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Solace for
the Traveling
An ambitious project aims to distribute one
million Gītās to hotels across North America.

by Nandinī Kiśorī Devī Dāsī

T WAS BUSINESS AS USUAL at a Ramada Inn in New
Jersey. The receptionist was busy at the front desk when sud-
denly a customer stormed through the door. While the re-
ceptionist assigned him a room, the man, who appeared angry,
noticed a random book on the counter. He grabbed the book
along with his room key.
The next morning, he emerged from his room peacefully, and
gladly thanked the hotel’s manager for the book.
“I checked into your hotel last night to commit suicide,” he
said. “But I found this book, Bhagavad-gītā As It Is. I read, and
kept reading, and forgot my plan. This book saved my life.”
Around the same time, halfway across the world in New
Photo © Simon Thomas | / Montage by Govinda Cordua

Delhi, a French professional BMX rider found Bhagavad-gītā

As It Is in his hotel room and spent hours reading it. The book
inspired a visit to Vrindavan sometime later. While there, he
made a YouTube video based on the philosophy of Kṛṣṇa
consciousness. It got seventy thousand hits.
“In the BMX industry,” he says, “everyone now knows I’m
into Kṛṣṇa. I’m so stoked to think that when people think
about me they remember Kṛṣṇa – that makes my life complete.”


How It All Started

How is it that people are finding Śrīla

Prabhupāda’s Bhagavad-gītā As It Is
in their hotel rooms? The seed for
this innovative book-distribution
strategy was planted eleven years ago
by clever devotees in the software
capital of the world, Silicon Valley,
California, where ISKCON has a
temple. Māyāpur Vihārī Dāsa and
Dilip Patel approached temple presi-
dent Vaiśeṣika Dāsa and asked if it
would be a good idea to place copies
of Bhagavad-gītā in motel and hotel
guest rooms.
“We’re already distributing Śrīla
Prabhupāda’s books outside grocery
stores, malls, and other big outlets,”
Māyāpur Vihārī said. “Why not
hotels? Just as the Gideons place
Bibles in hotel rooms throughout oversaw the initiative, and the project in Pacifica, California, became the
the world, we’re thinking to dis- has flourished under his expert guid- inaugural hotel. A few other hotels in
tribute Bhagavad-gītās to hotels in ance and inspiration. Together the California soon joined the cause. The
California.” team came up with a mission state- initial response was overwhelmingly
Vaiśeṣika immediately agreed and ment: “Provide solace to the traveling favorable. Guests and hotel owners
encouraged them to put all their en- souls.” wholeheartedly welcomed these sa-
ergy and effort into this service. He Dilip Patel’s Sea Breeze Motel cred books. Hotel owners rejoiced
at their customers’ reactions and felt
purified by performing this simple
Appreciations service. One of the first hotel owners
to take part donated four thousand
“I think this is the most important project ever undertaken for preserving dollars toward the project.
and promoting Vedic knowledge in recent times. Thank you!”
Satish Kumar
Motels, Gujaratis, and the
“I have developed respect for the Hindu culture now that I have read and Śrīla Prabhupāda Connection
understood a little about it.” Devotees from the Indian state of
Vivian Browne Gujarat, where Lord Kṛṣṇa is wor-
shipped in nearly every home, were
“The Bhagavad-gītā is a profound literature. It has helped me to under-
beginning to settle and buy property
stand who am I and what this life is about. Lucky I found it at a motel!”
in the United States around the time
Jon Rodriguez
Śrīla Prabhupāda came to America
“It has opened a new horizon, hitherto unexplored by me.” in 1965. Lord Kṛṣṇa seems to have
Andrew Spencer prepared the field for dissemination
of His message through them. Sev-
“I often see guests coming in for breakfast with Bhagavad-gītā in hand enty percent of motels in the United
and reading it while they are in the lobby or in the reception room. It is States are owned by Gujaratis. This
satisfying to know that I have contributed to spreading this knowledge.” widespread venue for planting the
Nilesh Patel, manager of Super 8, Sacramento Gītā has the potential to spiritualize
the lives of countless people for many
“When my regular customers do not find Bhagavad-gītā in their drawers, years to come.
they ask me, ‘Where is that book?’ My customer Ben Smith has the Gītā The large population of Gujaratis
on his iPad. You know Utah is predominantly Mormon.” in America has led to much of the ap-
Muljibai, Utah proval for placing the Gītās in hotel
chains as well as financial support for


the project. Donors simply love the A Growing Team
cause of bringing the Bhagavad-gītā
Book distribution is part of A Call for Action
to the mainstream.
saṅkīrtana-yajña, or spreading the
At a small-scale Diwali event early The MotelGita team’s goal is to
glories of Lord Kṛṣṇa, as recom-
in the MotelGita project’s history, place one million Gītās in motels
mended in the Vedic scriptures as the
attendees donated more than five and hotels. Most of the team
religion for this age. Due to the popu-
thousand dollars in just an hour. In members work full time in their
larity of the MotelGita project as a
2011, during ISKCON’s annual De- own professions, so they have
significant aspect of saṅkīrtana, the
cember book-distribution marathon, limited time to dedicate to the
project has expanded globally, with
MotelGita donations accounted for project. They invite participation
programs in Canada, New Zealand,
fifty percent of book-related dona- from more devotees. Here are
India, Australia, and the UK.
tions at the Silicon Valley Hare Kṛṣṇa four ways to do that:
Beryl Trimble from Maple Ridge,
temple. Devotee representatives ap-
BC, Canada, had to stay at the local 1 Start a MotelGita chapter
proached their colleagues at high-tech
Best Western hotel for a few weeks anywhere. It’s easy. If you’re
companies, and the response was in-
after her home was damaged by fire. interested, email info@motel-
credible. These colleagues applauded
She found Bhagavad-gītā As It Is in
MotelGita’s efforts and donated
her room, a comfort amid the calam-
wholeheartedly. 2 Post a “Like” on the
ity. She joined the MotelGita team
After the Silicon Valley MotelGita MotelGita Facebook page
and is now an initiated devotee.
team received promising responses, (
Bhakta Harish from Knoxville,
other Hare Kṛṣṇa communities in MotelGita/) and share with
Tennessee, lives where he has little
the United States followed their lead. friends and family. Every Like
opportunity for association with dev-
Today, MotelGita book placement is helps spread Gītās.
otees of Kṛṣṇa. But his book distribu-
performed by devotees in more than
tion service keeps him connected with 3 Become a volunteer to help
twenty cities around the country.
the larger ISKCON family. He visits with social-media work, bro-
motels on road trips and has placed chure creation, ads, follow-up,
Broadening the Reach over seven thousand Gītās in this way. and more.
In my own experience, the Motel-
When devotees of the Laguna Beach 5 Donate via PayPal (teamisv@
Gita team has become my extended
MotelGita team were on a road trip, memo: MotelGi-
family. The spirit of cooperation is
during the Christmas holidays, they ta); or credit card: http://mo-
unique as we work together to show
encountered Chinese and Japanese; or check:
our love for Śrīla Prabhupāda.
motel owners who enthusiastically MotelGita, 1965 Latham
agreed to place Gītās in their rooms. Street, Mountain View, CA
Book Distribution in
Jaya Caitanya Dāsa, a book dis- 94040.
Today’s Technology
tributor in the Los Angeles area, tells
the following story: “At the Griffith Māyāpur Vihārī Dāsa explains that
Observatory I met a tourist from several organizations in the past had MotelGita (North America) is a
Louisiana who excitedly told his wife, tried to place the Gītā in hotels, but it large-scale project with sound net-
‘There it is! The book!’ He picked up was very challenging. working. The infrastructure includes
the Gītā from my display table and “If you have to do this on a massive a core team member working from
almost kissed the cover. His wife scale,” he says, “you not only need India. Similar to the use of call cen-
couldn’t understand why he was so to have a strong desire to share this ters, MotelGita has employed Dinesh
excited. He said he had found a copy knowledge but also sound logistics Tinani, a devotee from the Śrī Śrī
of the book the previous day in his and infrastructure to run it. We are Rādha-Gopīnātha temple in Chow-
hotel room. Because he had never blessed to have the Bhaktivedanta patty, Mumbai, to call motel owners
seen another book placed next to Book Trust (BBT), which prints and in North America for orders and then
the Bible, he knew the Gītā must be delivers books all over North Amer- do follow-up. On average he receives
a very important book. He asked ica. We have devotees everywhere orders for five thousand Gītās every
the hotel owner if he could keep the who can take part in this project, month. Vedavit Kṛṣṇa Dāsa man-
book, and the hotel owner gladly and above all we have leaders like ages the dispatch of the orders. He
agreed.” Vaiśeṣika Dāsa and Svavāsa Dāsa has set up a robust shipping system
He bought a copy of the First Can- who have dedicated their lives for through the US postal system’s Media
to of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and several distributing Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books Mail and saved thousands of dollars
other books from Jaya Caitanya and and are always available to inspire, in shipping costs for temples in the
gave a generous donation. enthuse, and lead the team.” United States.


Outreach Efforts owner from Olathe, Kansas, at the for owners to thank them. They were
2017 AAHOA convention whose given full sets of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
A project as massive as MotelGita re- property was right across from the bar The MotelGita team also does
quires a strong outreach effort as well. where an Indian software engineer Bhāgavatam installations at homes
One way the MotelGita team reaches was killed on racial grounds. When I and motels and conducts home pro-
out to motel and hotel owners is by approached him to take Gītās, he very grams. Occasionally motel owners buy
attending regional and national con- happily agreed. I asked him if he was Bhāgavatam sets, and some donate
ventions. Dilip Patel uses his contacts afraid of any backlash. He smiled and sets to needy devotees.
in the hotel industry to secure vendor said that it was in tough times like
booths at the Asian American Ho- this that the message of peace in the The Goal
tel Owners Association (AAHOA) Gītā is most relevant.”
and Leuva Patidar Samaj (LPS) con- She loves the idea of spreading the Vaiśeṣika Dāsa writes in his book
ventions. Several devotees on the teachings of Śrīla Prabhupāda to ev- Our Family Business, “A soul trapped
MotelGita team attend multiple ery town and village by reaching one in a material body requires outside
conventions. motel at a time. help to become free. Only by hearing
“Local conventions are a great This couple enjoys driving by a from a transcendental source can a
place to connect with motel owners,” particular intersection south of Austin conditioned soul awaken his dormant
says Rūpasāgara Dāsa from Austin, where there are eight motels – most spiritual awareness.” By sharing Śrīla
Texas. “In this relaxed setting, you get of them owned by non-Indians and Prabhupāda’s books, the members
to understand more about the indus- non-Hindus – and they all have Gītās. of the MotelGita team are hoping to
try. It helps us come up with innova- MotelGita acknowledges the cru- help the trapped soul become free.
tive ideas to help the owners.” cial role motel owners play in this This is what they strive for. It’s their
His wife, Mahāsundari Mādhavī project. The Laguna Beach temple victory and success. As Sañjaya says at
Devī Dāsī, relates, “I met a motel organized a special appreciation night the end of the Bhagavad-gītā (18.78),
“Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master

of all mystics, and wherever there is
Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will
also certainly be opulence, victory, ex-

chant at the
traordinary power, and morality. That
is my opinion.”
Śrīla Prabhupāda said that his

temple books are like time bombs, just wait-

ing to explode and destroy peoples’

illusions and anxieties, and MotelGita
is placing Bhagavad-gītā As It Is in
an ever-increasing number of motel

rooms. “If one properly follows the
instructions of Bhagavad-gītā,” Śrīla
Prabhupāda wrote, “one can be freed
from all miseries and anxieties in this
life, and one’s next life will be spiri-
tual.” As His Holiness Girirāja Swami,
a MotelGita supporter, says, “What
greater gift can we give to the weary

Nandinī Kiśorī Devī Dāsī, a disciple

Join a japa of His Holiness Rādhānāth Swami,
teleconference holds bachelors degrees in both civil
For more information engineering and computer science. She
and chant with other
and instructions on how to is the director of the MotelGita team –
devotees. The japa join the conference, go to twenty volunteers in the USA and eight
session is followed by a class, other countries. She is also the North
American coordinator for the TOVP
discussion, or reading. and click on the About tab.
project. She resides in Alachua, Florida,
with her daughter, Radha Sakhi.


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