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Neale's Disorders of the Foot

8th Edition

Authors: Paul Frowen Maureen O'Donnell J. Gordon Burrow

Release Date: 12th April 2010
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
Print Book ISBN: 9780702030291

Neale’s Disorders of the Foot remains the essential resource for students and practitioners
of podiatry. All the common conditions encountered in day-to-day podiatric practice are
reviewed and their diagnoses and management described along with areas of related
therapeutics. Students will find in this one volume everything they need to know about foot
disorders and their treatment in order to pass their examinations, while practitioners will
continue to appreciate the book’s accessibility and relevance to their daily practice.

Purchase at: 9780702030291

Chapter 15 

Structure and function of the foot

James Watkins


Introduction 387
Skeleton of the foot 387 The main function of the foot is to transmit loads between the lower
leg and the ground. In static and, in particular, dynamic situations,
Movements of the ankle and foot 388
such as walking, running, jumping, and landing, the foot is subjected
Ankle joint 388 to large loads, which, unless effectively transmitted, would be likely
Subtalar joint 389 to excessively overload not only the foot but also other parts of the
Pronation and supination 389 musculoskeletal system (Watkins 1999).
Arches of the feet 390 In dynamic situations the foot is required to act as both a shock
absorber, to cushion the impact of contact of the foot with the ground,
Passive arch support 390
and as a propulsive mechanism to propel the body in the desired
Active arch support 392 direction (Blackwood et al 2005). The foot often performs these func-
Interaction of the arch support mechanisms 392 tions on a variety of support surfaces. Whereas floor surfaces tend to
The windlass mechanism of the foot 392 be firm and level, there are many other situations, such as in cross-
country running, where the surface of the ground is neither firm nor
Structural adaptation of the musculoskeletal
System 393 level, but continually changes in terms of slope, evenness and hard-
ness. The ability of the foot to function effectively in relation to such
Structural adaptation in bone 394 diverse environmental constraints is due to its structure, in particular
The chondral modelling phenomenon 394 to its arched shape and complex movement capability.
Modelling of metaphyses and epiphyses 394
Modelling of articular surfaces 394
References 395

The foot consists of 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals and 14 phalanges (Fig.

KEYWORDS 15.1). The tarsals constitute the tarsus, which forms the rear part of
the foot. The foot articulates with the lower leg at the ankle joint
Ankle joint (talocrural joint), i.e. the joint between the tibia, fibula and talus. The
Arch support mechanisms talus, the second largest tarsal, has a convex pulley-shaped articular
Midtarsal joint surface on its superior aspect, called the trochlear surface of the talus,
Modelling that articulates with the trochlear surface of the tibia. The trochlear
Pronation surface of the talus is continuous with articular surfaces on its lateral
and medial aspects that articulate with the lateral malleolus and
Rearfoot complex
medial malleolus, respectively.
Structural adaptation
The inferior aspect of the talus articulates with the anterior half of
Subtalar joint the superior aspect of the calcaneus by means of two or, in some cases,
Supination three articular facets, which together constitute the subtalar joint (talo-
Windlass calcaneal joint). The anterior aspect (head) of the talus articulates with

Neale’s Disorders of the Foot

First cuneiform
First metatarsal

A Cuneiforms

Navicular Cuboid
Talus Talus
Second and third Calcaneus
Metatarsals C

Calcaneus Cuboid Phalanges


Figure 15.1  The bones of the right foot. (A) Medial aspect. (B) Lateral aspect. (C) Superior aspect.

the posterior aspect of the navicular, on the medial aspect of the foot, ciency (leverage) of the associated musculotendinous unit or liga-
to form the talonavicular joint. The anterior aspect of the calcaneus ment. The two most important sesamoid bones of the foot, which
articulates with the posterior aspect of the cuboid, on the lateral aspect contribute significantly to stabilising the foot during propulsion (see
of the foot, to form the calcaneocuboid joint. The calcaneocuboid and the section on the windlass mechanism later in this chapter), are the
talonavicular joints are continuous with each other and constitute the sesamoids in the plantar aponeurosis (see later section on arches of
midtarsal joint, also referred to as the transverse tarsal joint (Czerniecki the foot) beneath the base of the first metatarsophalangeal joint; the
1988). The anterior aspect of the navicular articulates with the poste- medial sesamoid is shown in Figure 15.1A.
rior aspects of the three cuneiforms (medial, middle, lateral), which
lie side by side and articulate with each other. The posterior two-thirds
of the lateral aspect of the lateral cuneiform articulate with the medial
surface of the cuboid. The anterior aspects of the medial, middle and
lateral cuneiforms articulate with the bases of the first, second and
third metatarsals, respectively. The anterior aspect of the cuboid artic- Many of the 26 bones in each foot articulate with two or more other
ulates with the bases of the fourth and fifth metatarsals. The joints bones such that there are approximately 40 joints in each foot.
between the four anterior tarsals and the metatarsals are referred to as Consequently, most movements of the foot involve a large number
the tarsometatarsal joints. The lateral four metatarsals are similar in of joints, and the movement of individual joints in each movement
length, but tend to increase in girth from the second to the fifth. In is difficult to describe. However, as in most movements of the body,
comparison, the first metatarsal is usually shorter, but has a greater there tends to be high degree of functional interdependence between
girth than the other four. The metatarsals are collectively referred to the joints of the foot, especially between the intertarsal and tarsometa-
as the metatarsus. The heads of the metatarsals articulate with the tarsal joints, such that movement of one joint tends to bring about
proximal phalanges of the toes to form the metatarsophalangeal fairly predictable movement in adjacent joints (Kitaoka et al 1997a,
joints. The great toe (also referred to as the big toe or the hallux) is Nester 1997, Singh et  al 1992). A group of joints with a relatively
composed of two phalanges and each of the other toes is composed high degree of functional interdependence is called a joint complex
of three phalanges. The phalanges of the toes become progressively (Peat 1986). The term ‘rearfoot complex’ is frequently used to describe
shorter from proximal to distal. the functional interdependence between the ankle, subtalar and mid-
In addition to the tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges, a number of tarsal joints (Bowden & Bowker 1995, Downing et  al 1978, Nester
small accessory bones and sesamoid bones occur during fetal life ( 1997).
Anwar et al 2005, Williams et al 1995). There are normally about ten
irregular-shaped accessory bones distributed around the tarsus; most
Ankle joint
of these bones fuse with one of the tarsal bones prior to skeletal
maturity. There are normally about 12 sesamoid (seed-shaped) bones. The ankle joint is a hinge joint that facilitates rotation about an axis
Each sesamoid bone is partially embedded in a tendon or ligament, of rotation which runs approximately 20° anterosuperiorly in the
with the free surface of the bone forming a synovial joint with a bone sagittal plane with respect to the horizontal plane and 20° anterome-
over which the tendon or ligament slides during normal function. In dially in the horizontal plane with respect to the coronal plane (Fig.
addition to preventing the tendon or ligament from rubbing on the 15.2) (Singh et al 1992). Consequently, the movement of the ankle
adjacent bone, sesamoid bones tend to increase the mechanical effi- joint is triplanar (i.e. movement occurs simultaneously in the sagittal,

Chapter | 15 | Structure and function of the foot


Anterior talar Anterior calcanean

articular articular surface
ST surface
Sulcus tali
Sulcus calcanei – superior part
– inferior part of of sinus tarsi
sinus tarsi Posterior calcanean
A Posterior talar articular surface
A articular surface
20 A B
Figure 15.4  Articular surfaces of the right subtalar joint. (A) Superior
aspect of the right calcaneus. (B) Inferior aspect of the right talus.

Figure 15.2  Orientation of axes of rotation of the ankle (A) and subtalar
(ST) joints. is concave and articulates with the reciprocally shaped convex anterior
calcanean articular surface of the talus. Whereas Figure 15.4 shows
only one articular surface in the anterior synovial part of the subtalar
joint, there are frequently two adjacent articular surfaces. Four distinct
Vertical variations in the number (one or two), shape and orientation of the
anterior synovial articular surfaces have been identified (Valmassy
1996). The syndesmosis part of the subtalar joint consists of a broad
Anteroposterior interosseous talocalcanean ligament, which runs obliquely downward
and laterally from the sulcus tali (superior part of the sinus tarsi) to
the sulcus calcanei (inferior part of the sinus tarsi). The interosseous
talocalcanean ligament becomes taut in eversion (Williams et  al
1995). Distal to the anterior end of the sinus tarsi is another broad
Mediolateral ligament called the cervical ligament. The cervical ligament runs
obliquely upward and medially from the anterior superior aspect of
the calcaneus to the lateral aspect of the neck of the talus. The cervical
ligament becomes taut in inversion (Williams et al 1995).
Like the ankle joint, the movement of the subtalar joint is triplanar.
Inman (1976) showed that the orientation of the axis of the joint
varies considerably between individuals, with a mean orientation of
approximately 42° anterosuperiorly in the sagittal plane with respect
to the horizontal plane and 23° anteromedially in the horizontal
plane with respect to the sagittal plane (Fig. 15.2).
Figure 15.3  Reference axes of the foot.
Pronation and supination
coronal and horizontal planes), with movement predominantly in the In contrast to the ankle and subtalar joints, there would appear to
sagittal plane. Movement in the sagittal, coronal and horizontal be little empirical information on the movement of the midtarsal
planes occurs about the mediolateral, anteroposterior and vertical joint, which is composed of a biplanar/biaxial saddle joint (calcaneo­
axes, respectively (Fig. 15.3). Sagittal plane motion of the foot about cuboid) and a triplanar/triaxial ball-and-socket joint (talonavicular)
the ankle joint is usually referred to as plantar flexion and dorsiflex- (Blackwood et al 2005). However, it is clear that the rearfoot complex
ion. In dorsiflexion, sometimes referred to as true flexion of the ankle, facilitates triplanar movements of the foot, which are referred to as
the dorsal (superior) surface of the foot is drawn closer to the shin. pronation and supination (Fig. 15.5) (Kitaoka et  al 1997a, Nester
In plantar flexion, sometimes referred to as extension of the ankle, the 1997).
plantar (inferior) surface of the foot is pushed further away from the Pronation involves simultaneous abduction (vertical axis), dorsi-
shin (pointing the toes). flexion (mediolateral axis) and eversion (anteroposterior axis) (Fig.
15.5A,B). Similarly, supination involves simultaneous adduction,
plantar flexion and inversion (Fig. 15.5B,C). The orientation of the
Subtalar joint
rearfoot axis varies considerably, with a mean orientation of approxi-
The subtalar joint is part synovial and part syndesmosis. The anterior mately 51° anterosuperiorly in the sagittal plane with respect to the
synovial part of the joint is separated from the posterior synovial part horizontal plane and 18° anteromedially in the horizontal plane with
of the joint by a funnel-shaped channel called the sinus tarsi. The respect to the sagittal plane (Downing et al 1978).
sinus tarsi runs more or less horizontally in an oblique posteromedial Using 13 cadaver specimens (mean age 65 years, range 20–89 years)
to anterolateral direction (Fig. 15.4) with the funnel opening out later- and a magnetic tracking measurement system, Kitaoka et al (1997a)
ally. The posterior talar articular surface of the calcaneus is convex and investigated the contribution of the ankle joint, subtalar joint, talona-
articulates with the reciprocally shaped concave posterior calcanean vicular joint and first metatarsal–navicular joint to pronation, supina-
articular surface of the talus. The anterior talar articular surface of the tion, dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. The results are shown in Table
calcaneus (located on the superior aspect of the sustentaculum tali) 15.1. As expected, the ankle is the major contributor (47.2%) to the

Neale’s Disorders of the Foot

Table 15.1  Contribution of movement between the navicular and first metatarsal (met–nav) and movement of the ankle, subtalar and
talonavicular joints to pronation, supination, dorsiflexion and plantar flexion (adapted from Kitaoka et al 1997a)

Joint Degrees % Degrees % Degrees % Degrees % Degrees % Degrees %

met–nav 13.6 ± 3.9 43.3 3.3 ± 1.5 4.4 16.9 15.9 1.7 ± 1.1 6.9 11.8 ± 5.5 19.1 13.5 15.6
tal–nav 7.6 ± 3.3 24.3 39.3 ± 11.8 52.5 46.9 44.2 3.5 ± 1.8 14.3 12.7 ± 8.4 20.6 16.2 18.8
Subtalar 2.5 ± 1.7 8.0 23.3 ± 7.3 31.1 25.8 24.3 2.7 ± 1.7 11.0 6.5 ± 4.2 10.5 9.2 10.7
Ankle 7.6 ± 4.7 24.3 8.9 ± 4.6 11.9 16.5 15.5 16.6 ± 4.8 67.8 30.6 ± 7.9 49.7 47.2 54.8
ROM 31.3 100 74.8 100 106.1 100 24.5 100 61.6 100 86.1 100

ROM: range of motion

Pronation: from neutral to full pronation
Supination: from neutral to full supination
Dorsiflexion: from neutral to full dorsiflexion
Plantar flexion: from neutral to full plantar flexion
Pronation–supination: range from full pronation to full supination
Dorsiflexion–plantar flexion: range from full dorsiflexion to full plantar flexion


The tarsals and metatarsals are arranged in the form of two longitu-
dinal arches (medial and lateral) and a single transverse arch. The
medial longitudinal arch is formed by the calcaneus, talus, navicular,
the three cuneiforms, and the first, second and third metatarsals. The
lateral longitudinal arch, which is much flatter than the medial arch,
is formed by the calcaneus, cuboid, and the fourth and fifth metatar-
sals. In combination, the longitudinal arches form a single arched
A B structure between the posterior inferior aspect of the calcaneus and
the heads of the metatarsals. The transverse arch runs across the foot
from medial to lateral and is formed by the anterior five tarsals and
C the bases of the metatarsals. The shape of the arch is due to the
cuboid, the lateral and middle cuneiforms, and the bases of the
Figure 15.5  Supination and pronation of the foot. (A) Full pronation.
(B) Neutral position. (C) Full supination. middle three metatarsals, which are wedge shaped inferiorly in
coronal section.
The arched shape of the foot is maintained by ligaments (passive
support) and muscles (active support). Although the ligaments and
plantar flexion–dorsiflexion range of motion, but there are significant
muscles are not very elastic, they are sufficiently so to enable the
contributions from the other components. The subtalar joint is often
arches to flatten slightly following contact of the foot with the ground,
regarded as the major contributor to the pronation–supination range
such as following heel-strike in walking or running, and then recoil
of motion, but the results of the study indicate that the contribution
(restore their normal shape) following the impact. Consequently, the
of the subtalar joint (24.3%) is less than that of the talonavicular joint
arches function like springs in order to help cushion impacts with the
The movements of supination and pronation as described above
refer to movements of the rearfoot complex when the foot is not
weight bearing. When the foot is weight bearing, these movements Passive arch support
are constrained, depending on the magnitude and distribution of the
ground reaction force acting on the plantar part of the foot. Under The ligaments on the plantar aspect of the foot are very strong and
weight-bearing conditions the most noticeable movements of the foot can normally maintain the arches of the foot in upright posture in the
occur about an anteroposterior axis through the foot (similar to inver- absence of assistance from muscles (Hicks 1961, Kitaoka et al 1997b).
sion and eversion). For this reason, in describing the movement of The main ligaments that support the arches of the foot are:
the foot under weight-bearing conditions the terms supination and 1. The deep plantar calcaneocuboid ligament, also referred to as
inversion are sometimes used synonymously, as are the terms prona- the short plantar ligament, runs from the anterior tubercle
tion and eversion. However, the actual movements of the foot under of the calcaneus to the plantar surface of the cuboid posterior
weight-bearing conditions are modifications of supination and prona- to the groove for the tendon of the peroneus longus (Fig. 15.6).
tion and, as such, involve simultaneous triplanar movement in all the This ligament supports the calcaneocuboid part of the midtarsal
joints of the rearfoot complex. joint.

Chapter | 15 | Structure and function of the foot

Sesamoid bone

Deltoid ligament
Interosseous ligament
Spring ligament

Flexor Plantar
hallucis aponeurosis
Long plantar Short plantar
Plantar ligament ligament B

Transverse Superficial Deep stratum

sulcus stratum of of the plantar
the plantar aponeurosis
Transverse metatarsophalageal ligament aponeurosis
Figure 15.6  Medial aspect of the right foot showing the main arch Figure 15.7  Sagittal sections through the first (A) and second (B)
support ligaments. metatarsophalangeal joints.

2. The superficial plantar calcaneocuboid ligament, also referred to the proximal plantar surface of the base of the proximal phalanx
as the long plantar ligament, runs from the plantar surface of of the corresponding toe, thus forming an arch for passage of
the calcaneus between the posterior and anterior tubercles to the the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus (first toe) or corre-
plantar surface of the cuboid anterior to the groove for the sponding tendon of the flexor digitorum longus (second to fifth
tendon of the peroneus longus and to the bases of the second toes) to the distal phalanges (Williams et al 1995). The medial
to fifth metatarsals (Fig. 15.6). This ligament supports the and lateral slips of the plantar aponeurosis to the proximal
calcaneocuboid part of the midtarsal joint and the lateral four phalanx of the hallux merge with the tendons of the medial and
tarsometatarsal joints. lateral parts of the flexor hallucis brevis. Each tendon contains a
3. The plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, also referred to as the sesamoid bone that forms a synovial joint with the plantar
spring ligament, runs from the anteroinferior aspect of the aspect of the head of the first metatarsal. The plantar parts of
sustentaculum tali (of the calcaneus) to the plantar surface of the capsules of the metatarsophalangeal joints are thickened,
the navicular (Fig. 15.6). The plantar calcaneonavicular ligament and are referred to as plantar plates or plantar pads (Briggs
supports the medial part of the subtalar joint (anterior synovial 2005). The plantar plates are connected in series by deep
part) and the talonavicular part of the midtarsal joint. transverse intermetatarsal ligaments and by a superficial
4. The deltoid ligament (medial collateral ligament of the ankle continuous transverse metatarsophalangeal. The plantar
joint) fans out from the anterior, medial and posterior aspects aponeurosis slips to each toe merge with the corresponding
of the medial malleolus to attach onto a more or less continu- plantar plate and adjoining section of the transverse metatar-
ous arc formed by the navicular, the spring ligament, the sophalangeal ligament.
sustentaculum tali and the talus (Fig. 15.6). The deltoid
ligament supports the medial aspects of the ankle and subtalar Mechanically, the plantar ligaments support the arches of the feet in
joints. two ways, as a beam and as a true arch (or truss) (Hicks 1961).
5. The interosseous talocalcanean ligament is the syndesmosis part Figure 15.8A shows the type of strain experienced by a loaded beam,
of the subtalar joint, described earlier. i.e. compression strain on the upper surface and tension strain on
6. The plantar aponeurosis is a broad fan-shaped ligament that the lower surface. This is similar to the strain on the tarsals and
spans the whole of the tarsus and metatarsus from the posterior metatarsals imposed by the type of arch support provided by the
tubercles of the calcaneus to the bases of the proximal (first) long plantar ligament, short plantar ligament, spring ligament, inter-
phalanges (Fig. 15.6). Just anterior to the tarsometatarsal joints, osseous talocalcanean ligament and deltoid ligament (Fig. 15.6 and
the plantar aponeurosis splits into five separate bands, one to Fig. 15.8B). The strain on a true arch is different to that on a beam.
each toe. As each band passes the plantar surface of the In a true arch the ends of the arch must move further apart if it is to
corresponding metatarsophalangeal joint, it splits into a become flatter and the strain on the segments of a true arch is basi-
superficial stratum (layer) and a deep stratum (Fig. 15.7). The cally compression between the segments (Fig. 15.8C). This is similar
superficial stratum attaches to the skin of the transverse sulcus, to the strain on the tarsals and metatarsals imposed by the type of
which separates the toes from the sole. The deep stratum divides arch support provided by the plantar aponeurosis (Fig. 15.6 and
into two slips that attach, one medially and one laterally, onto Fig. 15.8D).

Neale’s Disorders of the Foot

reduce arch flattening. This group includes the extensor hallucis

longus, extensor digitorum longus and tibialis anterior.
• Direct arch flattener, i.e. a tendency to dorsiflex one or more of
the intertarsal, tarsometatarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints.
This group includes the extensor hallucis longus, extensor
digitorum longus and tibialis anterior.
• Indirect arch flattener, i.e. a tendency to shift body weight
forward (in front of the ankle joint), which tends to increase the
magnitude of the ankle joint reaction force and, therefore,
increase arch flattening. This group includes the flexor hallucis
longus, flexor digitorum longus, peroneus brevis, peroneus
longus, tibialis posterior, gastrocnemius and soleus.

Interaction of the arch support mechanisms

Whereas it is generally accepted that the passive (beam and true arch)
and active (muscle) mechanisms both contribute significantly to arch
support (Norkin & Levangie 1992), the relative contribution of the
Figure 15.8  Beam and arch support mechanisms. (A) Strain on a mechanisms in different weight-bearing activities has yet to be deter-
horizontal beam when vertically loaded. (B) Strain on the bones of the mined. This lack of information reflects the difficulty of measuring
foot and beam support mechanism when the foot is vertically loaded.   the forces in the ligaments and forces in vivo. Most studies of the arch
(C) Strain on the components of a true arch when vertically loaded.   support mechanisms have been based on cadavers. For example,
(D) Strain on the bones of the foot and true arch support mechanism Kitaoka et al (1997b) investigated the role of the plantar ligaments in
when the foot is vertically loaded. the stability of the longitudinal arches of the feet under normal
loading (upright standing posture) using 19 cadaver specimens (mean
age 71 years, range 20–89 years). It was found that sectioning all the
main plantar ligaments (long plantar ligament, short plantar liga-
Active arch support ment, spring ligament, interosseous talocalcanean ligament, plantar
The passive ligamentous beam and true arch support mechanisms are aponeurosis, deltoid ligament) resulted in complete collapse of the
normally assisted by the muscles of the lower leg and foot. In relation longitudinal arch. The arch did not collapse after sectioning any single
to arch support, muscles that are located entirely (have their origins ligament, but progressive collapse did occur when the ligaments were
and insertions) within the foot are referred to as intrinsic muscles. sectioned consecutively. The effect of sectioning individual ligaments
Muscles that have their origins in the lower leg and insertions in the on the degree of arch collapse (reflected in dorsiflexion of the inter-
foot (i.e. cross the ankle joint) are referred to as extrinsic muscles. tarsal and tarsometatarsal joints) varied considerably between speci-
The effect that a particular muscle has on the arches (i.e. tendency mens, which suggested that the contribution of each ligament to arch
to raise or flatten) depends on the tendency of the muscle to: stability varies between individuals. This is, perhaps, not surprising
1. Plantar flex or dorsiflex the intertarsal, tarsometatarsal and considering the variation in the size, shape and alignment of the
metatarsophalangeal joints. Plantar flexion of any of these joints bones of the feet in normal healthy individuals (Åström & Arvidson
will tend to raise the arches and reduce the strain on the plantar 1995).
ligaments. Dorsiflexion of any of the joints will tend to flatten Whereas cadaver studies provide useful information on the passive
the arches and increase the strain on the plantar ligaments. arch support mechanisms, they do not provide information about the
2. Increase or decrease the ankle joint reaction force. In weight contribution of active support mechanisms or the relative contribu-
bearing, the weight of the body is transmitted to the feet via tion of the passive and active mechanisms. Research is clearly needed
the ankle joints. Consequently, the effect of a particular in this area.
weight-bearing activity (standing, walking, running, hopping,
jumping, etc.) on the foot arches is determined by the magni-
tude of the ankle joint reaction forces; the greater the ankle joint THE WINDLASS MECHANISM OF THE FOOT
reaction forces, the greater the tendency to flatten the arches,
and vice versa. As demonstrated by Hicks (1961), the further
As described earlier, the plantar aponeurosis spans the whole of the
forward the line of action of body weight in relation to the
tarsus and metatarsus by linking the inferior aspect of the calcaneus
ankle joint, the greater the magnitude of the ankle joint reaction
with the plantar surfaces of the bases of the proximal phalanges of
force and, therefore, the greater the tendency to flatten the
the toes (Fig. 15.6). Consequently, extension of the metatarsophalan-
geal joints winds the plantar aponeurosis around the heads of the
On the basis of these criteria, Hicks (1961) classified all the intrinsic metatarsals, like a cable being wound around a windlass, which simul-
and extrinsic muscles into four groups: taneously raises the longitudinal arch (Fig. 15.9). This action is
• Direct arch raiser, i.e. a tendency to plantar flex one or more of referred to as the windlass mechanism of the foot (Hicks 1954).
the intertarsal, tarsometatarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints. Flexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints unwinds the plantar apone-
This group includes all the plantar intrinsic muscles and the urosis and lowers the longitudinal arch; this action is referred to as
flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, peroneus brevis, the reverse windlass (Aquino & Payne 2000).
peroneus longus and tibialis posterior. The reverse windlass action is a feature of the loading phase (from
• Indirect arch raiser, i.e. a tendency to shift body weight heel-strike to foot-flat) and much of the single-support phase in gait.
backward (toward the ankle joint), which tends to reduce the During this period, the rearfoot complex normally pronates, which
magnitude of the ankle joint reaction force and, therefore, unwinds the plantar aponeurosis and lowers the longitudinal arch.

Chapter | 15 | Structure and function of the foot



Figure 15.9  The windlass effect of the plantar aponeurosis resulting

from dorsiflexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints.

This movement is associated with extension of the midtarsal joint,

which is sometimes referred to as ‘unlocking’ the midtarsal joint
(Blackwood et al 2005, Sobel et al 1999). In the foot-flat position the
tension in the plantar aponeurosis exerts a flexor moment on the
proximal phalanges (pushes the pads of the toes against the ground),
which extends the length of the base of support and, consequently,
reduces the pressure on the plantar surfaces of the heads of the meta-
tarsals. In addition, the tension in the plantar aponeurosis, in associa-
tion with tension in the intrinsic muscles, prevents excessive flattening
of the longitudinal and transverse arches and provides a stable base
of support.
The windlass action is a feature of the push-off in gait (from heel-off Figure 15.10  (A) Superior aspect of the right foot with a hallux
to just before toe-off). During this period, the rearfoot complex nor- abductus angle of approximately 5°. (B) Superior aspect of the right foot
mally supinates in association with extension of the metatarsophalan- with a hallux abductus angle of approximately 35°.
geal joints (Fig. 15.9B). These actions raise the longitudinal arch,
which stabilises the foot and provides a firm base of support for the
push-off. The windlass movement is associated with flexion of the the head of the first metatarsal (Fig. 15.10B). Subluxation of these
midtarsal joint, which is sometimes referred to as ‘locking’ the mid- joints will decrease the leverage of the windlass about the first meta-
tarsal joint (Blackwood et al 2005, Sobel et al 1999). tarsophalangeal joint and, consequently, tend to result in increased
The windlass action during push-off in gait is most effective (rapid force in the muscles supporting the arches during push-off in order
initiation and completion of arch raise) when the leverage of the to compensate for the loss in leverage of the windlass. The increased
plantar aponeurosis is maximum. This occurs when (i) the sesamoids muscle force will tend to increase the hallux abductus angle and,
are located in their normal position beneath the head of the first consequently, increase (i) the pressure on the articular surfaces
metatarsal (Fig. 15.7A) and (ii) the long axes of the first metatarsal between the medial sesamoid and the head of the first metatarsal, (ii)
and phalanges of the hallux are more or less in line (Fig. 15.10A). Not the strain on the intertransverse ligament and metatarsophalangeal
surprisingly, this would appear to be the normal orientation of the ligament between the first and second metatarsophalangeal joints,
sesamoid bones and first metatarsophalangeal joint, as significant and (iii) the pressure exerted by the shoe on the medial aspect of the
non-alignment of the first metatarsal and proximal phalanx seems to first metatarsophalangeal joint (Tanaka et  al 1997). This pattern of
be rare in children (Kilmartin 1991). loading, if prolonged, is likely to result in discomfort, pain, inefficient
With increase in age, many people develop hallux valgus, also gait, impaired balance and an increased risk of falling, especially in
referred to as hallux abducto valgus (Thomas & Barrington 2003). the elderly (Menz & Lord 2005).
Hallux valgus is a complex progressive condition that is characterised
by lateral deviation (valgus abduction) of the hallux and medial
deviation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (Fig. 15.10B). Unless STRUCTURAL ADAPTATION OF THE
treated, hallux valgus results in a progressive increase in the hallux
abductus angle (i.e. the angle between the long axes of the first meta- MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM
tarsal and proximal phalanx) (Fig. 15.10B). When the hallux abductus
angle is less than 15°, the condition tends to be asymptomatic. In any body position other than the relaxed recumbent position, the
However, increases in the hallux abductus angle above 15° tend to musculoskeletal system is likely to be subjected to considerable
be associated with increasing pain and discomfort around the first loading. In response to the forces exerted on them, the musculoskel-
metatarsophalangeal joint (Easley & Trnka 2007, Menz & Lord 2005). etal components experience strain (i.e. they are deformed to a certain
Relative to the first metatarsophalangeal joint, any increase in the extent), and the greater the force, the greater the strain. Under normal
hallux abductus angle will tend to displace laterally the lines of action circumstances the musculoskeletal components adapt their external
of the plantar aponeurosis and tendons of the intrinsic and extrinsic form (size and shape) and internal architecture (structure) to the
muscles that cross over the first metatarsophalangeal joint from the time-averaged forces exerted on them in order to more readily with-
metatarsal to the hallux. Consequently, the sesamoid bones will also stand the strain (Carter et  al 1991). However, when the degree of
be displaced laterally relative to the first metatarsophalangeal joint, strain experienced by a particular component exceeds its strength, it
resulting in subluxation of the joints between the sesamoid bones and becomes injured. Consequently, there is an intimate relationship

Neale’s Disorders of the Foot

between the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system

(Watkins 1999). A C E

Structural adaptation in bone

The last 30 years have produced much of the present knowledge con- B D F
cerning the adaptation of musculoskeletal components to changes in
time-averaged load (Frost 1988a,b, 1990). However, the fundamental
concepts concerning the adaptation of bone were established over
100 years ago (Gross & Bain 1993). In 1892, Julius Wolff (1836–
1902) summarised the contemporary views of bone adaptation to
changes in time-averaged load in what came to be known as Wolff’s
law (Wolff 1988). Wolff’s law, which has been shown to be more or
less correct, hypothesised that bone adapts its external form and inter- Figure 15.11  Modelling of metaphyses and epiphyses: effect of
nal architecture to the time-averaged load exerted on it in an ordered negative-feedback mode in relation to an abductor–adductor imbalance
and predictable manner to provide optimal strength with minimal at the knee.
bone mass.
The adaptation of bone to time-averaged load is referred to as Modelling of metaphyses and epiphyses
‘modelling’. In normal growth and development, modelling has
A functionally normal joint is a congruent joint that transmits loads
been estimated to account for 20–50% of the dimensions of mature
across the articulating surfaces in a normal manner. An anatomical
bones (Frost 1988b). Some of the load experienced by bone is due
malalignment at the knee, or any other joint, will be functionally
to the weight of body segments. However, this source of loading is
normal if the malalignment stabilises (does not get progressively
small relative to the loads exerted by muscles (Schoenau & Frost
worse). In these cases, the anatomical malalignments represent
2002, Watkins 1999). From birth to maturity, bone has the capacity
normal modelling in response to abnormal patterns of loading.
to model external form and internal architecture. However, the
The skeletal adaptations ensure normal transmission of loads across
capacity to model external form gradually decreases and virtually
the joints. Figure 15.11 illustrates the effect of negative feedback
ceases at maturity. The capacity to model internal architecture also
in relation to abductor–adductor muscle imbalance at the knee.
decreases with age, but is retained to some extent throughout life. In
Figure 15.11A represents a knee with normal balance between the
general, bone adapts to changes in time-averaged loads by increasing
abductor and adductor muscles (i.e. the resultant horizontal force
or decreasing bone mass to maintain an optimum strain environ-
at the knee is zero). This situation is associated with normal align-
ment. In bone, the optimum strain environment is characterised by
ment between the femur and tibia and an even distribution of load
minimal flexure (or bending) strain and an even distribution of
across the articular surfaces and epiphyseal plates (Fig. 15.11B).
stress (usually compression stress) across articular areas. An even dis-
Figure 15.11C shows the same knee with an abductor–adductor
tribution of stress across articular areas is maintained by modelling
imbalance such that there is a net medially directed horizontal
in accordance with the phenomenon of chondral modelling
force at the knee tending to increase the degree of genu valgum.
(Frost 1973).
Figure 15.11D shows the unequal pattern of loading on the articu-
lar surfaces and epiphyseal plates associated with the muscle imbal-
ance. Assuming that the unequal loading is within the normal
The chondral modelling phenomenon range, the negative-feedback mode is invoked. The rate of growth
All bones that develop from hyaline cartilage via endochondral ossi- of the lateral aspects of the epiphyses and metaphyses is increased
fication experience chondral modelling, i.e. the rate and amount of and the rate of growth of the medial aspects of the epiphyses and
new bone formed by hyaline cartilage depends on the amount and metaphyses is decreased such that normal congruence is restored
form of load exerted on it. Chondral modelling applies to articular (with net zero horizontal force at the knee) at the expense of an
cartilage, epiphyseal plates, insertions of tendons and ligaments, apo- abnormal alignment between the femur and tibia (i.e. much
physeal plates, end plates in symphysis joints, and sesamoid bones reduced genu valgum or even slight genu varum relative to most
(Frost 1979). individuals) (Fig. 15.11E,F).
In a long bone the size and shape of the epiphyses and metaphyses, Whether or not a particular joint is anatomically malaligned during
and consequently the orientation of the epiphyses of a bone to its childhood, the only time when it may become painful (excluding
shaft, are determined by chondral modelling in articular cartilage and injuries and pathological conditions not due to loading) is during
epiphyseal plates. When a synovial joint is maximally congruent, the adulthood, when the bones are no longer capable of modelling in
loading on articular cartilage and epiphyseal plates tends to be evenly response to abnormal loading. In most adults, abnormal patterns of
distributed. Incongruence results in an unequal distribution of load loading are the result of an increasingly sedentary lifestyle in which
across articular cartilage and epiphyseal plates. If prolonged, such body weight gradually increases and muscle strength gradually
unequal loading results in modelling to restore maximal congruence. decreases.
However, the actual changes that occur depend on the extent of the
changes in the patterns of loading on the articular cartilage and epi-
physeal plates. If the changes in loading remain within the normal
Modelling of articular surfaces
range, then a negative-feedback mode of modelling is invoked, result- Minor incongruences between articular surfaces in synovial joints
ing in restoration of normal congruence with normal or slightly tend to result in large changes in the compression stress experienced
abnormal alignment of the bones. However, if the changes in loading by different parts of the articular surfaces (Calhoun et al 1994). This
are outside the normal range, then a positive-feedback mode of mod- is especially the case in joints with pulley-shaped articular surfaces
elling is invoked, which aggravates the condition, resulting in progres- such as the ankle joint (Fig. 15.12). Under normal circumstances, the
sively worsening malalignment. subtalar joint contributes to inversion and eversion of the foot (Fig.

Chapter | 15 | Structure and function of the foot

A B C D 15.12A,B). However, if movement at the joint is absent or limited,

inversion and eversion of the foot twists the talus in the tibiofibular
mortise, resulting in excessive compression stress on those parts of the
articular surfaces that remain in contact (Fig. 15.12C). The excessive
loading on the impinging areas reduces or halts growth in these areas,
while growth of the unloaded areas proceeds at the normal rate.
Consequently, the shapes of the articular surfaces adapt to the abnor-
mal loading conditions by forming a rounded surface in the coronal
plane rather than a pulley-shaped surface, and the ankle joint as a
whole resembles a ball and socket joint rather than a hinge joint (Fig.
15.12D) (Frost 1979).
Figure 15.12  Modelling of articular surfaces.


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