God?
is used in this sense, as it is all the
Marriage is a covenant way through the New Testament,
relationship. In Ephesians 5:22- as the Greek translation of the
25 there is a passage of scripture Hebrew word for covenant. And
that is often cited in sermons: so when you find it, generally
“Wives, submit yourselves unto speaking, you are better off to look
your own husbands, as unto the at it as “covenant’ than you are as
Lord. For the husband is the head “testament”. (3
of the wife, even as Christ is the be holy and without blemish. So
head of the church: and he is the ought men to love their wives as
saviour of the body. Therefore as their own bodies. He that loveth
the church is subject unto Christ, his wife loveth himself. For no
so let the wives be to their own man ever yet hated his own flesh;
husbands in every but nourishes and
thing. Husbands, cherishes it, even as
love your wives, “somewhere along the Lord the church:
even as Christ also
loved the church,
the line you have For we are members
of his body, of his
and gave himself got to make a flesh, and of his
for it.” You will have bones” (v. 26-30).
heard preachers decision — to take
go through the up your cross and Now one thing that
one side of this should be clear to
whole question follow him.” anybody who reads
about all the wife’s Ephesians 5 and
obligations to the husband. And goes through those things about
as the women all know, there’s marriage and the responsibility of
another part of that passage where a man and the responsibilities of a
all the husband’s obligations for woman: this is a covenant. There
the wife are laid down. “That are obligations on both sides of
he might sanctify and cleanse the covenant. Now in verse 31:
it with the washing of water by “For this cause shall a man leave
the word, that he might present his father and mother, and shall
it to himself a glorious church, be joined unto his wife, and they
not having spot, or wrinkle, or two shall be one flesh.” That’s
any such thing; but that it should what a covenant is all about.
“This is a great mystery: but I
From speak concerning Christ and the
Ron Dart church” (v. 32). You know, the fact
of the matter is that this whole
Gifts for You section in here that Paul is going
The following Titles are available to through about man and wife, and
you for free in the formats listed: marriage and so forth, and the
mutual covenant relationship is
About the New Covenant actually about the church and
Israel and the Covenant I Christ. Just as a husband has to
pick up responsibilities for his
Israel and the Covenant II
wife, and the wife has to pick up
The Obligations of Covenant responsibilities for her husband,
so the church has to be pick up
Visit responsibilities for Christ. We
each have obligations to Christ,
Available Formats
for Christ, and we must never
-Video -Audio -Print allow those things to get away
CALL 1-888-BIBLE-44 from us.
AND TO SUBSCRIBE TO Normally, we enter into this
THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER covenant as we go under the waters
4) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • April 2020 of baptism; because at the point of
time where you say to God, before He turned and said to them, ‘If
God in the presence of witnesses, anyone comes to Me and does
“I repent of my sins, I accept Jesus not hate his father and mother,
Christ as my personal Savior, and wife and children, brothers and
as my Lord and Master”, that sisters, yes, and his own life also,
means, “Whatever he says, I do he cannot be My disciple. And
tonight, tomorrow, the day after whoever does not bear his cross
tomorrow, and so forth right on and come after Me cannot be
down the road.” That’s a moment My disciple. For which of you,
of truth when you have got to say, intending to build a tower, does
“Yes I do”, and mean it to the core not sit down first and count the
of your being. This is because you cost, whether he has enough to
are not merely a passive recipient finish it—lest, after he has laid
in this relationship. You need to the foundation, and is not able to
actively enter into the covenant finish, all who see it begin to mock
with Jesus Christ. In justification, him, saying, “This man began to
you’re passive. When God is build and was not able to finish”?
rescuing your wretched rear end, Or what king, going to make war
you’re passive. But from there on against another king, does not sit
in, you must be an active member down first and consider whether
of the covenant relationship. he is able with ten thousand to
That’s something that I’m not sure meet him who comes against him
a lot of Christians understand. with twenty thousand? Or else,
while the other is still a great
“I am the true vine, and my Father way off, he sends a delegation
is the husbandman. Every branch and asks conditions of peace. So
in me that beareth not fruit he likewise, whoever of you does not
taketh away: and every branch forsake all that he has cannot be
that beareth fruit, he purges it, My disciple’” (Luke 14:25-33).
that it may bring forth more fruit.
Now you are clean through the Now think about that. Sure,
word which I have spoken unto justification, the forgiveness of
you. Abide in me, and I in you. sins, the putting of our feet on
As the branch cannot bear fruit of the right path; that’s all free and
itself, except it abide in the vine; by the grace of God. But what
no more can ye, except ye abide does it mean when it says you
in me” (John 15:1-4). These are have to pick up your cross and
the words of covenant, folks. “You follow Christ? It means that you
stay in me; I’ll stay in you.” It’s a have got something you have to
blood covenant and it must be do as a part of this deal. It seems
willingly, consciously, deliberately that it’s not enough to merely be
entered into by the parties of the the recipient of the grace of God.
covenant. Verse 5: “I am the vine, Somewhere along the line you
you are the branches: He that have got to make a decision—a
abides in me, and I in him, the conscious, deliberate decision
same brings forth much fruit: for to accept that covenant, to enter
without me you can do nothing.” that covenant, to take on the
obligations of that covenant—to
In Luke 14, Jesus says this (just take up your cross and follow
to get you in the picture of what him.
we’re talking about): “Now great
multitudes went with Him. And (5
Epilogue to
Law & Covenant
A Book Written by Ronald L. Dart

A pair of good friends used to chide But I still had to deal with what
me over my messages saying that, Jesus said, and so I looked for a
while I answered some questions, different way of understanding the
I raised still more. I am reasonably Law. No passage of Scripture was
sure that I have done that in this more influential in this pursuit
book. I say that without apology, than the 119th Psalm. It tells plainly
because it is in the nature of things what the Law is for: it is a lamp to
that the more you know, the more my feet and a light to my path.
you become aware of things you That’s a far cry from shackles and
don’t know. Getting the questions chains, or even a yoke of bondage.
right is always half the battle. I began to see that the Law is a
description of how to live and how
There came a time in my life when
to love.
I ran aground on the Law and had
to deal with it. It was a landmark But a real surprise came when it
moment to realize the truth of what dawned on me that the Law, like
Jesus said, that he had not come to prophecy, is often symbolic and
destroy the law, but to fulfill it. In aphoristic. I hadn’t expected that.
the years that followed, I learned It was only a short step from that
that literal, legalistic observance of idea to the realization that we
the law was fruitless and frustrating. need to be looking for the spirit
It just didn’t work, and most of and meaning of the law. Even the
the people who tried it found civil law, the law that depends on
themselves compromising on all a civil government, has not been
manner of issues. I have noticed abolished, but the enforcement
that those who argue against the provisions are vested, not in the
observance of biblical law are individual or the church, but in
actually arguing against the literal, the civil government of the time.
legalistic approach to the law. Adultery is still a sin, but the
church does not have the authority
One of the most important things I
to stone an adulterer.
learned was that, if a law is written
in the Bible, it hasn’t gone away. It is I went on to learn that, while
still there for our admonition and a covenant may include the
instruction. To be sure, we don’t provisions of a law, it is not itself
even understand some of the laws, the Law. When a covenant is
and there are others that we can superseded by another covenant,
find no immediate way to apply. But it is the relationship that changes,
if that is true, then we are probably not the law. This follows naturally
trying to apply them too literally. when one realizes he is not under
We need to look for meaning, not a covenant, he is in a covenant.
mere words. It is a lot like marriage. It carries
6) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • April 2020 obligations.
This last may be the most important saints should be treated with all
lesson of all. I am in covenant with the respect it deserves. Oddly, the
Christ and with everyone else who pursuit of the letter of the Law is
is in covenant with Christ. We have destructive of the covenant. The
a personal covenant and an implicit pursuit of the spirit of the Law
social contract. John, in his first confirms it.
epistle declared that our fellowship
with Christ implies a fellowship
with one another (1 John 1:3-7).
Thus, we are in covenant with our
“Oddly, the pursuit
church and with all other faithful
churches. Moreover, the covenant
of the letter of the
is not only with our generation: Law is destructive
But you have come to Mount Zion,
to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city
of the covenant.
of the living God. You have come The pursuit of the
to thousands upon thousands of
angels in joyful assembly, to the spirit of the Law
church of the firstborn, whose
names are written in heaven. You confirms it.”
have come to God, the judge of
all men, to the spirits of righteous These are some of the ideas I have
men made perfect, to Jesus the tried to convey in this book. It is
mediator of a new covenant, and my fervent hope that the book
to the sprinkled blood that speaks will generate discussion and lead
a better word than the blood of us a little further down the road
Abel (Hebrews 12:22-24). to understanding. “Get wisdom,
I take this to mean that we are in get understanding; do not forget
covenant with every Christian my words or swerve from them.
who has ever lived. Let us not Do not forsake wisdom, and she
break faith with the generations will protect you; love her, and she
that have gone before—many of will watch over you. Wisdom is
whom shed their blood for the supreme; therefore get wisdom.
faith. Tradition is important. True, Though it cost all you have, get
it doesn’t have the force of law, but understanding” (Proverbs 4:5-7).
the accumulated judgments of the


Of the books Ron Dart has written, Law & Covenant is
perhaps the most important because these two ideas are
fundamental to the message of the Bible. Yet they are
shockingly misunderstood and misapplied. Some take a
literal approach to biblical law and adopt customs that
make no sense in the modern world. Others think that
the Law has become irrelevant or, even worse, it has
been abolished and nailed to the cross.
In John 15: 9-13, Jesus makes an interesting statement to his disciples. He said,“I
have loved you even as the Father has loved me. You live in my love. When you
obey me, you are living in my love, just as I obey my Father and I live in his love.
I have told you this so you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your cup of joy will
overflow. I demand that you love each other as much as I love you. Here’s how to
measure it—the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his
friends and you are my friends if you keep my commandments.” You know that
is an interesting statement, “You are my friends if you obey me”.
It harkens back in a way, to that statement that David made to Barzillai (2 Samuel
19:38), “You name anything and I will do it.” Barzillai said, “No, no, you do
whatever you feel is right.” It is almost giving carte blanche to the other person.
That’s what you and I are expected to do, where Jesus is concerned, if we are to
call Him a friend.
John 15:14-15 “You are my friends, if you obey me. I will no longer call you
slaves, for a master does not confide in his slaves.
Now you are my friends, since I have told you
everything the Father told me.” Jesus Christ is an
unconditional friend to every one of us.

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Around The World
With CEM
Jesus charged His followers to, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel
to every creature.” Christian Educational Ministries shares the Born to Win
radio program around the world via social media, our website, and mobile
I app. We receive calls, letters, and emails from people on the other side of
u the globe responding to Ron’s messages. It is encouraging to know that we
. are making a difference not only for brothers and sisters here state-side, but
l internationally. The donations we receive from listeners and supporters allow
o us to reach individuals in all kinds of places. Take a look at the map below. It
s displays just how much impact CEM makes globally.

. We took all the countries that have
o contacted us, visited our website,
donated, and/or downloaded
u our app over the past year (2019)
measured their level of engagement
and plotted them on this map. We
think it’s incredible that we are even
making an impact in countries
where spreading Christianity is a
criminal offense.

International Engagement
Least -------------------------- Most

Comments From
Our Listeners
Sale M. the Benin republic border from
Lagos, I decided to have some rest
My name is Sale M., I am a before driving down to Cotonou
truck driver. Should I say it was I put on my truck radio for some
by chance I came across these music and behold it was your
lovely Bible teachings that are radio preaching. I wondered who
very different from some regular put it on that spot 104.7 FM and
hateful Christian preachings I the preaching was on “Christian
have ever heard. Several times I life”. With anger I wanted to
came across this radio teaching change the dial but it seems
whenever I tuned for some music. something held back my hand and
But I never cared to pay attention I continued to listen. To cut long
to it because I thought it was as so story short, since this experience
many other Christian preachings I have continued to listen to
filled with hatred and revenge. your preaching and a lot have
Last month I was 35 miles to changed in my life. Do you have

CEM Mission Statement

•First, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. (Matthew 28).
•Second, to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may be
“proficient and equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17).
•Third, to teach and train this generation and the next with studies and
programs focused on youth, through the Darts’ special passion, Youth
Educational Adventures (YEA). (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6).
•Fourth, to bring God’s people closer together, through cooperative
efforts wherever they may be. (2 Corinthians 5:18).
To this end, we teach the Bible and its Truth, with a goal of helping people make
their own lives work while they are a positive influence and blessing to those
around them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM @, Facebook,
YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Ronald L. Dart Ministries

P.O. Box 560 Whitehouse, TX 75791

(903) 839-9300 1-888-BIBLE-44 (903) 839-9311 /Twitter /YouTube /Pinterest Download Now!

About Us
Christian Educational Ministries
(CEM) was founded in November
1995 by the late Ron and Allie
Dart as an independent, non-
your church in Lagos? Please give

me the contact. I will introduce
denominational ministry to
serve the public and individual
my colleagues to the radio and Christians of every kind. Mr.
as a Muslim your preaching has Dart, was an ordained minister
changed my view of Christianity and evangelist, has served
and I want to become a Christian. God through hundreds of
The peace your preaching is giving sermons, radio broadcasts, Bible
me surprised me. Studies, and books. His clear,
Pray for me and my household conversational style brings clarity
more especially my 3 wives. My and simplicity to difficult Biblical
first son is now following me to topics.
listen and strangely the asthma he Ronald Dart’s radio ministry, Born
had since 25 years is gone. Now to Win, is broadcast around the
he’s telling whosoever that care world and on the Born to Win
what Jesus did for him. I will write website.
more soon. Thank you very much.
The 2020 Plan
Reading, Writing, and Responding
In May we continue Reading, Writing, and Responding in the book of
Deuteronomy. We encourage you to read the daily assignment, handwrite
the assigned scriptures, and then respond to those verses with prayer,
meditation, contemplation, and application in your own life.
Pray for God’s help in writing His Word on your heart and mind and applying
it in your life.
May 1 Deut 14:19-21 May 17 Deut 17:18-21
May 2 Deut 14:22-25 May 18 Deut 18:1-4
May 3 Deut 14:26-29 May 19 Deut 18:5-8
May 4 Deut 15:1-5 May 20 Deut 18:9-13
May 5 Deut 15:6-9 May 21 Deut 18:14-18
May 6 Deut 15:10-14 May 22 Deut 18:19-22
May 7 Deut 15:15-18 May 23 Deut 19:1-4
May 8 Deut 15:19-23 May 24 Deut 19:5-7
May 9 Deut 16:1-4 May 25 Deut 19:8-10
May 10 Deut 16:5-8 May 26 Deut 19:11-15
May 11 Deut 16:9-12 May 27 Deut 19:16-21
May 12 Deut 16:13-17 May 28 Deut 20:1-4
May 13 Deut 16:18-21 May 29 Deut 20:5-9
May 14 Deut 17:1-6 May 30 Deut 20:10-15
May 15 Deut 17:7-13 May 31 Deut 20:16-20
May 16 Deut 17:14-17 (11
Broadcast Christian Educational Ministries

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radio station near you
Whitehouse, TX 75791

P.O. Box 560

Listen online @

May Schedule
1st-3rd...About the Jewish Sabbath #1 18th............Christian Origins #69

4th..............Christian Origins #61 19th............Christian Origins #70

5th..............Christian Origins #62 20th............Christian Origins #71

6th..............Christian Origins #63 21st.............Christian Origins #72

7th..............Christian Origins #64 22nd-24th...About the Jewish Sabbath #3

8th-10th...A Mother to Remember 25th............Christian Origins #73

11th............Christian Origins #65 26th............Christian Origins #74

12th............Christian Origins #66 27th............Christian Origins #75

13th............Christian Origins #67 28th............Christian Origins #76

14th............Christian Origins #68 29th-31st.....Christian Holidays #9

15th-17th... About the Jewish Sabbath #2

Contact us for FREE copies of these messages.

A Ronald L. Dart Minist
`Can the Church Save? FREE CD/B
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Commentary on the history of the
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