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Ashley Cubos

Mr. Quinlan, Per. 0
10 October 2019
P.I.Q UC Question > Response
Required question:
Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to
succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.
As a student in the Performing Arts and Media Academy at Carson Senior High, most of
peers assumed I would go straight into Theatre as my intended major. However, my intended
major is actually ​Business Management and Administration​. I have been preparing for the
courses in this major by taking ​Small Business Management​ (an elective offered by my
counselor), as well as balancing various leadership activities with school work during and after

1. ​Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced
others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.
In Fall 2017 to June 2019, I was the President for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Carson’s
Leadership Club, ​Keystone​. I would distribute work to the members, but as soon as I noticed that
they were confused or arguing with others about what was the best solution, I sat right next to
them and we would talk out the situation or problem. They would tell me what was the issue, and
I gave them a suggestion or a nudge in the direction of what would be the best solution, while the
member/s would put in their own input. When it comes to groups in class, I am not in charge,
rather I let everyone take the reign so they can their own input, by asking them questions or
giving them suggestions. However, when a group member is portraying negative attitude, I
normally would take them away from the group and talk to them about why they’re acting this
why and how we could turn the negativity to positivity.

4. ​Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to
overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
When I first came to Carson Senior High, I thought Theatre was my going to be my
major in college. But then I soon realized that I want to start my own business. Meaning, my
actual intended major is ​Business Management and Administration.​ When I told my counselor
about what I wanted to go into during my last semester of my Junior year, she suggested that I
take ​Small Business Management​, as an introduction to what I may face if and when I get
accepted into my intended major. At first, I was confused, because Performing Arts and Media
students normally take art-based electives. The elective my counselor was suggesting is actually
a required class for another academy. Thus, I had to think about it for awhile, but I decided to
take the class, so I can get a small head start in what I plan to do in the future.
5. ​Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to
overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
As stereotypical or unusual as this sounds, but in Theatre, along with other things, I had
to face a lot of discouragement and people talking behind my back. Freshman and Sophomore
year, were definitely the hardest when I had to face these issues, because I was struggling to
show others who I am. Then knowing what people were saying behind my back (they thought I
couldn’t hear them), along with some people telling me that I don’t know what I’m doing and I
shouldn’t be doing it, it was hard to keep a smile and walk forward. Especially during my classes
at that time, I tried to tune those people out and keep working. But when my Junior year came, I
told myself to let those people talk, because no matter what, there will be people who know who
you are. At that time, I ignored those people in class and participated more.

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