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April 8,2020 JEZRY L.

Social Studies 7-Sapphire
Major Paper Mr. Brent Julien Kyle


The Filipino In Me

There are numerous historical events that are worthy to be discussed, all will

definitely give big impact to us Filipinos, but I choose The People Power Revolution (also

known as the EDSA Revolution) that happened way back 1986 and lasted for three days. This

revolution is very significant because it was one of our biggest fight as a nation. Filipino’s

stand as one to oust the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos. People from all walks of life,

regardless of belief and religion, shows the same desire, the same thirst for freedom and the

same faith to stop the Martial Law. And embraced the YELLOW Ribbon that represents

their fight as a nation. And it was the BIGGEST VICTORY for us Filipinos.

It is very important for us younger generations to study the Philippine History in order

for us to give importance to every single freedom we are enjoying right now. For us to

understand how our past heroes and fellow Filipino’s fought for that freedom. And for us also

to embrace our own culture that we often disregard. There are a lot of historical places that

we can travel and learn from, like the time we visited Ilocos. I never knew that visiting

historical place will be that exciting. It was always the theme parks that we wanted to visit

that we often forget the learnings and amazement we can get from visiting our own historical

places. And thru studies everyone will have the chance to feel the curiosity and desire to

someday ask their parents to visit the place.

And thru these studies, I can be more responsible student. I will be more sensitive with the

freedom I am enjoying knowing how our heroes fought for it. I can value more of our

cultures and embrace myself as own true blooded Filipino.

Generations now a days are very different from before because of too much access to

everything, everyone feels superior to another. The “Bayanihan Feels”, the solidarity as a

nation, the discipline, the respect, patriotism and the Philippine Festivals are slowly being

forgotten by us, the younger generations, which turns out to be more focused with our

gadgets and gaming consoles. We patronize imported products over our own local goods. If

we continue studying Philippine History it will be one of our constant reminders to embrace

those things that we prioritize less in our daily lives. Being so, we will be better citizen of our


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